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<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 4(<strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(2008)25) and Laplace was selected as the outer planet mission within theCV1525 programme.The CV1525 plan was updated reflecting the technology readiness and availability ofinternational partners, now envisaging two M-class missions in 2017/2018 andmoving the first L-class mission to the second slice of the CV1525 programme. Theoverall Cost at Completion for the first CV slice is 900 MEuros (e.c. 2008) and thecost cap per mission is less than 450 MEuros (e.c. 2008).The original plan, based on two rounds of competitive down-selections remains valid.The first M-class down-selection has selected the mission concepts to enter theDefinition phase and the first L-class downs-selection is expected in 2011. Thesecond down-selection will select the missions to enter the Implementation phase (Mclass:2012-2018, L-class: 2013-2020). This approach allows competition amongdifferent mission candidates until the end of the Definition phase, as recommended bythe Science Programme Review Team report (SPRT, <strong>ESA</strong>/C(2007)13). Thecorresponding process timeline is shown in Figure 2.1/1.L-class missionsLaplaceTandemLisaIXOL1 launchM-class missionsEuclidPlatoSpicaMarco-PoloCross-ScaleSolar OrbiterM1 launchM2 launch20072008 2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 20122017 2018 2019 2020Figure 2.1/1. Cosmic Vision timeline summary.The CV1525 mission candidates are summarised in Table 2.1/1 below. The three L-class missions are currently running their assessment phase and are competing for alaunch in 2020 (second CV slice). All L missions are foreseen with internationalcollaboration (mainly with NASA and JAXA) and with a cost at completion cap for<strong>ESA</strong> of 650 MEuros (e.c. 2008).

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 5Table 2.1/1: Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 Mission CandidatesFields M-class L-class Mission ofOpportunitySolar studies(Solar Orbiter)Solar SystemDark Energy(EUCLID)Astrophysics Exoplanets /Asteroseismology(PLATO)Jupiter system(Laplace)X-Ray astronomy(IXO)Gravitational waves(LISA)IR astronomy(SPICA)2.2 M-class Mission Down-SelectionFollowing the completion of the industrial assessment studies, the M-class missioncandidates have undergone a review of their design and technological status, theirfinancial and programmatic viability and their scientific performance. Thisinformation has been made available to the Advisory Structure who have performed ascientific ranking of the viable candidates which is detailed in <strong>ESA</strong>/SSAC(<strong>2010</strong>)1,SOL(<strong>2010</strong>)2, ASTRO(<strong>2010</strong>)2 and FPAG(<strong>2010</strong>)1.On the basis of this ranking, the Executive has proposed to SPC a number of M-classmission concepts to enter Definition phase (<strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3 rev. 1).As noted above, the down-selection decision sees Euclid, PLATO, and Solar Orbiterproceed forward in competition for the M1/M2 Cosmic Vision launch slots.An important change in the Solar Orbiter mission scenario sees an increase in closestapproach to the sun from 0.23 to 0.29 AU i.e. similar to Mercury at perihelion. Thischange will allow the maximum re-<strong>use</strong> of BepiColombo technology, in particular thesolar array and cells. As such the TDAs identified for Solar Orbiter are updated toreflect this new baseline. In addition several of the TDAs (heat shield breadboard,feedthroughs, doors and mechanisms, and antenna adaptation study) will be executedwithin the frame of the industrial studies.The decision on the way forward for SPICA, regarding the potential Europeancontribution to the JAXA-led mission, will be made at the June <strong>2010</strong> SPC meeting.As such those TDAs for SPICA will not be implemented until this further decision istaken, and may be revisited if required.The three phases of mission study and implementation in the CV 2015-2025 Plan areshown in Figure 2.2/1. The successful execution of the plan requires coordinatedsystem and technology development activities on both the spacecraft and the payload,implemented in parallel. The down-selection after the assessment phase and after thedefinition phase will consider all elements of the mission including the payload.Letters of Endorsement (LOE) and Multi-Lateral Agreements (MLA) will define thecommitments and responsibilities of Member States and <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 6MissionselectionDown-selection& Payload AOMissionadoptionLaunchAssessment Phase Definition Phase Implementation Phase~ 2 years ~ 2 years ~ 5-6 yearsSpacecraftAndPayloadactivitiesn missions two missions one missionAssessment studiesDesign consolidation& pre-developmentsDevelopment<strong>ESA</strong> /Member StatesagreementsLOEMLAFigure 2.2/1. The three phases of mission study and implementation in the CV2015-2025 plan.3. Cosmic Vision Technology Development Plan3.1 This Technology Development Plan updateThis technology plan is an update of <strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(2009)143 (November 2009) which wasdefined, as for previous versions, using the <strong>ESA</strong> End-to-End process as described in<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(2005)39, involving a Technology Network (TECNET) of technical andmission experts from <strong>ESA</strong>. The proposed technological activities are based on:The critical technologies that were identified based on internal <strong>ESA</strong> studies,Technology development activities identified by industry in the course of themission candidates assessment studies,Technology development activities identified by the science instrumentationcommunity, through studies done by institutes or consortia in parallel to theindustrial studies,Dedicated workshops organised by the Agency for structuring payloadactivities (case of Laplace and IXO)An assessment of the technological needs and maturity with respect toongoing running activities, urgency and funding availability.This update of the work plan reflects the changes required in the M-class technologydevelopment activities due to the down-selection outcome (<strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3 rev. 1).In all cases, only the activities to be placed in <strong>2010</strong> are submitted for approval. Thoseforeseen to be placed in 2011/2012 are provided for information.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 73.2 Implementation Principles and Payload related activitiesCritical basic technology developments of the spacecraft and science instrumentsmust be completed before entering the Definition Phase. As a general rule,Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5-6 is expected at the start of the ImplementationPhase.In line with SPC/SPRT recommendations, the traditional baseline concerning deliveryof instruments to <strong>ESA</strong> by the Member States is maintained for the ScienceProgramme. The responsibility for the science payloads depends on the mission case.<strong>For</strong> Solar System and Planetary missions, the payload is constituted of an instrumentsuite provided by the Member States. <strong>For</strong> Astrophysics missions, the separation linebetween <strong>ESA</strong> and Member States responsibilities is agreed on a case by case basis,and progressively frozen by the end of the Assessment Phase. It depends on themission concept and on <strong>ESA</strong> and Member States respective financial constraints. Asgeneral rules:- Large and complex payload elements that are strongly interleaved with thespacecraft design remain under <strong>ESA</strong> responsibility. This applies to the IXOtelescope. Similar past examples are the Herschel telescope and cryostat.- Focal plane instruments are under Member States responsibility. This appliesto SAFARI (SPICA), and IXO focal plane instruments such as WFI or NFI.The last cryogenic stage(s) which are physically embedded in the instrumentare assumed to be part of the instrument assembly.It is assumed that the Member States will be in charge of the technologydevelopments of the instruments they plan to provide, while <strong>ESA</strong> will implement thetechnology developments related to the rest of the spacecraft and payload elementsremaining under <strong>ESA</strong> responsibility. As recommended by SPC/SPRT, a goodcoordination between the technology developments under Member States and <strong>ESA</strong>responsibility is imperative, thereby avoiding duplication of effort, enablingidentification of missing activities and providing <strong>ESA</strong> with visibility of the payloaddevelopment.An important point raised during the M-class down–selection (<strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3, rev.1 §5) is that there is currently no funding available in the Member States for the focalplane CCD detectors for Euclid or PLATO. As such it is now envisaged that theprocurement and therefore also the technology pre-developments of the CCDdetectors will be under <strong>ESA</strong> responsibility. This is reflected in this update of the planwhere, CCD development activities for PLATO and EUCLID previously undernational remit become now listed <strong>ESA</strong> activities funded through CTP.<strong>For</strong> the L-Class mission TDAs, phased contracts will be <strong>use</strong>d in order toaccommodate the down-selection at the end of <strong>2010</strong> and minimise spending for themission(s) that will not be down-selected.Similarly, the M-class related TDAs contracts will be phased, considering the finalselection of the M-class missions in mid 2011.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 8A summary of the current assumptions on the payload procurement scheme isprovided in table 3.2/1 for the selected M and L missions.Table 3.2/1: Current assumptions for payload cases for M and L missions.Category A = <strong>ESA</strong> payload; Category B = payload provided by Member States;Category C = payload is shared between <strong>ESA</strong> and Member States.Mission PayloadMember state provisioncategorySolar Orbiter B Instrument suite, AO process completed in2009 and instrumentation selectedLaplace B Instrument suitePLATO C Payload assembly excluding CCD detectors.EUCLID C Focal plane assemblies with proximity optics,(IR and VIS)SPICA C SAFARI cryogenic instrument provided by aconsortium of science institutes.IXO C Optics under <strong>ESA</strong> responsibility, cryogenicelements TBD, focal plane instrumentsprovided by institutesLISA A TBD3.3 Budgets and implementation constraints<strong>ESA</strong> technology activities mainly rely on TRP and CTP technology budgets and willbe submitted to the Industrial Policy Committee (<strong>IPC</strong>) for approval andimplementation. GSTP is marginally <strong>use</strong>d and some technology system studies onfuture mission themes may be funded by GSP for supporting the technologydevelopment definition when necessary.The TRP budget is devoted to initial technology developments, leading to anexperimental feasibility verification of critical functions or to a validation atbreadboard level in laboratory environment (TRL 3). In case of components thismight be extended e.g. radiation hardening, since otherwise a proof of feasibility isnot possible.The CTP budget foc<strong>use</strong>s on reaching a higher level of technology maturity bydeveloping engineering models, tested in the relevant environment, before the start ofthe definition phase of a scientific project (TRL 5-6).The Executive will implement the plan according to general procurement principlesand geo-return requirements. In particular, some changes in procurement policies arepossible in the frame of the measures necessary to structurally recover geo-returndeficits, e.g. by the <strong>use</strong> of the so-called Special Initiative.The payload related technology activities are presented for information; theirdefinition and implementation are under the responsibility of national entities. ThisTDP has considered the information available from <strong>ESA</strong> studies and member states.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 9<strong>For</strong> IXO and Laplace dedicated workshops were organised, involving potentialinstrument providers. Furthermore, a consultation process is ongoing in connectionwith the assessment study activities.The science payload developments under Member States funding are marked as“National”. The funding scheme for these activities is defined by the Member Stateson a case by case basis. The <strong>use</strong> of GSTP is appropriate, in particular for complexdevelopments involving several Member States. PRODEX may also be <strong>use</strong>d, as wellas direct national funding of national institutes or any other appropriate scheme.Concerning the European Cooperating States (ECS), PECS funding could coverpayload developments. Additionally, in order to facilitate the build-up of strategiccapabilities in future new member states, limited PECS co-funding of activitiesfunded under TRP or CTP may be considered by <strong>ESA</strong> on a case by case basis.National support in compliance with the ECS agreement (<strong>ESA</strong>/C(2001)29) would berequired.3.4 <strong>ESA</strong> activities for L-class and M-class missions<strong>ESA</strong> technology development activities for the down-selected M-class missions willnow be implemented. This also applies to the science instruments that would beprovided by the Member States, for which early technology developments may berequired for reaching TRL ≥ 5 before entering the implementation phase. Note thatthe implementation of the SPICA TDAs will await the respective SPC decision.The technology development activities for the L-class mission candidates are beingimplemented as soon as possible, in view of reaching TRL ≥ 5 before entering theimplementation phase.The technology development activities identified for the future mission themes arealso being implemented as soon as possible, within budgetary constraints. This isdone with a view to reaching TRL ≥ 4 for the identified key technologies before thenext Cosmic Vision call. This will thus allow the future mission themes to competefor selection.<strong>For</strong> the practical implementation of <strong>ESA</strong> TDAs, the proposals for <strong>2010</strong> are firm,whereas the period 2011-2012 is provided for information only. It is planned to revisitthis list on a regular basis and to continue to update the plan with the results of systemstudies and ongoing activities.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 103.5 Addition of activities pre-dating the Cosmic Vision Technology DevelopmentPlanTable 3.5/1 lists a number of older previously approved activities which we nowinclude in this plan for completenessTable 3.5/1 Previously approved activities added to this plan<strong>IPC</strong> Old <strong>ESA</strong> <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. inActivity TitleApproval Ref. this planY2006 L11/3 C216-113PW Optical Bench Development for LISAY2006 SO-DE-03 C216-114PSValidation of LCVRS for the SolarOrbiter Polarisation ModulationPackage (previous title: Solar Orbiter -Polarisation Modulation Package –LCVR)Y2006 SO-AO-01 C205-001PS High Flux Sun Sensor/Sun Filters4. Candidate Missions and Science Themes4.1 Candidate missionsThis section provides an overview of L-class and M-class mission candidates. Moredetails can be found on the Cosmic Vision web site L-class Mission CandidatesThe three L-class mission candidates are currently in the Assessment Phase.LISA will track for the first time the elusive ‘gravity waves’ predicted by GeneralRelativity, thus giving birth to a new kind of astronomy from space. Complementingthe traditional astronomy studying the electromagnetic spectrum, LISA will attempt todetect the tiny ripples of space-time due to the fundamental force of gravity. Themission is foreseen to be implemented in collaboration with NASA.Laplace is the outer planet mission to the Jupiter system and is proposed incollaboration with NASA. The mission concept is based on two spacecraft toperform coordinated observations of the Jovian satellites, in particular Callisto,Ganymede, Europa and Jupiter’s magnetosphere, atmosphere and interior. Thecollaboration scheme is the following: <strong>ESA</strong> would be in charge of building the JupiterGanymede Orbiter (JGO) spacecraft, while NASA would be in charge of building theJupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) spacecraft. The science instrumentation on bothspacecraft would be shared between NASA and <strong>ESA</strong> Member States.IXO evolved from XEUS <strong>ESA</strong>/JAXA mission by merging with the NASA missionConstellation-X. This International X-ray Observatory is the next-generation X-rayspace observatory to study the hot, million-degree universe (e.g. supermassive blackholes, evolution of galaxies and large-scale structures and matter under extremeconditions). The IXO concept is based on a large deployed structure connecting the

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 11telescope optics with the focal plane instrumentation. IXO is now foreseen incollaboration between <strong>ESA</strong>, NASA and JAXA.4.1.2 M-class Mission CandidatesThe three M-class mission candidates and one mission of opportunity (TBC) arebriefly described below:Solar Orbiter will perform closest ever in-situ measurements, using instruments tomeasure the solar wind, energetic particles, magnetic fields and radio- and plasmawaves. Solar Orbiter will also produce high-resolution images and spectra of the Sunand its environment, using instruments in the visible, extreme ultra violet and X-rays.The mission is foreseen in collaboration with NASA, who would provide the launcherand a contribution to science instrumentation.The scientific goals of the Solar Orbiter include 1) the in-situ determination theproperties and dynamics of plasma, fields and particles in the near-Sun heliosphere, 2)to survey the fine detail of the Sun's magnetised atmosphere, 3) to identify the linksbetween activity on the Sun's surface and the resulting evolution of the corona andinner heliosphere, using solar co-rotation passes, and 4) to observe and characterisethe Sun's polar regions and equatorial coronaSolar Orbiter is a specially designed three-axis stabilised spacecraft. To cope with theextreme Solar radiation, a sunshield, always pointing to the Sun with the one-timeexception of an anti-sun pointing mode <strong>use</strong>d during the cruise far from the sun,protects the spacecraft and provides openings to let the instruments view the solardisc. The spacecraft provides a thermally stable environment and a stable pointing tothe instruments on board. Solar Orbiter will exploit new technologies being developedby <strong>ESA</strong> for the BepiColombo mission to Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun.Following a cruise phase lasting approximately 3.4 years, the spacecraft will <strong>use</strong> aseries of gravity assists from Venus and the Earth to enter into a 150-day-longelliptical solar orbit from which it can begin its scientific mission. Upon entering thescience orbit, closer encounters to the Sun will be achieved, with closest perihelion of0.29 AU. The spacecraft will perform a close approach of the Sun every five months.Around closest approach, when travelling at its fastest, Solar Orbiter will remain forseveral days roughly positioned over the same region of the solar atmosphere as theSun rotates on its axis. Solar Orbiter will <strong>use</strong> the gravity of Venus to nudge thespacecraft into higher inclination orbits. This will enable the instruments to see thepolar regions of the Sun clearly for the first time. This is one of the prime scientificgoals of the project. After 7.4 years, Solar Orbiter will view the poles from solarlatitudes higher than 30°, compared with 7° at best from the Earth.A set of in-situ and a set of remote sensing instruments will be accommodated withina resource envelope of 180 kg and 180 W. The in-situ instruments consist of detectorsfor observing particles and events in the immediate vicinity of the spacecraft: thecharged particles and magnetic fields of the solar wind, radio and magnetic waves inthe solar wind, and energetic charged particles flung out by the Sun. The remotesensing instruments will observe the Sun's surface and atmosphere. The gas of the

