Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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CHAPTER 2 ■ CENTRALIZING YOUR NETWORK: KERBEROS, LDAP, AND NFSdn: cn=jkemp,ou=auto.home,dc=example,dc=comobjectClass: automountcn: jkempautomountInformation: -fstype=nfs,rw server1:/export/home/jkempautomountMapName: auto_homeAuthenticate as the LDAP admin user (kinit ldapadm if you’re using Kerberos), and add theseentries to the database:ldapadd < automount.ldifYou should now be able to automount /home/jkemp from your client. Repeat this for your otherusers.2-15. Connecting Macs to a <strong>Linux</strong> NFS ServerIf you have Macs on your network that want to be able to connect to an NFS server, you will run into theproblem that <strong>Linux</strong> NFS expects clients to use a privileged network port (less than 1024); while Mac (andother OpenBSD-based systems) use a port above 1024 for NFS requests.There are two ways of solving this. The first is to add the insecure parameter to the /etc/exports fileon the server:/local 10.1.0.*rw,insecureIf you prefer and you have only one or two Macs, you could do this for only them in particular:/local 10.1.0.*rw,insecurerwThe other option is to fix it at the client end. This is probably neater but may cause you moreproblems with users, depending on your setup. You need to add -P to the command line (one of the userproblems here is that you can’t do this from the Finder).mount -P server:/local /mnt2-16. Improving NFS PerformanceIf you’re experiencing performance problems, you can look at /proc/net/rpc/nfsd for some diagnosticinformation. For example, the th line in that file indicates the number of seconds during which thethread usage was at the maximum allowable. If this is a large number, you may want to increase thenumber of NFS instances available (that is, the number of servers running). The standard default is 8,but more heavily used servers may benefit from having more. This is specified with the RPCNFSDCOUNTvalue, which is given in the init script (/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server on Debian/Ubuntu).60Download at WoweBook.Com

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