Surface brightness profiles of dwarf galaxies in the NGC 5044 Group

Surface brightness profiles of dwarf galaxies in the NGC 5044 Group

Surface brightness profiles of dwarf galaxies in the NGC 5044 Group


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S.A. Cellone: Dwarf <strong>galaxies</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>NGC</strong> <strong>5044</strong> <strong>Group</strong> 413small size <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>NGC</strong> <strong>5044</strong> <strong>Group</strong> sample, and <strong>the</strong> unknown reliability<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> procedure used for equaliz<strong>in</strong>g both samples, thisresult should be taken with care. Perhaps <strong>the</strong> L − N relation,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g its exceptions, is <strong>the</strong>n more useful for study<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong>structure <strong>of</strong> elliptical <strong>galaxies</strong> than as a precise distance <strong>in</strong>dicator.With this idea, it would be <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g to explore any possibleconnection between <strong>the</strong> shape parameter and o<strong>the</strong>r properties <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> <strong>galaxies</strong>, such as velocity dispersion or metallicity. Environmentaleffects should also be <strong>in</strong>vestigated; it is <strong>in</strong>terest<strong>in</strong>g thattwo bright <strong>dwarf</strong>s with convex <strong>pr<strong>of</strong>iles</strong> were found <strong>in</strong> a bl<strong>in</strong>dlyselected, although small sample <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>NGC</strong> <strong>5044</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, whileno counterparts are known <strong>in</strong> Virgo and Fornax. CCD surface<strong>brightness</strong> <strong>pr<strong>of</strong>iles</strong> for larger samples <strong>of</strong> <strong>dwarf</strong>s and <strong>in</strong>termediatelum<strong>in</strong>osity ellipticals, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g o<strong>the</strong>r nearby small groups,are needed to establish <strong>the</strong> statistical significance <strong>of</strong> this k<strong>in</strong>d <strong>of</strong><strong>galaxies</strong>.Acknowledgements. The author acknowledges use <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> CCD anddata acquisition system supported under U. S. National Science Foundationgrant AST-90-15827 to R. M. Rich. Special thanks are due toCASLEO staff members Luisa Navarro and J. L. Giuliani for <strong>the</strong>ir helpwith L<strong>in</strong>ux-IRAF <strong>in</strong>stallation.ReferencesAdami C., Nichol R.C., Mazure A., et al., 1998, A&A 334, 765Andredakis Y.C., Peletier R.F., Balcells M., 1995, MNRAS 275, 874B<strong>in</strong>ggeli B., Jerjen H., 1998, A&A 333, 17B<strong>in</strong>ggeli B., Popescu C.C., Tammann G.A., 1993, A&AS 98, 275B<strong>in</strong>ggeli B., Sandage A., Tarenghi M., 1984, AJ 89, 64Bothun G.D., Caldwell N., Schombert J.M., 1989, AJ 98, 1542Burste<strong>in</strong> D., Heiles C., 1984, ApJS 54, 33Caldwell N., Bothun G.D., 1987, AJ 94, 1126Caon N., Capaccioli M., D’On<strong>of</strong>rio M., 1993, MNRAS 265, 1013Cellone S.A., Forte J.C., Geisler D., 1994, ApJS 93, 397 (CFG)Davies J.I., Phillipps S., Cawson M.G.M., Disney M.J., KibblewhiteE.J., 1988, MNRAS 232, 239de Souza R.E., dos Anjos S., 1998, In: Barbuy B., Lapasset E., BaptistaR., Cid Fernandes R. (eds.) Proceed<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> Workshop: Science withGem<strong>in</strong>i, (IAG–USP & UFSC), p. 128D’On<strong>of</strong>rio M., Capaccioli M., Caon N., 1994, MNRAS 271, 523D’On<strong>of</strong>rio M., Capaccioli M., Zaggia S.R., Caon N., 1997, MNRAS289, 847Durrell P.R., 1997, AJ 113, 531Durrell P.R., McLaughl<strong>in</strong> D.E., Harris W.E., Hanes D.A., 1996, ApJ463, 543Ferguson H.C., B<strong>in</strong>ggeli B., 1994, A&AR 6, 67Ferguson H.C., Sandage A., 1990, AJ 100, 1 (FS90)Ferrarese L., Freedman W.L., Hill R.J., et al., 1996, ApJ 464, 568Franx M., Ill<strong>in</strong>gworth G., Heckman T., 1989, AJ 98, 538Geisler D., 1996, AJ 111, 480Graham A., Lauer T.R., Colless M., Postman M., 1996, ApJ 465, 534Huchra J., Davis M., Latham D., Tonry J., 1983, ApJS 52, 89Impey C.D., Bothun G.D., Mal<strong>in</strong> D.F., 1988, ApJ 330, 634Karachentseva V.E., Karachentsev I.D., Richter G.M., von BerlepschR., Fritze K., 1987, Astron. Nachr.308, 247Landolt A.U., 1992, AJ 104, 340Peletier R.F., Davies R.L., Ill<strong>in</strong>gworth G.D., Davis L.E., Cawson M.,1990, AJ 100, 1091Prugniel P., 1994, In: Meylan G., Prugniel P. (eds.) ESO/OHP WorkshopDwarf Galaxies, ESO, Garch<strong>in</strong>g, p. 171Saglia R.P., Bender R., Dressler A., 1993a, A&A 279, 75Saglia R.P., Bertsch<strong>in</strong>ger E., Baggley G., et al., 1993b, MNRAS 264,961Sérsic J.L., 1968, Atlas de Galaxias Australes. Observatorio Astronómicode CórdobaThuan T.X., 1983, ApJ 268, 667Young C.K., Currie M.J., 1994, MNRAS 268, L11Young C.K., Currie M.J., 1995, MNRAS 273, 1141Young C.K., Currie M.J., 1998, A&A 333, 795Young C.K., Metcalfe N., Zhu J., Wu H., Chen J., 1998, A&AS 130,173

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