Cooling & Heating - Andrews Sykes

Cooling & Heating - Andrews Sykes

Cooling & Heating - Andrews Sykes


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Dehumidification informationApplications of refrigerant anddesiccant dryersRefrigerant dryers are most commonlyused in the British climate. Dessicantdryers tend to be only used in thefollowing situations:n a very low relative humidity isrequired (< 40%)n the work is being carried out atextremely low temperatures (< -10ºC)n a low dew point is essential (forexample tank-coating)n the unit has to be ducted into the areathat needs dryingA refrigerant dryer uses about one thirdof the energy of a similar desiccantdryer, therefore the obvious advantage(especially on site) is that it requires muchless electricity so that running costs areusually reduced. A desiccant dryer ismore efficient than a refrigerant dryer atabout -5ºC.Typical applications includen drying out buildings duringconstruction/finishingn drying out after a fire or floodn storage of delicate products that aremoisture sensitiven keeping electrical switch rooms dryn equipment drying rooms onconstruction sites, outdoor activitycentres, fire stations etcn the drying out of pipework and tanksprior to repainting / coatingFire and water damageIn the case of fire and water damageimmediate, fast and professional actionis essential to avoid further damage.<strong>Andrews</strong> <strong>Sykes</strong> hire dryers, heaters andfans to reduce relative humidity and toventilate polluted air. Corrosion (HCL)can be stopped; buildings, furnitureand inventory can be saved and thusrestoration costs can be minimized.Building dryingThe most important reason for usingbuilding dryers is to minimize the totalbuilding time by creating the perfectconditions for painting, plastering,finishing floors and ceilings, wall-paperetc. <strong>Andrews</strong> <strong>Sykes</strong> has the right dryeravailable whether you need a buildingdryer for a house, a cellar, a safe storageor complete utility.Humidity control during storageIncreasingly, higher demands are madeupon the relative humidity standards forall storage including agricultural products,electronic components, sheet steel, food,paper products, powders, objets d’art,antiques etc. The list is almost endless.Typical relative humidityconditionsMaterial % R.H.Nuts 60-65Steel 55Chocolate 40-50Electronics 55Onions 65-70Switch rooms 60Furniture 50-55Paper 55-65Flowerbulbs 70-75Artwork 55To avoid mould the relative humidity has tobe maintained below 70% R.H.Dehumidification with an <strong>Andrews</strong> <strong>Sykes</strong>refrigerant building dryer is up to 75%cheaper than using heating in combinationwith ventilation to dry a room.or Call Us Free 0800 211 61183

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