The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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also provide training in the skills required to maximise theseopportunities.A description of the <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong> Process Framework, intended toaddress foundational issues in capacity building, is provided in SectionG3.9, above. Below are presented a number of specific capacitybuilding programs, researched by project proponents as potentiallyapplicable to <strong>Project</strong> Zone community needs. However, the finalprograms will be designed in collaboration with the communities toensure that they address current community concerns and prioritizecommunity needs for capacity building.Major Programs (see Section G3.2 for full descriptions): Forest patrol and security Fire fighting and prevention GIS equipment and techniques Agro-­‐forestry and ecosystem restoration Wildlife monitoring Orangutan feeding and care Small business development“<strong>The</strong> definition of capacity building is broad. It is a holisticenterprise, encompassing a multitude of activities. It meansbuilding abilities, relationships and values that will enableorganisations, groups and individuals to improve theirperformance and achieve their development objectives. Itincludes strengthening the processes, systems and rules thatinfluence collective and individual behaviour and performancein all development endeavours. And it means enhancingpeople’s technical ability and willingness to play newdevelopmental roles and adapt to new demands andsituations.”-­‐ Capacity building for sustainable development.An Overview of UNEP Environmental Capacity DevelopmentActivities.192

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