Paediatric cardiology clinical profile - University Hospital ...

Paediatric cardiology clinical profile - University Hospital ...

Paediatric cardiology clinical profile - University Hospital ...


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Beta BlockersPROPRANOLOLUses :Short acting affect1)Prevention of cyanotic spells in Fallots Tetralogy2)Management of Cardiomyopathy3)Treatment of arrhythmias4)Treatment of hypertensionDoses :Side-effects :1)250mcg-1mg TDS2)500mcg/kg TDS3)250-500mcg/kg4)1mg/kgBradycardiaHypotensionDizzinessTDSTDSInteractions :Notes :Increased AV conduction time with DigoxinAdrenaline increases blood pressure, risk of bradycardiaAnaesthetic decreases heart rate, lower cardiac outputDiuretics may increase hypotensive effectContra-indicated in patients with existing hypotension or heart blockATENOLOLUses :Dose :Notes :Long acting effectTreatment of hypertension1-2mg/kg dailyOralSame side-effects and interactions as PropranololMore commonly used in older children

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