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 12atmosphere is best seen by its strong emissions of short-wavelength ultraviolet rays.Tuned to these will be a full-Sun and high-resolution imager and a high-resolutionspectrometer. The outer atmosphere will be revealed by ultraviolet and visible-lightcoronagraphs that blot out the bright disc of the Sun. To examine the surface byvisible light, and measure local magnetic fields, Solar Orbiter will carry a highresolutiontelescope and magnetograph. An X-ray imager will also be carried.EUCLID is an <strong>ESA</strong> mission to map the geometry of the dark Universe. The missionwill investigate the distance-redshift relationship and the evolution of cosmicstructures. It achieves this by measuring shapes and redshifts of galaxies and clustersof galaxies out to redshifts ~2, or equivalently to a look-back time of 10 billion years.It will therefore cover the entire period over which dark energy played a significantrole in accelerating the expansion. Two of the original Cosmic Vision proposals, thedark universe explorer (DUNE) and the spectroscopic all-sky cosmology explorer(SPACE), were aiming at achieving very similar science goals (i.e. unravelling thenature of dark energy) through different techniques of weak lensing and baryonAcoustic Oscillations. Subsequent studies in the course of 2008 resulted in a singlemission concept, EUCLID.The WL (Weak Lensing) technique maps the distribution of dark matter andmeasures the property of dark energy in the universe by measuring the shapedistortion of distant galaxy images by intervening large scale structures. Thedistortion, referred to as “shear”, shall be statistically evaluated on a largenumber of galaxies over 20000 sq.deg.The BAO (Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations) technique <strong>use</strong>s the scales in thespatial and angular power spectra as “standard rulers” to measure the equationof state and rate of change of dark energy. The power spectra will be obtainedby measuring with high precision the redshift of a large number of galaxies onthe same sky surface as for the WL.In order to achieve the scientific goals, EUCLID features three instruments: VIS: Visible Imager, for the weak lensing, images the sky in steps of 0.5square degrees, ~0.1 arcsec pixel size. NIP: Near Infrared Photometer, for the measure of the photo-z, observes thesame field as VIS to enable redshift calibration. NIS: Near Infrared Spectrometer, for the BAO technique, measurement of theredshift distribution of ~10 8 emission line galaxies across the sky.The statistical study of structures in a large volume of the Universe requires a surveyof the entire extragalactic sky. EUCLID will survey 20 000 deg² of the extragalacticsky in the visible down to 24.5 mag where the average density of galaxies reaches 40per square arcminutes.A 1.2m diameter telescope feeds all three instruments, and the satellite service module(SVM) based on Herschel and GAIA heritage supports the Payload Module (PLM)for executing the sky scanning law, centralised data handling and traditional SVMfunctions. The baseline mission sees a 2017 launch from Kourou on Soyuz ST 2-1B.The spacecraft will follow direct transfer into a free insertion large amplitude orbit at

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 13L2. The orbit will provide 4 hour daily ground station visibility for data downlink viaK-band to Cebreros.Key aspects of the EUCLID mission which are driving technology developmentinclude: The optical PSF of telescope should remain very stable with low ellipticity toensure the galaxy shear measurement requirements are met. Detector responses must remain very stable. Very high data rate due to wide field and high resolution dictates access to K-band for data downlink. Spacecraft pointing must be very stable over the measurement cycle.PLATO “PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations of stars” aims to characteriseexoplanetary systems by detecting planetary transits and conductingasteroseismology of their parent stars. This is achieved through high-precisionphotometry in the visible waveband,Since the detection of exoplanets is of a statistical nature due to the fact that thepercentage of stars with exoplanets is unknown, PLATO will need to observe as manystars of the necessary accuracy and type, as possible. This can be translated into threemain mission drivers:1) as large FoV as possible (more stars can be seen the larger the observed sky fieldis),2) as large collecting area as possible (a large collecting area results in observingmore faint stars with required accuracy),3) long mission lifetime (a long mission lifetime allows for several sky fields to beobserved during several years).While the third driver is related to cost issues and increased risk (degradation ofcomponents), the two first points are difficult to combine. During the <strong>ESA</strong> internalpre-assessment study, the best observation strategy was determined to be the “staring”concept as opposed to a GAIA-like spinning concept. Using this concept, theobservations are conducted using several individual telescopes of smaller size in orderto comply with the demanding requirements on large FoV and large collecting area.Using a higher number of sub-apertures gives several advantages compared to usingone large aperture; it allows meeting the stringent requirements in terms of signal-tonoiseand the large sky field size required to observe enough stellar targets. It alsoachieves a higher level of redundancy since the loss of a telescope will reduce thesignal-to-noise ratio, but not ca<strong>use</strong> the mission to fail.The current mission scenario is to launch PLATO using a Soyuz Fregat with the STfairing, for a direct insertion into a Lissajous orbit around the Sun-Earth L2 with500.000 km and 400.000 km axes. <strong>For</strong> this type of orbit, the launcher has a capabilityof ~ 2140 kg. L2 was chosen for its stable ambient environment in terms temperature,radiation, possibility to have eclipse-free orbits and un-obstructed view to large partsof the sky (Sun, Earth, moon are all located in a relatively small solid angle). Themission is foreseen to have a nominal lifetime of 6 years, which is divided into threedifferent phases. The two first phases are <strong>use</strong>d for long-duration observations, each

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 14observation focusing on a particular part of the sky (expected to have a high densityof cool dwarfs). These sky fields are assumed to be around (210°, -60°) in eclipticcoordinates, which is close to the galactic plane. The duration of each of theseobservations is several years, in order to repeatedly detect transits with orbital periodssimilar to the Earth. This is done so as to reduce the likelihood of flagging falsetransits (there can be other reasons for detection of changes in the stars brightness,either naturally occurring in the star, the stellar environment (e.g. backgroundobjects), or artificially induced in the spacecraft payload). The last phase will be astep&stare phase where several different fields with interesting scientific targets willbe monitored for a period of several months each. The exact duration of each phaseremains to be consolidated in the following phase but the long-duration periods willbe between 2-3 years (it is possible to have one long-duration observation of 3 yearsand the second of 2 years). The step&stare-phase will be at least one year long.In order to continuously observe each sky field for a period of several years, thespacecraft needs to be 3-axes stabilized and be able to rotate around the payload lineof-sightin order to keep the sunshield and solar arrays oriented towards the sun toavoid impinging sunlight on the payload and secure adequate power production. Thecommunication system will also need a steerable antenna to compensate for thedifferent angular positions of the Earth compared to the spacecraft as it orbits in theLissajous orbit around L2. The foreseen ground station is Cebreros 35-meter antenna.SPICA (SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics) is a JAXA ledastronomical mission candidate for launch by 2017. SPICA is a far and mediuminfrared observatory to be operated at L2 (Sun-Earth-Lagrange Point 2). Theobservatory will be equipped with a 3.5m Ø Ritchey-Chretien telescope. The corewaveband is 5 – 210 micron. The telescope is to be operated at 5 K, with a warmlaunch and subsequent cooling by passive radiation exchange followed by the actionof mechanical coolers.SPICA would build on the heritage of ISO, Herschel, Spitzer/NASA and Akari/JAXAmissions. SPICA, with its 3.5 m diameter cryogenically cooled telescope, is optimisedfor mid- and far-infrared astronomy. Beca<strong>use</strong> of its high spatial resolution andunprecedented sensitivity, SPICA can address a number of key problems in modernastrophysics, ranging from galaxy and star-formation history to formation of planetsand detection of exoplanets. These objectives are enabled by the large diameter, lowtemperature telescope, allowing high resolution and high point-sensitivitymeasurements. SPICA will be launched by JAXA using a HII B launch vehicle. Themission will be orbiting the Sun-Earth second Lagrangian point, which provides astable thermal environment and maximum uninterrupted observing efficiency. It willallow for long-term, continuous observation of pre-determined field(s). The overallSPICA system level management and responsibility is with JAXA, while <strong>ESA</strong> is apartner to the project.The scientific goal is to understand how galaxies, stars and planets form and evolve aswell as to investigate the interaction between the astrophysical processes that have ledto the formation of our own Solar System. The scientific targets are young gas giantplanets, proto-planetary disks, galactic and extragalactic star forming regions,luminous IR galaxies, AGN’s and starburst galaxies at high red-shift, and deep

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 15cosmological surveys. The characterisation of exo-planets in the IR and investigationson the life-cycle of dust are also important objectives.The envisaged European contribution is as follows: Provision of the SPICA Telescope Assembly (STA) by <strong>ESA</strong>, including alltelescope elements integrated on a dedicated Telescope Optical Bench, the M2refocusing mechanism and the internal baffles (excluding the InstrumentsOptical bench – IOB and the external baffle). Potential provision of ground segment support by <strong>ESA</strong>, in the form of a DSNground station (not requiring any technology development). Provision of the SPICA FAR Infrared Instrument (SAFARI) by a consortiumof scientific institutes funded by the Members States.The STA is a large cryogenic telescope (primary mirror with a 3.5 diameter, intermirrordistance ~3 m) operating at ~5K, with the stringent optical performancerequirements (diffraction limited at 5 um) and a mass budget of less then 700 kg. Suchrequirements impose the <strong>use</strong> of light weighted ceramic materials.The SPICA FAR IR Instrument (SAFARI) is an imaging spectrometer based on aFourier Transform concept and operating between 30 and 210 um; it is one of thethree main focal plane instruments onboard SPICA, together with the MIRcoronograph and the MIR imager and spectrometer. SAFARI is presently undergoingan assessment study (phase 0) by a consortium of national institutes.4.2 Recommended Science ThemesIn addition to the selected missions described above, a number of Scientific Themeshave been identified by the SSAC. These have a high priority for the future ofEuropean Space Science, however no mature proposals were available for potentialselection as mission candidate. It is only through an adequate technology preparationin the coming years that these Science Themes will develop the potential to beselected for future CV1525 Calls.The <strong>ESA</strong> Space Science Advisory Structure has informally provided the followingpriorities:Science Theme: ExoplanetsThe direct detection of terrestrial-size exoplanets and their spectroscopiccharacterization (including biosignatures) is a technically challenging subject, bearinghowever large discovery potential with large public impact. The approach to be taken(e.g. interferometry or coronagraphy, etc) is being defined by a dedicated ExoplanetRoadmap Advisory Team (EPRAT).Science Theme: Fundamental PhysicsA number of mission proposals were identified, from which the Fundamental PhysicsAdvisory Group (FPAG) recommended to concentrate the effort on mission enablingtechnologies for the payloads, such as high stability optical clocks.Science Theme: European Venus Explorer (EVE)

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 16European Venus Explorer (EVE) is an in-situ mission, consisting of one balloonprobe, one descent probe and one orbiter. Russian and Japanese contributions areforeseen. The central theme of the mission, which brings all these science topicstogether, is to understand the evolution of Venus and its climate, with relevance toterrestrial planets everywhere.Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol)The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and its B-mode polarisation are to bestudied by a potential future mission. The related technology activities should exploitinsofar as possible the synergies with other developments (for example TES detectorsare of interest for both IXO and B-Pol).Science Theme: Probing the Heliospheric Origins with an Inner BoundarySpacecraft (PHOIBOS)The mission is devoted to the study of the solar corona and inner heliosphere, throughobservations from 0.3 AU to as close as 3 solar radii from the Sun’s surface. Theprimary science goal is the study of the corona and the understanding of the solarwind mechanisms.Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI)The developments toward FIR interferometry will complement the studies in the otherwavelength domains. Again developments for other missions and themes, e.g. for theexo-planet, should be coordinated.5. Critical TechnologiesTable 5/1 and 5/2 present the lists of critical technologies that have been identified forthe Cosmic Vision mission candidates. This listing includes both <strong>ESA</strong> and nationalTDAs.Table 5/1 L-class mission critical technologiesL-class MissionsMission Technology area Future Technology development activitiesIXO X-ray Optics Back-up X-ray optics technologyTandem ruggedizing and environmentaltestingBaffling system, tandem levelPetal breadboardX-ray optics production issuesX-ray test facilities upgradingPayloadMirror contamination coversRead out electronics – multiple instrumentsEntrance windows and filters includingmechanisms – visible, UV, polarisationDetector developments – multipleinstruments – gas pixel, CMOS, CCD,microcalorimeterPerformance studies, anti-coincidencemethodsCryogenics Closed cycle dilution cooler

LaplaceLISAComponentsPowerAOCSPayloadPenetrator option(subject toconfirmation ofinterest forLaplace)PayloadPropulsionEMC<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 17Cryocooler chain for TESReadout electronics for cryogenic sensorsRadiation hard characterization:Digital componentsMemoryMixed analogue and digitalAnalog componentsLILT solar power systemsStar tracker for high radiation environmentDevelopment of compact, highly integratedinstrument and subsystem suitesRadiation effects on payload – shielding,redundancy, rad-hard component solutionsetc.Penetrator impactor and surface deliverysystem studyGround demonstration of impact survival ofkey systemsPenetrator impactor sub-systems: TMTC,OBDH, thermal, powerDevelopment of ruggedised low resourcepayloadsOpto-mechanical stability characterizationMetrology systemHigh-power laser systemGravitational Reference Sensor ElectronicsCharge ManagementMicro-propulsion lifetime characterisationMagnetic GradiometerTable 5/2 M-class mission critical technologiesM-class MissionsMission Technology area Future Technology development activitiesSolar Orbiter PowerThermalDouble sided array based on Bepi Colombocell technologyTesting: high solar flux testing, procedures,facilitiesHeat shield materials- high temperature/UVHeat shield – feedthroughs, mechanismsHeat rejecting filtersPayload Various national activities for in-situ andremote-sensing instrument suitesEUCLID Communications K-band downlink – spacecraft and groundstation developments identifiedOBDH High Processing Power DPUPropulsion Cold gas system delta developmentAOCS Fine Guidance Sensor and SystemPayload High dynamic range fast readout CCDs

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 18PLATOSPICA (TBC)PayloadCryogenic MirrorPayloadNIR detectors development and readoutOptics: visible phase plate, grismCryolens developmentCryomechanismsHigh-speed 16-bit CCD processor/ADCHigh-speed, high dynamic range CCDRefractive telescope breadboardLightweight primary mirror demonstratorCryogenic refocusing mechanism -secondary mirrorSAFARI: Detector developmentSAFARI: Focal plane read-outSAFARI: 50 mK ADRSAFARI: Cryogenic mechanismsSAFARI: Fourier Transform SpectrometerBB

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 196. Key to table and activity template fieldsThe following table provides a summary of the information contained in the summarytables and activity templates.Table 6/1 Technology Development Plan Field DescriptionProgramme:Programme budget foreseen for theactivity<strong>IPC</strong> Approval:Reference:Activity Title:Budget:Procurement Policy (PP):Indicates approval status of activity.“<strong>IPC</strong>” means approval of that activity isrequested in the current document. “N/A”means TDA value is below 500k€ andhas had AC approval. A year entry e.g.“Y2008” indicates prior <strong>IPC</strong>/AC approvalof an activity.Unique <strong>ESA</strong> generated reference forTDATitle of the proposed TDAThe total Contract Authorisation (CA)values are given in KEURO, at yearlyeconomic conditions. The year for whichthe budget is intended is specified.Procurement Types:C = Open Competitive Tender; (Ref.Article 5.1 <strong>ESA</strong> Contract Regulations)C(1)* = Activity restricted to non-primecontractors (incl. SMEs).C(2)* = A relevant participation (in termsof quality and quantity) of non-primes(incl. SMEs) is required.C(3)* = Activity restricted to SMEs &R&D EntitiesC(4)* = Activity subject to SMEsubcontracting cla<strong>use</strong>C(R) = Competition is restricted to a fewcompanies, indicated in the "Remarks''column; (Ref. Article 5.2 <strong>ESA</strong> ContractRegulations)DN/C = Direct Negotiation/Continuation;the contract will be awarded incontinuation to an existing contract; (Ref.Article 6.1.C <strong>ESA</strong> Contract Regulations)DN/S = DirectNegotiation/Specialisation; the contract

