Paediatric cardiology clinical profile - University Hospital ...

Paediatric cardiology clinical profile - University Hospital ...

Paediatric cardiology clinical profile - University Hospital ...


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CODEINE PHOSPHATEUses :Dose :Side-effects :Notes :Opioid analgesic for moderate pain ONLY in children over 12 years of age500mcg – 1mg/kg, 4 – 6hrlyRespiratory depression, sedation and constipationSafe for Mother to use if breast feedingMORPHINE SULPHATEUses :Opioid analgesic for acute or post-operative painDose : Oral 200 – 400mcg/kg, 4 – 6hrlyIV infusion10 – 30 mcg/kg/hrSide-effects :Notes :Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, respiratory depression, urinary retentionNaloxone is the antidoteNeeds to be withdrawn gradually if used long-term, as patients can developdependence type symptomsAnticoagulants and AntithromboticsASPIRINUses :Dose :Side-effects :Interactions :Anti-thrombotic therapyThins blood by destroying plateletsUsed in patients with shunt dependant circulationsTreatment of persistent pericardial effusionsTreatment of PericarditisTreatment of Kawasakis DiseaseAnalgesic with anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic properties (not recommendedunder 12yrs)Usually 5mg/kg daily, to max 75mg dailyMay have 10mg/kg daily depending on Consultant preferenceMay have up to 30mg/kg for effusions, pericarditis or KawasakisRisk of bruisingGastrointestinal irritationIncreased side-effects if given with other NSAID’sIncreased risk of bleeding if given with other anticoagulantsInteracts with anticonvulsant medicationsHEPARINUses :AnticoagulantInhibits the production of thrombinIncreases clotting timeShort and fast acting – used to maintain anticoagulation in patients normally onwarfarinDose : Either : Initial IV loading dose : Or :Up to 75iu/kg IV bolus 20iu/kg/hr IV infusionFollowed by :20iu/kg/hr IV infusionDose adjusted according to APTRSide-effects :Interactions:Risk of excessive bleeding or bruisingIncreased anticoagulant effect if used with Aspirin

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