Housing destitute asylum seekers – Open Door North East (pdf)

Housing destitute asylum seekers – Open Door North East (pdf) Housing destitute asylum seekers – Open Door North East (pdf)


“Destitution has become atool of public policy in thecase of asylum.”Maeve Sherlock - CEO , The Refugee Council“One young person who came to Newcastleshy and afraid, having lost his family inappalling circumstances, has had his lifechanged by the Open Door housing scheme.I was extremely concerned about him as hewas so vulnerable and unable to look afterhimself. Now, he has a group of friends forsupport and has found new confidence to beable to think about his future for himself.”Geof Godwin from ‘Common Ground’ (referral agency)speaking about an Open Door resident he referred.For further information contact:Si CookOpen Door (North East)The CastleGateMelbourne StreetNewcastle-upon-TyneNE1 2JQTel: 0191 233 2288Fax: 0191 233 0499Email: simon.cook@opendoor-ne.orgWeb: www.opendoor-ne.orgOpen Door is a registered charity no. 1099865Housing DestituteAsylum Seekers

“Destitution has become atool of public policy in thecase of <strong>asylum</strong>.”Maeve Sherlock - CEO , The Refugee Council“One young person who came to Newcastleshy and afraid, having lost his family inappalling circumstances, has had his lifechanged by the <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> housing scheme.I was extremely concerned about him as hewas so vulnerable and unable to look afterhimself. Now, he has a group of friends forsupport and has found new confidence to beable to think about his future for himself.”Geof Godwin from ‘Common Ground’ (referral agency)speaking about an <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> resident he referred.For further information contact:Si Cook<strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> (<strong>North</strong> <strong>East</strong>)The CastleGateMelbourne StreetNewcastle-upon-TyneNE1 2JQTel: 0191 233 2288Fax: 0191 233 0499Email: simon.cook@opendoor-ne.orgWeb: www.opendoor-ne.org<strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> is a registered charity no. 1099865<strong>Housing</strong> DestituteAsylum Seekers

<strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> (<strong>North</strong> <strong>East</strong>) is one of the few charitiesproviding accommodation for <strong>destitute</strong> <strong>asylum</strong><strong>seekers</strong> in the UK.Many <strong>asylum</strong> <strong>seekers</strong> become <strong>destitute</strong> when theirsupport is withdrawn after their claim is refused.However, thousands are in this situation for monthsand even years before they are removed to theirhome country. They are not allowed to work, claimany benefits or access any statutory support* unlessagreeing to go back home. This forces manyunderground, making them very vulnerable toexploitation simply to survive.There are many individuals sleeping rough ordepending on the charity of already overstretchedfamily or friends. A report by <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> estimatedthe number of <strong>destitute</strong> <strong>asylum</strong> <strong>seekers</strong> in Newcastleduring December 2005 to be in excess of 300 people.We have an urgent waiting list of people whom wecannot yet house due to lack of resources.“Everyone on our waiting list is extremelyvulnerable and urgently in need. We have seenhow providing accommodation can dramaticallyimprove their health and outlook on life enablingthem to access other services that theydesperately need.” Julian Prior — Project DirectorThe <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Door</strong> Hosting Scheme facilitates a privatearrangement whereby volunteers will host <strong>asylum</strong><strong>seekers</strong> in their homes for an agreed period of time. Wewould like hosting an <strong>asylum</strong> seeker to be like invitingany other guest to stay in your home.We are not asking for professional support to beoffered, simply a bed to sleep in, facilities to wash, dolaundry and somewhere to store, cook and eat food. Allour guests will be supported financially, (and in otherpractical ways) by a support agency so we do notencourage you to give any money to your guest.Our hosting team will keep in touch with you on aregular basis to check how things are going and toarrange alternative accommodation for the guest at theend of the agreed hosting period. We do not advisepeople to host guests continuously and you can end theagreement at any time.Why not contact us for an application form today?* With the exception of Section 21 of the National Assistance Act1948 for those with needs ‘over and above destitution’ i.e. extremehealth care needs.

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