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 20Country:ITT:SW cla<strong>use</strong> applicability:Remarks:Objectives:Description:Deliverables:Current TRL:Target TRL:will be awarded by direct negotiation inimplementation of a defined industrialpolicy or resulting from a sole suppliersituation; (Ref. Articles 6.1.A,D,F <strong>ESA</strong>Contract Regulations)* See <strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(2001)29, Industry hasbeen informed, through the EMITS"News", of the content of that document.Indicates the country in the case of aspecial initiative or direct negotiation.The quarter when the ITT is intended tobe issued.Special approval is required for activitieslabelled: either “Operational Software”or “Open Source Code”,for which the Cla<strong>use</strong>s/sub-cla<strong>use</strong>s 42.8and 42.9 (“Operational Software”) and42.10 and 42.11 (“Open Source Code”)of the General Cla<strong>use</strong>s and Conditions for<strong>ESA</strong> Contracts (<strong>ESA</strong>/C/290, rev.6),respectively, are applicable.Additional information of relevance tothe procurement e.g. DN with a specificcontractor.The aims of the proposed TDA.Overview of the work to be performed.Provides a short description of thetangible outcome e.g. breadboard,demonstrator, S/W, test data. A finalreport is standard for every activity.Describes the current TechnologyReadiness Level of the product that isgoing to be developed in this activity.The TRL expected for the product at theend of the activity. <strong>For</strong> equipments TRPusually concludes with TRL 3, CTP atTRL 5/6. However in the case ofcomponents target TRL in TRP could behigher. It is also understood that TRLs donot apply to S/W and tools. <strong>For</strong> thesecases description of SW quality, i.e.:architecture, beta version, prototype, orfull operational, achieved at the end ofthe activity.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 21Application Need/Date:Technology Readiness Level definition<strong>use</strong>d in this technology developmentplan:Technology Readiness Levels for S/Wand toolsDescribes the required TRL and date forthe technology development of which therespective activity is part of on the baseof the maturity required by theapplication. The general rule is that arequirement specifies the need date for aproduct. <strong>For</strong> equipments/payloads this isin general TRL 5/6, - the level generallyrequired for Phase B of a project. Theexceptions are components, where TRL 8(flight readiness) should be achieved. <strong>For</strong>S/W and tools separate readiness levelsare defined belowTRL1 - Basic principles observed andreportedTRL2 - Technology concept and/orapplication formulatedTRL3 - Analytical and experimentalcritical function and/or characteristicproof-of-conceptTRL4 - Component and/or breadboardvalidation in laboratory environmentTRL5 - Component and/or breadboardvalidation in relevant environmentTRL6 - System/subsystem model orprototype demonstration in a relevantenvironment (ground or space)TRL7 - System prototype demonstrationin a space environmentTRL8 - Actual system completed and"flight qualified" through test anddemonstration (ground or space)TRL9 - Actual system "flight proven"through successful mission operationsAlgorithm: Single algorithms areimplemented and tested to allow theircharacterisation and feasibilitydemonstration.Prototype: A subset of the overallfunctionality is implemented to allow e.g.the demonstration of performance.Beta Version: Implementation of all thesoftware (software tool) functionality iscomplete. Verification & Validationprocess is partially completed (or

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page 22Application Mission:Contract Duration:Reference to ESTER:Consistency with HarmonisationRoadmap and conclusion:completed for only a subset of thefunctionality).S/W Release: Verification andValidation process is complete for theintended scope. The software (softwaretool) can be <strong>use</strong>d in an operationalcontext.Possible mission application/follow-on.Duration of the activity in months.Identifies the related requirement in theESTER databaseIdentifies the related HarmonisationRoadmap Requirement

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Annex 0Budget Summary Tables

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Application/Mission Progr. 2009 <strong>2010</strong>Totalforimpl.2011 2012 Total2-01 - L-Mission Candidate: LaplaceCTP (7) 900 1700 2600 4200 6800TRP (14) 5900 1300 7200 350 7550Total 6800 3000 9800 4550 143502-02 - L-Mission Candidate: IXOCTP (9) 4000 3450 7450 3900 11350TRP (6) 3050 400 3450 500 3950Total 7050 3850 10900 4400 153002-03 - L-Mission Candidate: LISACTP (13) 10850 5000 15850 5900 21750Total 10850 5000 15850 5900 217502-04 - M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDCTP (4) 4000 4000 4000TRP (1) 100 100 100Total 100 4000 4100 41002-06 - M-Mission Candidate: Solar OrbiterCTP (4) 1150 1150 1150TRP (4) 1050 1050 1050Total 2200 2200 22002-07 - M-Mission Candidate: SPICACTP (4) 3500 3500 1000 4500Total 3500 3500 1000 45002-09 - M-Mission Candidate: PlatoCTP (1) 2500 2500 2500Total 2500 2500 25002-11 - Future Science Theme: Fundamental PhysicsTRP (2) 250 250 750 1000Total 250 250 750 10002-12 - Future Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol)TRP (1) 500 500 500Total 500 500 5002-13 - Future Science Theme: Probing the Heliospheric Origins with an Inner Boundary Spacecraft (PHOIBOS)TRP (4) 350 350 1250 1600Total 350 350 1250 1600Page 2 of 4

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Application/Mission Progr. 2009 <strong>2010</strong>Totalforimpl.2011 2012 Total2-14 - Future Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI)CTP (1) 750 750TRP (2) 1750 1750Total 1750 750 25002-15 - Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision MissionsCTP (7) 1850 650 2500 1600 4100TRP (16) 6000 700 6700 2000 8700Total 7850 1350 9200 1600 2000 12800Grand Total CTP 18750 20800 39550 16600 750 56900Grand Total TRP 17200 2400 19600 4600 2000 26200Grand Total <strong>ESA</strong> 35950 23200 59150 21200 2750 83100Page 3 of 4

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Page left intentionally blankPage 4 of 4

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Annex I – aList of <strong>ESA</strong> Cosmic Vision Technology Development ActivitiesThis annex contains per mission a complete listing of the technology development activities that are both running and planned.Annex II – a contains detailed activity descriptions.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>New and Modified <strong>ESA</strong> ActivitiesM-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTCTP <strong>IPC</strong> C217-002PA Euclid CCD Pre-Development 2000 DN/S UK N/ATotal 2-04 - M-Mission Candidate: EUCLID 2000SW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksE2V(UK). Phased contract.Moved from national TDA N216-012MM, see <strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3 rev. 1M-Mission Candidate: PLATOProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTCTP <strong>IPC</strong> C217-010PA Development of optimized CCD for PLATO 2500 DN/S UK N/ATotal 2-07 - M-Mission Candidate: SPICA 2500SWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksE2V(UK). Phased contract.Moved from national TDA N216-030PA, see <strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3 rev. 1Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision MissionsProg.TRP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2008 T205-029ECActivity TitleAutonomous GNC Technology for NEO proximity,Landing and sampling Operations - Phase 1Total 2-15 - Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision Missions 300Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012300 CPP C'try ITTSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.OperationalSWRemarksMoved from Marco Polo as relevant toseveral missionsPage 2 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Removed ActivitiesM-Mission Candidate: Cross-Scale<strong>IPC</strong>BudgetSWProg.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitlePP C'try ITTAppr.Cla<strong>use</strong>2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012applicab.RemarksCTP Y2009 C205-025EC Inertially referenced sensor for spinning spacecraft 1250 C N/ACTP Y2009 C205-102ETInterspacecraft link (ISL) for ranging and timesynchronisation1000 C N/ACTP Y2009 C207-001EEDevelopment of a Circular Polarised X-bandAntenna with a Torodial Shaped Radiation Pattern400 C N/ATRP Y2009 T201-001ED Low power low mass Flash memory 1Tbit 500 C(R) D or CH N/AProposed C(R) to Astrium (D) andSyderal (CH) which currently developthe NG Mass Memory Architecture inparallel contracts.Total 2-08 - M-Mission Candidate: Cross-Scale 3150M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksTRP N/A T204-027EE 3-D internal charge addition to Geant-4 250Opensource<strong>For</strong> informationTotal 2-04 - M-Mission Candidate: EUCLID 250Page 3 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: Marco PoloProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.TRP N/A T213-001MMCTPCTPTRPY2009 C215-020MMY2009 C219-001MPY2009 T219-031MCActivity TitleKinematics and High-dynamics Assessment of Neosampling (KHAN)Sample acquisition, transfer and containment system(SATCS)Long duration contamination flux asessment forEuropean thrustersLow-gravity and high-clearance landing/touchdownsystemBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITT400 C(1) N/A2000 C(4) N/A500 C N/A1000 C(2) N/ACTP Y2009 C215-115MM Capsule spin-ejection mechanism 700 C(1) N/ACTPCTPY2009 C215-021MSY2009 C205-019ECCTP N/A C216-005ECCTP N/A C216-006ECCTPY2009 C220-021MCParachute system for Earth re-entry capsule: canopy,packaging and deployment deviceAutonomous GNC Technology for NEO proximity,Landing and sampling Operations - Phase 2Low-resource GNC sensor concept for small bodyproximity operationsLow-resource GNC sensor development for smallbody proximity operationsDelta-Development and pre-qualification of aEuropean lightweight ablative material for samplereturn missions1000 C(2) N/A500 C(2)SW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.OperationalSWRemarksT215-030MM and C215-0020MMmerged into one activity.Old Title: Development of a landingmechanism for low-gravity bodyFirst Phase is T205-029EC100 C(1) N/A Follow on activity is C216-006EC900 N/A750 DN/C F or UK N/ACTP N/A C207-002EE UHF Recovery Antenna for Earth Re-entry Capsule 350 C N/A <strong>For</strong> informationTotal 2-05 - M-Mission Candidate: Marco Polo 6950 1250<strong>For</strong> information. Results of thisactivity will possibly address MREPaltimetry requirements.Follow-on from TRP 2008 activity(Development of a European AblativeMaterial).Page 4 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: Solar OrbiterProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.CTP N/A C205-101EC Radiation Effects on Star Tracker 400 C N/A Old Title: Star trackerCTP N/A C207-105EE Antenna adaptation study 200 C N/ACTP Y2009 C207-106EE Antenna adaptation validation 500 C N/ACTP N/A C201-115ED Space-wire based Solar Orbiter spacecraft simulator 400 N/ARemarks<strong>For</strong> information. Code changed fromT201-115EDCTP Y2009 C215-113MX Feedthroughs, door, mechanisms 600 C N/A Code changed from T215-113MXCTP Y2009 C220-103MT Heat shield breadboard, manufacturing and testing 700 C N/ACTPY2009 C203-117EPCTP N/A C203-118EPCTP N/A C203-119EPCTPCTPY2009 C203-114EPY2009 C203-115EPCTP N/A C203-116EPHigh Intensity High Temperature Solar Generator(HIHTG) development - Phase 1High Intensity High Temperature Solar Generator(HIHTG) development - Phase 2High Intensity High Temperature Solar Generator(HIHTG) development - Phase 3High Intensity High Temperature Solar CellAssemblies - Single Junction FeasabilitySpectrum Optimized High Intensity HighTemperature Solar Cell Assembly Development -Phase 1Spectrum Optimized High Intensity HighTemperature Solar Cell Assembly Development andQualification - Phase 2Total 2-06 - M-Mission Candidate: Solar Orbiter 6700 5900 40002000 DN/S N/A4000 N/A <strong>For</strong> information4000 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationPhase 2 (C203-118EP) and 3 (C203-119EP) to follow.800 C N/A Code changed from T203-114EP1500 C N/A Phase 2 (C203-116EP) to follow.1500 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationPage 5 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: PlatoProg.CTP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2009 C215-117MMActivity TitleTechnology Feasibility of the Deployable SunshieldMechanism ComponentsTotal 2-09 - M-Mission Candidate: Plato 500Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITT500 C(1) N/ASWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksImplementation will be pending thedecision on the baseline payloaddesign.Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision MissionsProg.CTPCTP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2009 C216-112MMY2009 C216-028MMActivity TitleDevelopment of rad-hard TDI CCD for Dark EnergyMissionDevelopment of prototype high speed, 16 bit CCDprocessor/ADCTotal 2-15 - Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision Missions 1250Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.500 DN/S UK N/A E2V (UK)750 C(1) N/ARemarks<strong>For</strong>merly in PLATO. Now applicableto several missionsPage 6 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Complete List of Running and Planned ActivitiesThe following tables are a complete list of those activities which are: Running since 2008 i.e. activities for which contracts have been signed In preparation for implementation <strong>For</strong>eseen to be implemented up and including 2012M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDProg.CTPCTP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2009 C206-005ETY2009 C219-001MPActivity TitleNear Earth Space Research X/X/K-BandTransponder Engineering ModelDelta Development of Cold Gas Propulsion forEuclidBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 20121000 CPP C'try ITT500 C N/ACTP Y2009 C207-003EE Two-axis Steerable X/K-band High Gain Antenna 500 C N/ASW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.OperationalSWRemarksPreviously included for informationunder Technologies applicable toSeveral Cosmic Vision MissionsTRP Y2008 T204-028EE Solar/interplanetary electron hazards 100 C(3) N/A TDA is running. Cosine (NL) + subs.CTP <strong>IPC</strong> C217-002PA Euclid CCD Pre-Development 2000 DN/S UK N/ATotal 2-04 - M-Mission Candidate: EUCLID 100 4000E2V(UK). Phased contract.Moved from national TDA N216-012MM, see <strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3 rev. 1M-Mission Candidate: Solar OrbiterProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.TRP Y2009 T221-108QT Materials Selection and Testing 500 DN/S A N/A DN ARCS (A) + subs. in competitionTRPY2009 T203-111EPHigh Intensity High Temperature Solar GeneratorStudy250 C N/ARemarksPage 7 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTCTP Y2009 C204-107TC Small high flux test facilities 200 C N/ATRP Y2009 T204-110TC Solar concentrator test facility upgrade study 100 C N/ATRPY2009 T204-109QEMethodology for high solar flux testing acceleration.Explicitly address combined UV/thermal andaccelerated testing and existing BC facilities.SWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.200 C N/A Special InitiativeCTP Y2009 C216-102MM Heat rejecting entrance window 300 DN/C I N/ACTPY2006 C216-114PSValidation of LCVRS for the Solar OrbiterPolarisation Modulation Package (previous title:Solar Orbiter - Polarisation Modulation Package –LCVR)RemarksFollow-up to previous contract withSelex Galileo250 C(1) N/A TDA is running. INTA(E) + subs.CTP Y2006 C205-001PS High Flux Sun Sensor/Sun Filters 400 C(1) N/ATotal 2-06 - M-Mission Candidate: Solar Orbiter 2200TDA is running. LAMBDA-X /CSL(B)M-Mission Candidate: SPICAProg.CTP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2009 C216-024MMCTP N/A C216-025MMActivity TitleSPICA Telescope focussing mechanism forsecondary mirror – Phase 1SPICA Telescope focussing mechanism forsecondary mirror – Phase 2Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITT500 C N/A1000 N/ACTP Y2009 C216-022MM Light-weight mirror demonstrator breadboard in Sic 1500 DN/S F N/ACTPY2009 C216-021MMLight-weight mirror demonstrator breadboard in HB-CesicTotal 2-07 - M-Mission Candidate: SPICA 3500 10001500 DN/S D N/ASWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksParallel competitive phase 1:2 contracts at 250 k€.Subject to SPC confirmation.Single phase 2 contract.Subject to SPC confirmation.Parallel contract to C216-021MM.Subject to SPC confirmation.Parallel contract to C216-022MM.Subject to SPC confirmation.Page 8 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: PLATOProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTCTP <strong>IPC</strong> C217-010PA Development of optimized CCD for PLATO 2500 DN/S UK N/ATotal 2-07 - M-Mission Candidate: SPICA 2500SWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksE2V(UK). Phased contract.Moved from national TDA N216-030PA, see <strong>ESA</strong>/SPC(<strong>2010</strong>)3 rev. 1L-Mission Candidate: LaplaceProg.CTPTRP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2009 C215-100MMY2006 T215-007MMActivity TitleReview of Mechanism for steerable HGA in deepspace missionDemonstration of the deployment of a highlyintegrated low power ice penetrating radar antennaBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.Remarks150 C N/A Code changed from T215-100MM600 C(2) N/ATRP Y2008 T201-003ED Low mass SpaceWire 150 C(1) N/A TDA is running. AXON (UK) + subs.CTPCTPCTPY2009 C203-101EPY2009 C213-001PAY2009 C213-002PACTP N/A C213-003PATRPY2008 T223-021QMCTP N/A C223-001QMSolar cell LILT design optimisation andcharacterisationPenetrator development within framework of aJovian moon mission - Phase1Penetrator development within framework of aJovian moon mission Phase 2Penetrator development within framework of aJovian moon mission Phase 3Characterisation of radiation resistant materialsPhase 1Characterisation of radiation resistant materialsPhase 2900 C N/A500 C(R) UK N/A800 C(R) UK N/A3700 N/A500 C(2) N/ATDA is running, Astrium (UK) + subs.Special measure for UK.Phase 1 is C213-001PA SpecialMeasure for UK500 N/A <strong>For</strong> information<strong>For</strong> information. Phase 2 is C213-002PA. Special Measure for UKTDA is running. Astrium (F) + subs.Second Phase is C223-001QM SpecialInitiativePage 9 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog.TRP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2008 T222-019QCTRP N/A T203-005EPTRPY2008 T222-018QCActivity TitleSurvey of critical components for 1 (newrequirement: 150krad) Mrad power system designincluding delta radiation characterisation of RHpower EEE components1-Mrad (new requirement: 150krad) powerconverter/system design and prototypingFront-end readout ASIC technology study anddevelopment test vehicles for front-end readoutASICSBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.Remarks350 C(1) N/A TDA is running. ALTER (E) + subs.350 N/A <strong>For</strong> information625 C N/A Special InitiativeTRP Y2009 T222-013QC Radiation characterisation of front-end readout ASIC 350 C(1) N/ATRPTRPTRPTRPTRPY2008 T222-017QCY2009 T222-014QCY2008 T201-004EDY2008 T201-002EDY2008 T222-020QCRadiation Tolerant analogue / mixed signaltechnology survey and test vehicle designRadiation characterisation of RT analogue / mixedsignal technologyDAREplus (Design Against Radiation Effects)ASICs for extremely rad hard & harsh environmentsLatch up protection for COTS (Commercial, off-theshelf)digital componentsRadiation characterisation of Laplace critical RHoptocouplers, sensors and detectors725 C N/A Special Initiative350 C(1) N/A1200 DN/S B N/A IMEC(B) + subs.150 C N/A Special Initiative900 C(1) N/ASpecial Initiative. Reference toTandem removed from title.TRP Y2008 T222-016QC Radiation hard memory 800 C(2) N/A Special InitiativeTRPCTPY2008 T204-009EEY2009 C205-100ECRadiation Effects on Sensors and Technologies forCosmic Vision SCI Missions (REST-SIM)Evaluation of star tracker performance in highradiation environmentTotal 2-01 - L-Mission Candidate: Laplace 6800 3000 4550500 C(2) UKOpensourceTDA is running. QinetiQ (UK)250 C N/A Code changed from T205-100ECPage 10 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>L-Mission Candidate: IXOProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.TRP Y2008 T216-023MM Back-up IXO (XEUS) optics technology Phase 1 1300 C(1) N/A TDA is running. INAF (I) + subs.CTP N/A C216-002MM Back-up IXO (XEUS) optics technology Phase 2 1400 N/ATRPCTPCTPCTPY2008 T216-026MMY2008 C216-006MMY2009 C216-004MMY2009 C216-008MMIXO (XEUS) mirror module ruggedizing &environmental testingIXO (XEUS) mirror module ruggedizing &environmental testing Ph. IIDevelopment of IXO (XEUS) Si pore optics andmass production processesIXO (XEUS) industrialised mass production processfor X-ray Optical Unit (XOU)1000 C(1) N/A1000 C N/ARemarks<strong>For</strong> information. Pending SSTrecommendationTDA is running. Cosine (NL). SecondPhase is C216-006MMTDA is running. Cosine(NL) + subs.First Phase in TRP2000 DN NL + subs N/A TDA is running. Cosine(NL) + subs.2000 C(1) N/ACTP N/A C216-007MM IXO (XEUS) petal breadboard including 6 tandems 2500 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationTRPY2006 T216-100MMMicropore Baffle (Tapered Plates Baffle <strong>For</strong> SiliconPore Optics)400 C(2) N/A Activity was previously approved.TRP Y2009 T216-024MM Baffled IXO (XEUS) mirror module 400 C(1) N/ACTP Y2009 C216-009MM Multilayer coatings for IXO 450 DN/S DK N/A Special Initiative, DN with DNSC.TRP N/A T216-025MM IXO (XEUS) contamination covers demonstrator 500 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationCTP Y2008 C216-003MM Bessy X-ray test facilities upgrade plan 200 DN/S D N/A TDA is running. PTB (D)CTP Y2008 C216-005MM Panter X-ray test facilities upgrades 300 DN/S D N/A TDA is running. MPE (D)TRP Y2008 T216-022MM Large area X-ray window development. 350 C(1) N/ACTP Y2008 C215-050MM IXO Metrology and Mechanisms 1500 DN/S UK N/ATotal 2-02 - L-Mission Candidate: IXO 7050 3850 4400Special measure for UK, DN withAstrium.Page 11 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>L-Mission Candidate: LISAProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.CTP Y2008 C207-013PW Metrology system for LISA 1000 C(2) N/A Special InitiativeCTP N/A C214-002PW LISA metrology system end-to-end characterization 1800 N/ACTP Y2008 C207-014PW High-power laser system for LISA 6000 C(2) N/ACTP Y2006 C217-001MM Tunable laser frequency reference 1000 N/ACTPY2006 C215-022PWLISA Optical Assembly Articulation Mechanism(OAAM)1000 N/ACTP Y2008 C207-012PW Opto-mechanical stability characterization for LISA 2400 C(2) N/ACTP N/A C214-001PW LISA Inertial Sensor final design 1200 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationCTPY2009 C207-009PWGRS Front End Electronics characterization forLISA1200 DN/C CH N/ARemarksDN is proposed with the same TBDcontractor that will perform the "LISAMetrology system" activity.Nominal contract (3M€). Parallelcontract funded by Special Initiative(3M€).<strong>IPC</strong> approval 2006(<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(2006)41) for 500 kE. <strong>IPC</strong>approval will be sought for increase to1000 kE and procurement policychange from C(1) to C(2).<strong>IPC</strong> approval 2006(<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(2006)41) for 800 kE. <strong>IPC</strong>approval will be sought for increase to1000 kE.Approved Y2008. <strong>IPC</strong> approvalrequired for procurement policychange from C(2) to DN. SpecialInitiativeCTP Y2008 C207-011PW Charge Management System for LISA 900 C(2) N/A Special InitiativeCTP Y2008 C207-010EE Compact low noise magnetic gradiometer 600 C(1) N/A TDA is running. RAL (UK) + subs.CTPY2008 C207-016PWOutgassing and Contamination characterization forLISA900 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationCTP Y2009 C207-015PW LISA micropropulsion lifetime characterization 1900 DN/C I N/ACTP Y2006 C216-113PW Optical Bench Development for LISA 1850 C(2) TDA is running. Astrium (D) + subs.Page 12 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksTotal 2-03 - L-Mission Candidate: LISA 10850 5000 5900Future Science Theme: Fundamental PhysicsProg.TRP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2009 T216-033MMTRP N/A T217-034MMActivity TitleHigh performance frequency disseminationtechniques - phase1High performance frequency disseminationtechniques - phase 2Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012Total 2-11 - Future Science Theme: Fundamental Physics 250 750PP C'try ITT250 C N/ASWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.750 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationRemarksFuture Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol)Prog.TRP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2008 T207-034EEActivity TitleModular Wide Field View RF Configurations (oldtitle: Low-loss, low-mass, large lenses with antireflectioncoating)Total 2-12 - Future Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol) 500Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.500 C(1) N/A Special InitiativeRemarksFuture Science Theme: Probing the Heliospheric Origins with an Inner Boundary Spacecraft (PHOIBOS)Prog.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.TRP Y2008 T223-038QM Materials compatibility for the PHOIBOS mission 250 C(2) N/A TDA is running. ARC (A) + subs.RemarksPage 13 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.TRP N/A T220-037MCTRPY2008 T203-035EPTRP N/A T203-036EPActivity Title(high temperature under high UV load)Development of a heatshield concept and materialscreening for near-Sun missionNear-sun power generation: Identification of bestsuitable thermoelectric convertersNear-sun power generation: TechnologydemonstrationTotal 2-13 - Future Science Theme: Probing the Heliospheric Origins with anInner Boundary Spacecraft (PHOIBOS)Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.250 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationRemarks100 C N/A TDA is running. Astrium (UK) + subs.350 12501000 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationFuture Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI)Prog.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSWCla<strong>use</strong>applicab.TRP N/A T216-039MM FIRI telescope technology pre-development 1000 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationTRP N/A T216-040MM Long-stroke cryogenic optical delay lines - Phase 1 750 N/A <strong>For</strong> information, second phase in CTPCTP N/A C216-029MM Long-stroke cryogenic optical delay lines - Phase 2 750 N/A <strong>For</strong> information, first Phase in TRPTotal 2-14 - Future Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI) 1750 750RemarksTechnologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision MissionsProg.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTCTP Y2008 C220-032MC 15K Pulse Tube cooler 600 C N/ASW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.CTP N/A C220-033MC Test & Verification of Sub-kelvin cooling chain 600 N/A <strong>For</strong> informationTRP Y2008 T220-053MC Advanced 2K JT cooler 700 DN/S UK N/A TDA is running. RAL (UK)RemarksPage 14 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog.TRP<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Y2008 T216-047PACTP N/A C216-017PATRP N/A T216-048PACTP N/A C216-018PAActivity TitlePrototype ASIC development for large formatNIR/SWIR detector array.Optimised ASIC development for large formatNIR/SWIR detector array.Prototype NIR/SWIR large format array detectordevelopment.Optimised NIR/SWIR large format array detectordevelopment.Budget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITT500 C(1) N/A1000 N/A2000 N/ASW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.N/ARemarks<strong>For</strong> information, follow-on to TRPT216-047PA<strong>For</strong> information, follow on to 2007TRP activity<strong>For</strong> information, follow-on to TRPT216-048PA, 3ME in 2013.CTP Y2008 C222-034QC CCD radiation characterisation 500 C N/A TDA is running. SSTL (UK)CTP Y2008 C201-030ED High processing power DPU based on high rel. DSP 500 C(1) N/A Special InitiativeTRP Y2009 T216-049MM Silicon drift detectors for gamma-ray scintillators 500 C(1) N/ATRP Y2008 T204-043EE Rad-Hard Electron monitor 400 C(1) N/A Special InitiativeTRP Y2008 T204-044PA Solid-state neutron detector 300 C(1) N/A TDA is running. MicroFab (UK)TRPY2008 T216-050PALow-noise scintillator detectors for planetaryremote-sensing500 C(1) N/ATRP Y2006 T204-007MM TES Spectrometer 700 C(1) N/ATRP/CTP Y2008 T216-001MMCTPCTPTRPY2009 C216-071PAY2008 C223-035QMY2008 T223-055QMEvaluation of commercial Digital Micro-mirrorDevice for multi-object spectrometersOpto-mechanical performance characterisation of IRcomponents in representative environmentCharacterisation of ultra-stable materials atcryogenic temperatureMaterials Charging effects under extremeenvironments (ultra-low temperatures and highradiation fields)DN/S N N/A650 C(1) N/A250 C N/A250 C(1) N/ATRP Y2009 T204-041EE Charging properties of new materials 200 C(1) N/A <strong>For</strong> informationTRPY2009 T204-042EEComputational tools for spacecraft electrostaticcleanliness and payload analysis300 C(1)OpensourceTDA is running. Cardiff University(UK) + subs.TDA is running. VISITECH (N) +LAM (F) + TI (US)Previously approved in<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(2008)33,add. 1. <strong>IPC</strong> isrequested to approve Open SourcePage 15 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog.<strong>IPC</strong>Appr.<strong>ESA</strong> Ref.Activity TitleBudget2009 <strong>2010</strong> 2011 2012PP C'try ITTSW Cla<strong>use</strong> cla<strong>use</strong>.TRP Y2008 T212-045GS X/K band feed 350 C N/A TDA is running. MIRAD (CH)TRP Y2008 T212-046GS X/K/Ka band dichroic mirror 300 C N/AGSTPY2008 G512-003ECPrecise Gravitational Modelling of Planetary Moonsand NEO (Near Earth Objects) Asteroids350 DN/S EGSTP Y2008 G512-002MC Hybrid Cryostat Demonstrator 700 C(1) N/ATRPY2008 T217-052MPKinetic shock tube for radiation data base forplanetary explorationTRP Y2008 T217-051MP Ablation radiation coupling 400 CTRPY2008 T205-029ECAutonomous GNC Technology for NEO proximity,Landing and sampling Operations - Phase 11000 C N/A300 CTotal 2-15 - Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision Missions 8900 1350 1600 2000OperationalSWOpensourceOperationalSWRemarksTDA is running. COBHAM (UK) +sub.New activity code, old code - G205-004EC. Activity in GSTP5 WorkPlanNew activity code, old code - G220-006MC. Activity in GSTP5 WorkPlanSpecial Initiative. Phase 2 is C205-019EC.Page 16 of 16

