Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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■ INDEX■KKerberoswith Apache for securing web sites, 169—170authenticating LDAP with, 32—35client setup, 24—26database setup, 24—26databases, backing up, 103—104Kerberizing ssh setup, 143—144MIT version of, 22overview, 21replication, setting up, 47—49server installation and configuration, 22—24setting/enforcing password policy with,144—146workings of, 21—22Kerberos SSH and logonsetting up, 26—28troubleshooting, 28key distribution center (KDC), 21—22keyboard keys, linking to programs, 204—205keychains, managing SSH keys with, 137—138keymaps, changing in X, 203—204keyword shortcuts, bash, 171—174Knoppix, 113krb5-kdc.schema, 30KrbAuthRealm, 170■Llabeling disks with tune2fs command, 122labels, adding to log messages (Subversion), 11laptop backups, anacron for, 112—113LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)adding custom fields to, 57—58authenticating with Kerberos, 32—35client, setting up, 38—40commands, 40database, populating, 35—38databases, backing up, 103—104defining nodes in, 86—88ldapadd command, 41ldapdelete, 42ldapmodify command, 41—42ldapsearch command, 40—41new users, adding with scripts, 49—52OpenSSL and, 29—30overview, 28—29querying with scripts, 55—57scripts, modifying/deleting entries with, 52—55server setup, 30—32slave server. See slave LDAP serverLDIF format, 49less text pager, 185—187LESSOPEN environment variable, 186lesspipe helper application, 187Limoncelli, Thomas A., 233locate command, 179lock-tables option, 102logginglog data, plotting, 214log messages, adding labels to (Subversion),11with syslog, 226with syslogd, 223—228loginremote with gdm, 209—210remote with ssh -X, 208—209remote with VNC, 210—211lpadmin, automating printer setup with, 205—207ltrace, library calls and, 221—223■MMacs, connecting to NFS servers, 60magicrescue, 116-maxdepth option (find command ), 179mdadm, managing RAID with, 129—130MediaWiki, installing, 3—7, 100MEMORY tables, 102merging repositories (Subversion), 16Mirrored RAID, 95mirroring (RAID arrays), 128—129MIT version of Kerberos, 22mod_auth_kerb module, 169mod_authnz_ldap module, 169modules, Apache2, 160—162monitoring, centralized setup with Nagios, 63—66more text pager, 185-mount option (find command ), 179MyISAM tables, 102MySQLdatabases, backing up, 102—103mysqldump command, 102mysqlhotcopy utility, 102256Download at WoweBook.Com

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