The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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To illustrate the likelihood of at least 30 individuals of one VUspecies occurring in the <strong>Project</strong> Area (as required by this criteriafor Gold Standard), three species from the table above wereselected and analyzed based on known densities for thosespecies. <strong>The</strong> table below shows the known range of densities forthe slow loris, binturong and sambar deer (small, medium andlarge mammals). Also shown are conservative estimates forminimum areas of habitat required to maintain 30 individuals ofeach species. A conservative method of estimation was used,based on lowest recorded densities for each species. Thisconservative approach enables evaluation of whether sufficienthabitat is present in the <strong>Project</strong> Area to support 30 individuals ofeach species, even if present at low densities in the <strong>Project</strong> Area.Based on 2005 satellite imagery the <strong>Project</strong> Area contains c.32,000 ha of mature forest and c. 15,000 ha of secondary forest(c. 47,000 ha total). In comparison, estimated minimum areasrequired for populations of at least 30 individuals of the slowloris, binturong and sambar deer are c. 10,000, 13,700 and15,000 ha, respectively. This demonstrates that even at lowestrecorded densities, mature forest habitat alone is more thansufficient to support 30 individuals of these three species. In fact,minimum populations of at least 2-­‐3 times this size (60-­‐90individuals) are more likely.As noted, extremely low density estimates were used for thisexercise, yet for many species, densities will, in fact, be highest inmature forest areas, which remain extensive in the <strong>Project</strong> Area.This further emphasizes the conservative nature of estimates.When viewed in the broader landscape context, the <strong>Project</strong> Areaand TPNP together likely provide sufficient habitat for 30individuals of all 19 Vulnerable Species confirmed as present inthe area.Table 46. Density & Habitat Range of Species Found in<strong>Project</strong> AreaSpeciesDensityRange(indiv.km -1 )At lowdensity(indiv.ha -1 )Haindiv -1Haneededfor 30Slow loris a 0.3-80 0.003 333 10,000Binturong b 0.218-0.00218 459 13,7610.352Sambar deer c 0.2-1.42 0.002 500 15,000a Wiens 2002; Nekaris et al. 2008bGrassman et al. 2005; Meijaard et al. 2005c Kawanishi & Sunquist 2004; O’Brien et al. 2003GL3.2. IrreplaceabilityIrreplaceability. A minimum proportion of a species’ global populationpresent at the site at any stage of the species’ lifecycle according to thefollowing thresholds:<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> <strong>Project</strong> also qualifies for the <strong>Biodiversity</strong> GoldLevel status under Irreplaceability Criteria GL3.2.2 and GL3.2.4based on the presence of the Bornean orangutan in the <strong>Project</strong>Area.GL3.2.1. Restricted-Range SpeciesRestricted-­‐range species -­‐ species with a global range less than 47,000km2 and 5% of global population at the site;N/A281

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