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Annex I – bList of National Technology Development Activities for Science PayloadsThis annex provides summary tables of the currently identified technology development activities expected to be implemented by member states.Detailed activity descriptions are provided in Annex II – b for those candidate missions which are potentially entering definition phase i.e. M-Class candidates.Detailed descriptions of the L-Class national activities will be provided on the <strong>ESA</strong> Cosmic Vision website as proceedings of the payloadworkshops organised by <strong>ESA</strong>.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDProg. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N215-070PA EUCLID Cryomechanisms N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-072PA Infrared grism design, manufacturing and testing for EUCLID N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N217-073PA Hawaii Array Persistence Image Assessment N/A To be revised by Member States2-04 - M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDM-Mission Candidate: SPICAProg. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N216-025PA Cryogenic Fourier Transform Spectrometer Bread Board N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-022MMEuropean submillimetre/FIR ultra-low noise cryogenic characterizationfacilityN/ATo be revised by Member StatesNational N220-026MC SAFARI SUB-K COOLER N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N207-018EEKID based array detector (old title: Safari: Integrated antenna/detectordevelopment)N/ATo be revised by Member StatesNational N215-019PA Cryogenic mechanisms development N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N217-0<strong>81</strong>PA Readout Electronics (FDM) for KID based Array Detectors N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N217-080PA Cold Readout Electronics (CRE) for Photoconductor Detector N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N217-082PA RF Coupling and Efficiency Prediction Tool for Sub-mm / FIR Detectors N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N207-083PA2-07 - M-Mission Candidate: SPICABroadband 50/50 Transmission/Reflection Sub-millimetre-Wave BeamSplitterN/ATo be revised by Member StatesPage 2 of 4

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: PlatoProg. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N216-115MM Refractive telescope breadboard for PLATO N/A To be revised by Member States2-09 - M-Mission Candidate: PlatoFuture Science Theme: European Venus Explorer (EVE)Prog. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N223-034QM 3D printing of antenna on balloon or parachute material part N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N214-029MM Nephelometer N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N214-030MM MEMS based Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometer N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N219-032MC Reliable low-mass balloon deployment system for Venus probe. N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N219-031MC Inflation system for balloon N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N223-033QM Development of balloon materials for VENUS environment N/A To be revised by Member States2-10 - Future Science Theme: European Venus Explorer (EVE)Future Science Theme: Fundamental PhysicsProg. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N217-040PA Breadboard of an ion optical clock N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-039MM Stimulated Raman transition inducing diode laser N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-037MM Laser cooling trapping systems N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-038MMUltra-narrow frequency stable laser technology for probing optical clocklocal oscillator transitionsN/ATo be revised by Member StatesPage 3 of 4

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prog. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N216-036MM Critical Optical frequency comb/synthesiser sub-system technologies N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-035PA Breadboarding of accelerometer based on Atomic Interferometry N/A To be revised by Member States2-11 - Future Science Theme: Fundamental PhysicsFuture Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol)Prog. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N207-041EE Novel focal plane array architecture development N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N207-042EE Sub-millimetre-wave Integrated lens/TES detector development N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-044PA Sub-millimetre-wave TES development N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-045PA TDM SQUID read-out for sub-mm applications N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N207-040EE Large radii Half-wave Plate (HWP) development N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N215-043PA Cryogenic Half-wave plate rotation mechanism N/A To be revised by Member States2-12 - Future Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol)Future Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI)Prog. Member state(s) <strong>ESA</strong> Ref. Activity TitleSW Cla<strong>use</strong>applicab.RemarksNational N216-048MM Optical generation and distribution of tuneable FIR Local Oscillator N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-046MM Far IR passive optical components N/A To be revised by Member StatesNational N216-047MM Large FOV double-Fourier interferometric breadboard N/A To be revised by Member States2-14 - Future Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI)Page 4 of 4

