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Children’s FoodExaminedAn analysis of 358 productstargeted at children (tables incl.)The Food Commission - 2000

Children’s <strong>Food</strong><strong>Exam<strong>in</strong>ed</strong>An analysis of 358 productstargeted at children (tables <strong>in</strong>cl.)The <strong>Food</strong> Commission - 2000

Children’s <strong>Food</strong><strong>Exam<strong>in</strong>ed</strong>An analysis of 358 productstargeted at childrenByDr Karla FitzhughandDr Tim Lobste<strong>in</strong>© The <strong>Food</strong> Commission (UK) Ltd94 White Lion StreetLondon N1 9PFApril 2000ii

Contents1 Summary 1Recommendations 3(i) Retailers, manufacturers and advertisers 3(ii) Policy makers 4(iii) Parents 42 Introduction 62.1 Why a healthy diet is important for children 62.2 Influences on eat<strong>in</strong>g patterns 93 The nutritional quality of children’s foods 133.1 The purpose of <strong>the</strong> survey 133.2 Product selection 133.3. Criteria for assess<strong>in</strong>g nutritional quality 144 Results: Nutritional assessment 164.1 Sugar 164.2 Saturated fat 174.3 Fat 184.4 Sodium (salt) 204.5 Healthier products 205 Results: Additives 225.1 Colour<strong>in</strong>gs 225.2 Flavour<strong>in</strong>gs 245.3 Flavour enhancers 255.4 Use of additives to promote unhealthy foods 256 Results: Labell<strong>in</strong>g 276.1 Incomplete nutrition labell<strong>in</strong>g 276.2 Incomplete and confus<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>gredients lists 286.3 Mislead<strong>in</strong>g statements or <strong>in</strong>appropriate advice 287 Conclusion 308 References 319 Appendices: A guide to all <strong>the</strong> products studied 35Terms used <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> tables: 35Details of 358 product nutrient rat<strong>in</strong>gs and additivesA1–A55

1 SummaryThis <strong>report</strong> considers <strong>the</strong> nutritional quality of foods targeted specifically atchildren. Exclud<strong>in</strong>g confectionery, soft dr<strong>in</strong>ks and bag snack foods, a total of 358children’s products were identified:• Approximately one third of <strong>the</strong>se products did not give nutritional details ofsaturated fat, sugar and salt;• Of <strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>der, 77% conta<strong>in</strong>ed high levels of sugar, salt, saturated fat ortotal fat;• Just 7% of <strong>the</strong> products were low <strong>in</strong> fat, saturated fat, sugar and salt;• Many of <strong>the</strong> products, especially those of poorer nutritional quality, usedcolour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour<strong>in</strong>gs to boost <strong>the</strong>ir attractiveness.Children need nutritious food for proper growth and development. Whiledeficiency diseases such as rickets or prote<strong>in</strong>-calorie malnutrition are now veryrare <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> UK, a significant number of modern children are suffer<strong>in</strong>g from irondeficiency anaemia, obesity and dental caries. The eat<strong>in</strong>g patterns acquired <strong>in</strong>childhood can also pave <strong>the</strong> way for diet-related diseases <strong>in</strong> later life.Many factors <strong>in</strong> modern society serve to underm<strong>in</strong>e healthy eat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> children.Adults and peers provide strong role models for child behaviour, and <strong>the</strong>re hasbeen a general move towards people eat<strong>in</strong>g out more, snack<strong>in</strong>g and buy<strong>in</strong>gprocessed food. Television advertisements for food aimed at children ma<strong>in</strong>lypromote products that are high <strong>in</strong> fat, sugar, or sodium. Most youngsters do notplace much importance on eat<strong>in</strong>g foods that are healthy, and school meals tend togive <strong>the</strong> children what <strong>the</strong>y want, ra<strong>the</strong>r than <strong>the</strong> balanced diet <strong>the</strong>y need.The food children eat will reflect <strong>the</strong> food available for purchase. The present<strong>report</strong> exam<strong>in</strong>ed 358 foods found <strong>in</strong> six different retailers. These foods wereselected because <strong>the</strong>y all had packag<strong>in</strong>g designed to attract children or werespecifically labelled as suitable for children. The survey did not <strong>in</strong>clude1

confectionery, soft dr<strong>in</strong>ks or juices, bag-snacks, crisps, or birthday cakes. Thesurvey covered <strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>der of <strong>the</strong> range of foods normally available: fruit andvegetables, canned foods, meat, fish and dairy products, frozen foods, cereals,desserts, etc. A total of 358 products were identified.An analysis of <strong>the</strong> details given on product labels was undertaken <strong>in</strong> order toassess <strong>the</strong> products’ nutritional value – pr<strong>in</strong>cipally <strong>the</strong> fat, saturated fat, sugar andsalt – and <strong>the</strong> additives used <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> products. These details are reproduced for all358 products <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Appendix to this <strong>report</strong>.Of <strong>the</strong> children’s products exam<strong>in</strong>ed, 32% failed to give <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion aboutsaturated fat, sugar, and sodium. Of those that did provide <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion, 30%conta<strong>in</strong>ed high levels of saturated fat, 57% were high <strong>in</strong> sugar and 46% were high<strong>in</strong> sodium. Only a small number, some 7% of products, had low levels of fats,saturates, sugars and sodium and could be recommended as healthy products forchildren.Table 1: Nutritional assessment of children’s foodsHigh fat 16%High saturated fat 30%High sugar 57%High sodium (salt) 46%One or more of <strong>the</strong> four above 77%Low levels of fat, saturated fat,sugar and salt 7%An exam<strong>in</strong>ation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>gredients list on foods showed that 61% of <strong>the</strong> children’sproducts <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> survey conta<strong>in</strong>ed added flavour<strong>in</strong>gs and/or flavour enhancers, and2

38% conta<strong>in</strong>ed added colour<strong>in</strong>g agents – see table 2 below. One fifth of <strong>the</strong>artificially coloured products had at least 5 colour<strong>in</strong>gs added to <strong>the</strong>m.Table 2: Additives listed on <strong>the</strong> packag<strong>in</strong>g of 358 children’s foodsColours 38%Flavours and/or flavour enhancers 61%Ei<strong>the</strong>r or both of <strong>the</strong> above 68%The purpose of food labell<strong>in</strong>g is to provide <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion so that shoppers can make<strong>in</strong>formed choices. As noted above, nutritional labell<strong>in</strong>g was <strong>in</strong>adequate on nearlya third of <strong>the</strong> products exam<strong>in</strong>ed. With respect to <strong>in</strong>gredient labell<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>the</strong> presentsurvey found eleven products where <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>gredient lists <strong>in</strong>cluded compound<strong>in</strong>gredients such as ‘sausage’ or ‘bacon bites’ without giv<strong>in</strong>g a breakdown of whatsuch compound <strong>in</strong>gredients conta<strong>in</strong>ed. The survey also found an example of falseclaims be<strong>in</strong>g made – a label declared ‘No flavour<strong>in</strong>gs’ but <strong>in</strong>cluded flavour<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>gredients list, twice. Such labell<strong>in</strong>g problems make it very difficult forparents to make an <strong>in</strong>formed comparison of different products.Recommendations(i) Retailers, manufacturers and advertisers• Ensure all products carry <strong>full</strong> nutritional <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion and <strong>full</strong> <strong>in</strong>gredientslist<strong>in</strong>g, and ensure that this <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion is clear and easy to understand.• Classify nutrients as high/medium/low on labels to allow <strong>the</strong> consumer toassess more easily <strong>the</strong> nutritional quality of <strong>the</strong> product.• Increase <strong>the</strong> market<strong>in</strong>g of healthy eat<strong>in</strong>g ranges for children.• Reformulate products to fit <strong>in</strong> with healthy eat<strong>in</strong>g guidel<strong>in</strong>es.3

• Introduce price <strong>in</strong>centives to encourage healthy choices.• Remove additives not required for food safety such as colour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavourboosters.(ii) Policy makers• Introduce mandatory nutritional labell<strong>in</strong>g giv<strong>in</strong>g clear <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion on keynutrients.• Consider adm<strong>in</strong>ister<strong>in</strong>g a food <strong>in</strong>dustry levy to be devoted to <strong>the</strong> promotion ofnaturally healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables, fish, lean meats, pulses andwholegra<strong>in</strong> cereals.• Implement restrictions on <strong>the</strong> advertis<strong>in</strong>g of foods high <strong>in</strong> fats, sugar or saltthat targets <strong>the</strong> under twelve age group.• Implement strict controls over mislead<strong>in</strong>g health claims on foods.• Ensure all schools have nutritional guidel<strong>in</strong>es for balanced meals, and monitorschools and encourage <strong>the</strong>m to implement <strong>the</strong> guidel<strong>in</strong>es <strong>full</strong>y.• Extend <strong>the</strong> current restrictions on <strong>the</strong> use of additives <strong>in</strong> baby food to apply toall foods marketed for children.• Provide regular public service announcements that tell children about goodnutrition.(iii) Parents• Recognise <strong>the</strong> tricks of <strong>the</strong> trade that make products attractive to children.• When shopp<strong>in</strong>g, take a little time to check <strong>the</strong> labels: if <strong>the</strong>re is anyth<strong>in</strong>g youdon’t like <strong>the</strong> look of, out <strong>the</strong> product back on <strong>the</strong> shelf.• Avoid tak<strong>in</strong>g children shopp<strong>in</strong>g, and avoid shops where <strong>in</strong>appropriate foodsare displayed at child level, such as sweets at <strong>the</strong> checkout.• When shopp<strong>in</strong>g with children, expla<strong>in</strong> how companies boast about <strong>the</strong>irproducts.4

• Teach children how to read food labels, and how to say ‘No’ to unhealthyfoods.• Treat children to high quality foods whenever possible.• Discuss with <strong>the</strong> child’s teachers <strong>the</strong> need to educate on labels and advertis<strong>in</strong>g.• Let politicians know that parents do not approve of <strong>the</strong> lax laws on children’sfoods.• Where possible, avoid highly processed foods and look for fresh foods andfoods that can be prepared at home. Don’t keep lots of processed foods athome.• Help local schools to make nutrition action plans that improve <strong>the</strong> quality ofschool meals and educate <strong>the</strong> pupils at <strong>the</strong> same time.• Jo<strong>in</strong> local and national groups that campaign on children’s food issues.5

2 Introduction2.1 Why a healthy diet is important for children<strong>Food</strong> is meant to nourish children and help <strong>the</strong>m grow. A child’s diet can haveprofound <strong>in</strong>fluence upon his or her health, with effects that reach well <strong>in</strong>toadulthood. There are many factors that encourage children to choose foods thatare not good for <strong>the</strong>m, and food preferences (and brand preferences) learned <strong>in</strong>childhood may persist <strong>in</strong>to adult life.A poor diet can contribute to a child becom<strong>in</strong>g obese, or anaemic, or suffer dentaldecay. Childhood obesity can give rise to mechanical damage to jo<strong>in</strong>ts andgrow<strong>in</strong>g bones, and obesity and poor nourishment may lead to <strong>in</strong>creased risk ofdegenerative diseases later <strong>in</strong> life, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g diabetes, osteoporosis, high bloodpressure, heart disease, and certa<strong>in</strong> cancers (Roos and Prattala, 1999; Frankel,1998).The consensus <strong>view</strong> on sugars and disease identifies those sugars which arenei<strong>the</strong>r naturally present <strong>in</strong> milk nor <strong>in</strong>tr<strong>in</strong>sically bound up <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> cells ofunprocessed fruit as ‘Non-Milk Extr<strong>in</strong>sic’ (NME) sugars, and states that NMEsugar consumption is a cause of dental caries (COMA, 1991). The greatest toothdecay is found among those who consume sugar most frequently. Parents may beaware that consum<strong>in</strong>g sweets between meals can threaten teeth as well as spoil<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong> appetite, but <strong>the</strong>y may not be aware that frequency of consumption is <strong>the</strong>greatest risk factor, and <strong>the</strong>refore that sweet snacks and dr<strong>in</strong>ks between meals are<strong>the</strong> most likely cause of tooth damage. Nor may <strong>the</strong>y realise that ref<strong>in</strong>ed starchesmay also play a part <strong>in</strong> caus<strong>in</strong>g dental caries, as <strong>the</strong>y form a sticky paste around<strong>the</strong> teeth. The comb<strong>in</strong>ation of sugars and sticky starches – for example <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>forms of biscuits and sweet breakfast cereals – may be especially damag<strong>in</strong>g(Rugg-Gunn and Nunn, 1999).6

A recent survey of over 750 children under three years old <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Manchester areafound 40% with tooth decay and 23% with 'rampant' decay (HEA, 1999). In someparts of <strong>the</strong> city <strong>the</strong> decay rate rose to over 50% of young children. The previousyear, <strong>the</strong> national dental survey cover<strong>in</strong>g 25% of all children aged 5 found that onaverage 45% of <strong>the</strong>se children had evidence of dental caries (tooth decay), and <strong>the</strong>figure rose to 63% of 5-year-olds <strong>in</strong> Nor<strong>the</strong>rn Ireland (BASCD, 1998).Ref<strong>in</strong>ed sugar is often referred to as empty calories; <strong>in</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r words it conta<strong>in</strong>s novitam<strong>in</strong>s, m<strong>in</strong>erals, prote<strong>in</strong> or fibre. Every calorie taken as ref<strong>in</strong>ed sugar is a lostopportunity to eat a nutrient rich food that will encourage proper growth anddevelopment. If many sugary foods are eaten <strong>in</strong> addition to a normal balanceddiet, <strong>the</strong>y may also promote obesity.Eat<strong>in</strong>g too much of some <strong>in</strong>gredients can mean that a child misses out on certa<strong>in</strong>food components needed for health. For example, ref<strong>in</strong>ed sugar conta<strong>in</strong>s ‘emptycalories’ with no o<strong>the</strong>r nutrients, so while a diet high <strong>in</strong> added sugar may provideenergy (calories), it may have <strong>in</strong>sufficient amounts of important vitam<strong>in</strong>s andm<strong>in</strong>erals. A government survey of <strong>the</strong> diets of pre-school children showed thatthose consum<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> most sugar <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir diet were likely to consume <strong>the</strong> lowestlevels of many vitam<strong>in</strong>s and m<strong>in</strong>erals (Gibson, 1997). Compared with children <strong>in</strong><strong>the</strong> 1950s, <strong>the</strong> survey found modern children to be consum<strong>in</strong>g large quantities ofsoft dr<strong>in</strong>ks, less bread and less milk and more sugar (Wadsworth, 1999).A second study of pre-school children found that soft dr<strong>in</strong>ks had become morepopular than any o<strong>the</strong>r dr<strong>in</strong>k (Rolls and Hourihane, 1995). Nearly three-quartersof pre-school children never drank pla<strong>in</strong> water. The children drank squash andfruit dr<strong>in</strong>ks (37% of dr<strong>in</strong>ks), milk (18% of dr<strong>in</strong>ks), diet dr<strong>in</strong>ks (14% of dr<strong>in</strong>ks)along with tea, fruit juices and o<strong>the</strong>r products. The researchers found evidencethat high levels of soft dr<strong>in</strong>k consumption could contribute to loss of appetite andpossibly to poor weight ga<strong>in</strong> and to loose stools, as well as putt<strong>in</strong>g teeth at risk.Poor appetite and bad behaviour at meal time decreased significantly when <strong>the</strong>quantity of soft dr<strong>in</strong>ks was reduced.7

High total fat <strong>in</strong>take and high saturated fat consumption are l<strong>in</strong>ked with raisedblood cholesterol levels, and <strong>in</strong> adulthood, especially younger adulthood, <strong>the</strong>seraised levels are considered a major risk factor <strong>in</strong> cardiovascular disease (COMA,1994). Blood cholesterol (and o<strong>the</strong>r lipid) levels are affected by a variablecomb<strong>in</strong>ation of genetic susceptibility and diet. As <strong>the</strong>re is no way to f<strong>in</strong>d outwhich children have a genetic tendency to develop high blood cholesterol, it isprudent to provide all children with a good standard of nutrition (James, 1982).Generally, for adults with mild to moderate hypertension (raised blood pressure),a reduction <strong>in</strong> salt <strong>in</strong>take leads to a fall <strong>in</strong> blood pressure (COMA, 1994).Hypertension is a major risk factor for strokes and cardiovascular disease.Children can develop a lik<strong>in</strong>g for excessively salty foods at an early age, lead<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong>m to perceive unsalted foods as be<strong>in</strong>g flavourless, so that it seems sensible notto encourage this preference <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> young. The 1994 government <strong>report</strong> oncardiovascular disease explicitly recommended a reduction <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> sodium contentof children’s diets (COMA, 1994, para R2.9)In summary, healthy eat<strong>in</strong>g dur<strong>in</strong>g childhood can help to prevent health problems<strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> short term, and can br<strong>in</strong>g positive benefits for a lifetime. Dietary disorderscause suffer<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>dividual, and loss to <strong>the</strong>ir family and to <strong>the</strong> widercommunity. It is a child’s birthright to be provided with optimum nutritionthrough healthy and wholesome food. Ensur<strong>in</strong>g that such food is provided issociety’s responsibility.2.2 Influences on eat<strong>in</strong>g patternsThere are many <strong>in</strong>fluences on people’s diets. These <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>the</strong> range of foodsavailable <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> shops, access to those shops, knowledge by <strong>the</strong> shopper aboutwhat to buy, <strong>the</strong> cost of products, cultural and peer pressures and <strong>in</strong>dividual needsand tastes. They <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion provided on <strong>the</strong> packag<strong>in</strong>g to enablechoice and comparisons between products. And <strong>the</strong>y <strong>in</strong>clude <strong>the</strong> market<strong>in</strong>g of9

food – <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> present case, <strong>the</strong> market<strong>in</strong>g of food directed at children, or at <strong>the</strong>adults who buy <strong>the</strong> child’s food, or at <strong>the</strong> retailers who stock <strong>the</strong> products.The UK has <strong>the</strong> highest level of food advertis<strong>in</strong>g aimed at children with<strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>European Union (Dibb, 1996). Most of <strong>the</strong> food advertisements aimed at childrenare for confectionery, sugary cereals, ready prepared foods, and fast food outlets.Nutritional analyses of <strong>the</strong> foods advertised on television to children <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> UKhave found that up to 95% of <strong>the</strong> products were high <strong>in</strong> fat, sugar or salt (Dibb,1993; Dibb and Castell, 1995).Children represent an enormous potential market because <strong>the</strong>y have pocket moneyto spend, <strong>in</strong>fluence what <strong>the</strong>ir parents buy when <strong>the</strong>y are shopp<strong>in</strong>g, and grow up tobecome adult consumers with brand loyalties. Advertis<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tends to persuade <strong>the</strong>consumer to buy a product, and <strong>the</strong>refore need to be <strong>in</strong>terpreted <strong>in</strong> a different wayto educational and enterta<strong>in</strong>ment messages. A <strong>full</strong> understand<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> purposeof TV advertis<strong>in</strong>g may not develop until <strong>the</strong> age of eleven or twelve (Young,1990). Over one third of seven year olds are not able to tell <strong>the</strong> difference betweena children’s TV programme and <strong>the</strong> advertisements that run on <strong>the</strong> same channel,and one fifth of ten year olds have <strong>the</strong> same problem (Bjurstrom, 1994). Evengreater confusion can be caused when familiar cartoon characters or TVpersonalities are used <strong>in</strong> adverts.Children rarely choose a cereal because it is healthy. They are much more<strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> th<strong>in</strong>gs like <strong>the</strong> advertised free toys <strong>in</strong>side <strong>the</strong> packets, or tie-<strong>in</strong>s withchildren’s programmes and films. Advertis<strong>in</strong>g can also confuse children aboutwhat is healthy and what is not; if a cereal is promoted ‘with added vitam<strong>in</strong>s andiron’ it can appear to have entirely beneficial properties – but <strong>in</strong> reality it could beover 50% ref<strong>in</strong>ed sugar by weight. Studies have shown that <strong>the</strong> amount oftelevision <strong>view</strong>ed has a positive correlation with bad eat<strong>in</strong>g habits and faultyunderstand<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong> pr<strong>in</strong>ciples of nutrition (Signorelli and Lears, 1992).When a child demands someth<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> shop, even <strong>the</strong> most <strong>in</strong>formed andresponsible parent will eventually give <strong>in</strong> to <strong>the</strong>se <strong>in</strong>cessant demands, at leastsome of <strong>the</strong> time. This ‘pester power’ strongly <strong>in</strong>fluences what parents purchase <strong>in</strong>10

