Transit Safety - Calgary Transit

Transit Safety - Calgary Transit

Transit Safety - Calgary Transit

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Generalsafetypractices:Let othercustomersexit beforeyou board.Onceyou’veboarded,hold ontoa bar orstrap asquickly aspossible asthe vehiclemay moveunexpectedly.Cross only in designatedcrosswalks. Don’t cross in frontof the bus or CTrain. Obey alltraffic signs.For comments or questionsregarding CTrain stations,bus and train routes, schedulesand general information,phone 262-1000 or TTY 268-8087.For lost property inquiries,phone 268-1600.Website: www.calgarytransit.comCall 3-1-1 for general City of<strong>Calgary</strong> information and assistance,including to report sidewalks that arenot cleared of snow and ice.Customers who need instructionabout how to use <strong>Calgary</strong> <strong>Transit</strong>can phone 537-7770.Using<strong>Calgary</strong> <strong>Transit</strong>A Guide forSeniors, Peoplewith Disabilities,and New Users2007-1254www.calgarytransit.comcall 262-1000

On the bus:While standingon the bus,stay behindthe yellow line.<strong>Transit</strong> operatorsmay askcustomers to giveup the front seatsso a customer witha mobility devicecan board the bus. If a customerrefuses to move, the customer withthe mobility device must wait forthe next bus, or, if able, safely foldand store theirmobility device andfind an alternate seaton the bus or train.Bus zones:To avoid injury, keepback from the curbwhen a bus is pullinginto a stop. Pleasewait for others toget off the busbefore boarding.On the CTrain:The <strong>Transit</strong> HELP intercomsystem can be used forany issue on the CTrainwhere assistance is needed— for example, a medicalemergency, customerharassment, crime or otherincidents. The intercombuttons are located nextto the doors and will beanswered by the train operator.Doors equipped with an accessibleramp are indicated by a blue lightabove the doors, and locatedtowards thecentre of the car.(Not all cars areequipped with aramp.) When theaccessible buttonis pressed, theramp is deployed.A single audibletone indicatesthat the CTrain isabout to leavethe station.At CTrainstations:<strong>Transit</strong> HELPintercoms andsecurity camerasare located at allCTrain stationsand platforms.If you experiencea medicalemergency,harassment, crime or see anotherincident, press the HELP intercombutton and <strong>Calgary</strong> <strong>Transit</strong> staff atthe Monitoring Centre will assistyou. Every time the HELPintercom is pressed, a camerais focused on you. This lets<strong>Calgary</strong> <strong>Transit</strong> MonitoringCentre staff see who iscalling them.The yellow line at the edge ofevery CTrain platform providesyou with safe clearance fromCTrains and train mirrors.Always stay well behind theyellow line until the traincomes to a complete stop.

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