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Annex II – aDetailed Description of <strong>ESA</strong> Cosmic VisionTechnology Development ActivitiesThis annex contains a detailed description of those activities under <strong>ESA</strong>responsibility.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDNear Earth Space Research X/X/K-Band Transponder Engineering ModelProgramme: CTP Reference: C206-005ETTitle:ObjectivesNear Earth Space Research X/X/K-Band Transponder Engineering ModelThis activity is related to the development of an X/X/K-band Transponder EM for Near Earth Space Research missionswhichwill require the <strong>use</strong> of the 26 GHz K-band frequency band allocation for high data rate downlinks.DescriptionThe main technical issue for this transponder is the <strong>use</strong> of high data rates in K band (26 GHz) for the telemetry downlink.At present the X/X transponder, as developed for the <strong>ESA</strong> mission Gaia, is limited to a maximum data rate of 10Mbps. The <strong>use</strong> of K-band will provide the possibility to increase the scientific data return for this kind of Near EarthSpace Research mission in the future. It is envisaged that the EM Transponder will be able to support TC uplink datarates of up to 512 kbps and TM data downlink rates of up to 150 Mbps, using either OQPSK or GMSK modulationformats. NASA already have developments on-going for the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the James Webb SpaceTelescope (JWST) in K-band.DeliverablesAn Engineering Model of the X/X/K-band TRSP and the End Item Data PackApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 6TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:EUCLIDOperational SWContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8489Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Harmonisation dossier for TT&C transponder and Payload Data Transmitters (April 2008, Issue 2, revision 2) -Consistent - Activity B09: Near Earth X/X/K-band Transponder for the 26GHz frequency band: Development of anEngineering ModelDelta Development of Cold Gas Propulsion for EuclidProgramme: CTP Reference: C219-001MPTitle:Delta Development of Cold Gas Propulsion for EuclidObjectivesDelta development of existing GAIA cold gas propulsion system to augment the thrust range to meet the EUCLIDrequirements and to remove ITAR restricted items from the pressure regulator stage.DescriptionThe EUCLID CDF study identified the need for a proportional control cold gas propulsion system capable of throttlingover a range of 2 microN to 2 mN (ie. three orders of magnitude). The existing state of the art is the GAIA system whichis designed for a throttling range of 1 - 500 microN. In addition to the need to augment the throttling range, the GAIAsystem includes ITAR restricted components within the pressure regulator module. Replacement of these componentswith ITAR free equivalents will require some additional design definition and development activity. This activity willlead to the development and test of an Engineering Model thruster unit, meeting the enlarged throttling rangerequirement, including representative environmental testing (TRL 5). The activity shall include the design definition of apressure regulation module utilising non-ITAR components, including a detailed assessment of qualification status of thecomponents and identification of any outstanding qualification needs.The activity shall consist of the following main tasks:1. Review EUCLID propulsion requirements, and define detailed requirements for baseline design.2. Modify thruster design to augment thrust range to meet EUCLID requirements.3. Modify pressure regulator design to incorporate ITAR free components.4. Manufacture, assembly, integration and test of an EM thruster unit.5. Test data analysis, reporting and qualification planning for thruster and pressure regulator modules.DeliverablesHardware: EM Thruster (with augmented thrust range).Documents: Requirement specifications, design files, manufacturing history records, test plans and procedures, testreport, qualification plan, summary report and abstract.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:EUCLIDContractDuration:18Page 2 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Aim A9 : High Performance Chemical Micro-thrustersReference toESTERT-7979Two-axis Steerable X/K-band High Gain AntennaProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-003EETitle:ObjectivesTwo-axis Steerable X/K-band High Gain Antenna1. To perform a trade-off between separated X and K-band HGA and dual-frequency X/K-band antenna2. To design, manufacture and test a breadboard model of the HGA antenna(s) (X or K-band or X/K-band design)DescriptionThis activity concerns the development of a two-axis steerable HGA for the Euclid mission. At present two options areconsidered: <strong>use</strong> of 2 single frequency antennas or a dual-frequency X/K-band antenna.Several reflector based antenna developments have been done in the past for S/X and X/Ka with diameter around 1.3meters. Considering the gain values needed for this mission, mechanically steerable Direct Radiating Arrays shall bestudied as an alternative to reflectors for lower size with expected decrease of volume and cost.An initial trade-off is needed that compares all options in terms of performance budgets (achievable gain, mass, volume,accommodation constraints). After this trade a selection shall be made for the most suitable HGA candidate and shall beproposed for further design and analysis tasks.The following tasks are foreseen:- Trade-off between separated or combined X- and K-band antenna and selection of the baseline.- Design and analysis of the selected HGA with all its constituents including the dual-frequency rotary joint (if needed).- Definition of the HGA breadboard- Manufacture and test of the Euclid HGA breadboardDeliverablesStudy reportEuclid HGA breadboardApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:EuclidN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18Solar/interplanetary electron hazardsProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-028EETitle:Solar/interplanetary electron hazardsObjectivesInvestigate the potential for energetic electrons produced by the Sun or elsewhere (e.g. Jupiter) causing internal or surfacecharging at near earth interplanetray locationsDescriptionStudies of the energetic electron environment (10keV-1MeV) at L1 and L2 (e.g. JWST) have so far been somewhatsuperficial. Since so many astrophysics and fundamental physics missions are planned for L2, L1 and other -near 1AUlocations, it is proposed to collect data and theoretical information on energetic electrons in these regions and produce aquantitative model for <strong>use</strong> in charging and radiation background investigations. Herschel-Planck radiation monitor datawill be included.DeliverablesNumerical model, software, validation, documentationApplicationCurrent TRL: s/w (pre-study) Target TRL: s/w (beta)TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:EUCLIDContractDuration:12Page 3 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AReference toESTERT-19Euclid CCD Pre-DevelopmentProgramme: CTP Reference: C217-002PATitle:ObjectivesEuclid CCD Pre-DevelopmentAcquire prototype CCD design to optimize performance for EuclidDescriptionThe detailed geometry of the CCD203 family CCD sensor must be modified to enhance the performance aspects ofradiation resistance and MTF uniformity. Charge Transfer Efficiency (CTE) after reference dose of 4x109 protons cm-2(10MeV equivalent) should be >0.9999. CCD active depth of >40 um shall be considered to achieve acceptable longwavelength efficiency and a MTF that is comparable in orthogonal directions.CCD designs will be based on CCD203/CCD204 (already <strong>use</strong>d in a test activity during Euclid assessment phase).Modifications are envisaged for charge injection structures, transfer channel width and array aspect ratio for minimaltransfers, all of which have been demonstrated on other devices.Packaging (very likely based on SiC material) issues shall be addressed in order to meet the very stringent thermo elasticrequirements existing for Euclid.Proposed activities:- Review results of CCD204 radiation tests.- Determine maximum transfer length for CCD arrays.- Define minimum silicon resistivity requirements for red response and MTF.- Design and procure modified CCD203/204 photolithographic masks.- Test of new structures on engineering batches (eg test the injection register on a non-Euclid batch …..)- Procure silicon wafers. Fabricate prototype devices.- Design, procure and assemble dedicated package (SiC TBC).- Assemble and test prototype devices.- Investigate optimum charge injection schemes.- Detailed MTF/spot/extended objects tests to validate the concept with respect to the Euclid performances.- Radiation test prototype devices.- Elaborate a test programme and manufacturing plan for flight model phaseDeliverablesPrototype CCD detector with 4-side buttable architecture and dedicated packageApplicationCurrent TRL: 3-4 Target TRL: 4-5TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:EuclidN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18Page 4 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: Solar OrbiterMaterials Selection and TestingProgramme: TRP Reference: T221-108QTTitle:ObjectivesMaterials Selection and TestingThe verification of material characteristics and their degradation after exposure to simulated Solar Orbiter environmentDescriptionDescription:This activity builds on the existing and planned materials activities for Phoibos andBepiColombo. The current ITT for Phoibos is open and includes the selection, sampleprocurement and testing of mostly ceramic-based materials. In the case of Solar Orbiter, theinvestigation and selection of candidate materials has been already conducted. The presentactivity adds the identified Solar Orbiter candidate materials to those to be dealt with underthe Phoibos Tasks 4, 5 and 6: test plan, sample procurement, test execution and evaluationof results.With respect to BepiColombo, the materials investigated have been primarily fabrics <strong>use</strong>d aspart of high temperature MLI, like Nextel, and Titanium for the HGA. The range oftemperatures for BepiColombo does not exceed 300°C and therefore the characterisation hasto be performed up to the higher temperatures relevant to Solar Orbiter.The present activity, in the form of a CCN to the currently planned Phoibos work, includes thefollowing activities:- procurement of candidate materials for heat shield and feedthroughs assembly- preparation and execution of screening and ageing tests including combinations of high T + UV + particles, verificationof thermo-optical properties at high T, outgassing characterisation, and characterisation of mechanical & electricalpropertiesDeliverablesTest plans, test reports and <strong>use</strong>d samplesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18High Intensity High Temperature Solar Generator StudyProgramme: TRP Reference: T203-111EPTitle:High Intensity High Temperature Solar Generator StudyObjectivesTo devise two alternative Solar Genrator configurations concept based on Bepi Colombo state-of-the-art SA technologyand Solar Orbiter constraintsDescriptionThe activity consists of a first analysis of the latest information from Bepi Colombo on SA technology against theSolar Orbiter specific requirements and constraints. This will be followed by a design task to provide at least twoalternative SA configurations compliant with the Solar Orbiter mission. <strong>For</strong> each configuration, a risk assessment shall beperformed followed by a definition of screening tests to validate local design aspects, and a development &design definition plan for Solar Cells Assemblies.DeliverablesAnalysis report, Design report, Risk analysis report, Input to Screening Test Plan, Input to Solar Cell AssemblyDevelopment Plan, Identification of test facilitiesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:Application Solar Orbiter Contract 9Page 5 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Mission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Duration:Reference toESTERSmall high flux test facilitiesProgramme: CTP Reference: C204-107TCTitle:ObjectivesSmall high flux test facilitiesTo upgrade an existing high flux small facility based on lamps in order to perform measurements on small elements orsamples.DescriptionTo perform environmental testing on equipments and samples, a Thermal Vacuum chamber called VTC1.5 is beingadapted at ESTEC. The Agency intends to fit this facility with a high power sun simulator to test samples at a very highlevel of irradiance (up to 20 Solar Constants). The solar simulator flux would be generated using high pressure Xenonshort arc discharge lamps that have a light spectrum similar to the sun spectrum outside of the atmosphere. An existingLSS lamp module operated with a 32kW lamp would illuminate the test object through an existing 1m-diameter LSSspare window. The objective of the work is to design, procure and install components that combined to the existingelements would make a new sun simulator for the Thermal vacuum chamber VTC1.5. Several items are already availableat ESTEC and will be re- <strong>use</strong>d for this system: - the VTC 1.5 vacuum chamber; - the 1m-diameter optical windowcurrently available as LSS spare window; - the lamp module including the primary reflector and electrical gear to strikethe lamp; - the lamp module trolley; - the electrical rectifier to feed power to the Xenon lamp and control the lampmodule; - the high pressure cooling water system; - the Nitrogen gas supply. The components which are subject of thiscontract are the window holder, the mechanical housing connecting the window to the lamp module, the fluids and thelamp supply electrical connections. This activity also includes the commissioning of the complete assembled sunsimulator following installation on the facility at ESTEC.DeliverablesDesign report, upgrade plan, upgraded facility, verification reportCurrent TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/AApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:6N/ASolar concentrator test facility upgrade studyProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-110TCTitle:Solar concentrator test facility upgrade studyObjectivesTo investigate the necessary modifications on existing solar concentrator facilities to accommodate high solar flux testsDescriptionDescription: The activity will investigate existing solar concentrator facilities with the aim to identify thenecessary upgrades to provide test capabilities suitable for Solar Orbiter. As such, the activitywill address the testing needs for the following test objects:- Materials samples- Small objects- Breadboards up to 50 cm- Heat shield model (2.5m x 2.5m)The output of this activity will be the findings of the investigation, the performances to beachieved, a detailed list of the necessary procurements, and a roadmap to theimplementation of the upgrades.N.B. The LSS facility is not contemplated in this activity; however the Test Centre will start aninvestigation to understand the actual design limits of the LSS in terms of maximum solar fluxcapability.Page 6 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>DeliverablesAssessment reportCurrent TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/AApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:6N/AMethodology for high solar flux testing acceleration. Explicitly address combined UV/thermal and acceleratedtesting, and existing BC facilities.Programme: TRP Reference: T204-109QETitle:ObjectivesMethodology for high solar flux testing acceleration. Explicitly address combined UV/thermal andaccelerated testing, and existing BC facilities.Define testing and combined test methodologies for all Solar Orbiter S/C components, materials and sub-systems exposedto high solar flux during the mission. Identify test facilities in Europe and the needed upgrades, to be compatible with theSolar Orbiter project needs and schedule.DescriptionThe activity shall define which tests and combined tests (i.e. UV Exposure/Thermal) are required to be carried-out on thedifferent baseline (& candidate) Solar Orbiter S/C components, materials and subsystems (excluding the sun shield) thatare directly exposed to high solar fluxes (i.e. 20 Solar Constants), to verify their integrity for the complete missionduration (i.e. 300000 hours). The activity does not aim to define the final test conditions and acceptable test accelerationfactors to be applied during qualification of those items, as they are in the preliminary design phase. However, theactivity shall provide which are presently the acceptable acceleration factors that can be applied for each of the requiredtests and baseline items. It shall also indicate in which areas a more deep study needs to be carried out to increase thoseacceleration factors, in case critical items need to be verified for the complete mission duration. The activity output shallalso indicate on which areas only confidence tests can be performed, beca<strong>use</strong> acceleration tests are limited and full testduration is not feasible beca<strong>use</strong> of project schedule constrains. Finally the activity shall define the facilities and facilityupgrades (taking as reference the present Bepi Colombo facilities) needed to perform on time (acc. to the Solar Orbitermission schedule) the required high solar fluxes tests as defined in this study.DeliverablesStudy report and facilities upgrading planApplicationCurrent TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/AN/ANeed/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER6Heat rejecting entrance windowProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-102MMTitle:Heat rejecting entrance windowObjectivesTo advance the filter development by improving the WFE, ground cycle life and mounting configuration, as well as toanalyse the effect of the currently expected worst case thermal scenariosDescriptionThe proposed activity builds on the positive results obtained with the Heat Rejecting Entrance Window contractconducted over 2006-2008. Such development work is relevant to the technology needed by missions in a high solar fluxenvironment or with a need for narrow band filtering of the incoming light. It consists of the following:a) IR-Shield coating ground cycle life improvement, to withstand 30 air/vacuum/heating/air cycles. The following aspectsshall be evaluated:- coating layer stress analysisPage 7 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>- alternative coating design with different materials and lower coating stress- alternative coating procedure (combination of sputtering and e-beam evaporation)- Other possible approaches.<strong>For</strong> each proposed coating solution 10 samples shall be submitted to the cycling test.b) Refurbishment of current Window_2 to investigate the Wave Front Error non-compliance. This will include aninvestigation of the mirror impact (WFE of the substrate surfaces before coating), of the bi-metallic bending of thecoatings #3 and #4, and of the mounting impact on the WFE.c) Polarization dependency and retardance non-compliance investigation. This activity will include verification by test ofthe improved #3 and #4 coatings.d) Thermal Analysis. A new thermal analysis will be done to examine the effect of having the shield partially shading theouter edge of the filter as well as the mount. In addition the failure case off-pointing scenario, as well as the worst casenon-operational cold case, will be examined to determine the survivability of the filter and mount.e) Two New Breadboards, with Clear Apertures of Ø 162mm and Ø 86mm, will be constructed for both the PHI HighResolution Telescope and Full Disk Telescope. This activity will include the design of a new mounting structure with areduced diameter, in order to be able to mount these two filters next to each other, as well as the Structural Analysis,Hardware realization, Coating realization and Coating acceptance tests.DeliverablesBB with clear aperture of Ø 162mmBB with clear aperture of Ø 86mmall IR-Shield coating test samplesWindow_2 WFE Characterization reportIR-Shield coating optimization reportPolarization Test ResultThermal Analysis ReportStructural Analysis ReportApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER12Validation of LCVRs for the Solar Orbiter Polarisation Modulation Package (previous title: Solo - PolarisationModulation Package - LCVR)Programme: CTP Reference: C216-114PSValidation of LCVRs for the Solar Orbiter Polarisation Modulation Package (previous title: Solo -Title:Polarisation Modulation Package - LCVR)ObjectivesTo validate the <strong>use</strong> of LCVR for the PMP to be <strong>use</strong>d in Solar Orbiter Instrumentation.DescriptionThe role of the Polarisation Modulation Package (PMP) is to select 4 independent input polarisation states for the VIM:the vertical, the horizontal, the left circular and the right circular polarisation states. Two PMPs are <strong>use</strong>d in the VIM, onefor the High Resolution Telescope (HRT) and the one for the Full Disc Telescope (FDT). The METIS will also <strong>use</strong> thesame PMP. The clear aperture of the LCVR must be compatible with a 50 mm diameter optical beam.The main tasks of the validation program for the PMP are:- Make a trade-off between the different options proposed for the PMP (it is assumed that the qualification of the LCVRat component level to withstand Solar Orbiter environment has already been performed in a preliminary technologicalprogram)- Make a detailed design of the PMP package breadboard including the optics, the barrels, the oven with the activethermal control, the electrical interfaces- Manufacturing of the parts- Assembly of the PMP- Performance tests- Environment tests (Mechanical, thermal vacuum, radiation) then control performance testsDeliverablesBB of the PMPPage 8 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:142011High Flux Sun Sensor/Sun FiltersProgramme: CTP Reference: C205-001PSTitle:ObjectivesHigh Flux Sun Sensor/Sun FiltersTo design and develop a sun blocking filter for a sun sensor for the Solar Orbiter environment according to Solar OrbiterAOCS requirementsDescriptionThe AOCS of Solar Orbiter is required to be very robust, mainly due the fact that a large off-pointing from the sundirection might ca<strong>use</strong> mission failure beca<strong>use</strong> of the extreme solar flux. The sun sensors would therefore in particular beneeded for safe or survival mode and thus it might be one of two type of sensors <strong>use</strong>d in a hardwired FDIR approach.The sun sensor would need to be compatible with the environment at both 0.22 AU and at 1.5 AU implying a very largedynamic range. As development of a sun sensor sustaining directly the required sun flux would be very technologicaldemanding the approach would be to have a sun sensor located behind a filter that would limit a large portion of the heat.If BepiColombo sun sensors are <strong>use</strong>d the filter would need to reject at least 50 % of the incoming heat at 0.22 AU.As the sun sensors will ensure that the pointing of the spacecraft never exceeds the maximum angle the sun sensor wouldhave to have an accuracy of better than 1 degree.Suitable filter material needs to be identified together with a suitable sun sensor covering the large dynamic range. Anoverall design of the whole sun sensor system (filter + sensor) is required in order to verify that the thermal constraintsand requirements are respected.DeliverablesTested filter and overall design of integrated filter/sun sensorApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 52011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Solar OrbiterN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12Page 9 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: SPICASPICA Telescope focussing mechanism for secondary mirror – Phase 1Programme: CTP Reference: C216-024MMTitle: SPICA Telescope focussing mechanism for secondary mirror – Phase 1ObjectivesDesign, development and test of an EM of the M2 focusing mechanism so as to increase the technology readiness to level5 with fully representative SPICA requirements and environment.DescriptionThe demanding WFE requirements (diffraction limited performance at 5 um, WFE < 350 nm)and the cryogenic operatingtemperature (5K) applicable to the SPICA telescope require the adoption of an M2 focusing mechanism to mitigate therisks associated to thermoelastic/manufacturing/ageing effects (also considering the complexity of performing groundtests at the nominal operating temperature and the hot launch conditions).The main functions of the M2 mechanism are:- Support and secure M2 during launch (without power),- Provide 3 DoF correction (focus and tip/tilt) on ground and in orbit,- Maintain stable position without need for power when in orbit.The driving performance requirements are:- Operating temperature 4.5 K (capability to operate at higher temperature 300K for onground testing),- M2 mirror size: ~ 700 mm diameter,- M2 mirror mass: ~ 10 kg ,- Max acceleration: 25 g lateral, 10 g axial (quasi-static loads),- Out of plane stroke: +/- 1 mm,- Out of plane resolution: 0.5 um,- Tip-tilt range: +/- 500 urad,- Tip-tilt resolution: 5 urad,- Mass < 12 kg,- Minimum power dissipation (including X meters harness): < 4 W per actuator (100%duty cycle),- Duty cycle (10 cycles on ground, 10 cycles in orbit),- Mission duration: 5 year.Based on the industrial studies, the following conclusions were achieved:- Trade between 3 and 5 DoF was closed in favour of a 3 DoF mechanism,- Baseline design is with 3 linear actuators,- Baseline design without dedicated Hold Down and Release Mechanism (this shall be achieved via the linear actuatorsand the supporting structure),- Baseline design without any position sensor (end stop on each DoF <strong>use</strong>d as reference),- Baseline design is a self standing mechanism,- Baseline is launch position in middle of the operating range.The activity is structured in two phases: Phase 1 is parallel competitive (2x 250k) so as toallow for additional trades and preliminary design work. At the end of Phase 1, one contractoris selected to carry out Phase 2 (bread-boarding and testing, 1x 1000k).The main tasks of phase 1 are:- Review of technical specification based on <strong>ESA</strong> functional specification.- Linear actuator trade-off, definition, and preliminary design and analyses- Mechanism trade-off, definition, preliminary design and analyses.DeliverablesTechnical documentation detailing trade-off and design solutionCurrent TRL: 3/4 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPCIAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:6T-8474TRL 5 by Q4 2011Page 10 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>SPICA Telescope focussing mechanism for secondary mirror – Phase 2Programme: CTP Reference: C216-025MMTitle: SPICA Telescope focussing mechanism for secondary mirror – Phase 2ObjectivesDesign, development and test of an EM of the M2 focusing mechanism so as to increase the technology readiness to level5 with fully representative SPICA requirements and environment.DescriptionThe activity is structured in two phases: Phase 1 is parallel competitive (2x 250k) so as toallow for additional trades and preliminary design work. At the end of Phase 1, one contractoris selected to carry out Phase 2 (bread-boarding and testing, 1x 1000k). The main tasks of thevalidation program for the mechanism are:The main tasks of phase 2 are:- Bread-boarding of key technologies.- Preliminary characterisation of the actuator as stand alone unit.- Manufacturing, Assembly and Integration of the mechanism EM.- Testing:o Performance tests: (at ambient conditions and under TV at 4.5K) includingresolution, accuracy, precision, motorisation margins, power dissipation, lifetest-under 1g and with zero g off-loading device.o Environmental tests: (vibration at ambient and TV cycling) with a dummymirror.o Inspections.- Lessons learnt, implementation plan for QM and FM programmes.DeliverablesBreadboard demonstratorCurrent TRL: 3/4 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPCIAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:9T-8474TRL 5 by Q4 2011Light-weight mirror demonstrator breadboard in SicProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-022MMTitle:Light-weight mirror demonstrator breadboard in SicObjectivesDemonstrate mastery of manufacturing, assembly and polishing of large monolithic mirror using lightweight ceramictechnologies. Preliminary thermo-mechanical testing and demonstration of optical surface performance in representativeconditions.DescriptionThe SPICA mission is based on a large cryogenic telescope (primary mirror with a 3.5 diameter, inter-mirror distance ~3m) operating at ~5K, with the stringent optical performance requirements (diffraction limited at 5 um) and a mass budgetof less then 700 kg. Such requirements impose the <strong>use</strong> of light weighted ceramic materials.It is intended to address the following issues:- Fabrication of large size ceramic optical surfaces.- Specific mechanical and thermal testing (e.g. static load tests, defects characterisation, rupture tests, validation ofthermo-elastic properties of representative elements via cooling to operating temperature).- Coating and polishing of optically representative ceramic mirror surfaces, including demonstration of gravitycompensation and polishing optimisation.- Specific optical performance testing.These objectives should be achieved via the manufacturing and testing of an M1 bread-board and/or of dedicated testingsamples, all in representative ceramic materials. The specific nature of the tests and the characteristics of the bread-boardmay vary depending on the ceramic material (SiC / Cesic) and its specific characteristics and technology readiness.Based on the recent studies, the following conclusions were achieved:- A SiC based primary mirror would not require CVD coating (applied instead to M2, in conjunction with IBF).Page 11 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>- Brazing of different mirror elements (SiC100) requires further mechanical validation to fully characterise the brazingproperties (e.g. static load testing up to rupture, fracture control).- A HB-Cesic based primary mirror would require demonstration of the infiltration process on a large size structure (>2m). In this case more emphasis is required on fabrication aspects.- Optimisation of the polishing method is critical to the overall project schedule.- Gravity compensation during polishing requires validation.Technology Heritage:Different levels of technology readiness and heritage exist depending on the specific ceramic material (SiC 100 or Cesic).SiC 100 has been <strong>use</strong>d for the fabrication of the 3.5 m diameter Herschel telescope (cooled down to about 70K) and isflight qualified. SiC 100 has been also <strong>use</strong>d for flight units of JWST-NIRSpec (optical bench and optical elements).Given the segmented approach to M1 manufacturing, no modifications are required to the existing fabrication facilities.Based on the assessment study, CVD coating would not be required for SPICA. This is an important point as in caseCVD was required, dedicated facility upgrades would be needed (e.g. 3.5m dia IBF facility) and additional aspects wouldbecome critical (e.g. brazing of CVD coated segments), now not covered by this technology development plan.Cesic (both standard/MF-Cesic and HB-Cesic) has more limited heritage (smaller scale structure flown on Spirale (F-DoD), bread-boarding of BepiColombo, GAIA and NIRSpec elements, 600 mm dia HB-Cesic mirror under testing atTAS-F) and would require further work on large scale (> 2m, as suggested by TAS and ECM) structures to achieveadequate technology readiness, with specific emphasis on the manufacturing of the blank mirror (HBCesic is offered forthe SPICA telescope). Silicon infiltration of large size and complex geometry green bodies is a high priority issue in thecase of HB-Cesic technology. New fabrication facilities (moulding facility, carbonisation furnace) would be required inorder to produce the 3.5 m diameter primary mirror.Europe has considerable heritage in the polishing of large mirror. Nevertheless the SPICA combination of large size,demanding requirements and ceramic material is unprecedented and requires some preparation. Gravity compensationapproach (given light-weighted structure) is of specific concern. Convergence of the polishing approach is highly criticalwrt overall project schedule.The main tasks of the validation program for the mirror demonstrator are:- Trade-off and design activities to fully define the required M1 Bread-board (e.g. mirror segment vs. reduced mirror size,surface shape, etc.) and supports (bipods).- Trade-off and design activities to define the optimised polishing approach.- Manufacturing of all the Bread-Board parts and of any related support equipment.- Parallel procurement of polishing / gravity compensation / test equipment.- Assembly and Integration of the M1 Bread-board.- Mirror polishing activities as required for validating specific critical issues.- Optical characterisation at ambient and cryogenic temperature (TBC).- Mechanical testing at ambient as required to fully validate the fabrication process, to characterise the dimensions ofdefects and to validate the allowable loads (strength).It is envisaged that the breadboard will include elements of representative size and shape wrt SPICA M1 as well asrepresentative fixation devices. Actual extent of polished area is TBD. Nature of the mechanical tests at ambient dependson actual ceramic material and should be linked to the final STA model philosophy.Deliverables1) Large size