<strong>the</strong>ir weekly shopp<strong>in</strong>g. Some studies on children’s dietary behaviour have shownthat <strong>the</strong> amount of TV watched weekly strongly correlates with children’sattempts to <strong>in</strong>fluence parental food choices <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> supermarket (Taras et al, 1989;Glast and White, 1976).A survey by market research company M<strong>in</strong>tel found that 80% of <strong>the</strong> 500 mo<strong>the</strong>rssurveyed tried to ensure <strong>the</strong>ir children had a healthy diet, but half felt <strong>the</strong>y wereprobably los<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> ‘constant battle’ to prevent <strong>the</strong>ir children from over-<strong>in</strong>dulg<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong> unhealthy foods (M<strong>in</strong>tel, 1995). Crucially, a third of <strong>the</strong> parents admittedbuy<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> products and brands <strong>the</strong>ir children asked for.Buy<strong>in</strong>g products that your children demand may be a particular issue for familieson low <strong>in</strong>comes: on <strong>the</strong> one hand, heavily promoted products are not likely to be<strong>the</strong> cheapest option available. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r hand where <strong>the</strong>re is no budget to bewasted on rejected food choices, parents will buy what <strong>the</strong>y know <strong>the</strong>ir childrenwill eat. The choices may be poor nutritionally, but <strong>the</strong> food will not be wasted.Yet dietary diseases, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g tooth decay and obesity <strong>in</strong> children and diet-relateddegenerative diseases <strong>in</strong> adulthood, are most common among lower <strong>in</strong>comegroups (Nelson, 1999; WHO, 2000).Television advertisements may be easier to identify than advertorials <strong>in</strong>magaz<strong>in</strong>es, or product placements, special clubs, puzzles and competitions. Theseless obvious forms of advertis<strong>in</strong>g are not so easily understood by <strong>the</strong> under twelveage group (Young, 1990). Brand names also crop up <strong>in</strong> sponsorship of sports andschool equipment, with <strong>the</strong> aim of giv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> product a benevolent or sportyimage.Fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong>fluences on healthy food choices lie <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> use of market<strong>in</strong>g techniqueson <strong>the</strong> product packag<strong>in</strong>g designed to appeal to children. Cartoon characters,puzzles, games, children’s TV programme tie-<strong>in</strong>s, home-assembly <strong>in</strong>structions,free gifts, club memberships, collectable tokens for attractive children’s goods areall methods employed by <strong>the</strong> manufacturer to encourage sales to or for children.11

Alongside <strong>the</strong>se enticements, food product labels may also <strong>in</strong>hibit healthy choicesby fail<strong>in</strong>g to provide adequate <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion for consumers to make comparisons.Miss<strong>in</strong>g details of <strong>the</strong> nutritional content makes it hard for a shopper to make aquick comparison before purchase. The legal requirement to display anynutritional <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion currently applies only to certa<strong>in</strong> products (for example dietfoods and foods mak<strong>in</strong>g specific nutritional claims) and even <strong>the</strong>n does not require<strong>the</strong> declaration of sugar content, salt content or saturated fat content – probably<strong>the</strong> three most useful <strong>in</strong>dicators of nutritional quality.When it comes to <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>gredients of <strong>the</strong> food <strong>in</strong>side <strong>the</strong> packag<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>the</strong>re are yetfur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong>fluences aga<strong>in</strong>st mak<strong>in</strong>g healthy food choices. Over 3000 additives,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g colour<strong>in</strong>g agents and flavour boost<strong>in</strong>g compounds, are available tomanufacturers to add to food products, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g children’s products (but notpermitted for baby foods). Additives such as colour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour<strong>in</strong>gs are usedto enhance <strong>the</strong> appeal of <strong>the</strong> processed foods <strong>the</strong>y are used <strong>in</strong>. Additives give alarge advantage to foods that are generally of less nutritional quality and are usedliberally <strong>in</strong> children’s food products. They are used, for example, to make yogurtlook and taste as if it has real strawberries <strong>in</strong> it, or to give fatty meat products <strong>the</strong>appearance of lean meat.The po<strong>in</strong>t here is not that <strong>the</strong>se chemicals may <strong>the</strong>mselves be harmful – althoughsome of <strong>the</strong>m are undoubtedly a problem for a small number of children – but that<strong>the</strong>y are a fur<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong>fluence aga<strong>in</strong>st <strong>the</strong> promotion of healthy foods. Additivesgive an advantage to highly processed foods, and allow poor quality foods toappear highly attractive, particularly to children12

3 The nutritional quality of children’s foods3.1 The purpose of <strong>the</strong> surveyThe purpose of <strong>the</strong> present survey was to <strong>in</strong>vestigate whe<strong>the</strong>r food products be<strong>in</strong>gpromoted specifically at or suitable for children were on balance healthy orunhealthy products. Our earlier exam<strong>in</strong>ation of baby foods (<strong>Food</strong> Commission,1996) and baby biscuits (<strong>Food</strong> Commission, 2000) found evidence that <strong>the</strong> rangeof foods available were not conducive to encourag<strong>in</strong>g healthy choices, and ourexam<strong>in</strong>ation of advertis<strong>in</strong>g on children’s television showed excessive promotionof foods of poor nutritional quality (Dibb, 1993; Dibb and Castell, 1995). Wewere <strong>the</strong>refore concerned that manufacturers may be exploit<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> lack ofregulation of food standards for products aimed at children <strong>in</strong> order to promotefoods of poor nutritional quality.3.2 Product selectionProduct to be <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> survey were those which were targeted at childrenand available <strong>in</strong> one of six ma<strong>in</strong> retailers. The retailers were ASDA, Iceland,Marks & Spencer, Safeway, Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury, and Tesco, and central London branchesof <strong>the</strong>se retailers were visited dur<strong>in</strong>g February and March 2000.The criteria for <strong>in</strong>clusion <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> survey were that <strong>the</strong> product labels showed one ormore of <strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g:• familiar cartoon characters appeal<strong>in</strong>g to children (e.g. <strong>To</strong>ny <strong>the</strong> Tiger, MrMen);• tie-<strong>in</strong>s with children’s TV programmes or films (e.g. Postman Pat, Star Wars);• child-oriented animals or creatures (e.g. d<strong>in</strong>osaurs, sharks);• child-oriented product shapes (e.g. alphabet pasta)13

Tables 3: Def<strong>in</strong>itions of levels of nutrientsAmounts are per 100g for most foods, or per serv<strong>in</strong>g for foods eaten as ma<strong>in</strong> dishesTHIS IS A LOTTHIS IS A LITTLESugars 10g 2gSaturated fat 5g 1g<strong>To</strong>tal fat 20g 3gSodium 0.5g 0.1gSource: MAFF, 1996Note: In <strong>the</strong> present <strong>report</strong>, values at or above <strong>the</strong> figure for ‘a lot’ are referred toas high levels, and those at or below <strong>the</strong> figure for ‘a little’ are referred to as lowlevels. Values between those stated as ‘a lot’ and ‘a little’ are taken <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> present<strong>report</strong> as be<strong>in</strong>g ‘moderate’ – thus a saturated fat content of 3g per 100g would beconsidered a food with a moderate level of saturated fat.15

4 Results: Nutritional assessmentIn summary, <strong>the</strong> 358 products showed <strong>the</strong> results given <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> table below.Moderate levels are those between <strong>the</strong> levels def<strong>in</strong>ed as ‘a lot’ and ‘a little’ <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>previous table (table 3).Table 4: Number of children’s food products found <strong>in</strong> each of <strong>the</strong> nutritionalcategories exam<strong>in</strong>edHigh levelsModerateLow levels orMiss<strong>in</strong>g/poorlevelsnone<strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ionSugar 140 71 35 112Saturated fat 73 86 88 111<strong>To</strong>tal fat 56 179 112 11Sodium (salt) 111 70 62 115More detailed analyses for each of <strong>the</strong> nutritional categories are given <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>follow<strong>in</strong>g sections.4.1 SugarSugars are present naturally <strong>in</strong> many foods <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g milk, fruit and honey, and<strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g are all k<strong>in</strong>ds of sugars: sucrose, lactose, fructose, dextrose, maltose,and glucose. When it says ‘sugar’ on a food label, this refers to ref<strong>in</strong>ed sucrosemade from sugar cane or beet. Confus<strong>in</strong>gly, a product can say ‘no added sugar’ on<strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> packet, and still conta<strong>in</strong> enough dried fruit, fruit syrup or maltextract to take <strong>the</strong> total sugar level to over 50% of <strong>the</strong> product by weight.16

Dietary recommendations suggest that sugar should not contribute more thanaround 10% of energy. As an example, for a seven to ten year old child with anaverage daily <strong>in</strong>take of 1800 calories, <strong>the</strong> amount of sugar consumed should<strong>the</strong>refore be below 50g per day. <strong>Food</strong>s with more than 10g sugar per 100g or perportion were rated as hav<strong>in</strong>g high levels of sugar (see note to Table 3). Of <strong>the</strong> 358children’s food products exam<strong>in</strong>ed, 112 gave no <strong>in</strong>dication of <strong>the</strong>ir sugar contenton <strong>the</strong>ir product labels. Of those that gave details of sugar content, 57% (140 outof 246) conta<strong>in</strong>ed high levels of sugar. A fur<strong>the</strong>r 71 (29%) conta<strong>in</strong>ed moderateamounts (see note to Table 3). Examples of products with high levels of sugar aregiven <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> table below.Table 5: Examples of products with ‘a lot’ of sugar (> 10g/100g)Manufacturer Brand/Product Name Sugars (g per 100g)ASDA Garden Gang dried p<strong>in</strong>eapple & papaya 73.0Safeway Kids Own candyfloss flavour delight 65.5Nestle Whirly Fl<strong>in</strong>gs butterscotch flavour dessert 60.3Kellogg’s Smacks cereal and milk bar 58.0Greens Fun to Bake Club strawberry flavour cake kit 56.1Askey’s Jellik<strong>in</strong>s fromage frais delight 50.0Quaker Sugar Puffs breakfast cereal 49.0Yeo Valley Crazy Creatures yogurts 25.04.2 Saturated fatThe total amount of saturated fat <strong>in</strong> a diet has particular relevance to health.Health experts suggest that 10% or less of total energy <strong>in</strong>take should come fromsaturated fats. As an example, a seven to ten year old child with an average daily<strong>in</strong>take of 1800 calories should eat no more than 20g of saturated fat to keep with<strong>in</strong>this general guidel<strong>in</strong>e.<strong>Food</strong>s with more than 5g saturated fat per 100g or per portion were rated ashav<strong>in</strong>g high levels of saturated fat (see note to Table 3). The present survey found17

that more than 30% of <strong>the</strong> products did not disclose <strong>the</strong> amount of saturated fat <strong>in</strong><strong>the</strong> food. Of <strong>the</strong> 247 products that did label saturated fat content, 73 of <strong>the</strong>m(30%) conta<strong>in</strong>ed high levels of saturates. Moderate amounts of saturated fat (seenote to Table 3) were found <strong>in</strong> a fur<strong>the</strong>r 86 products (35%). Examples of productsconta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g high levels of saturated fat are given <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> table below.Table 6: Examples of products with ‘a lot’ of saturated fat (> 5g/100g)Manufacturer Brand/Product Name Saturated fat (g per 100g)ASDA Garden Gang sweetened coconut cubes 28.0Riv<strong>in</strong>gton P<strong>in</strong>k Pan<strong>the</strong>r wafer biscuits 27.6MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng<strong>in</strong>e & Friends Cheese19.0TrianglesKraft Dairylea Strip Cheese pizza flavour 17.5Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury’s Mr Men cheese food slices 15.4Safeway Chocolate-hazelnut spread 12.7Cadbury’s Snowman ice lollies 10.34.3 FatHealth experts recommend that everyone over <strong>the</strong> age of five should be eat<strong>in</strong>g adiet that obta<strong>in</strong>s less than 35% of its energy from fat (COMA, 1991). As anexample, a seven to ten year old child with an average daily <strong>in</strong>take of 1800calories should eat no more than 70g of fat to keep with<strong>in</strong> this general guidel<strong>in</strong>e.<strong>Food</strong>s with more than 20g fat per 100g or per portion were considered to havehigh levels of fat (see note to Table 3). Eleven of <strong>the</strong> 358 products <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> surveycould not be classified because of <strong>in</strong>complete <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion on <strong>the</strong> labels. Of <strong>the</strong>rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 347 products, 56 (16%) conta<strong>in</strong>ed high levels of total fat. A fur<strong>the</strong>r 168(48%) products conta<strong>in</strong>ed moderate amounts of total fat (see note to Table 3).Examples of products conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g high levels of fat are given <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> table below.18

Table 7: Examples of products with ‘a lot’ of total fat (> 20g/100g)Manufacturer Brand/Product Name Fat Content (g per 100g)Safeway Chocolate hazelnut spread 39.0McVitie’s Milky Way cake bars 32.6Herta Snappy Dogs hot dog sausages 29.3Danepack Streakers crispy cooked bacon 29.2Burtons Barbie chocolate bars with strawberry fill<strong>in</strong>g 28.7Nestle Milkybar biscuits 28.119

4.4 Sodium (salt)Dietary guidel<strong>in</strong>es suggest an upper daily limit of around 2.5 grams of sodium,equivalent to 6 grams of salt. <strong>Food</strong>s rated as hav<strong>in</strong>g high levels of sodium werethose with 0.5 grams sodium per 100g or per portion.Of <strong>the</strong> 358 children’s products exam<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> present survey, 115 products didnot declare <strong>the</strong>ir sodium or salt content. Of <strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 243 products, 111(46%) conta<strong>in</strong>ed high levels of sodium (see note to Table 3). Moderate amountswere found <strong>in</strong> a fur<strong>the</strong>r 70 (29%) of foods (see note to Table 3).Table 8: Examples of products with ‘a lot’ of sodium (> 0.5g/100g)Manufacturer Brand/Product Name Sodium (g per 100g)Bestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots, chicken and mushroom flavour noodles 1.8Kraft Dairylea Lunchables, double cheese 1.5Feldhues Batman, pork and chicken sausage slices 1.2Kellogg’s Rice Krispies cereal 1.2Tesco Billy Bear sausage slices 1.2Quaker Oats Ltd Oat Krunchies, cereal 1.14.5 Healthier productsAlthough many products were low <strong>in</strong> fat, say, or sugar or salt, all too frequently aproduct that was low <strong>in</strong> one measure was high <strong>in</strong> ano<strong>the</strong>r. A low salt product wasoften a high sugar product. Indeed, out of <strong>the</strong> 358 products exam<strong>in</strong>ed, <strong>the</strong> largemajority, 77%, were high <strong>in</strong> one or more of <strong>the</strong> four dietary constituents – sugar,saturated fat, total fat or salt.Of <strong>the</strong> products with <strong>full</strong> nutritional labell<strong>in</strong>g, we found a total of four productsthat were low <strong>in</strong> sugar, saturated fat, total fat and salt. We also identified severalo<strong>the</strong>r products which, be<strong>in</strong>g pla<strong>in</strong> fresh or frozen fruit or vegetables, could be20

presumed to be low <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> same components. In all we identified 23 products <strong>in</strong>our survey which met healthy nutritional criteria. This gave a figure of, at most,7% healthy foods compared to at least 77% unhealthy foods – a ratio of at leasteleven to one aga<strong>in</strong>st healthy choices.Table 9: Examples of products with ‘a little’ total fat, saturated fat, sugar andsodiumManufacturerIcelandASDAHL <strong>Food</strong>sBrand/Product NameFrozen baby corn on <strong>the</strong> cob, broad beans etc.Garden Gang fresh apples, pears, bananasSmash Orig<strong>in</strong>al <strong>in</strong>stant potato powderThe use of child-oriented packag<strong>in</strong>g for healthy products is to be commended.We found Iceland were sell<strong>in</strong>g frozen vegetables such as baby corn and broccolimix with <strong>the</strong> help of cartoon characters, and Safeway were sell<strong>in</strong>g snack packs ofready-washed raw baby carrots. Pla<strong>in</strong> fresh fruit such as pears, apples and babybananas were on sale <strong>in</strong> Asda, Tesco, and Safeway, often with phrases such as‘ideal for children’s lunch boxes’ written on <strong>the</strong> bags. Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury’s are also<strong>in</strong>troduc<strong>in</strong>g fruit packed <strong>in</strong> wrappers with Loony <strong>To</strong>ones cartoon characters.Asda and Safeway were also sell<strong>in</strong>g dried fruit and nuts <strong>in</strong> small bags and packets.Most of <strong>the</strong> pla<strong>in</strong> dried fruit was low <strong>in</strong> fat and sodium, but high <strong>in</strong> fruit sugar,which <strong>in</strong> this form can harm <strong>the</strong> teeth so should only be eaten <strong>in</strong> moderation andnot as a snack between meals. O<strong>the</strong>r fruit products sold as snacks had added at oradded sugar: <strong>the</strong>y <strong>in</strong>cluded 50g bags of coconut cubes with added sugar, bananachips with candy coat<strong>in</strong>g and added fat, and dried p<strong>in</strong>eapple and papaya with extraadded sugar. These products can conta<strong>in</strong> more sugar per 100g than a chocolatebar, or more saturated fat than a bag of potato crisps, so <strong>the</strong>y are certa<strong>in</strong>ly notfoods that should be consumed on a regular basis.21

5 Results: AdditivesAs suggested <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>in</strong>troduction to this <strong>report</strong>, additives such as colour<strong>in</strong>gs andflavour<strong>in</strong>gs provide food manufacturers with <strong>the</strong> opportunity to boost <strong>the</strong>attractiveness of <strong>the</strong>ir products. In <strong>the</strong> present study, we found colour<strong>in</strong>gs andflavour-boost<strong>in</strong>g agents (flavour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour enhancers) used <strong>in</strong> many of <strong>the</strong>358 products, as shown below.Table 10: Colour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour-boost<strong>in</strong>g additives <strong>in</strong> children’s foodsConta<strong>in</strong>edConta<strong>in</strong>ed 1Conta<strong>in</strong>ed 5Miss<strong>in</strong>g/poornoneor moreor more<strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ionColours 218 130 25 10Flavours 140 208 na 10Flavour enhancers 333 14 0 12na = not available (manufacturers declare ‘flavour<strong>in</strong>gs’ without specify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> number used).5.1 Colour<strong>in</strong>gsA wide rage of common colour<strong>in</strong>g additives was found <strong>in</strong> children’s food products<strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> present survey. Some of <strong>the</strong>se colour<strong>in</strong>gs are identified as a possible hazardto some sensitive <strong>in</strong>dividuals, as shown <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> table overleaf.Ten food products did not give complete list<strong>in</strong>gs of <strong>the</strong> colour<strong>in</strong>gs that may havebeen present <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> food as <strong>the</strong>y referred to compound <strong>in</strong>gredients, such as‘cheese’, ‘bacon bites’ or ‘sausages’, without <strong>in</strong>dicat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> constituents of <strong>the</strong>secompound <strong>in</strong>gredients. Of <strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 348 products targeted at children, 130(38%) conta<strong>in</strong>ed at least one added colour<strong>in</strong>g, and 25 (19%) of <strong>the</strong>se were foundto conta<strong>in</strong> five or more artificial colours.22

Table 11: Colour<strong>in</strong>g agents found <strong>in</strong> foods <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> studyE Number Alternative Names Potential Health RisksE100 Curcum<strong>in</strong> (turmeric) Presumed safeE101 (i) Riboflav<strong>in</strong> (Vitam<strong>in</strong> B 2 ) Presumed safeE101 (ii) Riboflav<strong>in</strong>-5’-phosphate Presumed safeE102 Tartraz<strong>in</strong>e Many <strong>report</strong>s of adverse reactions, especially <strong>in</strong> peoplewho are asthmatic or allergic to aspir<strong>in</strong>E104 Qu<strong>in</strong>ol<strong>in</strong>e yellow Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE110 Sunset yellow FCF Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE120 Coch<strong>in</strong>eal (carm<strong>in</strong>ic acid) May cause allergic symptoms.Extracted from <strong>in</strong>sect carcasses.E122 Carmois<strong>in</strong>e (azorub<strong>in</strong>e) Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE124 Ponceau 4R Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE129 Allura red AC Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE131 Patent blue V Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE132 Indigo carm<strong>in</strong>e Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE133 Brilliant blue FCF Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE141Copper complexes of chlorophyll Presumed safeand chlorophy ll<strong>in</strong>sE142 Green S Can provoke adverse reactions <strong>in</strong> some sensitive peopleE150 (a) Pla<strong>in</strong> caramel Approved on relatively limited dataE150 (b) Caustic sulphite caramel Approved on relatively limited dataE150 (c) Ammonia caramel May pose hazard to those deficient <strong>in</strong> vitam<strong>in</strong> B6 andwith deficient white blood cellsE150 (d) Sulphite ammonia caramel Approved on relatively limited dataE153 Carbon black (vegetable carbon) Some preparations may conta<strong>in</strong> small quantities ofbenzpyrenes and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons,known to cause cancer <strong>in</strong> laboratory animalsE160 (a)(i) Mixed carotenes Presumed safeE160(a)(ii) Beta-carotene Presumed safeE160 (b) Annatto Can provoke <strong>in</strong>tolerance symptomsE160 (c) Paprika extract (capsanth<strong>in</strong>) Presumed safeE160 (e) Beta-8’-apo-carotenal Presumed safeE161 Xanthophylls Presumed safeE161 (b) Lute<strong>in</strong> Presumed safeE162 Beetroot red (betan<strong>in</strong>) Presumed safeE163 Anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Approved on relatively limited dataE171 Titanium oxide Presumed safeE172 Iron oxides and hydroxides Presumed safeSource: Lang and Millstone, 1992.23

