The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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XEL A TZONS OF ORGANISMS. 187nection with facts manifestly abating thestruggle for existence. In view of this problemDr. Hooker has said,-" The adjustmentof the parts of the flower to the form andhabits of the insect or bird, and of these tothe flower, is so accurate, that it is in vainto speculate whether the plant was adaptedto feed the animal, or the animal adapted tofertilize the plant."* This suggestion of theneedlessness of speculation is natural from ascientific point of view, and we may do wellto remember the warnings against risks attendingthe search for final causes, whichhave been sounded from the days of Spinozato the present time; but there is a probleinhere which science can not leave in abeyance.The facts are undoubted, and the naturalcauses must be sought. The parts of theflowers are adapted to the forms and habitsof the insects; the insects are adapted to thework of fertilizing the plants; the question is,How are these two things secured ? The inquirywhich has awakened general interest asto the development of species in the historyof distinct orders such as orchids, insects, pig-* Botany, (Science Primers) by Dr. J. D. Hooker, C.B., P.R.S.,p. 79.

188 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.eons, and dogs, must strive to complete itswork, by pressing on to this more complicatedquestion concerning the adaptation ofdistinct organisms to influence and aid eachother in the work of development. In whatway science may deal with this question, andhow far it may be able to advance in thesearch for an answer, it may be difficult todecide. For it is much easier to indicate thelogical necessity for an advance, than to sayin what manner the advance is to be accomplished.The one is a simple question of logicalrequirement; the other must be a matterof continued observation, and scientific inference.Whether science may yet discover ananswer; or whether it may prove true at thispoint, as at other points already mentioned,that science has here reached clear marks ofits own limits, must be left to the future, tobe determined by those devoted to scientificresearch. As long, however, as this questionof interdependence remains without a scientificexplanation, it must be obvious thatthere are important facts which seem to implysome modification of the theory of descent,or evolution of species by means ofselection, under the severe struggle for exist-

188 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.eons, <strong>and</strong> dogs, must strive to complete itswork, by pressing on to this more complicatedquestion concerning the adaptation <strong>of</strong>distinct organisms to influence <strong>and</strong> aid eachother in the work <strong>of</strong> development. In whatway science may deal with this question, <strong>and</strong>how far it may be able to advance in thesearch for an answer, it may be difficult todecide. For it is much easier to indicate thelogical necessity for an advance, than to sayin what manner the advance is to be accomplished.<strong>The</strong> one is a simple question <strong>of</strong> logicalrequirement; the other must be a matter<strong>of</strong> continued observation, <strong>and</strong> scientific inference.Whether science may yet discover ananswer; or whether it may prove true at thispoint, as at other points already mentioned,that science has here reached clear marks <strong>of</strong>its own limits, must be left to the future, tobe determined by those devoted to scientificresearch. As long, however, as this question<strong>of</strong> interdependence remains without a scientificexplanation, it must be obvious thatthere are important facts which seem to implysome modification <strong>of</strong> the theory <strong>of</strong> descent,or evolution <strong>of</strong> species by means <strong>of</strong>selection, under the severe struggle for exist-

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