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>conditions.DescriptionThe SPICA mission is based on a large cryogenic telescope (primary mirror with a 3.5 diameter, inter-mirror distance ~3m) operating at ~5K, with the stringent optical performance requirements (diffraction limited at 5 um) and a mass budgetof less then 700 kg. Such requirements impose the <strong>use</strong> of light weighted ceramic materials.It is intended to address the following issues:- Fabrication of large size ceramic optical surfaces.- Specific mechanical and thermal testing (e.g. static load tests, defects characterisation, rupture tests, validation ofthermo-elastic properties of representative elements via cooling to operating temperature).- Coating and polishing of optically representative ceramic mirror surfaces, including demonstration of gravitycompensation and polishing optimisation.- Specific optical performance testing.These objectives should be achieved via the manufacturing and testing of an M1 bread-board and/or of dedicated testingsamples, all in representative ceramic materials. The specific nature of the tests and the characteristics of the bread-boardmay vary depending on the ceramic material (SiC / Cesic) and its specific characteristics and technology readiness.Based on the recent studies, the following conclusions were achieved:- A SiC based primary mirror would not require CVD coating (applied instead to M2, in conjunction with IBF).- Brazing of different mirror elements (SiC100) requires further mechanical validation to fully characterise the brazingproperties (e.g. static load testing up to rupture, fracture control).- A HB-Cesic based primary mirror would require demonstration of the infiltration process on a large size structure (>2m). In this case more emphasis is required on fabrication aspects.- Optimisation of the polishing method is critical to the overall project schedule.- Gravity compensation during polishing requires validation.Technology Heritage:Different levels of technology readiness and heritage exist depending on the specific ceramic material (SiC 100 or Cesic).SiC 100 has been <strong>use</strong>d for the fabrication of the 3.5 m diameter Herschel telescope (cooled down to about 70K) and isflight qualified. SiC 100 has been also <strong>use</strong>d for flight units of JWST-NIRSpec (optical bench and optical elements).Given the segmented approach to M1 manufacturing, no modifications are required to the existing fabrication facilities.Based on the assessment study, CVD coating would not be required for SPICA. This is an important point as in caseCVD was required, dedicated facility upgrades would be needed (e.g. 3.5m dia IBF facility) and additional aspects wouldbecome critical (e.g. brazing of CVD coated segments), now not covered by this technology development plan.Cesic (both standard/MF-Cesic and HB-Cesic) has more limited heritage (smaller scale structure flown on Spirale (F-DoD), bread-boarding of BepiColombo, GAIA and NIRSpec elements, 600 mm dia HB-Cesic mirror under testing atTAS-F) and would require further work on large scale (> 2m, as suggested by TAS and ECM) structures to achieveadequate technology readiness, with specific emphasis on the manufacturing of the blank mirror (HBCesic is offered forthe SPICA telescope). Silicon infiltration of large size and complex geometry green bodies is a high priority issue in thecase of HB-Cesic technology. New fabrication facilities (moulding facility, carbonisation furnace) would be required inorder to produce the 3.5 m diameter primary mirror.Europe has considerable heritage in the polishing of large mirror. Nevertheless the SPICA combination of large size,demanding requirements and ceramic material is unprecedented and requires some preparation. Gravity compensationapproach (given light-weighted structure) is of specific concern. Convergence of the polishing approach is highly criticalwrt overall project schedule.The main tasks of the validation program for the mirror demonstrator are:- Trade-off and design activities to fully define the required M1 Bread-board (e.g. mirror segment vs. reduced mirror size,surface shape, etc.) and supports (bipods).- Trade-off and design activities to define the optimised polishing approach.- Manufacturing of all the Bread-Board parts and of any related support equipment.- Parallel procurement of polishing / gravity compensation / test equipment.- Assembly and Integration of the M1 Bread-board.- Mirror polishing activities as required for validating specific critical issues.- Optical characterisation at ambient and cryogenic temperature (TBC).- Mechanical testing at ambient as required to fully validate the fabrication process, to characterise the dimensions ofdefects and to validate the allowable loads (strength).It is envisaged that the breadboard will include elements of representative size and shape wrt SPICA M1 as well asrepresentative fixation devices. Actual extent of polished area is TBD. Nature of the mechanical tests at ambient dependson actual ceramic material and should be linked to the final STA model philosophy.Deliverables1) Large size

