Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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CHAPTER 8 ■ USING THE COMMAND LINE BETTERExpressionsThe real power of find lies in the breadth of available expressions:• -amin n, -atime n: Finds the file last accessed n minutes ago, or n × 24 hours ago.• -cmin n, -ctime n: Finds the file status last changed n minutes ago, or n × 24hours ago.• -mmin n, -mtime n: Finds the file last modified n minutes ago, or n × 24 hours ago.■ Note With the time options, a value of n means exactly n, +n means more than n, and -n means less than n.• find / -mmin -10: Returns all files in the / filesystem that were modified in the lastten minutes.• -fstype type: Returns files that are on a filesystem of this type. Valid valuesinclude ufs, tmp, nfs, and mfs.• -name foo: Searches for files whose name matches this shell pattern; so, wildcardsand anything else the shell deals with can be used. The following will find youraccounting files if you lose them!find /home/juliet -name 'accounts*'• -iname foo: Like -name, but case insensitive.• -regexp foo: Searches for files whose whole path (not just the filename) matchesthe regexp foo. The regexp type is by default emacs regexps.■ Note Always quote patterns (so, find / -name 'foo*') to avoid the shell expanding the wild characters.You can also search for files by type (-type filetype) and size (-size m), as well as by the user (-userusername) or group (-group groupname) that owns them.■ Note You can use the exec option with find to run a particular command on the files returned, but it’s muchmore flexible to use xargs, as described in the next recipe.180Download at WoweBook.Com

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