Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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■ INDEXenscript option (printing), 208Esc key, 173exec option (find command ), 180exec type, 84expressions (find command ), 180ext2/ext3 filesystems, 119—120, 130—132ext4 filesystem, 133—134external commands, enabling in Nagios, 76—77■FFacter in Puppet, 88—91facts, custom (Puppet), 90fields, adding custom to LDAP, 57—58filesadding multiple to Subversion, 11—12binary, readable text from, 200—201compressed text files, 186determining frequency of changes to, 99—100excluding with Subversion, 13file.tar.gz, 186manipulating content with Perl, 193—195moving with xargs, 183renaming with xargs, 183tarred, 186transferring over ssh connections, 142—143xargs command and file content, 182filesystemsautomatic fsck checking, making changesto, 120—121ext2 vs. ext3, 130—132ext2/ext3, changing with tune2fs, 119—120ext4, 133—134large, saving space on, 121partitions, resizing on the fly, 123—128RAID arrays in, 128—130rsnapshot, 130—132snapshot, 130UUID notation, 121—122XFS 64-bit journaling filesystem, 134find command, 179—182flapping, defined (hosts/services), 70Foremost, retrieving data with, 116Freshmeat, 19fsckchecking, making changes to, 120—121recovering data with, 113—115■Ggawk (GNU version of awk), 191gddrescue utility, 103gdm (Gnome display manager)gdmsetup utility, 209remote login with, 209—210generic-host template (Nagios), 68Getting Things Done (Penguin), 233GNU readline shortcuts, 171gnuplot, plotting data with, 228—229grep command, 182, 201gunzip, 186gvimdiff, 218■Hhard drives, wiping data with DBAN, 118Heimdal version of Kerberos, 22hex code, 197hostgroups/services, using in Nagios, 67—69htaccess, securing web sites with, 167—168.htpasswd file, 168httpd.conf file, 157httrack website-mirroring tool, 100■I-i option (Perl), 194-ibak filename.txt (sed command), 187IdentityFile option (ssh), 141—142if syntax (awk), 193immutable journal files, 119INFECTED string, 152inserting/appending/changing lines of text(sed), 190—191installingchkrootkit, 152cron-apt, 154Kerberos server, 22—24RT ticketing system, 234iostat -dxk 5, running, 216iptables, stopping ssh brute-force attacks with,151—152ISO-8859-1, 195■JJackiewicz, Tom, 87john-the-ripper password-cracking tool, 147journal files, 119—120, 134255Download at WoweBook.Com

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