Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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CHAPTER 2 ■ CENTRALIZING YOUR NETWORK: KERBEROS, LDAP, AND NFS■ Note This test user must also exist on the test machine either as a local user (in other words, in /etc/passwd;use *K* in the password field in /etc/shadow in this case) or in LDAP (see recipe 2-4) or your alternative directoryservice.Test the setup by logging on first with the console, then with a graphical logon (you may need torestart X first), and then via ssh. Once logged on to one Kerberized machine, you should be able to ssh toanother Kerberized machine without typing your password again. (However, this will work only if you’vedone all the client config described here for the second machine as well!)TroubleshootingHere are some things to check if it doesn’t work smoothly:• Check (using date) that the time on the KDC and the client machine are the sameor close. The default tolerance is five minutes. Daylight saving time can causetrouble!• Check that ping kerberos.example.com returns successfully and that there aren’tany other network problems.• Check that the host key has the correct number by executing the following on theclient:sudo klist -k /etc/krb5.keytabkinit krbadmkvno host/client.example.comIf the number of the host key for the client machine (host/client.example.com) given by klist is notthe same as the number given by kvno, you need to start up kadmin, remove the client principal from thekeytab (ktrem), delete it (delprinc), and then re-create and add it.2-3. Setting Up an LDAP ServerLightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a way to define how a client and server interact witheach other. An LDAP directory is a directory whose server uses this protocol. Directories contain entries(structures that hold information about an object in the form of attributes) arranged in a tree.Schemas are used to define the syntax and structure for particular types of object and theirattributes. Plenty of standard schemas are available, and you can also create your own schemas or add toexisting ones. See recipe 2-12 for more information.28Download at WoweBook.Com

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