Examples of children’s foods conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g large numbers of colour<strong>in</strong>g agents aregiven <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g table.Table 12: Examples of foods conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g seven or more colour<strong>in</strong>g agentsManufacturer Brand/Product name Colour<strong>in</strong>gs used <strong>To</strong>talTesco Little Miss m<strong>in</strong>i iced buns E104, E122, E124, E129, E131, E132, E133,E153, E1719NestleM<strong>in</strong>i Smarties chocolateE100, E101, E120, E133, E141, E160e, E163,9dessertE171, E150aSupercook Junior Baker cookie stars E150c, E122, E102, E133, E100, E141,E160b, E162Greens G<strong>in</strong>gerbread cookie kit E104, E110, E124, E153, E171, E122, E133,E13288Mars Vanilla Ice-cream M&Ms E104, E110, E122, E124, E120, E133, E171 75.2 Flavour<strong>in</strong>gsThousands of compounds may be described by <strong>the</strong> s<strong>in</strong>gle word ‘flavour<strong>in</strong>g’ on <strong>the</strong><strong>in</strong>gredients list. Manufacturers do not have to provide <strong>the</strong> consumer with anydetails about <strong>the</strong> compounds <strong>the</strong>y have used to flavour <strong>the</strong>ir products.As with colour<strong>in</strong>gs (see above) ten products gave <strong>in</strong>adequate details on <strong>the</strong><strong>in</strong>gredients <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> product because of <strong>the</strong> use of compound <strong>in</strong>gredients withoutspecify<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> constituents. Of <strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g 348 products we found 208 (57%)conta<strong>in</strong>ed flavour<strong>in</strong>gs,24

5.3 Flavour enhancersFlavour enhancers are a specific group of additives, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g monosodiumglutamate (E621). Confus<strong>in</strong>gly, o<strong>the</strong>r <strong>in</strong>gredients may be used to boost taste <strong>in</strong>foods, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g hydrolysed vegetable prote<strong>in</strong> and yeast extract, but <strong>the</strong>y are notlisted as flavour enhancers on <strong>the</strong> label or treated as such <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> present survey.Twelve products could not be classified because of unspecified compound<strong>in</strong>gredients5.4 Use of additives to promote unhealthy foodsManufacturers argue that food additives assist <strong>the</strong>m <strong>in</strong> mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>ir foods morepalatable and <strong>the</strong>reby allow<strong>in</strong>g consumers to have a wider range of foods. Inparticular <strong>the</strong>y argue that preservatives and anti-oxidant agents are necessary toensure <strong>the</strong> safety and nutritional value of stored food. Colour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour<strong>in</strong>gsare largely used to boost <strong>the</strong> appearance and taste of foods which might o<strong>the</strong>rwiselook or taste dull.In <strong>the</strong> present survey, we exam<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> use of colour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong> foodsaccord<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>the</strong> product’s nutritional rat<strong>in</strong>g. We exam<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>the</strong> colour<strong>in</strong>gs andflavour<strong>in</strong>gs used <strong>in</strong> foods that were rated healthy <strong>in</strong> terms of <strong>the</strong>ir nutritionalrat<strong>in</strong>g (i.e. ‘a little’ sugar, salt, saturated fat and total fat), and <strong>in</strong> foods that wererated as unhealthy <strong>in</strong> one, two or three of <strong>the</strong> nutritional criteria (i.e. rated ashav<strong>in</strong>g ‘a lot’ of sugar, salt, saturated or total fat).The results showed that none of <strong>the</strong> healthy food products conta<strong>in</strong>ed colour<strong>in</strong>g orflavour-boost<strong>in</strong>g additives, whereas 67% of <strong>the</strong> unhealthy products (foods rated ashav<strong>in</strong>g ‘a lot’ of fat, saturated fat, sugar or salt) did utilise <strong>the</strong>se additives (seeTable 10 below). The figure rose to 70% for those products that were unhealthy <strong>in</strong>two or more respects, and to 73% for those products unhealthy <strong>in</strong> three or morerespects (e.g. hav<strong>in</strong>g ‘a lot’ of sugar and saturated fat and total fat).25

These figures suggest that colour<strong>in</strong>g and flavour-boost<strong>in</strong>g additives are primarilyused to <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>the</strong> sales of those products with <strong>the</strong> worst nutritional profiles.Table 13: Proportion of children’s products conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g colour<strong>in</strong>g or flavourboost<strong>in</strong>gadditivesChildren’s food products Coloured Flavour-boosted Ei<strong>the</strong>r coloured or flavouredHealthy products (23) 0% 0% 0%Unhealthy products (one ormore criteria) (227) 32% 62% 67%Unhealthy products (two ormore criteria) (105) 32% 66% 70%Unhealthy products (threeor more criteria) (37) 41% 65% 73%26

6 Results: Labell<strong>in</strong>gThe present survey found a number of problems with <strong>the</strong> labell<strong>in</strong>g of children’sfood products, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g poor nutritional labell<strong>in</strong>g, confus<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>gredients lists,mislead<strong>in</strong>g statements and bad advice.6.1 Incomplete nutrition labell<strong>in</strong>gAlthough <strong>the</strong> large majority of foods gave nutritional details for fat, carbohydrateand prote<strong>in</strong>, nearly a third of <strong>the</strong> products failed to give details of saturated fat,sugar or salt/sodium levels. At present, nutritional <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion is providedvoluntarily by manufacturers (unless a nutritional claim is made for <strong>the</strong> product).The survey shows that <strong>the</strong> majority of manufacturers are now provid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong><strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion needed on sugar, fats and salt, which shows that it should be easy for<strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g manufacturers to do so.Table 14: Nutrition details miss<strong>in</strong>g from <strong>the</strong> labels of children’s food productsNumber (and percentage) ofproducts with miss<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ionSodium 115 (32%)Sugars 112 (31%)Saturated fat 111 (31%)<strong>To</strong>tal fat 11 (3%)Some nutrition <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion panels were placed on parts of <strong>the</strong> packag<strong>in</strong>g thatmade <strong>the</strong>m very difficult to f<strong>in</strong>d, let alone read. For example, some six-packs ofyogurt and desserts had <strong>the</strong> nutritional <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion pr<strong>in</strong>ted <strong>in</strong>side between <strong>the</strong>27

cartons, mak<strong>in</strong>g it very difficult to <strong>view</strong> without accidentally break<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> packsapart.Certa<strong>in</strong> frozen foods gave a nutritional breakdown for <strong>the</strong> raw product, whileo<strong>the</strong>rs gave nutrition details for <strong>the</strong> product after cook<strong>in</strong>g, which made it difficultto be certa<strong>in</strong> that product were be<strong>in</strong>g validly compared. Fatty foods, for example,may lose fat dur<strong>in</strong>g bak<strong>in</strong>g or grill<strong>in</strong>g, and most foods will lose significantamounts of moisture, mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> comparisons ‘per 100g’ difficult to compare.Fur<strong>the</strong>rmore, some products did not <strong>in</strong>dicate whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong> details <strong>the</strong>y gave appliedto <strong>the</strong> raw or <strong>the</strong> cooked version.6.2 Incomplete and confus<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>gredients listsCompound <strong>in</strong>gredients such as ‘hot dog sausages’, ‘batter’, ‘m<strong>in</strong>i burgers’, ‘baconbites’ and ‘cheese’ were listed on some packag<strong>in</strong>g, but without a breakdown ofwhat <strong>the</strong>se conta<strong>in</strong>ed. For a shopper try<strong>in</strong>g to avoid additives or allergens, thislack of detailed <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion presents problems.Additives such as colour<strong>in</strong>gs were sometimes listed as E-numbers, and sometimesas <strong>the</strong>ir <strong>full</strong> names. This has <strong>the</strong> potential to confuse consumers who areattempt<strong>in</strong>g to make comparisons.6.3 Mislead<strong>in</strong>g statements or <strong>in</strong>appropriate adviceThe wrapper on packet of ASDA cake bars stated “No colours, No Flavour<strong>in</strong>gs”and <strong>the</strong>n listed ‘flavour<strong>in</strong>gs’ twice as <strong>in</strong>gredients. Mistakes on labels – such asmisplaced decimal po<strong>in</strong>ts – were seen on canned goods <strong>in</strong> Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury’s and onfrozen vegetables <strong>in</strong> Iceland.Inappropriate advice was also found on several products. Quaker Harvest chewycereal bars say ‘They are ideal for school lunchboxes – or as a snack anytime’ on<strong>the</strong>ir packag<strong>in</strong>g. However, <strong>the</strong>se products are 30% sugar (30g of sugar per 100g)28

and are just <strong>the</strong> sort o foods which dental health educators recommend should notbe promoted as a snack food for consumption between meals.Jacob’s Yum Tums sweet biscuits carry messages on <strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong>ir packs suchas ‘Nutritious snacks – vitam<strong>in</strong>s and m<strong>in</strong>erals’, which aga<strong>in</strong> promotes snack<strong>in</strong>g onsweet food, and also describes processed food as ‘nutritious’ due to <strong>the</strong> addedvitam<strong>in</strong>s and m<strong>in</strong>erals. The <strong>Food</strong> Commission has argued that unhealthy foods(with high levels of fat, saturated fat, sugar or salt) should not be promoted asnutritious on <strong>the</strong> basis of added nutrients (Bonner, 1999). Similarly, <strong>the</strong> surveyfound examples of products where certa<strong>in</strong> <strong>in</strong>gredients were promoted on <strong>the</strong> frontof <strong>the</strong> pack, yet <strong>the</strong> content was nutritionally questionable. Phrases such as ‘withcereal and milk’ on <strong>the</strong> front of <strong>the</strong> pack draw attention away from <strong>the</strong> ma<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gredient <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> food – sugar (e.g. Kellogg’s Smacks bars with 58% sugar).29

7 ConclusionThis survey of children’s food products – products <strong>in</strong>tentionally marketed to or forchildren – has found that <strong>the</strong> majority are foods rich <strong>in</strong> sugar, saturated fat, totalfat or salt. We found more than eleven bad products were be<strong>in</strong>g marketed forevery good one.If food companies were deliberately try<strong>in</strong>g to underm<strong>in</strong>e <strong>the</strong> nutritional status ofchildren <strong>the</strong>y could hardly achieve this more effectively. The survey hadexcluded products that are well known to be of poor nutritional quality – such assoft dr<strong>in</strong>ks and confectionery – and did not <strong>in</strong>vestigate <strong>the</strong> foods marketed tochildren <strong>in</strong> fast food restaurants and service stations. We suspected <strong>the</strong> largemajority of products <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong>se categories would be high <strong>in</strong> fat, saturated fat, sugaror salt. But hav<strong>in</strong>g set <strong>the</strong>se aside it might have been expected that <strong>the</strong> rema<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gfoods aimed at children would be of good nutritional quality. Sadly, this was not<strong>the</strong> case.As discussed <strong>in</strong> section 2.2, children are exposed to a wide array of messages thatencourage <strong>the</strong>m to buy – or persuade <strong>the</strong>ir parents to buy – products that aremarketed particularly for <strong>the</strong>m. Parents cannot be expected to persuade childrento ignore this market<strong>in</strong>g, or ignore <strong>the</strong> products <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> supermarkets. If <strong>the</strong>products are putt<strong>in</strong>g children’s health at risk, <strong>the</strong>n controls may be necessary, bothon <strong>the</strong> nature of <strong>the</strong> products and <strong>the</strong> market<strong>in</strong>g and labell<strong>in</strong>g of <strong>the</strong>m.The present survey found some examples of healthy foods be<strong>in</strong>g promoted tochildren. These <strong>in</strong>itiatives are to be applauded: <strong>the</strong> energy devoted to promot<strong>in</strong>g<strong>the</strong> current range of foods should, we believe, be devoted to encourag<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>consumption of far better diets. This hope – that food companies could be a forcefor <strong>the</strong> good – underp<strong>in</strong>s our recommendations from <strong>the</strong> present survey. Therecommendations are given <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Summary section at <strong>the</strong> start of this <strong>report</strong>.30

8 ReferencesBASCD (British Association for <strong>the</strong> Study of Community Dentistry), 1998, Thedental caries experience of 5-year-old children <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> United K<strong>in</strong>gdom,Dundee:BASCD (see, E, 1994, Children and Television Advertis<strong>in</strong>g: A critical study of<strong>in</strong>ternational research concern<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> effects of TV commercials on children,Stockholm: Konsumentverket.Bonner, G, et al, 1999, Fortification <strong>Exam<strong>in</strong>ed</strong>, London: The <strong>Food</strong> Commission.COMA (Committee on <strong>the</strong> Medical Aspects of <strong>Food</strong> Policy), 1989, The Diets ofBritish Schoolchildren, Department of Health, Report on Health and SocialSubjects 36, London: HMSO.COMA (Committee on <strong>the</strong> Medical Aspects of <strong>Food</strong> Policy), 1991, DietaryReference Values for <strong>Food</strong> Energy and Nutrients for <strong>the</strong> United K<strong>in</strong>gdom,Department of Health, Report on Health and Social Subjects 41, London: HMSO.COMA (Committee on <strong>the</strong> Medical Aspects of <strong>Food</strong> Policy), 1994, NutritionalAspects of Cardiovascular Disease, Department of Health, Report on Health andSocial Subjects 46, London, HMSO.Dibb, Sue, 1993, Children: Advertisers’ Dream, Nutrition Nightmare? The Casefor more responsibility <strong>in</strong> food advertis<strong>in</strong>g, London: National <strong>Food</strong> Alliance (nowSusta<strong>in</strong>).Dibb, Sue, 1996, A Spoonful of Sugar: Television food advertis<strong>in</strong>g aimed atchildren: an <strong>in</strong>ternational comparative survey. London: Consumers International.31

Dibb, Sue, and Castell, Andrea, 1995, Easy to Swallow, Hard to Stomach: Theresults of a survey of food advertis<strong>in</strong>g on television, London: National <strong>Food</strong>Alliance (now Susta<strong>in</strong>).<strong>Food</strong> Commission, 1995, T<strong>in</strong>ned Paste and Polyfiller: Baby foods <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> 1990s,London: The <strong>Food</strong> Commission.<strong>Food</strong> Commission, 2000, ‘Good for sales – bad for babies’, The <strong>Food</strong> Magaz<strong>in</strong>e,48, London: The <strong>Food</strong> Commission, January 2000.Frankel, S, et al, 1998, Childhood energy <strong>in</strong>take and adult mortality from cancer:<strong>the</strong> Boyd Orr cohort study, British Medical Journal, 316, p499-504.Gardner Merchant, 1998, What are <strong>To</strong>day’s Children Eat<strong>in</strong>g: The GardnerMerchant school meals survey 1998, Kenley, Surrey: Gardner Merchant.Gibson, SA, 1997, Non-milk extr<strong>in</strong>sic sugars <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> diets of pre-school children:association with <strong>in</strong>takes of micronutrients, energy, fat and NSP, British JournalNutrition, 78, p367-378.Glast, J, and White, M, 1976, The unhealthy persuader: <strong>the</strong> re<strong>in</strong>forc<strong>in</strong>g value oftelevision and children’s purchase-<strong>in</strong>fluenc<strong>in</strong>g attempts at <strong>the</strong> supermarket, ChildDevelopment, 47, p1089-1096.HEA (Health Education Authority), 1999, Mancunian Community Health NHSTrust Dental Survey, London: HEA, 15 June 1999.Jacobson, Michael F, and Maxwell, Bruce, 1994, What Are We Feed<strong>in</strong>g OurChildren? Wash<strong>in</strong>gton: Workman Press.James, WPT, 1982, ‘Diseases of Western civilization’ <strong>in</strong> Textbook of PaediatricNutrition, 2 nd Edition, DS McLaren and D Burman (eds), Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh: ChurchillLiv<strong>in</strong>gstone (Longman).32

Jowell, T, 1999, 'Government Action <strong>To</strong> Tackle Ris<strong>in</strong>g Levels Of Obesity', PressRelease No 1999/0192, London: Department of Health, 31st March 1999; see alsoAnon, 1999, ‘Obesity levels rocket among UK children, new figures reveal’ <strong>in</strong>Health Visitor and Community Practitioner, London: HVCPA, May 1999; and seealso Checkout, <strong>in</strong> The <strong>Food</strong> Magaz<strong>in</strong>e,49, London: The <strong>Food</strong> Commission, April2000.Lang, Tim, and Millstone, Erik, 1992, <strong>Food</strong> Additives – Look Before You Eat: Ashopper’s guide, London: Channel 4 Television.Lawrence, F, (ed) 1986, Additives: Your complete survival guide, London:Century.Lobste<strong>in</strong>, Tim, 1988, Children’s <strong>Food</strong>: The good, <strong>the</strong> bad and <strong>the</strong> useless,London: Unw<strong>in</strong> Paperbacks.MAFF (M<strong>in</strong>istry of Agriculture, Fisheries and <strong>Food</strong>), 1996, Use Your Label:Mak<strong>in</strong>g sense of nutrition <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ion, A Guide from <strong>the</strong> <strong>Food</strong> Safety Directorate,London: MAFF.M<strong>in</strong>tel, 1995, <strong>Children's</strong> food market, London: M<strong>in</strong>tel.Nelson, M, 1999, ‘Nutrition and health <strong>in</strong>equalities’ <strong>in</strong> Inequalities <strong>in</strong> health: Theevidence presented to <strong>the</strong> Independent Inquiry <strong>in</strong>to Inequalities <strong>in</strong> Health chairedby Sir Donald Acheson, Edited by D Gordon, M Shaw, D Dorl<strong>in</strong>g, G DaveySmith, Studies <strong>in</strong> Poverty and Social Exclusion, The Poverty Press, Bristol:University of Bristol.NRC (National Research Council), 1989, Diet and Health: Implications forreduc<strong>in</strong>g chronic disease risk, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton: NRC Committee on Diet and Health.Rolls, CJ and Hourihane, JO’B, 1995, Archives of Diseases of Childhood, 72,p137-140 and 141-143.33

Rugg-Gunn, AJ, and Nunn, JH, 1999, Nutrition, diet and oral health, Oxford:Oxford University Press.Signorelli, N, and Lears, M, 1992, Television and children’s conceptions ofnutrition: unhealthy messages Health Communication, 4, p245-257.Taras, HL, et al, 1989, Television’s <strong>in</strong>fluence on children’s diet and physicalactivity, Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 10, p176-180.Wadsworth, M, 1999, paper <strong>in</strong> Public Health Nutrition, December 1999, quoted <strong>in</strong>‘Children <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Fifties ate better than today’ Daily Telegraph, 30.11.99.WHO (World Health Organization), 2000, <strong>Food</strong> and Nutrition Policy: An actionplan for <strong>the</strong> European region 2000-2005, Copenhagen: WHO Europe.Young, BM, 1990, Television Advertis<strong>in</strong>g and Children, Oxford: Clarendon Press.34

9 Appendices: A guide to all <strong>the</strong> products studiedThe tables <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g pages, pages A1 – A55, show <strong>the</strong> products exam<strong>in</strong>ed<strong>in</strong> his survey, along with <strong>the</strong> details of <strong>the</strong>ir nutritional content (where given by<strong>the</strong> manufacturer) and <strong>the</strong>ir nutritional status <strong>in</strong> terms of high and low fat, sugaretc. The colour<strong>in</strong>gs and flavour<strong>in</strong>g additives used <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> products are also listed.Terms used <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> tables:Y = YesN = No? = Miss<strong>in</strong>g or confus<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong><strong>format</strong>ionHigh Fat = <strong>To</strong>tal fat content of 20g or more per 100g of product.High Sat = <strong>To</strong>tal saturated fat content of 5g or more per 100g of product.High Sugar = <strong>To</strong>tal sugar content of 10g or more per 100g of product.High Sodium = A sodium content of 0.5g or more per 100g of product(equivalent to 1.25g of salt or more per 100g of product).High Fibre = <strong>To</strong>tal dietary fibre (also known as Non-Starch Polysaccharide, orNSP) content of 3g or more per 100g of product.Lo w Fat = <strong>To</strong>tal fat content of 3g or less per 100g of product, not to be confusedwith words on packag<strong>in</strong>g that say th<strong>in</strong>gs like ‘reduced fat’ and ‘lower fat’.Lo w S at = <strong>To</strong>tal saturated fat content of 1g or less per 100g of product.35

Low Sugar = <strong>To</strong>tal sugar content of 2g or less per 100g of product, not to beconfused with words on packag<strong>in</strong>g that say th<strong>in</strong>gs like ‘reduced sugar’ or ‘noadded sugar’.Lo w S odium = <strong>To</strong>tal sodium content of 0.1g or less per 100g of product(equivalent to 0.25g or less of salt per 100g of product).Lo w Fibre = <strong>To</strong>tal fibre content of 0.5g or less per 100g of product.F Enhancer = Indicates <strong>the</strong> presence of flavour enhancers, such as monosodiumglutamate (E621).36

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Chicken Shapes 1107 265Acre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Chicken Millenium Bugs 1577 378Allied Frozen <strong>Food</strong>s Crazy Creatures Raspberry Ripple Mousse 100ml 658 157Anchor Big <strong>To</strong>p Whipped <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g 55ml 245/100ml 59/100mlAsda 5 Choc Button Bars 21 1769 420Asda 5 Stripy Cheese F<strong>in</strong>gers 1181 267Asda 6 M<strong>in</strong>i Savoury Eggs 1290 310Asda 8 Cheezy Slices 1246 300Asda 8 M<strong>in</strong>i Cheese Burgers + Buns 962 229Asda 8 M<strong>in</strong>i Chicken Burgers + Buns 1206 287Asda Beans + Jumbo Sausages 210 633 151Asda Biscuit 'Baas' 23 2169 581Asda Cheezy Spread 33 1155 279Asda Choco Shells 30 1626 384Asda Choco Snaps 30 1619 382Asda Choco Squares 30 1827 434Asda Chocolate Mousse 757 180Asda Fairy Cakes Kit 1392 330Asda Freeze Pops 20ml 125/100ml 30Asda Frosted Flakes 30 1590 370Asda Garden Gang Coconut Cubes 50 2181 522Asda Garden Gang Dried Apricots 50 701 165Asda Garden Gang Dried Banana Chips 30 2184 522Asda Garden Gang Dried P<strong>in</strong>eapple + Papaya 50 1318 310Asda Garden Gang Fresh Apples 235 55Asda Garden Gang Fresh Bananas 423 100Asda Garden Gang Fresh Pears ? ?Asda Garden Gang Rais<strong>in</strong>s + Sultanas 50 1181 278Asda Garden Gang Seedless Rais<strong>in</strong>s 14 ? ?Asda Golden Balls 30 1601 377Asda Golden Puffs 30 1537 362Asda Honey Nut Hoops 30 1631 385A 1

