The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMSAB 32 Assembly Bill 32: California’s Global WarmingSolutions ActAEP: American Electric PowerCARB: California Air Resources BoardCER: Certified Emission ReductionCCAR: California Climate Action RegistryCCBA: Climate, Community, and <strong>Biodiversity</strong> AllianceCCB: Climate, Community, and <strong>Biodiversity</strong> StandardsCCX: Chicago Climate ExchangeCCFE: Chicago Climate Futures ExchangeCFTC: Commodities Futures Trading CommissionCDM Clean Development MechanismCFC ChlorofluorocarbonsCFI Carbon Financial InstrumentCO 2 Carbon dioxideCO 2 e: X amount of (solid organic) carbon x 3.67 = CO 2equivalentDEFRA: Department for Environment, Food and RuralAffairs (UK)ECCM: Edinburgh Center for Carbon ManagementECIS: European Carbon Investor ServicesECX: European Climate ExchangeERT: Environmental Resources TrustEU ETS: European Union Emission Trading SchemeERU: Emission Reduction UnitGHG: Greenhouse GasGWP: Global warming potentialIIED: International Institute for Environment andDevelopment’sJI: Joint ImplementationKWh: kilowatt hourLULUCF: Land Use, Land Use Change and ForestryMtCO 2 e: Millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalentNGAC: New South Wales Greenhouse AbatementCertificateNGO: Non- governmental OrganizationNOx: Nitrogen oxideN2O: Nitrous oxideNSW GGAS: New South Wales Greenhouse GasAbatement SchemeOTC: Over-the-counter marketPG&E: Pacific Gas & Electric (California & other westernstates)REC: Renewable energy creditRGGI: Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (11 EasternUnited States + California)SO2: Sulfur dioxidetCO 2 e: Ton of carbon dioxide equivalent (1 tonne of solidorganic carbon x 3.67 = 1 tonne of CO 2 equivalent)TREC: Tradable renewable energy creditVER: Verified Emission ReductionVCS: Voluntary Carbon StandardVCU: Voluntary Carbon UnitWBCSD: World Business Council for SustainableDevelopmentWRCAI: Western Regional Climate Action InitiativeWRI: World Resources InstituteWWF: World Wildlife Fundviii

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