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Current TRL: 4-5 Target TRL: 6ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Harmonisation in progress (2. half 2008)ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18T-8532TRL 5 by Q4 2011Page 14 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: PlatoDevelopment of optimised CCD for PLATOProgramme: CTP Reference: C217-010PATitle:ObjectivesDevelopment of optimised CCD for PLATODevelopment of optimised large area CCD detector with low noise operation, large signal capability and high speedmulti-node readout.DescriptionThe PLATO cameras design requires large area CCD detectors (4510x4510 px) with two separated and connectedsections to allow for full frame (FF) or frame transfer (FT) modes. Basic requirements include: Pixel size 18μm x 18μm; <strong>use</strong>ful pixels in FF 4510x4510; <strong>use</strong>ful pixels in FT 4510x2253; flatness 30μm. Full well capacity of 1Me-, which requires thin oxide and doping. An anti-reflection coating is required on its sensitive surface which shall be optimised for wavelength longer the500nm. Specifically the quantum efficiency at 600nm shall be at least 0.9. The operating wavelength range is 500-1000nm. The CCD shall be compatible with a readout time 3.0 s at a fast rate of 4MHz on the 2 outputs when <strong>use</strong>d in fullframe mode with a readout noise of less than18 e- rms. The nominal operating temperature shall be -70C (TBC).The development of the Detectors shall be based on a prototyping activity which shall take advantage of the existingtechnologies to result in an optimised custom design which meets the established requirements.The prototyping activity will include: Detectors and packaging design Validation of the packaging process Manufacturing of several batches (5 TBC) each including 24 (TBC) detectors with indication of the yield Tests, characterisation and confirmation of the detectors performancesThe prototyping activity will be based on a dedicated CCD Specification document which reports the requirements forflight.An additional important aspect of this activity is the full and unambiguous demonstration of the capability to produce thelarge number of CCDs required by PLATO at the required rate. This is an essential element in the reduction thedevelopment risks of PLATO and this activity must be evidence for the capability of the required yield.DeliverablesOptimised CCD detector prototypes and demonstration of the production capability for FMs.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 to 4 Target TRL: 6Q2 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:PlatoN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER15Page 15 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>L-Mission Candidate: LaplaceReview of Mechanism for steerable HGA in deep space missionProgramme: CTP Reference: C215-100MMTitle:ObjectivesReview of Mechanism for steerable HGA in deep space missionReview current capabilities and constraints with current mission profile and environmentDescriptionThe transfer time to Jovian is 5.9 years. Possibly the antenna would only be deployed after JOI, which would imply aqualification issue. Furthermore, the Jovian environment is dominated by high electron density. It is not known howlubricants and other components would react to such a particle environment, which is cold.The activity should review the mechanism capabilities with respect to the mission requirements and provide anidentification of necessary development/qualification issues.DeliverablesDevelopment plan and possibly investigations with h/w (demonstration)ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER12Demonstration of the deployment of a highly integrated low power ice penetrating radar antennaProgramme: TRP Reference: T215-007MMTitle:Demonstration of the deployment of a highly integrated low power ice penetrating radar antennaObjectivesDesign and demonstrate by test the deployment and stability of the Yagi antenna for a low power ice penetrating radar forLaplace.DescriptionThe main objective of this activity is to design and demonstrate by test the deployment and stability of the Yagi antennafor a low power ice penetrating radar suitable for the investigation of the icy shell of Europa, one of Jupiter's moons.DeliverablesDeployable antenna demonstration modelApplicationCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 3-4Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Low mass SpaceWireProgramme: TRP Reference: T201-003EDTitle:Low mass SpaceWireObjectivesDevelopment of a second generation of SpaceWire cable with a reduced mass by a factor 2 to 3DescriptionThe SpaceWire standard ECSS-E-50-12A currently specifies the construction and the mass of the SpaceWire cable(80g/m). By defining the requirements on the electrical characteristics of the cable, the cable construction and massPage 16 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>should be optimised. This will lead to the construction of a new generation of SpaceWire cables which more adapted tospecific applications. The requirements of the electrical characteristics establish in this activity will be <strong>use</strong>d to update thecable specification in the standard.Deliverablestest data, EQM cablesCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:12T-8483TRL 6 by 2011Solar cell LILT design optimisation and characterisationProgramme: CTP Reference: C203-101EPTitle:ObjectivesSolar cell LILT design optimisation and characterisationDevelopment of solar cells with predictable LILT performanceDescriptionCurrent state-of-the-art triple-junction solar cells show a non-predictable performance at LILT conditions. Due to the socalledflat spot phenomenon some solar cells have a clearly lower performance than expected by theory. Currently, itseems that a flat spot cannot be detected by room temperature measurements.Thus, in this activity, the triple-junction cell technology shall be adjusted in a way to avoid flat spots. A fullcharacterisation of this adapted solar cells has to be performed and appropriate screening tests will have to be defined toallow a selection of solar cells with a predictable EOL performance at LILT conditions.DeliverablesTriple-junction solar cell with predictable LILT performanceApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 52012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Penetrator development within framework of a Jovian moon mission - Phase1Programme: CTP Reference: C213-001PATitle:Penetrator development within framework of a Jovian moon mission - Phase1ObjectivesStudy and preliminary design of the overall penetrator + delivery system in the context of the Laplace mission.DescriptionThis activity forms Phase 1 of a penetrator development activity where a full system study of the penetrator and deliverysystem trades within the constraints of the Laplace mission will be undertaken.Penetrators, combined with their delivery systems, consitute small spacecraft, carrying hardened subsystems andscientific instrumentation that impact planetary bodies at high speeds and bury themselves a few metres into the surface.They have the potential to provide both a significantly less costly alternative to soft landers (by virtue of their simplicityand reduced mass requirements) and the possibility of multiple penetrators in a single mission at different locations toform a network of stations on the surface.The penetrator is put in context of the Jovian <strong>ESA</strong> Cosmic Vision mission Laplace, and targets the delivery into thesurface of a Jovian moon.This activity will be an investigation of the complete system (i.e. penetrator and deployment system, itself consisting ofPage 17 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>the control system and the motor). Here the overall system aspects, the required resources and the structure and keyelements of the technology developments will be addressed. Starting from the required payload, the penetrator will bedimensioned and the deployment system requirements defined. Questions to be discussed include.: AOCS includingaltimetry system and control aspects, dispersion corrections, specifications of the tolerable errors after stabilisation andbefore penetrator release, etc. An analysis of the expected behaviour of the penetrator during the quite extensive free fallshall be included - this is particularly important in view of the required alignment of the penetrator axis with the velocityvector at impact, and the risk of a flat spin.The accommodation on Laplace will have to be respected, and a solution for the penetrator system concept must becompatible with the corresponding mission system and scientific requirements.A review will conclude the activity: this will ideally be concurrent with the Laplace system study last phase, when theLaplace system is better understood and an evaluation of any resources for such a payload element would be available.Based on the preliminary compatibility analysis and the feasibility evaluation of the penetrator including deploymentsystem, the decision to progress into phase 2 would be taken by <strong>ESA</strong>.DeliverablesReport from study including system requirements and preliminary design specifications of a complete penetrator anddelivery system.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3<strong>2010</strong>Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER9Penetrator development within framework of a Jovian moon mission Phase2Programme: CTP Reference: C213-002PATitle:Penetrator development within framework of a Jovian moon mission Phase2ObjectivesDevelopment to TRL 4 of a penetrator (structure + platform elements)DescriptionIn this phase (Phase 2) of the activity, the following work will be performed: i) Detailed modelling of impact processesassociated with impacts into icy regoliths and other simulant materials. ii) Subsystem (not science payload) componentdevelopment and small-scale impact trials (TRL4).Deliverablesi) Hardware elements for small scale trials, ii) Modelling and small-scale impact trial reports.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 42013Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER9Penetrator development within framework of a Jovian moon mission Phase3Programme: CTP Reference: C213-003PATitle:Penetrator development within framework of a Jovian moon mission Phase3ObjectivesDevelopment to TRL 5 of a penetrator (structure + platform elements) including full scale system-level impact trials.DescriptionIn this phase (Phase 3) of the activity, the following work will be performed: 1)Further subsystem (not science payload)component development and small-scale impact trials (if required), and ii) full-scale subsystem level trials (TRL5).DeliverablesPage 18 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>i) Full-scale hardware elements of a penetrator, including structure and sub-systems. ii) Impact trial reports.Current TRL: 4 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:182013Characterisation of radiation resistant materials Phase 1Programme: TRP Reference: T223-021QMTitle: Characterisation of radiation resistant materials Phase 1ObjectivesAssessment and characterisation of radiation resistance of materials to high radiation field of Laplace missionDescriptionSelection of materials, testing of materials, derivation of safe operation limit, design data.DeliverablesTest results, selection of resistant materials, design data.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:36T-84<strong>81</strong>TRL 5 by 2011Characterisation of radiation resistant materials Phase 2Programme: CTP Reference: C223-001QMTitle: Characterisation of radiation resistant materials Phase 2ObjectivesAssessment and characterisation of radiation resistance of materials to high radiation field of Laplace missionDescriptionBased on the outcome of phase 1 design data are to be derived for the selected materials. This comprehends among othersstability of thermo-optical properties, radiation resistance vs. mechanical & thermo-mechanical damage (e.g CTEchanges) and dose rate dependences etc. It may also include the review of the outcome of activity Materials Chargingeffects under extreme environments (ultra-low temperatures and high radiation fields) and derive designdata/recommendations of charging issues).Deliverablesdesign data of materials properties for the selected mission case.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:36T-84<strong>81</strong>TRL 5 by 2011Page 19 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Survey of critical components for 1 (new requirement: 150krad) Mrad power system design including deltaradiation characterisation of RH power EEE componentsProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-019QCSurvey of critical components for 1 (new requirement: 150krad) Mrad power system design includingTitle:delta radiation characterisation of RH power EEE componentsObjectivesTID (Total Ionizing Dose) Radiation characterization of selected critical power system components (MOSFET driver,bipolar transistors,..) up to the 150Krrad levelDescriptionPower converters and systems are critical parts of any mission. Power systems with Rad-Hard components (MOSFETSand Bipolar transistors) are available however, in many cases not to the radiation levels required for the Laplace/Tandemmissions (150krad). The following activity, aims at characterising these rad-hard EEE components to mission radiationlevels and identify radiation related drifts. This information is in subsequent activities employed to design powerconverter and systems capable of handling the measured drifts in compliance with mission power requirement.DeliverablesTest plans, Test reports including data analysis, final report, and tested samplesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-84801-Mrad (new requirement: 150krad) power converter/system design and prototypingProgramme: TRP Reference: T203-005EPTitle:1-Mrad (new requirement: 150krad) power converter/system design and prototypingObjectivesDesign and verify a 1Mrad-hard (new requirement: 150krad) power converter and system compliant withLaplace/Tandem missionDescriptionIn this study results from activities "Delta radiation characterisation of RH power EEE components" and "Survey ofcritical components for 1Mrad (new requirement: 150krad) power converter/system design" are employed to design andverify power converters and systems compliant with mission requirements and radiation levels observed (150krad). Theprototype shall be tested up to as a minimum 150krad and subsequently up to failure point.DeliverablesDC-DC and voltage regulator design, design justification file, verification test plan, final report and hardwareApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-8480Front-end readout ASIC technology study and development test vehicles for front-end readout ASICSProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-018QCTitle:Front-end readout ASIC technology study and development test vehicles for front-end readout ASICSObjectivesStudy to identify suitable technologies for front-end readout electronics for TID (Total Ionizing Dose), DD(Displacement Damage) and SEE environment of Laplace.DescriptionPage 20 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>The front-end readout electronics for the various sensors of the Laplace/Tandem missions represent (with respect toradiation) a critical part of the mission. These parts are located close to sensors/detectors with associated increasedradiation levels. This activity aims at surveying existing technologies employed in the space community and the nuclear /particle physics community to identify suitable technologies for the Laplace/Tandem missions. The study shall identifyand propose technologies most compliant with mission requirements and possible development requirement to bringtechnologies to the required level. Additionally, the availability of process for third party manufacturing, reliability,packaging and cost shall be important selection criteria.DeliverablesFinal report containing a technology selection list prioritised according to selection criteria. The final report shall in detailjustify selection. Final report shall in conclusion propose a technology for further radiation and reliabilitycharacterisation.Current TRL: 1 Target TRL: 2ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18T-8480TRL5 by 2011Radiation characterisation of front-end readout ASICProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-013QCTitle:ObjectivesRadiation characterisation of front-end readout ASICReliability and radiation effects (TID and SEE) characterisation of selected front-end readout technologyDescriptionThis activity aims at characterising front-end readout ASIC test vehicle developed under activity "Development of testvehicles for front-end readout ASIC" for reliability and TID / SEE effects in mission operational conditions and radiationlevels. <strong>For</strong> the Laplace/Tandem missions, requirements in terms of TID are 150krad behind 8mm of Al shielding. Inparticular, radiation induced degradation of the readout electronics shall be assessed and impact on science requirementsidentified.DeliverablesTest plans, Test reports including data analysis, final report, and tested samplesCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:12T-8480TRL5 by 2011Radiation Tolerant analogue / mixed signal technology survey and test vehicle designProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-017QCTitle:ObjectivesRadiation Tolerant analogue / mixed signal technology survey and test vehicle designStudy to identify suitable analogue mixed signal technology for 150krad radiation tolerance mission requirement.DescriptionA study to identify and select an analogue / mixed-signal process (e.g. SiGe) compliant with the mission 150kradrequirement. The selected process shall be compliant with mission requirement in terms of functions and performance.Additionally, the availability of process for third party ASIC manufacturing, reliability, packaging and cost shall beimportant selection criteria.DeliverablesFinal report containing a technology selection list prioritised according to selection criteria. The final report shall in detailjustify selection. Final report shall in conclusion propose a process for further radiation and reliability characterisation.Page 21 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18T-8480TRL5 by 2011Radiation characterisation of RT analogue / mixed signal technologyProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-014QCTitle:ObjectivesRadiation characterisation of RT analogue / mixed signal technologyRadiation characterization of test vehicles developed in analog and mixed signal process in order to identify suitability for150krad mission requirement.DescriptionTest vehicles and functions developed in activity T222-017QC "Analogue / mixed signal function / test vehicle design"shall in this activity be characterised for their radiation tolerance (TID, DD and SEE) and reliability performance.DeliverablesTest plans, Test reports including data analysis, final report, and tested samplesCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:12T-8480TRL5 by 2011DAREplus (Design Against Radiation Effects) ASICs for extremely rad hard & harsh environmentsProgramme: TRP Reference: T201-004EDTitle:ObjectivesDAREplus (Design Against Radiation Effects) ASICs for extremely rad hard & harsh environmentsTo increase the maturity of the existing DARE 180 nm library for applications in harsh radiation environments (< 1Mrad), and provide a suitable digital cell library and technology for SC and PL elements.DescriptionDuring the course of this activity following steps shall be performed on the DARE 180 nm library:- Design of missing library elements (e.g. dual ported RAM compiler, LVDS I/O, 5V tolerant I/O pads, and others)- Creation of standard pad ring and package solutions.-Design, manufacture and evaluation (including irradiation characterisation) of test vehicle including all new libraryelementsDeliverablesDAREplus libraries / Design Kit , validated datahandling ASIC manufactured with DAREplus technology, irradiation testplan and reportsApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-8480Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Microelectronics Dossier (1st semester 2007) - AIM A - Deep Submicron ASIC technologies (A1, A2, A8)Page 22 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Latch up protection for COTS (Commercial, off-the-shelf) digital componentsProgramme: TRP Reference: T201-002EDTitle:ObjectivesLatch up protection for COTS (Commercial, off-the-shelf) digital componentsProtection device to increase robustness against Latch-Ups of COTS digital electronic.DescriptionCOTS components typically follow the latest industry trends, and may become obsolete in just a few years. This isparticularly true for memory chips, that have market lifetime sometimes of less than one year. Space qualifyingelectronics is instead a rather lengthy and complex process. Detailed functional and performance test procedures must bedeveloped to characterize the device during environmental testing. The required environmental testing typically includesvibration testing, thermal cycling and thermal vacuum testing, and radiation testing. In addition, a variety of engineeringanalyses must be completed as part of the acceptance data package.Hence, a very effective strategy for using COTS components in space is to <strong>use</strong> system-level mitigation techniques tocomplement the component-level mitigation techniques, to increase system level reusability of COTS modules. Examplesof effective system-level techniques include: Error detection and correction (EDAC), Redundancy, Radiation-tolerantcircuit designs, Distributed functionality, Fault protection systems. A possible fault protection system for digital parts canbe built using COTS Current-Limited, High-Side P-Channel Switches with Thermal Shutdown. Those inexpensive andhighly miniaturized switches operate with inputs from +2.7V to +5.5V, making them ideal for both 3V and 5V systems.Internal current-limiting circuitry protects the input supply against overload. Thermal-overload protection limits powerdissipation and junction temperature. Current limit is adjustable with great precision and intervention time is on the orderof few microseconds. This will be well suited to protect memories against burn out and they can be operated either withautorecovery (during an output short-circuit condition, the switch turns off and disconnects the input supply from theoutput, the current-limiting amplifier then slowly turns the switch on with the output current limited) or with softwarecontrolled recovery.DeliverablesPFM HardwareApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by <strong>2010</strong>Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-8480Radiation characterisation of Laplace critical RH optocouplers, sensors and detectorsProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-020QCTitle:Radiation characterisation of Laplace critical RH optocouplers, sensors and detectorsObjectivesRadiation characterization of radiation tolerant (minimum 150krad) optocouplers to identify suitability for Laplacemission.DescriptionOptocouplers are sensitive to both DD (Displacement Damage) and TID (Total Ionizing Dose). Current radiation tolerantdevices are typically tested to dose levels lower than Laplace/Tandem requirements. Thus, this activity aims at selectingcandidate radiation tolerant optocouplers and performing radiation tests on these (TID and DD) to Laplace-Tandem levels(150krad behind 8mm of Al shielding).DeliverablesTest plans, Test reports including data analysis, final report, and tested samplesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2-3 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-8480Page 23 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Radiation hard memoryProgramme: TRP Reference: T222-016QCTitle:ObjectivesRadiation hard memoryFind, characterise radiation tolerance and assess reliability of memory devices to cover all cosmic vision projectrequirements (256+ Gbit, TID hard, SEL immunity, SEU, SEFI sensitivity that can be mitigated,..). This study will coverCross scale and Dark Energy needs, and possibly Laplace (the