Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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CHAPTER 8 ■ USING THE COMMAND LINE BETTER■ Note This won’t tab-complete. You’ll need to type the full directory name in (research, in this example), unlessyou’re cding to a directory in your current directory, in which case tab-complete functions as normal.However, the major improvement available for the regular autocompletion is programmablecompletion. This more or less borrows from zsh, which has extensive autocompletion and a few otherinteresting options (it should be available as a package for your distro if you want to investigate).You can write completion functions all by yourself, but to avoid extensive wheel reinvention, you’rebetter off downloading /etc/bash_completion from http://www.caliban.org/bash/ (also available as apackage for most distros and installed by default in Ubuntu as the bash-completion package and Debianin the bash package) and then sourcing that file in your ~/.bashrc file:source /etc/bash_completionNow open a new terminal window, and then try typing ssh at the command line and then hittingTab. You’ll be shown a list of possible hosts, based primarily on your known_hosts file (along with acouple of other tricks). Various other commands are also set up to do this by the /etc/bash_completionfile. Experiment with traceroute or ftp.You can also extend this particular form of completion to other commands or to your own scripts.Take a look at the /etc/bash_completion file. It’s pretty big, but you can see that there are a set ofsubroutines beginning with an underscore (for example, _known_hosts). These are the subroutines thatdo the work of figuring out the possible autocompletions. Search for a line that looks like this:complete -F _known_hosts traceroute ping telnet host sshcomplete -F identifies the function to use for completion. Anything returned by the function (here,known_hosts) is provided as a possible completion option for the commands listed after that function(here, traceroute ping telnet host ssh). -C is a similar option that executes a command and takes theoutput from that as possible completion. So, if you want to add your command to that list, just add it onthe end of this line and re-source the file:> vim /etc/bash_completioncomplete -F _known_hosts traceroute ping telnet host ssh mycommand> source /etc/bash_completionTest your command. It should now autocomplete with hostnames.■ Note In general, the functions in /etc/bash_completion fall back on the compgen bash built-in, which passesoptions to complete (another built-in) to try to generate a word completion. This is the “normal” tab-completionoption, but it’s quite limited for words such as hostnames using only the $HOSTFILE file, which will usually be/etc/hosts and which is very limited in modern systems that rely on external DNS.177Download at WoweBook.Com

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