The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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CL2.4. Leakage and non-CO2 GasesNon-­‐CO 2 gases must be included if they are likely to account for morethan a 5% increase or decrease (in terms of CO 2 equivalent) of the netchange calculations (above) of the project’s overall off-­‐site GHGemissions reductions or removals over each monitoring period.No non-­‐CO 2 gases are expected to account for more than a 5%increase or decrease of the project’s overall offsite GHGemissions.CL3. Climate Impact MonitoringCL3.1. Initial Climate Monitoring PlanDevelop an initial plan for selecting carbon pools and non-­‐CO 2 GHGs tobe monitored, and determine the frequency of monitoring. Potentialpools include aboveground biomass, litter, dead wood, belowgroundbiomass, wood products, soil carbon and peat. Pools to monitor mustinclude any pools expected to decrease as a result of project activities,including those in the region outside the project boundaries resultingfrom all types of leakage identified in CL2. A plan must be in place tocontinue leakage monitoring for at least five years after all activitydisplacement or other leakage causing activity has taken place.Individual GHG sources may be considered ‘insignificant’ and do nothave to be accounted for if together such omitted decreases in carbonpools and increases in GHG emissions amount to less than 5% of thetotal CO 2 equivalent benefits generated by the project. Non-­‐CO2 gasesmust be included if they are likely to account for more than 5% (in termsof CO 2 equivalent) of the project’s overall GHG impact over eachmonitoring period. Direct field measurements using scientifically robustsampling must be used to measure more significant elements of theproject’s carbon stocks. Other data must be suitable to the project siteand specific forest type.A Monitoring Plan has been developed for <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> and willbe revised and updated as needed .See Annex 20 for the Carbon & Climate Monitoring Plan.CL3.2. Development of Comprehensive ClimateMonitoring PlanCommit to developing a full monitoring plan within six months of theproject start date or within twelve months of validation against theStandards and to disseminate this plan and the results of monitoring,ensuring that they are made publicly available on the internet and arecommunicated to the communities and other stakeholders.Based on the final changes in the Methodology, the initial CarbonMonitoring Plan has been drafted and implemented. Monitoringactivities have been initiated as per this plan and have beendesigned to fit with OFI’s activities.See Annex 20 for the Complete Carbon & Climate MonitoringPlan.<strong>The</strong> Carbon & Climate Monitoring Plan should be considered aliving document with adjustments being made as needed on anon-­‐going basis.234

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