The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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Table 44. Endangered & Critically Endangered SpeciesFound in <strong>Project</strong> AreaMammalsCatopuma badia Borneo bay cat ENHylobates albibarbis Bornean agile gibbon ENLutra sumatrana Hairy-­‐nosed otter ENManis javanica Sunda pangolin ENNasalis larvatus Proboscis monkey ENPongo pygmaeus Bornean orangutan ENBirdsCiconia stormi Storm's Stork ENPlantsDipterocarpus coriaceusCRShorea balangeranCRShorea platycarpaCRShorea quisoCRShorea leprosulaENShorea teysmanianaENVatica mangapchoiENReptilesTomistoma schlegelii False ghavial ENOrlitia borneensis Malayan giant turtle ENManouria emys Asian giant tortoise ENGL3.1.2. Vulnerable SpeciesVulnerable species (VU) -­‐ presence of at least 30 individuals or 10 pairs.In addition to the 47 species with CR or EN status that areconfirmed or likely present in the <strong>Project</strong> Area, an additional 40species classified as Vulnerable by IUCN are considered likelypresent in the project area. Nineteen of these have beenconfirmed present in nearby TPNP, and are listed in the tablebelow. As noted, these species are considered very likely to occurin the <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> project area based on habitat contiguity withthe TPNP and comparatively low levels of hunting reported in the<strong>Project</strong> Area.Table 45. Vulnerable Species Found in <strong>Project</strong> AreaMammalsArctictis binturongHelarctos malayanusHipposideros ridleyiMacaca nemestrinaMegaerops wetmoreiMurina aeneaMurina rozendaaliNeofelis diardiNycticebus menagensisRusa unicolorSus barbatusTarsius bancanusBirdsLeptoptilos javanicusTreron capelleiLophura erythrophthalmaMelanoperdix nigraPitta baudiiSetornis crinigerPlantsGonystylus bancanusBinturong (bearcat)Sun bearRidley's roundleaf batPig-­‐tailed macaqueWhite collared fruit batBronzed tube nosed batGilded tube nosed batSunda clouded leopardBornean slow lorisSambar deerBearded pigSunda tarsierLesser AdjutantLarge Green PigeonCrestless FirebackBlack PartridgeBlue-­‐headed PittaHook-­‐billed Bulbul280

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