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100gAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAllied Frozen <strong>Food</strong>sAnchorAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaChicken ShapesChicken Millenium BugsCrazy Creatures Raspberry Ripple MousseBig <strong>To</strong>p Whipped <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g5 Choc Button Bars5 Stripy Cheese F<strong>in</strong>gers6 M<strong>in</strong>i Savoury Eggs8 Cheezy Slices8 M<strong>in</strong>i Cheese Burgers + Buns8 M<strong>in</strong>i Chicken Burgers + BunsBeans + Jumbo SausagesBiscuit 'Baas'Cheezy SpreadChoco ShellsChoco SnapsChoco SquaresChocolate MousseFairy Cakes KitFreeze PopsFrosted FlakesGarden Gang Coconut CubesGarden Gang Dried ApricotsGarden Gang Dried Banana ChipsGarden Gang Dried P<strong>in</strong>eapple + PapayaGarden Gang Fresh ApplesGarden Gang Fresh BananasGarden Gang Fresh PearsGarden Gang Rais<strong>in</strong>s + SultanasGarden Gang Seedless Rais<strong>in</strong>sGolden BallsGolden PuffsHoney Nut Hoops15.9 2.4 0.9 1.8 0.423.7 4 1 1.1 0.46.1 3.1 21.9 0.1 0.15.7 ? ? ? ?23 ? ? ? ?37 ? ? ? ?22 7 0.7 1.2 0.625 ? ? ? ?9 3.8 5 2.2 0.611 ? ? ? ?7 2.4 5 2.6 0.626 15 48 1.1 0.224 ? ? ? ?4.9 1.2 37 5 0.42.4 1.2 39 2.3 0.714 3.6 32 4 0.18 6 22 Tr Tr7.9 2.2 45.7 0.7 0.3Tr Tr 7 Tr Tr0.7 0.2 39 2.1 0.530 28 58 2 Tr0.6 0.3 36 3.1 Tr28 28 64 0.5 Tr0 0 73 3 Tr0 Tr 12 1.8 Tr0.3 0 20 3.1 Tr? ? ? ? ?0.4 0.3 65 7 Tr? ? ? ? ?1.6 0.4 38 1.3 0.31.1 0.2 55 2.7 Tr4.1 0.8 32 3 0.6A 2

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?Acre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAllied Frozen <strong>Food</strong>sAnchorAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaChicken ShapesChicken Millenium BugsCrazy Creatures Raspberry Ripple MousseBig <strong>To</strong>p Whipped <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g5 Choc Button Bars5 Stripy Cheese F<strong>in</strong>gers6 M<strong>in</strong>i Savoury Eggs8 Cheezy Slices8 M<strong>in</strong>i Cheese Burgers + Buns8 M<strong>in</strong>i Chicken Burgers + BunsBeans + Jumbo SausagesBiscuit 'Baas'Cheezy SpreadChoco ShellsChoco SnapsChoco SquaresChocolate MousseFairy Cakes KitFreeze PopsFrosted FlakesGarden Gang Coconut CubesGarden Gang Dried ApricotsGarden Gang Dried Banana ChipsGarden Gang Dried P<strong>in</strong>eapple + PapayaGarden Gang Fresh ApplesGarden Gang Fresh BananasGarden Gang Fresh PearsGarden Gang Rais<strong>in</strong>s + SultanasGarden Gang Seedless Rais<strong>in</strong>sGolden BallsGolden PuffsHoney Nut HoopsN N N N NY N N N NN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y Y N Y NY ? ? ? ?N N N Y NN ? ? ? ?N N N Y NY Y Y N NY ? ? ? ?N N Y N YN N Y Y NN N Y N YN Y Y N NN N Y N NN N N N NN N Y Y NY Y Y N NN N Y N YY Y Y N NN N Y N YN N Y N NN N Y N Y? ? ? ? ?N N Y N Y? ? ? ? ?N N Y N NN N Y N NN N Y Y YA 3

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMELOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?Acre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAllied Frozen <strong>Food</strong>sAnchorAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaChicken ShapesChicken Millenium BugsCrazy Creatures Raspberry Ripple MousseBig <strong>To</strong>p Whipped <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g5 Choc Button Bars5 Stripy Cheese F<strong>in</strong>gers6 M<strong>in</strong>i Savoury Eggs8 Cheezy Slices8 M<strong>in</strong>i Cheese Burgers + Buns8 M<strong>in</strong>i Chicken Burgers + BunsBeans + Jumbo SausagesBiscuit 'Baas'Cheezy SpreadChoco ShellsChoco SnapsChoco SquaresChocolate MousseFairy Cakes KitFreeze PopsFrosted FlakesGarden Gang Coconut CubesGarden Gang Dried ApricotsGarden Gang Dried Banana ChipsGarden Gang Dried P<strong>in</strong>eapple + PapayaGarden Gang Fresh ApplesGarden Gang Fresh BananasGarden Gang Fresh PearsGarden Gang Rais<strong>in</strong>s + SultanasGarden Gang Seedless Rais<strong>in</strong>sGolden BallsGolden PuffsHoney Nut HoopsN N Y N NY N Y N NN N N Y YN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N N N N NN ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N N NN ? ? ? ?N N N N NY N N N NN N N Y NN N N Y YN N N N NY Y N Y YY Y N N NN N N Y NY Y N Y NN N N Y YY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y N? ? ? ? ?Y Y N Y N? ? ? ? ?Y Y N N NY Y N Y NN Y N N NA 4

MANUFACTURERAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAcre Lea <strong>Food</strong>s LtdAllied Frozen <strong>Food</strong>sAnchorAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEChicken ShapesChicken Millenium BugsCrazy Creatures Raspberry Ripple MousseBig <strong>To</strong>p Whipped <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g5 Choc Button Bars5 Stripy Cheese F<strong>in</strong>gers6 M<strong>in</strong>i Savoury Eggs8 Cheezy Slices8 M<strong>in</strong>i Cheese Burgers + Buns8 M<strong>in</strong>i Chicken Burgers + BunsBeans + Jumbo SausagesBiscuit 'Baas'Cheezy SpreadChoco ShellsChoco SnapsChoco SquaresChocolate MousseFairy Cakes KitFreeze PopsFrosted FlakesGarden Gang Coconut CubesGarden Gang Dried ApricotsGarden Gang Dried Banana ChipsGarden Gang Dried P<strong>in</strong>eapple + PapayaGarden Gang Fresh ApplesGarden Gang Fresh BananasGarden Gang Fresh PearsGarden Gang Rais<strong>in</strong>s + SultanasGarden Gang Seedless Rais<strong>in</strong>sGolden BallsGolden PuffsHoney Nut HoopsCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER5: capsanth<strong>in</strong>, vegetable carbon, qu<strong>in</strong>ol<strong>in</strong>e yellow,ponceau 4R, brilliant blue FCF N N2: coch<strong>in</strong>eal, capsanth<strong>in</strong> N N4: beetroot red, annatto, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, turmeric Y NNone Y NNone Y N1: annatto N N2: paprika extract, annatto N NNone N N2: beta carotene, paprika extract N NNone N N? ? ?None N NNone N NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone N N6: E124, E133, E104, E120, E129, E122 Y N5: E150d, E104, E122, E133, E124 Y NNone Y NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N N? ? ?1: annatto Y NNone N NNone Y NA 5

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gAsda Ice Snaps 60ml 289 68Asda Jungle Crunch 30 1587 374Asda Little Squirts Chocolate Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g 1337 315Asda Little Squirts Strawberry Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>g 1312 309Asda M<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s Kit 1414 337Asda Pizza - Cheese + Onion 90 1132 269Asda Pizza - Cheese + <strong>To</strong>mato 90 1041 247Asda Pizza - Ham + P<strong>in</strong>eapple 95 1021 242Asda Pizza - Hot Dog 92 1104 263Asda Pizza - Pepperoni 85 1277 304Asda Postman Pat Fromage Frais 50 653 156Asda Raspberry Mousse 728 173Asda Rice Snaps 30 1561 368Asda Rocket Lollies 53ml 202 48Asda Sausage Stick 25 1424 342Asda Spaghetti Loops + Sausages 205 402 96Asda Spaghetti Loops <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 272 64Askey's Ltd Jellik<strong>in</strong>s Banana Flavour Fromage Frais Delight 1890 449Askey's Ltd Jellik<strong>in</strong>s Strawberry Flav Fromage Frais Delight 1883 447Batchelors Mushy Orig<strong>in</strong>al, Processed Peas 325 77Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Cooked D<strong>in</strong>osaur Turkey Roll 10 Slices ? ?Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws D<strong>in</strong>osaurs Turkey <strong>in</strong> Crumb coat<strong>in</strong>g 1218(raw) 292Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Footballers Turkey Shapes 1360 326Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Golden Fishies Fish Meat <strong>in</strong> Crumb 915 219Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Jetters Turkey Shapes 1260 302Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Soccer Slices Turkey Roll ? ?Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Turkey 2000 1213 291Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Twizzlers 1184 285Bestfoods Fun Pots - Chicken & Mushroom Flav Noodles 59 1810 430Bestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Burger Flavour Noodles 59(dry) 1766 420A 6

MANUFACTURERAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEIce SnapsJungle CrunchLittle Squirts Chocolate Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gLittle Squirts Strawberry Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gM<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s KitPizza - Cheese + OnionPizza - Cheese + <strong>To</strong>matoPizza - Ham + P<strong>in</strong>eapplePizza - Hot DogPizza - PepperoniPostman Pat Fromage FraisRaspberry MousseRice SnapsFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g0 0 17 0 01.5 0 34 3.5 0.152 ? ? ? ?0 ? ? ? ?13.8 5 24.1 0.9 0.39 3.8 2.5 1.9 0.47 3.5 2.7 1.8 0.46 2.9 3.9 1.7 0.411 4.7 1.8 1.4 0.512 5.7 2.1 1.8 0.58 4.8 15 Tr Tr7 6 24 Tr Tr1.3 0.6 10 2.2 1.2AsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaRocket LolliesSausage StickSpaghetti Loops + SausagesSpaghetti Loops <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce0.3 0.1 10.2 Tr ?24 ? ? ? ?3.9 1.4 4.8 0.4 0.60.2 Tr 5.3 0.5 0.7Askey's LtdJellik<strong>in</strong>s Banana Flavour Fromage Frais Delight13.6 11.2 50.8 0 0.7Askey's Ltd Jellik<strong>in</strong>s Strawberry Flav Fromage Frais DelightBatchelorsMushy Orig<strong>in</strong>al, Processed PeasBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Cooked D<strong>in</strong>osaur Turkey Roll 10 SlicesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws D<strong>in</strong>osaurs Turkey <strong>in</strong> Crumb coat<strong>in</strong>gBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Footballers Turkey ShapesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Golden Fishies Fish Meat <strong>in</strong> CrumbBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Jetters Turkey ShapesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Soccer Slices Turkey RollBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Turkey 2000Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws TwizzlersBestfoodsFun Pots - Chicken & Mushroom Flav NoodlesBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Burger Flavour Noodles13.6 11.1 50.2 0.1 0.70.2less than 0.1 1.7 2.7 0.2? ? ? ? ?18.9 ? ? ? ?20 ? ? ? ?11.5 0.8 Tr 0.7 0.618.3 ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?18.4 ? ? ? ?21.3 ? ? ? ?15.3 7.4 6.1 3.7 1.814.9 7.2 8.1 3.3 1.6A 7

MANUFACTURERAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEIce SnapsJungle CrunchLittle Squirts Chocolate Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gLittle Squirts Strawberry Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gM<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s KitPizza - Cheese + OnionPizza - Cheese + <strong>To</strong>matoPizza - Ham + P<strong>in</strong>eapplePizza - Hot DogPizza - PepperoniPostman Pat Fromage FraisRaspberry MousseRice SnapsHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N Y N NN N Y N YN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N Y Y N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N Y NN Y N Y NN N Y N NN Y Y N NN N Y Y NAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaRocket LolliesSausage StickSpaghetti Loops + SausagesSpaghetti Loops <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceN N Y ? NY ? ? ? ?N N N Y NN N N Y NAskey's LtdJellik<strong>in</strong>s Banana Flavour Fromage Frais DelightN Y Y Y NAskey's Ltd Jellik<strong>in</strong>s Strawberry Flav Fromage Frais DelightBatchelorsMushy Orig<strong>in</strong>al, Processed PeasBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Cooked D<strong>in</strong>osaur Turkey Roll 10 SlicesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws D<strong>in</strong>osaurs Turkey <strong>in</strong> Crumb coat<strong>in</strong>gBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Footballers Turkey ShapesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Golden Fishies Fish Meat <strong>in</strong> CrumbBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Jetters Turkey ShapesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Soccer Slices Turkey RollBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Turkey 2000Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws TwizzlersBestfoodsFun Pots - Chicken & Mushroom Flav NoodlesBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Burger Flavour NoodlesN Y Y Y NN N N N N? ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N N Y NN ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N Y N Y YN Y N Y YA 8

MANUFACTURERAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEIce SnapsJungle CrunchLittle Squirts Chocolate Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gLittle Squirts Strawberry Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gM<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s KitPizza - Cheese + OnionPizza - Cheese + <strong>To</strong>matoPizza - Ham + P<strong>in</strong>eapplePizza - Hot DogPizza - PepperoniPostman Pat Fromage FraisRaspberry MousseRice SnapsLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?Y Y N Y YY Y N N NY ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N Y N NN N N N NN N N Y YN N N Y YY Y N N NAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaRocket LolliesSausage StickSpaghetti Loops + SausagesSpaghetti Loops <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceY Y N ? YN ? ? ? ?N N N N YY Y N N YAskey's LtdJellik<strong>in</strong>s Banana Flavour Fromage Frais DelightN N N N YAskey's Ltd Jellik<strong>in</strong>s Strawberry Flav Fromage Frais DelightBatchelorsMushy Orig<strong>in</strong>al, Processed PeasBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Cooked D<strong>in</strong>osaur Turkey Roll 10 SlicesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws D<strong>in</strong>osaurs Turkey <strong>in</strong> Crumb coat<strong>in</strong>gBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Footballers Turkey ShapesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Golden Fishies Fish Meat <strong>in</strong> CrumbBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Jetters Turkey ShapesBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Soccer Slices Turkey RollBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Turkey 2000Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws TwizzlersBestfoodsFun Pots - Chicken & Mushroom Flav NoodlesBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Burger Flavour NoodlesN N N N YY Y Y N N? ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N Y Y N NN ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N N NA 9

MANUFACTURERAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAsdaAskey's LtdAskey's LtdBatchelorsBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>wsBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>wsBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>wsBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>wsBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>wsBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>wsBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEIce SnapsJungle CrunchLittle Squirts Chocolate Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gLittle Squirts Strawberry Flavour <strong>To</strong>pp<strong>in</strong>gM<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s KitPizza - Cheese + OnionPizza - Cheese + <strong>To</strong>matoPizza - Ham + P<strong>in</strong>eapplePizza - Hot DogPizza - PepperoniPostman Pat Fromage FraisRaspberry MousseRice SnapsRocket LolliesSausage StickSpaghetti Loops + SausagesSpaghetti Loops <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws Turkey 2000Bernard Mat<strong>the</strong>ws TwizzlersBestfoodsBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Burger Flavour NoodlesFun Pots - Chicken & Mushroom Flav NoodlesCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER2: annatto, riboflav<strong>in</strong> Y NNone Y NNone Y N1: anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y NNone Y N1: annatto N N1: annatto N NNone N N1: annatto Y N1: annatto N N1: anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y N1: betan<strong>in</strong> Y NNone N N5: beetroot red, veg carbon, curcum<strong>in</strong>,anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, annatto Y NNone N N? ? YNone N Y5: beta carotene, coch<strong>in</strong>eal, ccs ofJellik<strong>in</strong>s Banana Flavour Fromage Frais Delight chlorophylls+chlorophyll<strong>in</strong>s, paprika ext, lute<strong>in</strong> Y N6: beetroot red, annatto, coch<strong>in</strong>eal, ccs ofJellik<strong>in</strong>s Strawberry Flav Fromage Frais Delight chlorophylls + chlor, paprika extract, lute<strong>in</strong> Y NMushy Orig<strong>in</strong>al, Processed Peas2: E102, E133 N NCooked D<strong>in</strong>osaur Turkey Roll 10 Slices None Y YD<strong>in</strong>osaurs Turkey <strong>in</strong> Crumb coat<strong>in</strong>g 2: paprika extract, turmeric ext Y YFootballers Turkey Shapes2: paprika extract, turmeric ext Y YGolden Fishies Fish Meat <strong>in</strong> Crumb 2: paprika ext, turmeric ext ? ?Jetters Turkey Shapes2: paprika extract, turmeric extract Y NSoccer Slices Turkey RollNone Y Y2: paprika ext, turmeric ext Y N2: paprika, E120 Y N1: curcum<strong>in</strong> Y YNone Y NA 10

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Nice 'n' Spicy Noodles 59(dry) 1805 429Birds Eye Alphabites 56 654 (raw) 156Boekos BV Dennis <strong>the</strong> Menace Chompers 1065 257Burtons Jammie Dodgers Triple Pack 1867 444Burton's Barbie Bite Size Biscuits 28 2012 480Burton's Barbie Milk Choc Coated Bars + Strawb Fill<strong>in</strong>g 25 2170 519Burton's Cartoonies Biscuits 25 2067 493Buxted Tweety Bites Chicken + Turkey <strong>in</strong> Coat<strong>in</strong>g 962 230Cadbury's 6 Cake Selection - Caramel Cake 1642 391Cadbury's 6 Cake Selection - Creamy White Buttons 1777 424Cadbury's 6 Cake Selection - Flake Cake 1801 430Cadbury's Animals Biscuits 2070 493Cadbury's Cadbury Land 6 Fudge Cakes 1887 433Cadbury's Monty Moose Milk Chocolate Mousse 40 755 180Cadbury's Snowmen Ice Lollies 65ml 1035/100g 248Cadiso <strong>Food</strong> Sun Lolly Orange Lollies 10 pack 62ml 370 90Cadiso <strong>Food</strong> Tropical Flavour Lollies 16 pack 62ml 360 85Calypso Rugrats 40 Pasteurised Freezepops 125.3 29.5Calypso (Cooke Bros) 20 Fl<strong>in</strong>tstones Pasteurised Freezepops 20ml/50ml 125.3 29.5Calypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdCool Calypso Strawberry Flavour Ice Lollies 62ml 243/100ml 57/100mlCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdOrange Flavour Ice Lollies 62ml 250/100ml 58.8/100mlCampbells Meatballs <strong>in</strong> Bolognese Sauce 416 99Campbells Meatballs <strong>in</strong> Gravy 374 89Campbells Meatballs <strong>in</strong> Onion Gravy 383 92Campbells Meatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 406 97Dailycer Ltd Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng<strong>in</strong>e & Friends Cereal 30 1570 370Dairy Crest - Yoplait Petits Filous Frubes 40 531 126Dairy Crest - Yoplait Wildlife Choobs Squeezable Fromage Frais 40 464 110Dairy Crest - Yoplait Wildlife Fromage Frais 50 409 97Dairy Crest - Yoplait Wildlife Yo-to-Go Yogurt 90 437 104Danepack Streakers Crispy Cooked Bacon 2030 485Del Monte Fruit<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Jelly 140 274 65A 11

MANUFACTURERBestfoods UK LtdBirds EyeBoekos BVBurtonsBurton'sBurton'sBurton'sBuxtedCadbury'sCadbury'sCadbury'sCadbury'sCadbury'sCadbury'sCadbury'sCadiso <strong>Food</strong>Cadiso <strong>Food</strong>CalypsoBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFun Pots Nice 'n' Spicy NoodlesAlphabitesDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace ChompersJammie Dodgers Triple PackBarbie Bite Size BiscuitsBarbie Milk Choc Coated Bars + Strawb Fill<strong>in</strong>gCartoonies BiscuitsTweety Bites Chicken + Turkey <strong>in</strong> Coat<strong>in</strong>g6 Cake Selection - Caramel Cake6 Cake Selection - Creamy White Buttons6 Cake Selection - Flake CakeAnimals BiscuitsCadbury Land 6 Fudge CakesMonty Moose Milk Chocolate MousseSnowmen Ice LolliesSun Lolly Orange Lollies 10 packTropical Flavour Lollies 16 packRugrats 40 Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso (Cooke Bros) 20 Fl<strong>in</strong>tstones Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdCool Calypso Strawberry Flavour Ice LolliesCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdOrange Flavour Ice LolliesCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Bolognese SauceCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> GravyCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Onion GravyCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceDailycer Ltd Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng<strong>in</strong>e & Friends CerealFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g15.3 7.3 6.8 3.2 1.46.7 2.8 0.5 1.8 0.420.5 7.2 1.5 0 0.816.6 ? ? ? ?20.8 ? ? ? ?28.7 ? ? ? ?23.2 12.6 33.2 1.5 0.311.8 1.5 0.8 1 0.716.6 ? ? ? ?21.6 ? ? ? ?22.2 ? ? ? ?20.9 ? ? ? ?17.3 ? ? ? ?7.4 ? ? ? ?14.1 10.3 21 0.7 0.060 ? ? ? ?0 ? ? ? ?Negligible ? ? ? ?Negligible ? ? ? ?Tr ? ? ? ?Tr ? ? ? ?3.9 ? ? ? ?3.3 ? ? ? ?4 ? ? ? ?3.4 ? ? ? ?1.5 0.2 36.4 3.5 0.4Dairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDanepackDel MontePetits Filous FrubesWildlife Choobs Squeezable Fromage FraisWildlife Fromage FraisWildlife Yo-to-Go YogurtStreakers Crispy Cooked BaconFruit<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Jelly4.8 ? ? ? ?2.9 ? ? ? ?1.3 ? ? ? ?2.4 ? ? ? ?29.2 ? ? ? ?0.1 ? ? ? ?A 12

