The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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LIFE AND ITS DE YELOPMENT. 153clusion that all organized existence can betraced to " only a few forms," or to " one,"according to the alternatives suggested byDarwin in the closing sentence of his book.Waiving, then, meanwhile, as the state ofscientific evidence warrants us to do, thequestion of the probable number of primordialforms in which organized existence appeared,there is at least another definite resultto be recorded as following from even amodified recognition of a theory of development,that is the rejection of 6elief in thesinzultaneous origin of all species or ordersof animal life existing now in the world.The scientific conception of the history ofanimal life is, that there has been a historicalprogression in the appearance of animals,in so far as lower orders took precedenceof higher, while the higher have shown largepower of adaptation to the circumstances inwhich they have been placed. In accordancewith the whole principles regulating the relationsof religion and science, religious men,scientific and non-scientific, will readily acquiescein this modification of general belief,as largely favored by evidence which geologysupplies, and supported by testimony drawn

154 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.from the actually existing order of things;and they will do so with clear recognitionthat this view involves no conflict with scripturalstatement, and is so far from containingin it any thing antagonistic to the fundamentalconception of the supernatural origin ofexistence, that it harmonizes with it, evenintensifying the demand upon a transcendentcause for the rational explanation of the admittedorder of things.Having thus indicated in definite form thefavorable impression made on the public mindby the theory of evolution under a law of naturalselection, it will suffice to indicate verybriefly the more prominent dificulties withwhich the theory has grappled, but fromwhich it has not escaped. In doing so, itshould be said that the careful and deliberatemanner in which Mr. Darwin has facedthe host of difficulties which have gatheredaround is deserving of highest praise, as inharmony with the scientific spirit, and inmarked contrast with the light-and-go-easystyle in which others, such as H~ckel, andeven Schmidt, pass over the ground, announciilgthings as undoubted facts, and even" self-evident" truths, of which no maa can

154 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.from the actually existing order <strong>of</strong> things;<strong>and</strong> they will do so with clear recognitionthat this view involves no conflict with scripturalstatement, <strong>and</strong> is so far from containingin it any thing antagonistic to the fundamentalconception <strong>of</strong> the supernatural origin <strong>of</strong>existence, that it harmonizes with it, evenintensifying the dem<strong>and</strong> upon a transcendentcause for the rational explanation <strong>of</strong> the admittedorder <strong>of</strong> things.Having thus indicated in definite form thefavorable impression made on the public mindby the theory <strong>of</strong> evolution under a law <strong>of</strong> naturalselection, it will suffice to indicate verybriefly the more prominent dificulties withwhich the theory has grappled, but fromwhich it has not escaped. In doing so, itshould be said that the careful <strong>and</strong> deliberatemanner in which Mr. Darwin has facedthe host <strong>of</strong> difficulties which have gatheredaround is deserving <strong>of</strong> highest praise, as inharmony with the scientific spirit, <strong>and</strong> inmarked contrast with the light-<strong>and</strong>-go-easystyle in which others, such as H~ckel, <strong>and</strong>even Schmidt, pass over the ground, announciilgthings as undoubted facts, <strong>and</strong> even" self-evident" truths, <strong>of</strong> which no maa can

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