Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach

Linux System Administration Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach


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CHAPTER 3 ■ MONITORING AND UPDATING■ Note Be very, very careful with this! If you type something wrong, you could hose not just one system but allthe systems you’re connected to. However, used carefully, it can be incredibly useful. Just check twice (maybeeven three times in some cases...) before you hit Enter.It’s available as a package for Debian/Ubuntu:sudo apt-get install clustersshor can be installed from source (http://sourceforge.net/projects/clusterssh/).Generate a default global config file with this:cssh -u > /etc/csshrcThen, to set up a system-wide cluster definition, edit the /etc/clusters file to look somethinglike this:servers server1 server2 server3This creates a group called servers, with members server1, server2, and server3. If you nowtype this:cssh serversyou’ll see three SSH windows opening, one to each of the servers.■ Note You can also generate a personal config file with this:cssh -u > /$HOME/.csshrcand can add cluster definitions to this with the same syntax as with the /etc/clusters file. Any cluster definitionsin here will of course exist only for you, rather than being system-wide.92Download at WoweBook.Com

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