Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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■ CONTENTSAcknowledgmentsMany thanks to the various people from Apress who worked on this book with me: Frank Pohlmann,who handled the technical editing and who helped me work out the original plan for the book; KimWimpsett, who patiently copyedited out my assorted verbal tics and U.K. English; and Kylie Johnston,who took over project management from Sofia Marchant and who navigated everything through thepublication process with impressive speed and good humor. I was particularly happy to have Sean Purdyas technical reviewer, because he’s been a good friend of mine for a long time now–thank you for allthe painstaking checking and electronic red pen, Sean! The input from them all has made this a muchbetter book.I’ve been fortunate in my career as a sysadmin to have managers who’ve been happy to let meoperate freely and who have been very encouraging. In particular, Anne Wilson, the IT manager when Iwas working at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, was incredibly supportive and helpful at a time when I wasvery much just starting out and doing a lot of learning on the job (read: making numerous mistakes). I’vealso learned a great deal through the various IT-related problems that my colleagues in the AstrophysicsGroup at Imperial College brought to me when I was working there, and I enjoyed my time there.On a more personal level, I want to thank my parents. They’ve always been incredibly supportive ofme, and they’ve already assured me that they will be reading this book despite not knowing anything atall about <strong>Linux</strong>!.Finally, gratitude and love as ever to my partners, Pete and doop, and to my best friend, Marna, whohave patiently put up with my complaints; made encouraging noises at appropriate points; provided tea,rocket-fuel coffee, and/or chocolate when necessary (my burgeoning caffeine habit is entirely theirfault!); and in general continued to be the awesome individuals that they are, even when 10,000 milesand quite a few time zones away. Special thanks to Pete for allowing me to mess about with his machinesin the name of science testing.xiiiDownload at WoweBook.Com

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