The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library

The Relation of Science and Religion.pdf - Online Christian Library


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RUBERT CARTER C+ BROTHERS. 3Guide to Family Devotion. By the Rev. Alex<strong>and</strong>er Fletclier,I1.D. Royal quarto, with 10 steel plates (Iialf morocco, $7.50; Turkeymorocco, $12.00), cloth, gilt, <strong>and</strong> gilt edges, $5.00."<strong>The</strong> more we look over the volume the more we admire it, <strong>and</strong> the moreheartily feel to commend it to families <strong>and</strong> devout <strong>Christian</strong>s. It is emphatically abook <strong>of</strong> devotion, from the st<strong>and</strong>point <strong>of</strong> an intelligent, broad-minded <strong>Christian</strong>minister, who has here expressed many <strong>of</strong> the deepest emotions <strong>and</strong> wants <strong>of</strong> thesool. <strong>The</strong> selections <strong>of</strong> Scripture <strong>and</strong> tile hymns are all admirably adapted to increasedevotion; <strong>and</strong> the prayers are such as can but aid the suppliant, even w11enhot uttered from liis precise stimdpoint, <strong>and</strong> are especially valuable to many heads<strong>of</strong> families wlio find it difficult to frame words for themselves in conducting fa~nilyworship." - Jol~rnal a d icfessezger.<strong>The</strong> A. L. 0. E. <strong>Library</strong>. In 55 vols., 18m0, in a neat woodencase, $40.00."All these stories have the charm <strong>and</strong> pure <strong>Christian</strong> character which havemade the name <strong>of</strong> A. L. 0. E. dear to thons<strong>and</strong>s <strong>of</strong> homes." - Ltitkeran."Tl~e writings <strong>of</strong> this author have become a st<strong>and</strong>ard, <strong>and</strong> the mystic imprint,A. L. 0. E., is ample assurance that the truth <strong>of</strong> the Gospel is beneath."--Episcopalian.Bicl.~ersteth (Rev. E. H.). Yesterday, To-day, <strong>and</strong> Forever.A Poem. Pocket edition, .60; l6m0, $1.00; 12m0, $1.50.If any poem is destined to endure in the compa~iionslrip <strong>of</strong> &lilton's hithertrmatcl~less epic, we believe it will be 'Yesterday, To-day, <strong>and</strong> Forever.' "- Lmdon Globe.Butler (Rev. William Archer). Sermons. 2 vols., $2.60.Lectures on Ancient Philosophy. 2 vols., $2.50."A few weeks ago we spoke <strong>of</strong> the reprinting, by (?arter & Brothers, <strong>of</strong> the Sermons<strong>of</strong> Archer Butler, a body <strong>of</strong> preaching so strong <strong>and</strong> massive as to be reallywonderful. Tlie 'Lectures on Ancient Pllilosophy' that are now added, were deliveredat the University <strong>of</strong> Dublin, about the year 1840, when the author waascarcely thirty years old." - Watcl~iltan.<strong>The</strong> ]Book <strong>and</strong> Its Story. 12mo. $1.60.Fresh Leaves from the Book <strong>and</strong> Its Story. 121110.$1.50."Let any one who is inclined to think the bare Scriptures 'dry' readlng, perusethem in connection wit11 a volume like this, <strong>and</strong> they will be clothed to him wit11 anew life. He will learn how the separate books <strong>of</strong> the Bible were, as it were, builtinto one another, <strong>and</strong> made to form a glorious whole: he will read iutetelligently<strong>and</strong> with deep interest." - KegslMK.

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