The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library
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LIFE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT. 145time inconsistency with science, in respect ofits own definition as an explanation of nature,and in respect of its own results which do notinvolve " spontaneous generation," but do includethe position that not a single particle ofmatter can be originated or destroyed by anypower recognized in operation. No one will" dispute the claims of the investigation ofnature to its logical inferences," but " wherethe material substratum is deficient,?' mostreasonable men will demand that distinct acknowledgmentbe made of the fact, and thatthe boundaries of science be defined accordingly.If, however, any one be inclined tomaintain that "where the material substratumis deficient," all inquiry must terminate,and human thought must refuse to go furtsher,or to attempt to rise higher, this certainly isnot science, but an illogical attempt to makethe science of nature commensurate with theboundaries of thought,-an arbitary declara-tion that " the causal series " within the rnaterialuniverse is the sum total of causality.Such an affirmation can not warrantably attachitself to a theory of descent, as it cannot be tested by observational methods, butaltogether by reference to the laws of thought

146 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.deterinining the value of rationalizing processes.The theory of " natural evolution,"implies evolution from something; it postulatesa beginning from which it takes procedure,and it exhausts itself in observations concerningsuch deviations as occur in the annalsof natural history. If, therefore, any of " thepartisans of natural ev~lut~ion," take up a positioninvolving denial of a rational acknowledgmentof the supernatural, they isolatetheinselves in so doing, leaving the tbeoryfree from responsibility as to their attitude,and taking upon themselves the logical necessityfor vindicating their position on groundswith which the theory of evolution itself hasno concern.Having thus vindicated the theory of naturalevolution from all share in the denial ofcreation, and having entered a protest uponpurely scientific grounds against the attemptto translate a scientific theory concerning alimited order of facts within the universe intoa ~netaphysical theory concerning the originof the universe, we are in a position to concentrateupon the theory itself as an attemptto provide a scientific explanation of the historyof living organism. And this is here

146 SCIENCE AND RELIGION.deterinining the value <strong>of</strong> rationalizing processes.<strong>The</strong> theory <strong>of</strong> " natural evolution,"implies evolution from something; it postulatesa beginning from which it takes procedure,<strong>and</strong> it exhausts itself in observations concerningsuch deviations as occur in the annals<strong>of</strong> natural history. If, therefore, any <strong>of</strong> " thepartisans <strong>of</strong> natural ev~lut~ion," take up a positioninvolving denial <strong>of</strong> a rational acknowledgment<strong>of</strong> the supernatural, they isolatetheinselves in so doing, leaving the tbeoryfree from responsibility as to their attitude,<strong>and</strong> taking upon themselves the logical necessityfor vindicating their position on groundswith which the theory <strong>of</strong> evolution itself hasno concern.Having thus vindicated the theory <strong>of</strong> naturalevolution from all share in the denial <strong>of</strong>creation, <strong>and</strong> having entered a protest uponpurely scientific grounds against the attemptto translate a scientific theory concerning alimited order <strong>of</strong> facts within the universe intoa ~netaphysical theory concerning the origin<strong>of</strong> the universe, we are in a position to concentrateupon the theory itself as an attemptto provide a scientific explanation <strong>of</strong> the history<strong>of</strong> living organism. And this is here

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