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Nice 'n' Spicy NoodlesBirds EyeAlphabitesBoekos BVDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace ChompersBurtonsJammie Dodgers Triple PackBurton'sBarbie Bite Size BiscuitsBurton'sBarbie Milk Choc Coated Bars + Strawb Fill<strong>in</strong>gBurton'sCartoonies BiscuitsBuxtedTweety Bites Chicken + Turkey <strong>in</strong> Coat<strong>in</strong>gCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Caramel CakeCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Creamy White ButtonsCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Flake CakeCadbury'sAnimals BiscuitsCadbury'sCadbury Land 6 Fudge CakesCadbury'sMonty Moose Milk Chocolate MousseCadbury'sSnowmen Ice LolliesCadiso <strong>Food</strong> Sun Lolly Orange Lollies 10 packCadiso <strong>Food</strong> Tropical Flavour Lollies 16 packCalypsoRugrats 40 Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso (Cooke Bros) 20 Fl<strong>in</strong>tstones Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdCool Calypso Strawberry Flavour Ice LolliesCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdOrange Flavour Ice LolliesCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Bolognese SauceCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> GravyCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Onion GravyCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceDailycer Ltd Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng<strong>in</strong>e & Friends CerealHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N Y N Y YN N N N NY Y N Y NN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y Y Y N NN N N Y NN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N Y Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N YDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDanepackDel MontePetits Filous FrubesWildlife Choobs Squeezable Fromage FraisWildlife Fromage FraisWildlife Yo-to-Go YogurtStreakers Crispy Cooked BaconFruit<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry JellyN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?A 13

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Nice 'n' Spicy NoodlesBirds EyeAlphabitesBoekos BVDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace ChompersBurtonsJammie Dodgers Triple PackBurton'sBarbie Bite Size BiscuitsBurton'sBarbie Milk Choc Coated Bars + Strawb Fill<strong>in</strong>gBurton'sCartoonies BiscuitsBuxtedTweety Bites Chicken + Turkey <strong>in</strong> Coat<strong>in</strong>gCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Caramel CakeCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Creamy White ButtonsCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Flake CakeCadbury'sAnimals BiscuitsCadbury'sCadbury Land 6 Fudge CakesCadbury'sMonty Moose Milk Chocolate MousseCadbury'sSnowmen Ice LolliesCadiso <strong>Food</strong> Sun Lolly Orange Lollies 10 packCadiso <strong>Food</strong> Tropical Flavour Lollies 16 packCalypsoRugrats 40 Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso (Cooke Bros) 20 Fl<strong>in</strong>tstones Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdCool Calypso Strawberry Flavour Ice LolliesCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdOrange Flavour Ice LolliesCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Bolognese SauceCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> GravyCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Onion GravyCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceDailycer Ltd Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng<strong>in</strong>e & Friends CerealLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N N N N NN N Y N NN N Y N YN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N Y NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y Y N N NDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDairy Crest - YoplaitDanepackDel MontePetits Filous FrubesWildlife Choobs Squeezable Fromage FraisWildlife Fromage FraisWildlife Yo-to-Go YogurtStreakers Crispy Cooked BaconFruit<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry JellyN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?A 14

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBestfoods UK Ltd Fun Pots Nice 'n' Spicy NoodlesBirds EyeAlphabitesBoekos BVDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace ChompersBurtonsJammie Dodgers Triple PackBurton'sBarbie Bite Size BiscuitsBurton'sBarbie Milk Choc Coated Bars + Strawb Fill<strong>in</strong>gBurton'sCartoonies BiscuitsBuxtedTweety Bites Chicken + Turkey <strong>in</strong> Coat<strong>in</strong>gCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Caramel CakeCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Creamy White ButtonsCadbury's6 Cake Selection - Flake CakeCadbury'sAnimals BiscuitsCadbury'sCadbury Land 6 Fudge CakesCadbury'sMonty Moose Milk Chocolate MousseCadbury'sSnowmen Ice LolliesCadiso <strong>Food</strong> Sun Lolly Orange Lollies 10 packCadiso <strong>Food</strong> Tropical Flavour Lollies 16 packCalypsoRugrats 40 Pasteurised FreezepopsCalypso (Cooke Bros) 20 Fl<strong>in</strong>tstones Pasteurised FreezepopsCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER1: paprika extract Y YNone N NNone Y N1: carmois<strong>in</strong>e Y N2: E120, E171 Y N1: E120 Y N1: E150c Y N2: E160c, E100 Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y N1: beta carotene Y N1: beta carotene Y N5: E150d, E104, E122, E133, E124 Y N5: E150d, E104, E122, E133, E124 Y NCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdCool Calypso Strawberry Flavour Ice Lollies1: anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y YCalypso Soft Dr<strong>in</strong>ks LtdOrange Flavour Ice Lollies1: beta carotene Y NCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Bolognese SauceNone Y NCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Gravy1: caramel Y NCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> Onion Gravy1: caramel Y NCampbellsMeatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNone Y NDailycer Ltd Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng<strong>in</strong>e & Friends Cereal None Y N3: blackcurrant concentrate, paprika extract,Dairy Crest - Yoplait Petits Filous Frubesgrape juice Y NDairy Crest - Yoplait Wildlife Choobs Squeezable Fromage Frais 2: paprika extract, beetroot red Y NDairy Crest - Yoplait Wildlife Fromage Frais2: blackcurrant extract, paprika extract Y NDairy Crest - Yoplait Wildlife Yo-to-Go YogurtNone Y NDanepackStreakers Crispy Cooked BaconNone N NDel MonteFruit<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Jelly2: coch<strong>in</strong>eal, annatto Y NA 15

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gEarlstree <strong>Food</strong>s Fruitz Cereal 30 1672 395Eden Vale Milkyway Mousse 50 953 229Eden Vale Munch Bunch Mega Pot Shots Fromage Frais 80 500 119Eden Vale Munch Bunch Mix Ups Yogurt + Fruit Puree 125 399 94Eden Vale Munch Bunch Pot Shots Fromage Frais 42 520 124Eden Vale Munch Bunch Squeezy Pot Shots From. Frais 40 520 124Eden Vale Munch Bunch Wholemilk Set Yogurt 8 Pack 100 401 95Eden Vale Munch Bunch Wholemilk Yogurt - Strawberry 100 441 105Feldhues Batman Pork & Chicken Sausage 7 Slices 971 234Feldhues Billy Alien Pork + Turkey Slices 808 194Fox's Alphabics 1938 462Frontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>s Buxted Looney Tunes Bites 982 236Frontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>s Taz Chicken Nuggets 1043 249Golden Vale CheeStr<strong>in</strong>gs 21 1316 317Golden Vale CheeStr<strong>in</strong>gs Twisters 21 1316 317Grampian Chicken <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Jungle 1076 258Greens FTBC Banana Flavour Cake Kit 1474 350Greens FTBC Big Bug Cookie Kit 2066 493Greens FTBC Crazy Cookie Capers Cookie Kit 1663 395Greens FTBC G<strong>in</strong>gerbread Cookie Kit 1671 396Greens FTBC Ra<strong>in</strong>bow Surprise Cake Kit 1671 398Greens FTBC <strong>To</strong>ffee Flavour Cake Kit 1397 322Greens Fun to Bake Club Cartoons Choc Flav Cake Kit 1453 345Greens Fun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Scooby Doo Cookie Kit 1608 381Greens Fun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Strawberry Flavour Cake Kit 1435 340He<strong>in</strong>z Action Man Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 250 59He<strong>in</strong>z Barbie Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 254 60He<strong>in</strong>z Noddy Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 264 62He<strong>in</strong>z Rugrats Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 210 257 61A 16

MANUFACTUREREarlstree <strong>Food</strong>sEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeFeldhuesFeldhuesFox'sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sGolden ValeGolden ValeGrampianGreensGreensGreensBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFruitz CerealMilkyway MousseMunch Bunch Mega Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Mix Ups Yogurt + Fruit PureeMunch Bunch Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Squeezy Pot Shots From. FraisMunch Bunch Wholemilk Set Yogurt 8 PackMunch Bunch Wholemilk Yogurt - StrawberryBatman Pork & Chicken Sausage 7 SlicesBilly Alien Pork + Turkey SlicesAlphabicsBuxted Looney Tunes BitesTaz Chicken NuggetsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gs TwistersChicken <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> JungleFTBC Banana Flavour Cake KitFTBC Big Bug Cookie KitFTBC Crazy Cookie Capers Cookie KitFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g3.9 0.5 28.2 2.1 0.214.5 ? ? ? ?4 ? ? ? ?1.8 1.1 9.6 ? ?4 2.5 14 ? ?4 2.5 14 ? ?3 ? ? ? ?2.9 ? ? ? ?17.8 6.9 1.5 Tr 1.212.7 5.1 1.5 Tr 0.818.5 ? ? 1.9 0.613.6 2.5 0.3 1.4 0.415 2.8 0.5 0.7 0.425 ? ? ? ?25 ? ? ? ?17.1 4.5 0.9 2.4 0.610 ? ? ? ?24 ? ? ? ?6.5 ? ? ? ?GreensGreensFTBC G<strong>in</strong>gerbread Cookie KitFTBC Ra<strong>in</strong>bow Surprise Cake Kit10.2 4.6 38.6 2.2 0.2316.5 ? ? ? ?GreensGreensFTBC <strong>To</strong>ffee Flavour Cake KitFun to Bake Club Cartoons Choc Flav Cake Kit9 3 38.9 1 0.529 ? ? ? ?GreensFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Scooby Doo Cookie Kit7.5 2.5 56.1 0.9 0.2GreensHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Strawberry Flavour Cake KitAction Man Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBarbie Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNoddy Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceRugrats Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce8.5 ? ? ? ?0.3 Tr 4.4 0.4 0.40.4 Tr 4.3 0.6 0.40.4 Tr 4.4 0.6 0.40.4 Tr 4.4 0.6 0.4A 17

MANUFACTUREREarlstree <strong>Food</strong>sEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeFeldhuesFeldhuesFox'sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sGolden ValeGolden ValeGrampianGreensGreensGreensBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFruitz CerealMilkyway MousseMunch Bunch Mega Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Mix Ups Yogurt + Fruit PureeMunch Bunch Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Squeezy Pot Shots From. FraisMunch Bunch Wholemilk Set Yogurt 8 PackMunch Bunch Wholemilk Yogurt - StrawberryBatman Pork & Chicken Sausage 7 SlicesBilly Alien Pork + Turkey SlicesAlphabicsBuxted Looney Tunes BitesTaz Chicken NuggetsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gs TwistersChicken <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> JungleFTBC Banana Flavour Cake KitFTBC Big Bug Cookie KitFTBC Crazy Cookie Capers Cookie KitHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N ? ?N N Y ? ?N N Y ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N Y N Y NN Y N Y NN ? ? Y NN N N N NN N N N NY ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N N Y NN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?GreensGreensFTBC G<strong>in</strong>gerbread Cookie KitFTBC Ra<strong>in</strong>bow Surprise Cake KitN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?GreensGreensFTBC <strong>To</strong>ffee Flavour Cake KitFun to Bake Club Cartoons Choc Flav Cake KitN N Y Y NN ? ? ? ?GreensFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Scooby Doo Cookie KitN N Y N NGreensHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Strawberry Flavour Cake KitAction Man Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBarbie Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNoddy Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceRugrats Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceN ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NA 18

MANUFACTUREREarlstree <strong>Food</strong>sEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeFeldhuesFeldhuesFox'sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sGolden ValeGolden ValeGrampianGreensGreensGreensBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFruitz CerealMilkyway MousseMunch Bunch Mega Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Mix Ups Yogurt + Fruit PureeMunch Bunch Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Squeezy Pot Shots From. FraisMunch Bunch Wholemilk Set Yogurt 8 PackMunch Bunch Wholemilk Yogurt - StrawberryBatman Pork & Chicken Sausage 7 SlicesBilly Alien Pork + Turkey SlicesAlphabicsBuxted Looney Tunes BitesTaz Chicken NuggetsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gs TwistersChicken <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> JungleFTBC Banana Flavour Cake KitFTBC Big Bug Cookie KitFTBC Crazy Cookie Capers Cookie KitLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N Y N N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y N N ? ?N N N ? ?N N N ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N Y N YN N Y N YN ? ? N NN N Y N NN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?GreensGreensFTBC G<strong>in</strong>gerbread Cookie KitFTBC Ra<strong>in</strong>bow Surprise Cake KitN N N N NN ? ? ? ?GreensGreensFTBC <strong>To</strong>ffee Flavour Cake KitFun to Bake Club Cartoons Choc Flav Cake KitN N N N NN ? ? ? ?GreensFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Scooby Doo Cookie KitN N N N NGreensHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Strawberry Flavour Cake KitAction Man Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBarbie Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNoddy Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceRugrats Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceN ? ? ? ?Y Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NA 19

MANUFACTUREREarlstree <strong>Food</strong>sEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeEden ValeFeldhuesFeldhuesFox'sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sFrontl<strong>in</strong>e <strong>Food</strong>sGolden ValeGolden ValeGrampianGreensGreensGreensGreensGreensGreensGreensGreensGreensHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFruitz CerealMilkyway MousseMunch Bunch Mega Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Mix Ups Yogurt + Fruit PureeMunch Bunch Pot Shots Fromage FraisMunch Bunch Squeezy Pot Shots From. FraisMunch Bunch Wholemilk Set Yogurt 8 PackMunch Bunch Wholemilk Yogurt - StrawberryBatman Pork & Chicken Sausage 7 SlicesBilly Alien Pork + Turkey SlicesAlphabicsBuxted Looney Tunes BitesTaz Chicken NuggetsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gsCheeStr<strong>in</strong>gs TwistersChicken <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> JungleFTBC Banana Flavour Cake KitFTBC Big Bug Cookie KitFTBC Crazy Cookie Capers Cookie KitFTBC G<strong>in</strong>gerbread Cookie KitFTBC Ra<strong>in</strong>bow Surprise Cake KitFTBC <strong>To</strong>ffee Flavour Cake KitFun to Bake Club Cartoons Choc Flav Cake KitFun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Scooby Doo Cookie KitCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER2: E163, annatto Y NNone N NNone Y N1: anthocyan<strong>in</strong> Y NNone Y NNone Y N4: annatto, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>, beta carotene, betan<strong>in</strong> Y N1: anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y NNone N NNone N NNone Y N2: E160c, E100 Y NNone N N1: annatto Y N1: annatto Y NNone Y N8: turmeric, E153, E171, E122, E124, E104, Y N4: 8: E131, E110, E104, E122, E110, E124, E124 E132, E153, E104, E131, Y NE133 Y N9: burnt sugar, E104, E110, E124, E153, E171,E122, E133, E132 N N5: E124, E110, E104, E133, E132 Y N8: burnt sugar, E153, E171, E122, E124, E104,E133, E132 Y N5: E153, E124, E104, E133, E132 N N9: qu<strong>in</strong>ol<strong>in</strong>e yellow, brilliant blue, E153, E171,E122, E124, E132, E133, E104 N N9: carmois<strong>in</strong>e, turmeric, E153, E171, E122, E124,Fun <strong>To</strong> Bake Club Strawberry Flavour Cake E104, Kit E133, E132 Y NAction Man Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None Y NBarbie Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None Y NNoddy Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None Y NRugrats Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None Y NA 20

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gHe<strong>in</strong>z Star Wars Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 200 249 59He<strong>in</strong>z Taz Baked Beans & Bacon Bites <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce 200 482 115He<strong>in</strong>z Taz Baked Beans & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce 200 423 100He<strong>in</strong>z Teletubbies Past & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 200 381 91He<strong>in</strong>z Teletubbies Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 257 61He<strong>in</strong>z Thomas & F Pasta & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce 200 385 92He<strong>in</strong>z Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng & F Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce 200 250 59Herta 8 Snappy Dogs 1305 315Highgrove <strong>Food</strong>s Noddy Yogurts - Strawberry Carton 100 485 116HL <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Smash Orig<strong>in</strong>al 162.5 254 60HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Animal Hospital Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 288 68HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Barney Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 213 288 68HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd My Little Pony Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 213 288 68HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Postman Pat Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 288 68HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Tactix Football Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 288 68HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd <strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 288 68HP <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd <strong>To</strong>ts TV Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 288 68Hula Hoops Mealtime Potato R<strong>in</strong>gs 1202 287Iceland 2 Ice Cream Rolls 916 218Iceland Baby Corn Cobs 99 24Iceland Broad Beans 294 69Iceland Broccoli Mix 136 32Iceland Button Sprouts 181 43Iceland Country Style Vegetable Mix 185 44Iceland Cut Leeks 93 22Iceland Dennis <strong>the</strong> Menace Chicken Shapes 1146 274Iceland Icebreakers Lollies 60ml 276/100ml 64Iceland Screwballs 100ml 541/100ml 130Iceland Soft Scoop - M<strong>in</strong>t Choc Chip 779 188Iceland Soft Scoop - Neapolitan 694 165Iceland Soft Scoop - Raspberry Ripple 658 157Iceland Soft Scoop - Rum and Rais<strong>in</strong> 697 166Iceland Soft Scoop - Yellow Vanilla 685 163A 21

MANUFACTURERHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHertaHighgrove <strong>Food</strong>sHL <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHula HoopsIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEStar Wars Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTaz Baked Beans & Bacon Bites <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceTaz Baked Beans & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceTeletubbies Past & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeletubbies Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceThomas & F Pasta & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceThomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng & F Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce8 Snappy DogsNoddy Yogurts - Strawberry CartonSmash Orig<strong>in</strong>alAnimal Hospital Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBarney Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMy Little Pony Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SaucePostman Pat Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTactix Football Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce<strong>To</strong>ts TV Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMealtime Potato R<strong>in</strong>gs2 Ice Cream RollsBaby Corn CobsBroad BeansBroccoli MixButton SproutsCountry Style Vegetable MixCut LeeksDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace Chicken ShapesIcebreakers LolliesScrewballsSoft Scoop - M<strong>in</strong>t Choc ChipSoft Scoop - NeapolitanSoft Scoop - Raspberry RippleSoft Scoop - Rum and Rais<strong>in</strong>Soft Scoop - Yellow VanillaFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g0.3 Tr 4.3 0.6 0.44.5 1.6 4.5 3.2 0.63.3 1.1 4.7 2.8 0.63.3 1.2 4.1 0.5 0.50.4 Tr 4.4 0.6 0.43.4 1.2 4.1 0.5 0.50.4 Tr 4.4 0.6 0.429.3 11.8 0.9 Tr 0.94 ? ? ? ?0.2 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.10.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.50.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.50.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.50.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.50.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.50.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.50.4 0.2 5.5 0.7 0.516 8 1.2 2.7 0.78.6 7.5 22.9 0.3 0.10.4 Tr 1.8 2 Tr0.5 Tr 0.9 5.8 Tr0.7 Tr 3.7 2.3 Tr1.4 0.3 3.1 4.1 Tr0.6 Tr 3.3 2.8 Tr0.5 0.1 2.2 2.2 0.215.1 3.4 0.7 1.1 0.4Tr Tr 16.2 Tr 0.26.3 5.9 15.3 0.4 Tr9.3 3.2 22.6 0.3 0.37.4 3.4 19.3 Tr 0.66.8 3.1 19.4 Tr 0.67.5 1.5 21.8 0.2 0.37.4 3.4 19.6 Tr 0.6A 22

MANUFACTURERHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHertaHighgrove <strong>Food</strong>sHL <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHula HoopsIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEStar Wars Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTaz Baked Beans & Bacon Bites <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceTaz Baked Beans & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceTeletubbies Past & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeletubbies Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceThomas & F Pasta & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceThomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng & F Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce8 Snappy DogsNoddy Yogurts - Strawberry CartonSmash Orig<strong>in</strong>alAnimal Hospital Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBarney Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMy Little Pony Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SaucePostman Pat Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTactix Football Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce<strong>To</strong>ts TV Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMealtime Potato R<strong>in</strong>gs2 Ice Cream RollsBaby Corn CobsBroad BeansBroccoli MixButton SproutsCountry Style Vegetable MixCut LeeksDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace Chicken ShapesIcebreakers LolliesScrewballsSoft Scoop - M<strong>in</strong>t Choc ChipSoft Scoop - NeapolitanSoft Scoop - Raspberry RippleSoft Scoop - Rum and Rais<strong>in</strong>Soft Scoop - Yellow VanillaHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N N N NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N N NN N N Y NN N N N NY Y N Y NN ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NN Y N Y NN Y Y N NN N N N NN N N N YN N N N NN N N N YN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N Y N NN Y Y N NN N Y N NN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN N Y N NN N Y Y NA 23

MANUFACTURERHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHertaHighgrove <strong>Food</strong>sHL <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHula HoopsIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEStar Wars Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTaz Baked Beans & Bacon Bites <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceTaz Baked Beans & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceTeletubbies Past & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeletubbies Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceThomas & F Pasta & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceThomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng & F Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce8 Snappy DogsNoddy Yogurts - Strawberry CartonSmash Orig<strong>in</strong>alAnimal Hospital Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBarney Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMy Little Pony Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SaucePostman Pat Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTactix Football Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce<strong>To</strong>ts TV Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMealtime Potato R<strong>in</strong>gs2 Ice Cream RollsBaby Corn CobsBroad BeansBroccoli MixButton SproutsCountry Style Vegetable MixCut LeeksDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace Chicken ShapesIcebreakers LolliesScrewballsSoft Scoop - M<strong>in</strong>t Choc ChipSoft Scoop - NeapolitanSoft Scoop - Raspberry RippleSoft Scoop - Rum and Rais<strong>in</strong>Soft Scoop - Yellow VanillaLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?Y Y N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N YY Y N N NN N N N YY Y N N NN N Y N YN ? ? ? ?Y Y Y Y NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NN N Y N NN N N Y YY Y Y Y NY Y Y Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N N NN N Y N NY Y N N YN N N Y YN N N Y YN N N N YN N N N YN N N N YN N N N YA 24

MANUFACTURERHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHe<strong>in</strong>zHertaHighgrove <strong>Food</strong>sHL <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHP <strong>Food</strong>s LtdHula HoopsIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandIcelandBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEStar Wars Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None Y NTaz Baked Beans & Bacon Bites <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce ? Y ?Taz Baked Beans & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce? ? ?Teletubbies Past & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce ? ? ?Teletubbies Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None Y NThomas & F Pasta & M<strong>in</strong>i Saus <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce ? ? ?Thomas <strong>the</strong> Tank Eng & F Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce None Y N8 Snappy DogsNone Y NNoddy Yogurts - Strawberry Carton 3: curcum<strong>in</strong>, annatto, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y NSmash Orig<strong>in</strong>alNone N NAnimal Hospital Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None N NBarney Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNone N NMy Little Pony Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None N NPostman Pat Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNone N NTactix Football Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None N N<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceNone N N<strong>To</strong>ts TV Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce None N NMealtime Potato R<strong>in</strong>gsNone N Y2 Ice Cream Rolls3: curcum<strong>in</strong>, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, annatto Y NBaby Corn CobsNone N NBroad BeansNone N NBroccoli MixNone N NButton SproutsNone N NCountry Style Vegetable MixNone N NCut LeeksNone N NDennis <strong>the</strong> Menace Chicken Shapes None N NIcebreakers Lollies2: annatto, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y NScrewballsSoft Scoop - M<strong>in</strong>t Choc ChipSoft Scoop - NeapolitanSoft Scoop - Raspberry RippleSoft Scoop - Rum and Rais<strong>in</strong>Soft Scoop - Yellow VanillaCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER4: curcum<strong>in</strong>, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, annatto, beetroot red Y NNone Y N3: curcum<strong>in</strong>, annatto, betan<strong>in</strong> N N3: curcum<strong>in</strong>, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, annatto Y N1: caramel Y N2: curcum<strong>in</strong>, annatto Y NA 25

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gIceland Choco Cornlakes 30 1692 399Iceland Cauliflower, Peas and Carrots 174 41Iceland Sliced Mushrooms 55 13Jacob's Yum Tums Choc Filled Cake Bears 1705 405Jacob's Yum Tums Happy Faces Biscuits 1930 459Jacob's Yum Tums Iced Gems 30 1652 390Kellogg's Coco Pops 30 1600 380Kellogg's Coco Pops Cereal Bar 20 2000 470Kellogg's Corn Pops 30 1600 380Kellogg's Frosted Wheats 40 1450 340Kellogg's Frosties 30 1600 370Kellogg's Frosties Cereal Bar 27 1950 470Kellogg's Honey Loops Cereal 30 1550 370Kellogg's Honey Rice Krispies 30 1600 380Kellogg's Rice Krispies 30 1600 370Kellogg's Ricicles 30 1600 380Kellogg's Smacks Cereal Bar 20 2000 470Kirpac Ltd Mr Men & Little Miss - Beans, Bangers, Burgers 220 394 94Kraft Dairlylea Spread Triangles 1125 270Kraft Dairlylea Strip Cheese 21 1395 335Kraft Dairylea Dunkers + Breadsticks 50 1310 315Kraft Dairylea Dunkers + Jumbo Tube Chipsticks 50 1525 365Kraft Dairylea Dunkers Dip + Pizza Crackers 50 1565 375Kraft Dairylea Dunkers Dip + S & V Tubesticks 50 1425 345Kraft Dairylea Lunchables Double Cheese 110 1560 350Kraft Dairylea Lunchables Harvest Ham 110 1190 285Kraft Dairylea Lunchables Tasty Chicken 110 1190 285Kraft Dairylea Strip Cheese Pizza Flavour 21 1445 350Kraft Dairylea Thick Slices 1265 305Kraft Dairylea Thick Slices - Light 930 220Laugh<strong>in</strong>g Cow Cheez Dippers 70 1204 288Leaf Ireland Ltd Mr Freeze 20 Sugarfree Freeze Pops 20ml 30 7.2M&M Vanilla Icecream M&Ms 71g ? ?A 26

MANUFACTURERIcelandIcelandIcelandJacob'sJacob'sJacob'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKirpac LtdKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftLaugh<strong>in</strong>g CowLeaf Ireland LtdM&MBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEChoco CornlakesCauliflower, Peas and CarrotsSliced MushroomsYum Tums Choc Filled Cake BearsYum Tums Happy Faces BiscuitsYum Tums Iced GemsCoco PopsCoco Pops Cereal BarCorn PopsFrosted WheatsFrostiesFrosties Cereal BarHoney Loops CerealHoney Rice KrispiesRice KrispiesRiciclesSmacks Cereal BarMr Men & Little Miss - Beans, Bangers, BurgersDairlylea Spread TrianglesDairlylea Strip CheeseDairylea Dunkers + BreadsticksDairylea Dunkers + Jumbo Tube ChipsticksDairylea Dunkers Dip + Pizza CrackersDairylea Dunkers Dip + S & V TubesticksDairylea Lunchables Double CheeseDairylea Lunchables Harvest HamDairylea Lunchables Tasty ChickenDairylea Strip Cheese Pizza FlavourDairylea Thick SlicesDairylea Thick Slices - LightCheez DippersMr Freeze 20 Sugarfree Freeze PopsVanilla Icecream M&MsFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g3.5 1.1 33 3.2 0.60.6 0.1 2.7 0.4 2.90.5 0.1 0.2 Tr 1.116 ? ? ? ?17 9.6 35.9 1.8 0.33.1 1.2 50.4 1.5 0.22 1 39 2.5 0.816 12 50 0.8 0.42 0.4 35 2 01.5 0.2 19 9 0.010.5 0.1 38 2 0.715 11 37 0.8 0.63 0.5 36 7 0.60.5 0.2 35 1 0.81 0.3 10 1.5 1.10.7 0.2 41 1 0.716 12 58 2 0.153.9 2.3 4 1.8 0.522 14.5 6.1 0 127 18 1.4 0 1.318.5 13 5.6 0.9 125 11.5 6.3 1.4 0.927 16 4.1 1.4 1.224 12 6.4 1.2 0.926 16.5 2.4 0.3 1.517 4.3 2 0.3 1.116.5 4.2 2 0.3 126.5 17.5 0.2 0.1 1.224.5 16 6.3 0 1.212.5 8.3 7 0 1.416 ? ? ? ?0 ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?A 27

MANUFACTURERIcelandIcelandIcelandJacob'sJacob'sJacob'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKirpac LtdKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftLaugh<strong>in</strong>g CowLeaf Ireland LtdM&MBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEChoco CornlakesCauliflower, Peas and CarrotsSliced MushroomsYum Tums Choc Filled Cake BearsYum Tums Happy Faces BiscuitsYum Tums Iced GemsCoco PopsCoco Pops Cereal BarCorn PopsFrosted WheatsFrostiesFrosties Cereal BarHoney Loops CerealHoney Rice KrispiesRice KrispiesRiciclesSmacks Cereal BarMr Men & Little Miss - Beans, Bangers, BurgersDairlylea Spread TrianglesDairlylea Strip CheeseDairylea Dunkers + BreadsticksDairylea Dunkers + Jumbo Tube ChipsticksDairylea Dunkers Dip + Pizza CrackersDairylea Dunkers Dip + S & V TubesticksDairylea Lunchables Double CheeseDairylea Lunchables Harvest HamDairylea Lunchables Tasty ChickenDairylea Strip Cheese Pizza FlavourDairylea Thick SlicesDairylea Thick Slices - LightCheez DippersMr Freeze 20 Sugarfree Freeze PopsVanilla Icecream M&MsHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N Y Y YN N N N NN N N N NN ? ? ? ?N Y Y N NN N Y N NN N Y Y NN Y Y N NN N Y Y NN N Y N NN N Y Y NN Y Y Y NN N Y Y YN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN Y Y N NN N N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NN Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NN N N Y NN N N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NN Y N Y NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?A 28

MANUFACTURERIcelandIcelandIcelandJacob'sJacob'sJacob'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKirpac LtdKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftLaugh<strong>in</strong>g CowLeaf Ireland LtdM&MBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEChoco CornlakesCauliflower, Peas and CarrotsSliced MushroomsYum Tums Choc Filled Cake BearsYum Tums Happy Faces BiscuitsYum Tums Iced GemsCoco PopsCoco Pops Cereal BarCorn PopsFrosted WheatsFrostiesFrosties Cereal BarHoney Loops CerealHoney Rice KrispiesRice KrispiesRiciclesSmacks Cereal BarMr Men & Little Miss - Beans, Bangers, BurgersDairlylea Spread TrianglesDairlylea Strip CheeseDairylea Dunkers + BreadsticksDairylea Dunkers + Jumbo Tube ChipsticksDairylea Dunkers Dip + Pizza CrackersDairylea Dunkers Dip + S & V TubesticksDairylea Lunchables Double CheeseDairylea Lunchables Harvest HamDairylea Lunchables Tasty ChickenDairylea Strip Cheese Pizza FlavourDairylea Thick SlicesDairylea Thick Slices - LightCheez DippersMr Freeze 20 Sugarfree Freeze PopsVanilla Icecream M&MsLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N N N N NY Y N Y NY Y Y Y NN ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N N NY Y N N NN N N N NY Y N N NY Y N Y NY Y N N NN N N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N YN N Y N YN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N YN N Y N YN N Y N YN N Y N YN N N N YN N N N YN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?A 29

MANUFACTURERIcelandIcelandIcelandJacob'sJacob'sJacob'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKellogg'sKirpac LtdKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftKraftLaugh<strong>in</strong>g CowLeaf Ireland LtdM&MBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEChoco CornlakesCauliflower, Peas and CarrotsSliced MushroomsYum Tums Choc Filled Cake BearsYum Tums Happy Faces BiscuitsYum Tums Iced GemsCoco PopsCoco Pops Cereal BarCorn PopsFrosted WheatsFrostiesFrosties Cereal BarHoney Loops CerealHoney Rice KrispiesRice KrispiesRiciclesSmacks Cereal BarMr Men & Little Miss - Beans, Bangers, BurgersDairlylea Spread TrianglesDairlylea Strip CheeseDairylea Dunkers + BreadsticksDairylea Dunkers + Jumbo Tube ChipsticksDairylea Dunkers Dip + Pizza CrackersDairylea Dunkers Dip + S & V TubesticksDairylea Lunchables Double CheeseDairylea Lunchables Harvest HamDairylea Lunchables Tasty ChickenDairylea Strip Cheese Pizza FlavourDairylea Thick SlicesDairylea Thick Slices - LightCheez DippersMr Freeze 20 Sugarfree Freeze PopsVanilla Icecream M&MsCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCERNone N NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone Y N2: carmois<strong>in</strong>e, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y NNone Y NNone Y N1: annatto Y NNone N NNone Y NNone Y N1: mixed carotenes Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone N NNone Y NNone N NNone Y YNone Y NNone Y Y1: E160a Y NNone Y NNone Y N2: E160a, E160e N NNone N NNone N NNone N N5: E104, E110, E122, E142, E150d Y N7: E104, E110, E122, E124, E120, E133, E171 Y NA 30

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gMarks and Spencer Bugs Bunny Chicken Nuggets 1020 245Marks and Spencer Cheese + <strong>To</strong>mato Pizza 95 970 230Marks and Spencer Devilishly Chocolate + Vanilla Pudd<strong>in</strong>gs 105 1715 410Marks and Spencer Dippers Whipped Cheese and Breadsticks 31 1437 344Marks and Spencer Fabby Fromage Frais 42 644 154Marks and Spencer Organic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb Carton 100 395 94Mattesons Mr Happy Chicken + Turkey Slices 1029 248Mattesons Thomas & Friends Shaped Pork Slices 1277 308McCa<strong>in</strong> Smiles Potato Shapes 806 (raw) 192McVitie's 5 Millky Way Cake Bars 2212 530McVitie's BN Chocolate Flavour Biscuits 1950 460McVitie's BN Strawberry Flavour Biscuits 1680 400McVitie's Jaffa Cakes 1620 384McVitie's <strong>To</strong>ast<strong>in</strong>g Waffles 1964 470MD <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Harmonie Organic Fromage Frais for Kids 50 557 132MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Action Man Polar Mission Yogurt 100 375 89MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Star Wars Episode 1 Fromage Frais 50 570 136MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Star Wars Episode 1 Tattoo<strong>in</strong>e Candy Yogurt 133 474 112MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Thomas & Friends Cheese Triangles 1340 320MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Thomas & Friends Fromage Frais 50 576 135MD <strong>Food</strong>s Plc Thomas & Friends Whole Milk Yogurt 100 396 94Muller Dairy (UK) Ltd Yogz - <strong>To</strong>ffee Flavour 85 703 167Muller Dairy (UK) Ltd Yogz - Vanilla Flavour 85 591 141Muller Dairy (UK) Ltd Yogz Fromage Frais 6 Pack 50 579 138Muller Dairy (UK) Ltd Yogz Jelly - Blackcurrant 75 316 74Nestle 101 Dalmatians Choc Dessert with From Frais 60 925 220Nestle Choco Shreddies 45 1540 363Nestle C<strong>in</strong>namon Golden Grahams 30 1743 413Nestle Frosted Shreddies 45 1540 363Nestle Golden Nuggets 30 1619 381Nestle Honey Nut Cheerios 30 1588 374Nestle Milky Bar Dessert 80g pack 1985 470Nestle Milkybar Biscuits 2180 521A 31

MANUFACTURERMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMattesonsMattesonsMcCa<strong>in</strong>McVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMD <strong>Food</strong>s LtdMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBugs Bunny Chicken NuggetsCheese + <strong>To</strong>mato PizzaDevilishly Chocolate + Vanilla Pudd<strong>in</strong>gsDippers Whipped Cheese and BreadsticksFabby Fromage FraisOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb CartonMr Happy Chicken + Turkey SlicesThomas & Friends Shaped Pork SlicesSmiles Potato Shapes5 Millky Way Cake BarsBN Chocolate Flavour BiscuitsBN Strawberry Flavour BiscuitsJaffa Cakes<strong>To</strong>ast<strong>in</strong>g WafflesHarmonie Organic Fromage Frais for KidsAction Man Polar Mission YogurtStar Wars Episode 1 Fromage FraisStar Wars Episode 1 Tattoo<strong>in</strong>e Candy YogurtThomas & Friends Cheese TrianglesThomas & Friends Fromage FraisThomas & Friends Whole Milk YogurtYogz - <strong>To</strong>ffee FlavourYogz - Vanilla FlavourYogz Fromage Frais 6 PackYogz Jelly - Blackcurrant101 Dalmatians Choc Dessert with From FraisChoco ShreddiesC<strong>in</strong>namon Golden GrahamsFrosted ShreddiesGolden NuggetsHoney Nut CheeriosMilky Bar Dessert 80g packMilkybar BiscuitsFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g13.1 2 0.4 0.5 0.186.6 3.1 5.8 1.2 0.3823.8 13.3 28.1 0.9 0.3924.3 15.4 2.9 0.8 0.57.9 4.9 13.6 0.4 0.023.1 2 11.2 0.2 0.0720 ? ? ? ?26 ? ? ? ?6.9 ? ? ? ?32.6 ? ? ? ?17 10 30 2.6 0.26.8 3.3 35 1.3 0.28.1 4.2 52 1.3 0.125.6 9.8 27.5 0.9 0.44.6 ? ? ? ?3 ? ? ? ?5.4 ? ? ? ?2.7 ? ? ? ?28 19 6 ? ?4.9 ? ? ? ?2.9 ? ? ? ?4.7 ? ? ? ?5 ? ? ? ?6.7 ? ? ? ?Tr ? ? ? ?11.3 6.5 22.1 1 0.131.8 0.6 32.5 7.1 0.49.8 2.1 33.9 4.2 0.71.3 0.4 35.4 6.8 0.40.7 0.1 40 1.5 0.53.4 0.8 35.8 5.2 0.718.5 9.7 58.9 0.2 1.128.1 ? ? ? ?A 32

MANUFACTURERMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMattesonsMattesonsMcCa<strong>in</strong>McVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMD <strong>Food</strong>s LtdMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBugs Bunny Chicken NuggetsCheese + <strong>To</strong>mato PizzaDevilishly Chocolate + Vanilla Pudd<strong>in</strong>gsDippers Whipped Cheese and BreadsticksFabby Fromage FraisOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb CartonMr Happy Chicken + Turkey SlicesThomas & Friends Shaped Pork SlicesSmiles Potato Shapes5 Millky Way Cake BarsBN Chocolate Flavour BiscuitsBN Strawberry Flavour BiscuitsJaffa Cakes<strong>To</strong>ast<strong>in</strong>g WafflesHarmonie Organic Fromage Frais for KidsAction Man Polar Mission YogurtStar Wars Episode 1 Fromage FraisStar Wars Episode 1 Tattoo<strong>in</strong>e Candy YogurtThomas & Friends Cheese TrianglesThomas & Friends Fromage FraisThomas & Friends Whole Milk YogurtYogz - <strong>To</strong>ffee FlavourYogz - Vanilla FlavourYogz Fromage Frais 6 PackYogz Jelly - Blackcurrant101 Dalmatians Choc Dessert with From FraisChoco ShreddiesC<strong>in</strong>namon Golden GrahamsFrosted ShreddiesGolden NuggetsHoney Nut CheeriosMilky Bar Dessert 80g packMilkybar BiscuitsHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N N N NN N N N NY Y Y N NY Y N Y NN N Y N NN N Y N NY ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N Y Y N NN N Y N NN N Y N NY Y Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y Y N ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N Y Y N NN N Y N YN N Y Y YN N Y N YN N Y Y NN N Y Y YN Y Y Y NY ? ? ? ?A 33

MANUFACTURERMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMattesonsMattesonsMcCa<strong>in</strong>McVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMD <strong>Food</strong>s LtdMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBugs Bunny Chicken NuggetsCheese + <strong>To</strong>mato PizzaDevilishly Chocolate + Vanilla Pudd<strong>in</strong>gsDippers Whipped Cheese and BreadsticksFabby Fromage FraisOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb CartonMr Happy Chicken + Turkey SlicesThomas & Friends Shaped Pork SlicesSmiles Potato Shapes5 Millky Way Cake BarsBN Chocolate Flavour BiscuitsBN Strawberry Flavour BiscuitsJaffa Cakes<strong>To</strong>ast<strong>in</strong>g WafflesHarmonie Organic Fromage Frais for KidsAction Man Polar Mission YogurtStar Wars Episode 1 Fromage FraisStar Wars Episode 1 Tattoo<strong>in</strong>e Candy YogurtThomas & Friends Cheese TrianglesThomas & Friends Fromage FraisThomas & Friends Whole Milk YogurtYogz - <strong>To</strong>ffee FlavourYogz - Vanilla FlavourYogz Fromage Frais 6 PackYogz Jelly - Blackcurrant101 Dalmatians Choc Dessert with From FraisChoco ShreddiesC<strong>in</strong>namon Golden GrahamsFrosted ShreddiesGolden NuggetsHoney Nut CheeriosMilky Bar Dessert 80g packMilkybar BiscuitsLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N N Y N YN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N Y YN N N Y YN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N N NN N N N NN N N Y NN N N N NN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N N ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N N N NY Y N N NN N N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NN Y N N NN N N N YN ? ? ? ?A 34

MANUFACTURERMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMarks and SpencerMattesonsMattesonsMcCa<strong>in</strong>McVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMcVitie'sMD <strong>Food</strong>s LtdMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMD <strong>Food</strong>s PlcMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdMuller Dairy (UK) LtdNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBugs Bunny Chicken NuggetsCheese + <strong>To</strong>mato PizzaDevilishly Chocolate + Vanilla Pudd<strong>in</strong>gsDippers Whipped Cheese and BreadsticksFabby Fromage FraisOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb CartonMr Happy Chicken + Turkey SlicesThomas & Friends Shaped Pork SlicesSmiles Potato Shapes5 Millky Way Cake BarsBN Chocolate Flavour BiscuitsBN Strawberry Flavour BiscuitsJaffa Cakes<strong>To</strong>ast<strong>in</strong>g WafflesHarmonie Organic Fromage Frais for KidsAction Man Polar Mission YogurtStar Wars Episode 1 Fromage FraisStar Wars Episode 1 Tattoo<strong>in</strong>e Candy YogurtThomas & Friends Cheese TrianglesThomas & Friends Fromage FraisThomas & Friends Whole Milk YogurtYogz - <strong>To</strong>ffee FlavourYogz - Vanilla FlavourYogz Fromage Frais 6 PackYogz Jelly - Blackcurrant101 Dalmatians Choc Dessert with From FraisChoco ShreddiesC<strong>in</strong>namon Golden GrahamsFrosted ShreddiesGolden NuggetsHoney Nut CheeriosMilky Bar Dessert 80g packMilkybar BiscuitsCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER2: E100, E160c N NNone N NNone Y NNone N NNone Y NNone Y NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone N N1: E124 Y N1: curcum<strong>in</strong> Y NNone Y NNone N N2: paprika extract, carmois<strong>in</strong>e Y N1: anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s Y N4: E100, E120, E141, turmeric Y NNone N NNone Y NNone Y N5: E120, E141, E160c, E160b, E171 Y NNone Y NNone Y N2: annatto, carmois<strong>in</strong>e Y NNone Y NNone Y N2: caramel (E150c), annatto Y NNone N N1: beta carotene Y NNone Y N1: beta carotene Y NNone N NA 35

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gNestle M<strong>in</strong>i Smarties Chocolate Dessert (dry mix) 42g 1785 425Nestle Nesquick Biscuit Sticks 20 2080 496Nestle Nesquick Chocolate Flavour Cereal 30 1684 398Nestle Paws Ice Cream 360/100ml 125Nestle Rolo Dessert 70 925 220Nestle Rowntree Fuit Pastilles Jelly Pot 125 ? ?Nestle Shreddies 45 1456 343Nestle Smarties Thick Shake Chocolate Dessert 70 1040 250Nestle Tarzan Funsize Cakes 1930 460Nestle Tarzan Milk Chocolate Mousse 50 825 195Nestle <strong>To</strong>ffo Dessert 70 665 160Nestle Whirly Fl<strong>in</strong>gs Butterscotch Flavour Dessert 1910 (dry) 455Onken FruFoo Dairy <strong>To</strong>ffee Dessert 110 610 146Onken Onkyblok Fromage Frais 100 573 137Pillsbury Thomas & F Apple <strong>To</strong>asters Desserts 50 1557 376Pillsbury Thomas & F Choc <strong>To</strong>aster Desserts 50 1614 385Primula Hot Dog Spread 150g tub 927 222Primula Savoury Spread 150g tub 1092 261Primula Tangy <strong>To</strong>mato Spread 150g tub 1084 259Primula Xtreme Dipz - Pizza Cheese Flav + Breadsticks 60 1330 318Pr<strong>in</strong>ces Planet/Animal Pasta for Kids 30-60g dried 1440 339Pure Organics Ltd Organic Chicken Burgers 545 130Pure Organics Ltd Pork Hulas 794 190Quaker Oat Krunchies 30 1645 393Quaker Oats Ltd Choco Puffs 35 1675 401Quaker Oats Ltd Harvest Cereal Bar Apple & Rais<strong>in</strong> 22 1695 405Quaker Oats Ltd Harvest Cereal Bar Chocolate Chip 22 1780 426Quaker Oats Ltd Harvest Cereal Bar White Chocolate Chip 22 1780 426Quaker Oats Ltd Sugar Puffs 30 1620 386Renshaw Regal Ice Ic<strong>in</strong>g Play Kit ? ?Riv<strong>in</strong>gton P<strong>in</strong>k Pan<strong>the</strong>r Biscuits 2246 538Safeway 10 Apples - Ideal for children's lunchboxes 199 47A 36

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100gNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleOnkenOnkenPillsburyPillsburyPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPr<strong>in</strong>cesPure Organics LtdPure Organics LtdQuakerQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdRenshawRiv<strong>in</strong>gtonSafewayM<strong>in</strong>i Smarties Chocolate Dessert (dry mix)Nesquick Biscuit SticksNesquick Chocolate Flavour CerealPaws Ice CreamRolo DessertRowntree Fuit Pastilles Jelly PotShreddiesSmarties Thick Shake Chocolate DessertTarzan Funsize CakesTarzan Milk Chocolate Mousse<strong>To</strong>ffo DessertWhirly Fl<strong>in</strong>gs Butterscotch Flavour DessertFruFoo Dairy <strong>To</strong>ffee DessertOnkyblok Fromage FraisThomas & F Apple <strong>To</strong>asters DessertsThomas & F Choc <strong>To</strong>aster DessertsHot Dog Spread 150g tubSavoury Spread 150g tubTangy <strong>To</strong>mato Spread 150g tubXtreme Dipz - Pizza Cheese Flav + BreadsticksPlanet/Animal Pasta for KidsOrganic Chicken BurgersPork HulasOat KrunchiesChoco PuffsHarvest Cereal Bar Apple & Rais<strong>in</strong>Harvest Cereal Bar Chocolate ChipHarvest Cereal Bar White Chocolate ChipSugar PuffsRegal Ice Ic<strong>in</strong>g Play KitP<strong>in</strong>k Pan<strong>the</strong>r Biscuits10 Apples - Ideal for children's lunchboxes13 8.4 57.4 1.2 0.523.6 11.1 49.8 1 0.14.8 3.4 38 2.4 0.35.9 ? ? ? ?11.6 7.2 24.5 0.5 0.1? ? ? ? ?1.9 0.4 15.4 11.2 0.59.8 ? ? ? ?21.7 ? ? ? ?8.9 3.9 25.1 0.3 0.065.8 1.4 18.3 0.4 0.115.8 12.8 60.3 0.2 0.98 ? ? ? ?6.2 ? ? ? ?16.2 ? ? ? ?18.4 ? ? ? ?16 ? ? ? ?21 ? ? ? ?21 ? ? ? ?16.7 ? ? ? ?1 ? ? ? ?5.4 1.8 ? 3 0.711.9 4.9 2 2 0.87 1.1 13 5.5 1.13.5 2 49 1 0.312 7.5 27.5 3 0.216 9.5 30 3 0.315 9 30 3 0.31 0.2 49 3 Tr? ? ? ? ?32.5 27.6 21.5 1.5 0.130.1 Tr 11.8 1.8 TrA 37

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?NestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleOnkenOnkenPillsburyPillsburyPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPr<strong>in</strong>cesPure Organics LtdPure Organics LtdQuakerQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdRenshawRiv<strong>in</strong>gtonSafewayM<strong>in</strong>i Smarties Chocolate Dessert (dry mix)Nesquick Biscuit SticksNesquick Chocolate Flavour CerealPaws Ice CreamRolo DessertRowntree Fuit Pastilles Jelly PotShreddiesSmarties Thick Shake Chocolate DessertTarzan Funsize CakesTarzan Milk Chocolate Mousse<strong>To</strong>ffo DessertWhirly Fl<strong>in</strong>gs Butterscotch Flavour DessertFruFoo Dairy <strong>To</strong>ffee DessertOnkyblok Fromage FraisThomas & F Apple <strong>To</strong>asters DessertsThomas & F Choc <strong>To</strong>aster DessertsHot Dog Spread 150g tubSavoury Spread 150g tubTangy <strong>To</strong>mato Spread 150g tubXtreme Dipz - Pizza Cheese Flav + BreadsticksPlanet/Animal Pasta for KidsOrganic Chicken BurgersPork HulasOat KrunchiesChoco PuffsHarvest Cereal Bar Apple & Rais<strong>in</strong>Harvest Cereal Bar Chocolate ChipHarvest Cereal Bar White Chocolate ChipSugar PuffsRegal Ice Ic<strong>in</strong>g Play KitP<strong>in</strong>k Pan<strong>the</strong>r Biscuits10 Apples - Ideal for children's lunchboxesN Y Y Y NY Y Y N NN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N Y Y N N? ? ? ? ?N N Y Y YN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N Y N NN N Y N NN Y Y Y NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N ? Y YN N N Y NN N Y Y YN N Y N NN Y Y N YN Y Y N YN Y Y N YN N Y N Y? ? ? ? ?Y Y Y N NN N Y N NA 38

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMELOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?NestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleOnkenOnkenPillsburyPillsburyPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPr<strong>in</strong>cesPure Organics LtdPure Organics LtdQuakerQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdRenshawRiv<strong>in</strong>gtonSafewayM<strong>in</strong>i Smarties Chocolate Dessert (dry mix)Nesquick Biscuit SticksNesquick Chocolate Flavour CerealPaws Ice CreamRolo DessertRowntree Fuit Pastilles Jelly PotShreddiesSmarties Thick Shake Chocolate DessertTarzan Funsize CakesTarzan Milk Chocolate Mousse<strong>To</strong>ffo DessertWhirly Fl<strong>in</strong>gs Butterscotch Flavour DessertFruFoo Dairy <strong>To</strong>ffee DessertOnkyblok Fromage FraisThomas & F Apple <strong>To</strong>asters DessertsThomas & F Choc <strong>To</strong>aster DessertsHot Dog Spread 150g tubSavoury Spread 150g tubTangy <strong>To</strong>mato Spread 150g tubXtreme Dipz - Pizza Cheese Flav + BreadsticksPlanet/Animal Pasta for KidsOrganic Chicken BurgersPork HulasOat KrunchiesChoco PuffsHarvest Cereal Bar Apple & Rais<strong>in</strong>Harvest Cereal Bar Chocolate ChipHarvest Cereal Bar White Chocolate ChipSugar PuffsRegal Ice Ic<strong>in</strong>g Play KitP<strong>in</strong>k Pan<strong>the</strong>r Biscuits10 Apples - Ideal for children's lunchboxesN N N N NN N N Y NN N N N NN ? ? ? ?N N N Y Y? ? ? ? ?Y Y N N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N Y YN N N Y YN N N N YN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?N N ? N NN N Y N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N NY Y N Y N? ? ? ? ?N N N N NY Y N Y NA 39

MANUFACTURERNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleNestleOnkenOnkenPillsburyPillsburyPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPrimulaPr<strong>in</strong>cesPure Organics LtdPure Organics LtdQuakerQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdQuaker Oats LtdRenshawRiv<strong>in</strong>gtonSafewayBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEM<strong>in</strong>i Smarties Chocolate Dessert (dry mix)Nesquick Biscuit SticksNesquick Chocolate Flavour CerealPaws Ice CreamRolo DessertRowntree Fuit Pastilles Jelly PotShreddiesSmarties Thick Shake Chocolate DessertTarzan Funsize CakesTarzan Milk Chocolate Mousse<strong>To</strong>ffo DessertWhirly Fl<strong>in</strong>gs Butterscotch Flavour DessertFruFoo Dairy <strong>To</strong>ffee DessertOnkyblok Fromage FraisThomas & F Apple <strong>To</strong>asters DessertsThomas & F Choc <strong>To</strong>aster DessertsHot Dog Spread 150g tubSavoury Spread 150g tubTangy <strong>To</strong>mato Spread 150g tubXtreme Dipz - Pizza Cheese Flav + BreadsticksPlanet/Animal Pasta for KidsOrganic Chicken BurgersPork HulasOat KrunchiesChoco PuffsHarvest Cereal Bar Apple & Rais<strong>in</strong>Harvest Cereal Bar Chocolate ChipHarvest Cereal Bar White Chocolate ChipSugar PuffsRegal Ice Ic<strong>in</strong>g Play KitP<strong>in</strong>k Pan<strong>the</strong>r Biscuits10 Apples - Ideal for children's lunchboxesCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCER9: E100, E101, E120, E133, E141, E160e, E163,E171, E150a Y NNone Y NNone Y N2: B-carotene, riboflav<strong>in</strong>-5-phosphate Y NNone Y N2: carmois<strong>in</strong>e, green S Y NNone 8: E100, E101, E120, E133, E141, E160e, E163, N NE171 Y NNone Y NNone Y N1: annatto Y N2: E160a, E150c Y NNone Y N2: betan<strong>in</strong>, safflower Y N1: E160a Y N2: E161, E104 Y N? Y ?? ? ?None Y YNone ? ?None N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone N N3: E104, E110, E122 Y N1: allura red (E129) Y NNone N NA 40

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gSafeway 2 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausage Rolls 1520 365Safeway 8 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausages & <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce Dip 95 937 224Safeway Baby Bananas 426 100Safeway Breaded Chicken Nuggets 931(raw) 233Safeway Choco Crunchies 30 1636 386Safeway Chocolate Hazelnut Spread 350g jar 17 approx 2378 571Safeway Chocolate Spread 350g jar 17 approx 2348 562Safeway Chocolate Teddies Cereal 30 1628 385Safeway Dried Apricots 50 880 207Safeway Farmyard Crunch 25 1647 388Safeway Frosted Flakes 30 1611 379Safeway Frozen M<strong>in</strong>i Waffles 789 188Safeway Jungle Crunch Cereal 25 1587 374Safeway Kids Own Banana Flavour Delight 80g pack 20g (dry) 1903 452Safeway Kids Own Candyfloss Flavour Delight 80g pack20g (dry) 1803 427Safeway Kids Own Cheesy Feet 17 1700 410Safeway Kids Own Cheesy Stripes 17 1772 415Safeway Kids Own Fried Egg Shaped Lollies 90ml 430/100ml 103Safeway Kids Own Raspberry Flav Delight 80g pack 20g (dry) 1908 453Safeway Kids Own Strawberry Flav Delight 80g pack 20g (dry) 1909 453Safeway M<strong>in</strong>i Crunch Carrots 40 131 31Safeway Monster Mousse 100ml 309/100ml 73Safeway Monster Pots Fromage Frais 50 541 129Safeway Orange Juice Lollies 75ml 397/100ml 93Safeway Rais<strong>in</strong> & Sultana Mix 50 1292 309Safeway Rais<strong>in</strong>s 5 x14 ? ?Safeway Spaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 260 61Safeway Spaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 437 104Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's 12 M<strong>in</strong>i Yorkshire Pudd<strong>in</strong>gs 1329 318Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's 6 Cheese Triangles 1100 265Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's 8 M<strong>in</strong>i Beef Burgers + Sesame Seed Buns 1181 282Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Beans + Burgers <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 200 453 108A 41

MANUFACTURERSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewayBRAND/PRODUCT NAME2 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausage Rolls8 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausages & <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce DipBaby BananasBreaded Chicken NuggetsChoco CrunchiesChocolate Hazelnut Spread 350g jarChocolate Spread 350g jarChocolate Teddies CerealDried ApricotsFarmyard CrunchFrosted FlakesFrozen M<strong>in</strong>i WafflesJungle Crunch CerealKids Own Banana Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Candyfloss Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Cheesy FeetKids Own Cheesy StripesKids Own Fried Egg Shaped LolliesKids Own Raspberry Flav Delight 80g packKids Own Strawberry Flav Delight 80g packM<strong>in</strong>i Crunch CarrotsMonster MousseFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g26.1 11.7 1.1 1.3 0.713.5 ? ? ? ?0.3 0.1 20.9 1.1 Tr13.8 2.5 1 1.1 0.22.4 1.2 38.5 0.7 0.739 12.7 47.5 3.7 Tr34.7 9.7 59.6 0.1 Tr5.3 1.8 34.4 4.9 0.20.4 Tr 37.8 6.3 Tr2 0.5 44.2 2 0.10.5 0.4 39.6 0.6 0.88 4 1 2.2 0.31.5 0.4 37.9 2.3 0.613.2 10.2 51.1 0.1 0.88.9 8.2 65.5 0.8 0.84.4 21.7 0.1 0 0.635 21.7 0.1 0 0.61 0.8 22.6 Tr 013.8 10.3 49.8 0.3 0.814.2 11.9 54.2 0.3 0.80.5 0.1 5.5 2.4 Tr2.9 1.5 10.3 Tr TrSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sMonster Pots Fromage FraisOrange Juice LolliesRais<strong>in</strong> & Sultana MixRais<strong>in</strong>sSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce12 M<strong>in</strong>i Yorkshire Pudd<strong>in</strong>gs6 Cheese Triangles8 M<strong>in</strong>i Beef Burgers + Sesame Seed BunsBeans + Burgers <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce4.7 ? ? ? ?0 ? ? ? ?0.8 Tr 54 5.7 Tr? ? ? ? ?0.4 Tr 4.3 0.4 0.64.4 1.6 3.1 0.6 0.516.4 3.1 9.4 1.2 0.422 12.9 5.8 0 1.113.3 6.2 2.3 1.6 0.73.6 1.3 5.1 2.6 0.8A 42

MANUFACTURERSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewayBRAND/PRODUCT NAME2 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausage Rolls8 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausages & <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce DipBaby BananasBreaded Chicken NuggetsChoco CrunchiesChocolate Hazelnut Spread 350g jarChocolate Spread 350g jarChocolate Teddies CerealDried ApricotsFarmyard CrunchFrosted FlakesFrozen M<strong>in</strong>i WafflesJungle Crunch CerealKids Own Banana Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Candyfloss Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Cheesy FeetKids Own Cheesy StripesKids Own Fried Egg Shaped LolliesKids Own Raspberry Flav Delight 80g packKids Own Strawberry Flav Delight 80g packM<strong>in</strong>i Crunch CarrotsMonster MousseHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?Y Y N Y NN ? ? ? ?N N Y N NN N N N NN N Y Y NY Y Y N YY Y Y N NN N Y N YN N Y N YN N Y N NN N Y Y NN N N N NN N Y Y NN Y Y Y NN Y Y Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NN N Y N NN Y Y Y NN Y Y Y NN N N N NN N Y N NSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sMonster Pots Fromage FraisOrange Juice LolliesRais<strong>in</strong> & Sultana MixRais<strong>in</strong>sSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce12 M<strong>in</strong>i Yorkshire Pudd<strong>in</strong>gs6 Cheese Triangles8 M<strong>in</strong>i Beef Burgers + Sesame Seed BunsBeans + Burgers <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N Y? ? ? ? ?N N N Y NN N N Y NN N N N NY Y N Y NN Y N Y NN N N Y NA 43

MANUFACTURERSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewayBRAND/PRODUCT NAME2 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausage Rolls8 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausages & <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce DipBaby BananasBreaded Chicken NuggetsChoco CrunchiesChocolate Hazelnut Spread 350g jarChocolate Spread 350g jarChocolate Teddies CerealDried ApricotsFarmyard CrunchFrosted FlakesFrozen M<strong>in</strong>i WafflesJungle Crunch CerealKids Own Banana Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Candyfloss Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Cheesy FeetKids Own Cheesy StripesKids Own Fried Egg Shaped LolliesKids Own Raspberry Flav Delight 80g packKids Own Strawberry Flav Delight 80g packM<strong>in</strong>i Crunch CarrotsMonster MousseLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N N Y N NN ? ? ? ?Y Y N Y NN N Y N NY N N N NN N N Y NN N N Y YN N N N NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N N NN N Y N NY Y N N NN N N N YN N N N NN N Y N YN N Y N YY Y N Y YN N N N YN N N N YY Y N Y NY N N Y YSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sMonster Pots Fromage FraisOrange Juice LolliesRais<strong>in</strong> & Sultana MixRais<strong>in</strong>sSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce12 M<strong>in</strong>i Yorkshire Pudd<strong>in</strong>gs6 Cheese Triangles8 M<strong>in</strong>i Beef Burgers + Sesame Seed BunsBeans + Burgers <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceN ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?Y Y N Y N? ? ? ? ?Y Y N N NN N N N NN N N N NN N N N YN N N N NN N N N NA 44

MANUFACTURERSafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySafewaySa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sBRAND/PRODUCT NAME2 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausage Rolls8 M<strong>in</strong>i Sausages & <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce DipBaby BananasBreaded Chicken NuggetsChoco CrunchiesChocolate Hazelnut Spread 350g jarChocolate Spread 350g jarChocolate Teddies CerealDried ApricotsFarmyard CrunchFrosted FlakesFrozen M<strong>in</strong>i WafflesJungle Crunch CerealKids Own Banana Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Candyfloss Flavour Delight 80g packKids Own Cheesy FeetKids Own Cheesy StripesKids Own Fried Egg Shaped LolliesKids Own Raspberry Flav Delight 80g packKids Own Strawberry Flav Delight 80g packM<strong>in</strong>i Crunch CarrotsMonster MousseMonster Pots Fromage FraisOrange Juice LolliesRais<strong>in</strong> & Sultana MixRais<strong>in</strong>sSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce12 M<strong>in</strong>i Yorkshire Pudd<strong>in</strong>gs6 Cheese Triangles8 M<strong>in</strong>i Beef Burgers + Sesame Seed BunsBeans + Burgers <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCERNone Y NNone N NNone N N1: capsanth<strong>in</strong> Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone N NNone Y NNone N NNone N NNone Y N1: annatto Y N3: carmois<strong>in</strong>e, beetroot red, beta carotene Y NNone N N1: annatto N N2: beetroot red, curcum<strong>in</strong> Y N2: beetroot red, beta carotene Y N2: coch<strong>in</strong>eal, annatto Y NNone N N4: beetroot red, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, curcum<strong>in</strong>, annatto Y N4: curcum<strong>in</strong>, anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, beetroot red, paprikaextract Y N2: curcum<strong>in</strong>, beetroot red Y NNone N N? ? ?None N NNone Y NNone N NNone N N1: coch<strong>in</strong>eal Y NNone N NA 45

