The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project

The Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve REDD Project


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Funding of OFI activitiesTanjung Puting National Park is one of the largest remainingprotected habitats for the endangered Borneo Orangutan. Forover twenty years, OFI has been rescuing orangutans orphanedby deforestation, rehabilitating them, and releasing them backinto the wild, where they are monitored for research andeducation purposes. OFI has also managed Camp Leakey, a wildorangutan reserve inside the park, and its conservation activitieshave extended to securing park borders and educatingcommunities around the park.A portion of the revenues from the sale of the project’s carboncredits will be used to fund OFI’s ongoing activities, including newprograms for reforestation of critical orangutan habitats andacquisition of viable habitat that does not currently meet <strong>REDD</strong>project requirements for additionality.In addition, project proponents will build three new orangutanrelease centers and six feeding platforms at strategic locationsinside the <strong>Project</strong> Area over the first three years of the project.Working with project proponents, OFI will use the release centersto reintroduce as many as 300 orangutans from their OrangutanCare Center and Quarantine (OCCQ) Rehabilitation Center nearPangkalan Bun, back into the wild, utilizing the reserve as astaging ground for their migration into the park. <strong>The</strong> feedingplatforms, which are mobile, will function as an integralcomponent of the reintroduction process. By progressivelymoving the locations of feeding platforms farther away from therelease centers, project proponents and OFI staff can monitororangutan adaptation and exercise partial control over orangutanwhereabouts for the first several months after release.Orangutan release center and supplemental feeding platform in <strong>Rimba</strong> <strong>Raya</strong>132

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