The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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Community Conflict Resolution<strong>The</strong> project proponent will identify a qualified third party tomanage grievances. This will mostly likely be World Education atproject commencement. Although involved in some aspects ofproject implementation, organizations such as OFI and WorldEducation areexcellent independent organizations with strongon-­‐going ties to <strong>Project</strong> Zone communities and have reputationsfor honest engagement.During community consultations, the project proponent willexplain the conflict resolution process and provide clear verbaland written guidance on how grievances can be raised to theproponent through the third-­‐party intermediary and/orcommunity liaison.A distinction should be drawn between preventative andproceduralconflict resolution with communities. Preventativemanagement of conflicts involves holding regular stakeholdermeetings and the implementation of well-­‐designed communitydevelopment programming. Procedural community conflictresolution involves the actual management and handling ofindividual or community wide grievances.<strong>The</strong> draft proceduralcommunity conflict resolution process is asfollows:1. Each community has been provided with a method andcontact details for a third-­‐party intermediary whorepresents the project proponent. For example, arepresentative from World Education or OFI, whomaintain regular contact with villages.2. When a grievance has been lodged, the third-­‐partyintermediary will notify the project proponent and invitestakeholders lodging the grievance within one week aftersubmission to discuss their concerns.3. <strong>The</strong> stakeholder lodging the grievance will meetindependently with a designated Indonesianrepresentative of the third-­‐party intermediaryorganization to identify concerns and discuss potentialsolutions. <strong>The</strong> intermediary will document the nature ofthe grievance, the actions being requested and the list ofpotential solutions that were discussed at the meetingwith the stakeholder.4. Where a significant grievance is lodged, the third-­‐partyintermediary will then report to the project proponentabout the grievance being lodged.5. <strong>The</strong> third-­‐party intermediary and the project proponentwill meet to decide on the appropriate course of action toaddress the issue. This may take many forms, such as:o Directly addressing the grievance in a way thatsolves the problem as requested stakeholder,o Making suggestions that arrive at a middle groundbetween what is being requested by thestakeholder and what is feasible from theperspective of the project proponent,o Offering to hold a community-­‐wide meetingbetween the third-­‐party intermediary and thestakeholder’s community, oro Outright rejectionof the grievance with a writtenexplanation as to the reasonable basis of thedecision.6. <strong>The</strong> third-­‐party intermediary will then report back to thestakeholder lodging the grievance to present the solution.7. This exchange of information should continue until thedispute has been resolved.8. <strong>The</strong> time frame should be no longer than 30 days.9. <strong>Project</strong> proponents will prepare a report on the resolutionprocess, which will be made accessible to stakeholders.177

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