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gSa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Beans + Meatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 200 453 108Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Beans + Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 210 498 118Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Cheese Spread 1162 280Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Choco Flakes 30 1568 369Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Choco Snaps 30 1609 379Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Frosted Flakes 30 1583 373Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Gigglers Honey + Apple Flavour Cereal 30 1547 570Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Golden Pops 30 1597 376Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Golden Puffs 20 1519 358Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Honey Nut Loops 30 1627 384Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Instant Hot Oat Cereal 40 1501 356Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Little Miss Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 273 64Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Mr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> Slices 1288 310Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Mr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> Slices - Light 773 185Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Mr Men Cheese Triangles 1134 273Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Mr Men Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 273 64Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Mr Men Yogurts Pack - Strawberry Carton 80 431 102Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Mr Strong's Strawberry Yogurt 125 441 105Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Numberelli Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 273 64Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Rice Pops 30 1570 370Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Snowman Ice Cream Log 717 171Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Spaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce 205 461 110Sa<strong>in</strong>sbury's Wibble Wobble World Jelly 277 65Senoble SA La Gout de la Vie Organic Fromage Frais 60 425 101Sofraco SA Ice Cream Squeezies 40ml 739 176St Ivel Cadbury's Flake Mik Chocolate Dessert 100 1075 257St Ivel Dairy Milk Buttons Chocolate Dessert 100 1097 262St Ivel Rugrats Wholemilk Yogurt 6 Pack - Strawberry 90 473 112St Ivel Teletubbies Tubby Custard Style Yogurt 90 475 113Streaml<strong>in</strong>e Mr Rush's Raspberry Jam 947 226Streaml<strong>in</strong>e Mr Small's Strawberry Jam 932 223Supercook Junior Baker Cookie Stars ? ?Supercook Junior Baker Raspberry Flavour M<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s ? ?A 46

MANUFACTURERSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSenoble SASofraco SASt IvelSt IvelSt IvelSt IvelStreaml<strong>in</strong>eStreaml<strong>in</strong>eSupercookSupercookBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBeans + Meatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBeans + Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceCheese SpreadChoco FlakesChoco SnapsFrosted FlakesGigglers Honey + Apple Flavour CerealGolden PopsGolden PuffsHoney Nut LoopsInstant Hot Oat CerealLittle Miss Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> SlicesMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> Slices - LightMr Men Cheese TrianglesMr Men Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMr Men Yogurts Pack - Strawberry CartonMr Strong's Strawberry YogurtNumberelli Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceRice PopsSnowman Ice Cream LogSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceWibble Wobble World JellyLa Gout de la Vie Organic Fromage FraisIce Cream SqueeziesCadbury's Flake Mik Chocolate DessertDairy Milk Buttons Chocolate DessertRugrats Wholemilk Yogurt 6 Pack - StrawberryTeletubbies Tubby Custard Style YogurtMr Rush's Raspberry JamMr Small's Strawberry JamJunior Baker Cookie StarsJunior Baker Raspberry Flavour M<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>sFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g3.6 1.3 5.1 2.6 0.84.4 2.1 5.9 3.4 0.622 14 5 0 1.10.8 0.4 36.7 3 0.82.4 1.2 38.5 2.3 0.70.5 0.3 39.6 2.3 0.61.4 0.5 45 4 0.11.6 0.4 37.9 1.3 0.31 0.2 50 2.8 0.74.1 0.8 32 3 0.68.3 2 1.8 8.9 0.10.3 0.1 4.6 0.5 0.324 15.5 5.5 0 1.211 6.8 5.5 0 0.721 13.2 8 0 1.10.3 0.1 4.6 0.5 0.31.9 1.2 15.7 0.1 0.12.9 1.5 15.4 0 0.40.3 0.1 4.6 0.5 0.31.3 0.6 9.8 2.2 1.17.2 6.6 23.3 0.1 0.15.7 2.2 3.3 0.4 0.30 0 15.1 0 02.7 ? ? ? ?7.7 ? ? ? ?13.9 ? ? ? ?14.6 ? ? ? ?3 1.9 14.3 0 0.13 1.9 14.2 0 0.10.5 ? ? ? ?0.2 ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?A 47

MANUFACTURERSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSenoble SASofraco SASt IvelSt IvelSt IvelSt IvelStreaml<strong>in</strong>eStreaml<strong>in</strong>eSupercookSupercookBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBeans + Meatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBeans + Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceCheese SpreadChoco FlakesChoco SnapsFrosted FlakesGigglers Honey + Apple Flavour CerealGolden PopsGolden PuffsHoney Nut LoopsInstant Hot Oat CerealLittle Miss Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> SlicesMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> Slices - LightMr Men Cheese TrianglesMr Men Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMr Men Yogurts Pack - Strawberry CartonMr Strong's Strawberry YogurtNumberelli Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceRice PopsSnowman Ice Cream LogSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceWibble Wobble World JellyLa Gout de la Vie Organic Fromage FraisIce Cream SqueeziesCadbury's Flake Mik Chocolate DessertDairy Milk Buttons Chocolate DessertRugrats Wholemilk Yogurt 6 Pack - StrawberryTeletubbies Tubby Custard Style YogurtMr Rush's Raspberry JamMr Small's Strawberry JamJunior Baker Cookie StarsJunior Baker Raspberry Flavour M<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>sHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N N Y NN N N Y NY Y N Y NN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN N Y N NN N Y N NN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN N N N YN N N N NY Y N Y NN Y N Y NY Y N Y NN N N N NN N Y N NN N Y N NN N N N NN N N Y NN Y Y N NN N N N NN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N NN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?A 48

MANUFACTURERSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSenoble SASofraco SASt IvelSt IvelSt IvelSt IvelStreaml<strong>in</strong>eStreaml<strong>in</strong>eSupercookSupercookBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEJunior Baker Cookie StarsJunior Baker Raspberry Flavour M<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>sLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?Beans + Meatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceN N N N NBeans + Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce N N N N YCheese SpreadN N N N YChoco FlakesY Y N N NChoco SnapsY N N N NFrosted FlakesY Y N N NGigglers Honey + Apple Flavour Cereal Y Y N N NGolden PopsY Y N N NGolden PuffsY Y N N NHoney Nut LoopsN Y N N NInstant Hot Oat CerealN N Y Y NLittle Miss Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceY Y N N YMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> SlicesN N N N YMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> Slices - LightN N N N YMr Men Cheese TrianglesN N N N YMr Men Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceY Y N N YMr Men Yogurts Pack - Strawberry Carton Y N N Y YMr Strong's Strawberry YogurtY N N N YNumberelli Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce Y Y N N YRice PopsY Y N N NSnowman Ice Cream LogN N N Y YSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m Sauce N N N N YWibble Wobble World JellyY Y N Y YLa Gout de la Vie Organic Fromage Frais Y ? ? ? ?Ice Cream SqueeziesN ? ? ? ?Cadbury's Flake Mik Chocolate Dessert N ? ? ? ?Dairy Milk Buttons Chocolate Dessert N ? ? ? ?Rugrats Wholemilk Yogurt 6 Pack - Strawberry Y N N Y YTeletubbies Tubby Custard Style Yogurt Y N N Y YMr Rush's Raspberry JamY ? ? ? ?Mr Small's Strawberry JamY ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ?A 49

MANUFACTURERSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSa<strong>in</strong>sbury'sSenoble SASofraco SASt IvelSt IvelSt IvelSt IvelStreaml<strong>in</strong>eStreaml<strong>in</strong>eSupercookSupercookBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEBeans + Meatballs <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceBeans + Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceCheese SpreadChoco FlakesChoco SnapsFrosted FlakesGigglers Honey + Apple Flavour CerealGolden PopsGolden PuffsHoney Nut LoopsInstant Hot Oat CerealLittle Miss Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> SlicesMr Men Cheese <strong>Food</strong> Slices - LightMr Men Cheese TrianglesMr Men Pasta <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceMr Men Yogurts Pack - Strawberry CartonMr Strong's Strawberry YogurtNumberelli Pasta Shapes <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceRice PopsSnowman Ice Cream LogSpaghetti R<strong>in</strong>gs & Pork Sausages <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>m SauceWibble Wobble World JellyLa Gout de la Vie Organic Fromage FraisIce Cream SqueeziesCadbury's Flake Mik Chocolate DessertDairy Milk Buttons Chocolate DessertRugrats Wholemilk Yogurt 6 Pack - StrawberryTeletubbies Tubby Custard Style YogurtMr Rush's Raspberry JamMr Small's Strawberry JamCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCERNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone N NNone N N1: annatto Y NNone N N1: annatto Y NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone Y N1: betan<strong>in</strong> Y NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone N N2: carm<strong>in</strong>es, annatto Y NNone Y N2: beetroot red, beta carotene Y NNone Y NNone Y N3: anthocyan<strong>in</strong>s, beetroot red, turmeric Y N2: beetroot red, annatto Y N1: ponceau 4R N N1: 8: ponceau E150c, E122, 4R E102, E133, E100, E141, E160b, N NJunior Baker Cookie StarsE162 Y NJunior Baker Raspberry Flavour M<strong>in</strong>i Muff<strong>in</strong>s6: E122, E124, E129, E104, E133, E142 Y NA 50

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gTesco Animal Shapes Biscuits 1847 438Tesco Billy Bear Sausage Slices 971 234Tesco Breakfast Boulders 30 1607 379Tesco Choco Snaps 30 1609 379Tesco Clown Biscuits 25 1733 411Tesco Coco Flakes 30 1568 369Tesco Corn Flakes 30 1560 367Tesco Crunchy Crispy Treat Bars 22 424 101Tesco Fromage Frais 6 Pack - Strawberry Carton 60 557 133Tesco Frosted Flakes 30 1583 373Tesco Fun Size Apples 211 50Tesco Fun Size Pears 171 42Tesco Golden Honey Puffs 30 1602 378Tesco Honey Nut Corn Flakes 30 1640 387Tesco I Love Teddy Crisp 25 1633 386Tesco Instant Oat Hot Oat Cereal 30 1502 356Tesco Jammy R<strong>in</strong>gs 1895 451Tesco Ladybird Shortbread Biscuits 70 1893 451Tesco Little Miss M<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Iced Buns 1351 320Tesco Mr Men M<strong>in</strong>i Choc Iced Buns 37 1521 362Tesco Rice Snaps 30 1570 370Tesco Spaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato Sauce 205 254 60Tesco Teddy Cake (s<strong>in</strong>gle portion) 60 986 236Tesco <strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Fromage Frais 42 590 140Tryton <strong>Food</strong>s Aunt Bessies Tidgy Puds 1452 346Tryton <strong>Food</strong>s Aunt Bessies Tidgy <strong>To</strong>ads 1022 244Tyne UFOs - Chicken Sausage Meat Shapes <strong>in</strong> Gravy 447 107Walls M<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies Chocolate 31ml 444/100ml 106Walls M<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies Vanilla 31ml 433/100ml 104Walls Polar Pat Lollies 85ml 440.2/100ml 106Weetabix Ready Brek Milk Chocolate Flav Cereal 40 1589 377A 51

MANUFACTURERTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEAnimal Shapes BiscuitsBilly Bear Sausage SlicesBreakfast BouldersChoco SnapsClown BiscuitsCoco FlakesCorn FlakesCrunchy Crispy Treat BarsFromage Frais 6 Pack - Strawberry CartonFrosted FlakesFun Size ApplesFun Size PearsGolden Honey PuffsHoney Nut Corn FlakesI Love Teddy CrispInstant Oat Hot Oat CerealJammy R<strong>in</strong>gsLadybird Shortbread BiscuitsFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g11.7 5 21 2.4 0.217.8 6.9 1.5 Tr 1.21.4 0.3 31.1 2.3 0.52.4 1.2 38.5 2.3 0.79.7 2.4 23.7 2 0.20.8 0.4 36.7 3 0.80.8 0.3 8.9 3.6 1.14.1 1.6 7.3 0.5 0.16.1 4 13.5 Tr Tr0.5 0.3 39.6 2.3 0.80.1 Tr 11.8 1.8 Tr0.1 Tr 10 2.2 01.9 0.4 50.5 3 0.14.2 0.9 33.4 2.9 0.86 1.5 39.5 4 0.28.3 2 1.8 8.9 Tr16.9 7.1 35.9 1.5 0.218.9 11.3 64 1.1 0.1TescoLittle Miss M<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Iced Buns8.8 4.8 21 1.9 0.3TescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTyneWallsWallsWallsWeetabixMr Men M<strong>in</strong>i Choc Iced BunsRice SnapsSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeddy Cake (s<strong>in</strong>gle portion)<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Fromage FraisAunt Bessies Tidgy PudsAunt Bessies Tidgy <strong>To</strong>adsUFOs - Chicken Sausage Meat Shapes <strong>in</strong> GravyM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies ChocolateM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies VanillaPolar Pat LolliesReady Brek Milk Chocolate Flav Cereal14.7 5 18.4 2.1 0.31.3 0.6 9.8 2.2 1.20.2 Tr 5.3 0.5 0.513 7.4 18.5 0.4 0.25.1 3.2 16.1 Tr Tr14.1 1.6 3 2.1 0.510.7 3.6 2.6 1.9 0.86.8 ? ? ? ?3.3 ? ? ? ?3.2 ? ? ? ?5.2 ? ? ? ?9.6 4.9 24.6 7.9 TrA 52

MANUFACTURERTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEAnimal Shapes BiscuitsBilly Bear Sausage SlicesBreakfast BouldersChoco SnapsClown BiscuitsCoco FlakesCorn FlakesCrunchy Crispy Treat BarsFromage Frais 6 Pack - Strawberry CartonFrosted FlakesFun Size ApplesFun Size PearsGolden Honey PuffsHoney Nut Corn FlakesI Love Teddy CrispInstant Oat Hot Oat CerealJammy R<strong>in</strong>gsLadybird Shortbread BiscuitsHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N Y Y N NN Y N Y NN N Y Y NN N Y Y NN N Y N NN N Y Y YN N N Y YN N N N NN N Y N NN N Y Y NN N Y N NN N Y N NN N Y N YN N Y Y NN N Y N YN N N N YN Y Y N NN Y Y N NTescoLittle Miss M<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Iced BunsN N Y N NTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTyneWallsWallsWallsWeetabixMr Men M<strong>in</strong>i Choc Iced BunsRice SnapsSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeddy Cake (s<strong>in</strong>gle portion)<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Fromage FraisAunt Bessies Tidgy PudsAunt Bessies Tidgy <strong>To</strong>adsUFOs - Chicken Sausage Meat Shapes <strong>in</strong> GravyM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies ChocolateM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies VanillaPolar Pat LolliesReady Brek Milk Chocolate Flav CerealN Y Y N NN N N Y NN N N Y NN Y Y N NN N Y N NN N N Y NN N N Y NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N YA 53

MANUFACTURERTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEAnimal Shapes BiscuitsBilly Bear Sausage SlicesBreakfast BouldersChoco SnapsClown BiscuitsCoco FlakesCorn FlakesCrunchy Crispy Treat BarsFromage Frais 6 Pack - Strawberry CartonFrosted FlakesFun Size ApplesFun Size PearsGolden Honey PuffsHoney Nut Corn FlakesI Love Teddy CrispInstant Oat Hot Oat CerealJammy R<strong>in</strong>gsLadybird Shortbread BiscuitsLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N N N N NN N Y N YY Y N N NY N N N NN N N N NY Y N N NY Y N N NN N N N YN N N Y YY Y N N NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NY Y N Y NN Y N N NN N N N NN N N Y NN N N N NN N N Y NTescoLittle Miss M<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Iced BunsN N N N NTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTyneWallsWallsWallsWeetabixMr Men M<strong>in</strong>i Choc Iced BunsRice SnapsSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeddy Cake (s<strong>in</strong>gle portion)<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Fromage FraisAunt Bessies Tidgy PudsAunt Bessies Tidgy <strong>To</strong>adsUFOs - Chicken Sausage Meat Shapes <strong>in</strong> GravyM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies ChocolateM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies VanillaPolar Pat LolliesReady Brek Milk Chocolate Flav CerealN N N N NY Y N N NY Y N N YN N N N YN N N Y YN N N N NN N N N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N Y NA 54

MANUFACTURERTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTescoTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTryton <strong>Food</strong>sTyneWallsWallsWallsWeetabixBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEAnimal Shapes BiscuitsBilly Bear Sausage SlicesBreakfast BouldersChoco SnapsClown BiscuitsCoco FlakesCorn FlakesCrunchy Crispy Treat BarsFromage Frais 6 Pack - Strawberry CartonFrosted FlakesFun Size ApplesFun Size PearsGolden Honey PuffsHoney Nut Corn FlakesI Love Teddy CrispInstant Oat Hot Oat CerealJammy R<strong>in</strong>gsLadybird Shortbread BiscuitsLittle Miss M<strong>in</strong>i Strawberry Iced BunsMr Men M<strong>in</strong>i Choc Iced BunsRice SnapsSpaghetti Letters <strong>in</strong> <strong>To</strong>mato SauceTeddy Cake (s<strong>in</strong>gle portion)<strong>To</strong>m & Jerry Fromage FraisAunt Bessies Tidgy PudsAunt Bessies Tidgy <strong>To</strong>adsUFOs - Chicken Sausage Meat Shapes <strong>in</strong> GravyM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies ChocolateM<strong>in</strong>i Milk Ice Lollies VanillaPolar Pat LolliesReady Brek Milk Chocolate Flav CerealCOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCERNone Y NNone N N1: annatto Y NNone Y NNone Y NNone N NNone N NNone Y N1: paprika extract Y NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone N N1: carmois<strong>in</strong>e Y N3: annatto, curcum<strong>in</strong>, ponceau 4R Y N9: E104, E122, E124, allura red AC, E131, E132,E133, E153, titanium dioxide Y N9: E104, E122, E124, allura red AC, E131, E132,E133, E153, titanium dioxide Y NNone N NNone N NNone Y NNone Y NNone N NNone Y YNone Y NNone Y NNone Y N2: E172, E171 Y NNone N NA 55

MANUFACTURER BRAND/PRODUCT NAME SERVING(g) kJ/100g kcal/100gWeetabix Ready Brek Orig<strong>in</strong>al Cereal 40 1501 356Weetabix Weetos Chocolate Flavour 30 1625 384Westler <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Mighty Meatballs 420 100Ye Olde Oak 20 M<strong>in</strong>i Hotdogs <strong>in</strong> Br<strong>in</strong>e 400g can 646 155Ye Olde Oak Bangers & Balls - Saus and Meatballs <strong>in</strong> Sauce 523 125Yeo Valley Organic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb Carton 100 395 94? Bak<strong>in</strong>g With Barbie Cookies ? ?? Milky Way Chocolate Spread & Vanilla Stripes 2306 553A 56

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEWeetabixReady Brek Orig<strong>in</strong>al CerealWeetabixWeetos Chocolate FlavourWestler <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Mighty MeatballsYe Olde Oak 20 M<strong>in</strong>i Hotdogs <strong>in</strong> Br<strong>in</strong>e 400g canYe Olde Oak Bangers & Balls - Saus and Meatballs <strong>in</strong> SauceYeo ValleyOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb Carton? Bak<strong>in</strong>g With Barbie Cookies? Milky Way Chocolate Spread & Vanilla StripesFAT/100gSATg/100g SUGAR/100g FIBRE/100g Na/100g8.3 2 1.8 8.9 Tr5 1.2 36.3 5.6 0.35.8 ? ? ? ?11.5 ? ? ? ?7 ? ? ? ?3.1 2 11.2 0.2 0.1? ? ? ? ?34.4 ? ? ? ?A 57

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEWeetabixReady Brek Orig<strong>in</strong>al CerealWeetabixWeetos Chocolate FlavourWestler <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Mighty MeatballsYe Olde Oak 20 M<strong>in</strong>i Hotdogs <strong>in</strong> Br<strong>in</strong>e 400g canYe Olde Oak Bangers & Balls - Saus and Meatballs <strong>in</strong> SauceYeo ValleyOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb Carton? Bak<strong>in</strong>g With Barbie Cookies? Milky Way Chocolate Spread & Vanilla StripesHIGH FAT? HIGH SAT? HIGH SUGAR?HIGH Na? HIGH FIBRE?N N N N YN N Y N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N Y N N? ? ? ? ?Y ? ? ? ?A 58

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMEWeetabixReady Brek Orig<strong>in</strong>al CerealWeetabixWeetos Chocolate FlavourWestler <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Mighty MeatballsYe Olde Oak 20 M<strong>in</strong>i Hotdogs <strong>in</strong> Br<strong>in</strong>e 400g canYe Olde Oak Bangers & Balls - Saus and Meatballs <strong>in</strong> SauceYeo ValleyOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb Carton? Bak<strong>in</strong>g With Barbie Cookies? Milky Way Chocolate Spread & Vanilla StripesLOW FAT ? LOW SAT? LOW SUGAR?LOW Na? LOW FIBRE?N N Y Y NN N N N NN ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?N N N Y Y? ? ? ? ?N ? ? ? ?A 59

MANUFACTURERBRAND/PRODUCT NAMECOLOURINGSFLAVS F ENHANCERWeetabixReady Brek Orig<strong>in</strong>al CerealNone N NWeetabixWeetos Chocolate FlavourNone Y NWestler <strong>Food</strong>s Ltd Mighty Meatballs1: caramel Y NYe Olde Oak 20 M<strong>in</strong>i Hotdogs <strong>in</strong> Br<strong>in</strong>e 400g can None Y NYe Olde Oak Bangers & Balls - Saus and Meatballs <strong>in</strong> Sauce None N NYeo ValleyOrganic Fruit Yogurt 4 Pack - Strawb CartonNone Y N? Bak<strong>in</strong>g With Barbie Cookies4: E129, E100, E160b, E162 Y N? Milky Way Chocolate Spread & Vanilla Stripes None Y NA 60

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