feasibility to find 150 krad high density memories is still tobe demonstrated)DescriptionContinuation of Agency memory study to characterize SEE and TID (Total Ionizing Dose) effects in new technologies ofhigh density memories (DDR3+, flash, nanotubes, FRAM, MRAM,..)DeliverablesTest plans, Test reports including data analysis, final report, and tested samplesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER36T-8480Radiation Effects on Sensors and Technologies for Cosmic Vision SCI Missions (REST-SIM)Programme: TRP Reference: T204-009EETitle:Radiation Effects on Sensors and Technologies for Cosmic Vision SCI Missions (REST-SIM)ObjectivesTo perform quantitative analyses of the susceptibility of CV payloads to high energy particle radiation and developmentof specific tools for radiation effects analysis based on Geant4, including greatly improved efficiency with geometrygeneration and exchange and analysis case definition for integrated <strong>use</strong> through all project phases.DescriptionMany of the technologies proposed for the various Cosmic Vision mission candidates are highly susceptible to radiationinducedeffects, including sensors, imaging devices, MEMS (DMDs), highly integrated payloads, cryogenics and othernew technologies and mechanisms. Furthermore, some environments are very hazardous (e.g. Jupiter). Effects includeradiation damage, background, charge noise, hot pixels, internal charging and activation. Evaluations and are needed forpayload design, operation and data analysis. The Geant4 particle transport toolkit and its derivative tools have beensuccessfully <strong>use</strong>d in science mission and payload studies over the last decade.However, a recurrent problem in science studies is the difficulty of efficiently establishing and iterating (i)spacecraft/payload geometry and (ii) detailed science analysis definition (e.g. for sensors) in time for critical radiationanalyses. The present activity aims to remove this problem for future missions by developing efficient front-ends foranalysis application definition and geometry creation, and for import and export, so reducing the effort and making itfeasible to do such work from the earliest phases of a project (e.g. in CDF) thorough stages of increasingly detailedgeometry and application definition. Appropriate CV proposals will be <strong>use</strong>d to define Geant4 strawman geometries andanalyses capabilities for the proposed technologies and payloads. <strong>For</strong> testing and validation, the new capabilities will beapplied to first-order radiation analyses of key technologies taking into account the representative mission profiles andradiation environments. The resulting simulation models will be easily amenable to extension and iteration to includerefinements to the design, technologies, geometries and mission profiles, thus enabling a continuous and smoothimprovement of radiation analyses over the entire mission design lifetime, reducing costly margins on the radiationlevels. This approach is planned to extend to the flight of the chosen missions themselves and ultimately all the way topost-mission data analyses.DeliverablesDetailed radiation effects analyses for all of the proposed Cosmic Vision missions and their technologies; advancedeffects analysis and geometry modelling capabilities; strawman Geant4 geometry models of all of the Cosmic Visionmission spacecraftApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceOpen sourceContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8480Page 24 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AEvaluation of star tracker performance in high radiation environmentProgramme: CTP Reference: C205-100ECTitle:ObjectivesEvaluation of star tracker performance in high radiation environmentReview particle environemnt and simultate effects on star tracker performanceDescriptionThe Jovian environment has a high density of charged particles (mainly electrons). Despite heavy shielding, residualparticle interations with detectors will take place, and in addition secondary photon production will enhance background.It is expected that sensors will loose sensitivity due to a kindof snow effect. This shall be simulated (either h/w or s/w)and the feasibility of using currently avaibaly star trackers shall be assessed.DeliverablesCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 4ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LaplaceN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18TRL5 by 2012Page 25 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>L-Mission Candidate: IXOBack-up IXO (XEUS) optics technology Phase 1Programme: TRP Reference: T216-023MMTitle: Back-up IXO (XEUS) optics technology Phase 1ObjectivesDevelopment of a back-up technology for the IXO (XEUS) telescopeDescription- Analysis of the requirements for mirror modules of an x-ray telescope composed of stacks of glass shells includingcoating, mounting and alignment technology and compatible with the requirements for mounting into a petal of the IXO(XEUS) telescope.- Manufacture of mirror modules formed from mounted tandem(s) of stacks of focussing mirror shells, demonstratingability to meet the requirements of the IXO (XEUS) telescope including environmental.- Manufacture of stacks of coated samples to demonstrate compatibility with coating requirements.- Testing of mirror shells, stacks, mirror modules and coated samples in x-ray to demonstrate material surface properties,coating properties and mirror module focussing in x-ray.- Analysis and elaboration to describe an industrialised manufacturing process to show compatibility with IXO (XEUS)timescales.DeliverablesAnalysis and modelling results.Samples of mirror shells and stacks.IXO (XEUS) mirror module of stacked glass plates.Stack of coated mirror shells.Results of x-ray testing.Industrialisation plans.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4TRL 4 by 2009Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER16T-8452Back-up IXO (XEUS) optics technology Phase 2Programme: CTP Reference: C216-002MMTitle: Back-up IXO (XEUS) optics technology Phase 2ObjectivesDevelopment of a back-up technology for the IXO (XEUS) telescopeDescription- Procurement of materials and installation of necessary equipment to manufacture 2 coated x-ray mirror modules to meetthe requirements of the IXO (XEUS) telescope.- Environmental testing (mechanical, thermal) with x-ray testing at an appropriate facility pre and post eachenvironmental test.Deliverables2 coated x-ray mirror modules of IXO (XEUS) back upResults of testing (x-ray, mechanical, thermal)ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER16T-8452Page 26 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>IXO (XEUS) mirror module ruggedizing & environmental testingProgramme: TRP Reference: T216-026MMTitle:ObjectivesIXO (XEUS) mirror module ruggedizing & environmental testingTo demonstrate the flight worthiness of Si x-ray pore optic modules for IXO (XEUS)Description- Modelling & analysis of stack adhesion forces.- Improvements to state of the art manufacturing of mirror modules toensure compatibility with XEUS environmental requirements, for instance annealing, contamination control within thelimits of the available financial envelope (it isclear that a chip manufacturing type assembly line is coherent with thecleanliness requirements for stacking XEUS modules, but beyond the funding levels available from TRP), bracket/dowelpin modification including: * trade-off new materials compatible with integration (room temp) and operational temp., e.g.HB-Cesic, Si3N4, Si. * lightweighting * compatibility with integration into a petal and possible baffle mounts *compatibility with the requirements of XEUS- Procurement of equipment upgrades and any necessary modification of thestacking robot, including for aninnermost radii module.- Procurement of sufficient silicon plates and brackets to performtests and stack modules with the discard of an overhead of plates, such that the stacks of the mirror module to be placedunder environmental test are formed from virgin plates (i.e. plates that have not been stacked then separated).- Productionof at least 3 (TBD) mirror modules (possibly of different radii), one module with coating compatible with XEUSrequirements (TBD).- Environmental testing at relevant facilities (mechanical, thermal) with x-ray testing of the modulespre and post each environmental test.- Planning for industrialisation of processes.DeliverablesAnalysis and modelling results.3(TBD) IXO (XEUS) mirror modules of stacked silicon plates, at least one coated.Results of x-ray, mechanical and thermal testing.Industrialisation plans.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by 2009Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-8453IXO (XEUS) mirror module ruggedizing & environmental testing Ph. IIProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-006MMTitle:IXO (XEUS) mirror module ruggedizing & environmental testing Ph. IIObjectivesTo demonstrate the flight worthiness of Si x-ray pore optic modules for IXO (XEUS)Description- Modelling & analysis of stack adhesion forces.- Improvements to state of the art manufacturing of mirror modules toensure compatibility with IXO environmental requirements, for instance annealing, contamination control within thelimits of the available financial envelope (it isclear that a chip manufacturing type assembly line is coherent with thecleanliness requirements for stacking IXO modules, but beyond the funding levels available from TRP), bracket/dowelpin modification including: * trade-off new materials compatible with integration (room temp) and operational temp., e.g.HB-Cesic, Si3N4, Si. * lightweighting * compatibility with integration into a petal and possible baffle mounts *compatibility with the requirements of IXO- Procurement of equipment upgrades and any necessary modification of thestacking robot, including for an innermost radii module.- Procurement of sufficient silicon plates and brackets to performtests and stack modules with the discard of an overhead of plates, such that the stacks of the mirror module to be placedunder environmental test are formed from virgin plates (i.e. plates that have not been stacked then separated).- Productionof at least 3 (TBD) mirror modules (possibly of different radii), one module with coating compatible with IXOrequirements (TBD).- Environmental testing at relevant facilities (mechanical, thermal) with x-ray testing of the modulespre and post each environmental test.- Planning for industrialisation of processes.DeliverablesAnalysis and modelling results.3(TBD) IXO (XEUS) mirror modules of stacked silicon plates, at least one coated.Results of x-ray, mechanical and thermal testing.Industrialisation plans.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by end 2009Need/Date:Application IXO (XEUS) Contract 18Page 27 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Mission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/ADuration:Reference toESTERT-8453Development of IXO (XEUS) Si pore optics and mass production processesProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-004MMTitle:ObjectivesDevelopment of IXO (XEUS) Si pore optics and mass production processesDevelopment and improvement of automated manufacturing processes to demonstrate that required number of mirrormodules can be manufactured in timescale and cost of IXO telescope. Installation of a 20 m robot, consistent with changefrom XEUS to IXO, with 20 m focal length baseline (robot currently 50 m, optics at 2 m radius).DescriptionElaboration of 2nd generation plate developments & further consideration of industrialisation for mass production, e.g. toreduce plate costs. Examples of issues to be addressed include (non-exhaustively) edge rounding (cleanliness and particleproduction), tapered ribs (blocking in conical approximation), alternative wedging processes, micro-roughness reductionon mirror/bond surfaces and increase on rib walls, introduction of plate identifiers and alternative bonding methods.Modifications necessary to the automated stacking process to address cleanliness levels. Where appropriate to the level ofbudget available, the analysis shall lead to procurement and installation of new equipment, for example a high powermicroscope and sub-micron particle detection system for ribbed plates.Installation of new robot for 20 m FL/ 0.7 m radius, based on existing 50 FL/ 2m radius robot, (new requirements ofIXO), to demonstrate technology compatibility with IXO.Procurement Si plates & proof of new processes on samples to demonstrate improved processes (time, cost), compatiblewith producing bondable plates.Sample characterisation (e.g. SEM, x-ray characterisation, bonding tests).Analysis to show necessary number of mirror modules for IXO telescope can be built in relevant timescale, withappropriate yield (for instance 70-80%) and description of the manufacturing process that would achieve this in anindustrial setting.DeliverablesDesign analysis & description of process improvements including estimated costs for installation.Installation of new equipment (where finance appropriate), to include stacking robot for 20 m focal length optics at ~0.7m radius.Characterisation of samples that demonstrate new processesApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4TRL4 by end <strong>2010</strong>Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-7959IXO (XEUS) industrialised mass production process for X-ray Optical Unit (XOU)Programme: CTP Reference: C216-008MMTitle:IXO (XEUS) industrialised mass production process for X-ray Optical Unit (XOU)ObjectivesDevelopment of an industrialised mass production process for mirror modules for IXO (XEUS) telescopeDescriptionAssessment of facility, manpower, equipment requirements for scaling up to XOU mass production. Development of arobotic system for an automated process to produce XOUs on a mass scale. Procurement and demonstration of industrialrobot (or parts there-of) in suitable cleanroom facilities. Assessment of risks and mitigation routes for the industrialisedprocess in a flight production programme.DeliverablesKey elements of XOU production chainGeneral production plan.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4 Application TRL 4 by 2009Page 28 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERNeed/Date:12T-7959IXO (XEUS) petal breadboard including 6 tandemsProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-007MMTitle:ObjectivesIXO (XEUS) petal breadboard including 6 tandemsTo demonstrate by breadboarding the achievement of TRL 3/4 for a petal that meets the requirements for IXO (XEUS)Description- Detailed design, analysis and modelling of a petal to meet the requirements for IXO.- Specification of the alignment andmounting process to mount x-ray Si pore optic tandems into the petal using method that allows their eventual removaland replacement.- Procurement, installation and modification of any new equipment necessary for manufacturing mirrormodules at outermost radii (new mandrels, dies, etc.) (2m and innermost radii tooling procured in other activities.)-Procurement of all parts necessary, including suitable manufacturing margin, for petal, mirror modules and dummymanufacture.- Manufacture of a petal, 6 (TBD, 9 tandems increases cost by 900k) tandems (uncoated) and TBD dummies(to fill other slots) and alignment and mounting of the tandems (& dummies) into a petal that meets the requirements forIXO, including environmental. Two tandems each will be manufactured to inner, 2m and outer radii and be integrated tofill the cells in their petal row where modelling shows that the highest vibration load and highest thermal load areexperienced.- X-ray testing at Si stack, mirror module and petal level at suitable facilities.- Elaboration of a route toindustrialised XEUS petal production.DeliverablesAnalysis and modelling results.IXO (XEUS) petal populated with TBD mirror modules and TBD dummies.Results of x-ray testing.Industrialisation plans for petal production.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8456TRL 3/4 for IXO(XEUS) petal bymid 2011Micropore Baffle (Tapered Plates Baffle <strong>For</strong> Silicon Pore Optics)Programme: TRP Reference: T216-100MMTitle:Micropore Baffle (Tapered Plates Baffle <strong>For</strong> Silicon Pore Optics)ObjectivesThe objective of this activity is to design a baffle for IXO X-ray optics that will minimise straylight within the telescopefield of view from continuous and discrete sources located inside or outside the field of view. The contractor will design,manufacture and test tapered silicon plates that meet the specifications.DescriptionThe main issues to be addressed in the activity will comprise:- Analysis and modelling to formulate the design of the tapered baffle;- Assessment of manufacturing processes, equipment and metrology;- Design & procurement (& modification) of manufacturing hardware and associated tools;- Procurement of materials and long lead items;- Production, coating and bonding of wedged plate samples and stacks of silicon pore-optics to parabolic approximation(based on the specification summarised in Annex A: Functional / Technical Specification);- Metrology of single plate and stacked plate samples using various techniques as appropriate during manufacturing;- Execution by the contractor of plate sample and stack characterisation, at x-ray test campaigns:Page 29 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>- At least 2 campaigns on the fixed energy FEM beamline at the PTB laboratory of the Bessy synchrotron facility areforeseen for characterisation of deliverables during this contract: i) bare, tapered plate samples, ii) coated, tapered platesamples, iii) tapered baffle HPOs and iv) coated tapered baffle HPOs;- At least 1 campaign at an independent facility that the contractor shall provide, meeting the requirements in Annex A;- Evaluation of the imaging and baffling performance of an XOU, extrapolated from modelling, characterisation andengineering data and considering manufacturing through lifetime in the space environment, to assess the technology-slimitations as regards baffle length and dimensions;- Establishment of a technical development programme and identification of problem areas necessary to be tackled priorto a flight programme.DeliverablesTechnical data package including design, analaysis, manufacting and test results, summary report, x-ray optic units.ApplicationCurrent TRL:Target TRL:Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXON/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18Baffled IXO (XEUS) mirror moduleProgramme: TRP Reference: T216-024MMTitle:Baffled IXO (XEUS) mirror moduleObjectivesTo demonstrate flight worthiness of a baffle system for IXO (XEUS) Si x-ray pore optic modulesDescription- Procurement of all parts, including suitable margin on Si plates, for the manufacture of a baffled IXO (XEUS) Si x-raypore optic module.- Manufacture and alignment of a baffled x-ray pore optic module to meet the requirements of IXO (XEUS).- X-ray testing at plate, stack and mirror module level.- Environmental (mechanical and thermal) testing of the baffled x-ray pore optic with x-ray testing performed pre andpost each environmental test.DeliverablesBaffled x-ray pore optic moduleResults of x-ray, thermal and mechanical testing.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-7854Multilayer coatings for IXOProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-009MMTitle:Multilayer coatings for IXOObjectivesThe development of multilayer coating for IXO optics with a resultant improvement of reflectivity across a wider X-rayenergy range.DescriptionPrevious work was done for <strong>ESA</strong> on multilayer coatings addressed the requirements of the XEUS mission candidate. Thecurrent Cosmic Vision L-class mission candidate is the International X-ray Observatory, IXO, with different boundaryconditions from those of XEUS. With its shorter focal length (~20m, versus 35-50m for XEUS), there is interest toextend the HE response of the IXO optics beyond that provided by the core optics with metal coating.Page 30 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>The definition of IXO progressed to a sufficient level to define the IXO telescope optics geometry to the detail requiredfor foc<strong>use</strong>d developments and optimisation of the reflective coatings. In fact such developments would appearparticularly timely at this time, since they could accompany the system level industrial studies and the further TDPimplementation.What would be beneficial for IXO now, is to better understand the coating options for a focal length of 20m configurationoptics, with a radius extending from 0.3 to 1.9 m. The incidence angles are thus rather large, compared to standardmultilayer coated optics.The envisaged activity would:explore the technical possibilities for multilayer designs,perform simulations of the expected telescope performance,produce samples which would demonstrate the feasibility of the production andmeasure the characteristics of such coatings;produce coated mirror plates with the required pattern (permitting the bonding to stacks).Ideally the resulting multilayer coating would be finally demonstrated in an optical unit for IXO. In coordination withexisting ongoing and planned activities dealing with the development of the IXO optics, coated mirror plates could besupplied by this DK activity and assembled into optical units.As a special case of a multilayer, significant increase in the soft X-ray response below 2 keV can be obtained by a simpleC overcoat on both Ir and Pt. Optimisation of the processes involved might merit investigation.An important factor would be the requirement to maintain the angular resolution of the system. Therefore not onlyreflectometry but also scattering analysis and metrology will be necessary.As an <strong>ESA</strong> undertaking, the access to the X-ray metrology facilities (Bessy2 in particular) could be provided. This willensure coherent measurements with results fully compatible and comparable with previous activities in this area.Deliverablesmultilayer design trade-off description, simulations of the expected layer performance, samples demonstrating productionfeasibility andcoating characteristics; coated IXO samlple mirror platesApplicationCurrent TRL:Target TRL:Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXON/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER15IXO (XEUS) contamination covers demonstratorProgramme: TRP Reference: T216-025MMTitle:IXO (XEUS) contamination covers demonstratorObjectivesTo demonstrate contamination covers for the protection of the optics of the IXO (XEUS) telescopeDescription- Design, modelling and analysis of large covers to meet the requirements of the IXO (XEUS) optics during groundoperations, launch, cruise and operation mission stages; roll-back covers using failsafe mechanisms could be considered.- Design of attachment to petal or optical bench.- Manufacture of a contamination cover and demonstration of design.- Characterisation of the cover's performance both while installed (particle tightness, humidity), and during opening toexpose full aperture.DeliverablesAnalysis and modelling resultsContamination cover demonstratorCharacterisation results.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 1/2 Target TRL: 4TRL 3/4 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:IXO (XEUS)ContractDuration:18Page 31 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AReference toESTERT-8457Bessy X-ray test facilities upgrade planProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-003MMTitle:ObjectivesBessy X-ray test facilities upgrade planUpgrade of the Bessy x-ray test facility to facilitate characterisation of IXO (XEUS) mirror modulesDescriptionThis activity comprises the installation of a four-crystal monochromator on the (currently fixed energy) Bessy beamline.DeliverablesFCM available for IXO (XEUS) workCurrent TRL: NA Target TRL: NAApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-7959Ready end <strong>2010</strong>Panter X-ray test facilities upgradesProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-005MMTitle:ObjectivesPanter X-ray test facilities upgradesUpgrade of the Panter x-ray test facility to be prepared for IXO (XEUS) focal lengthDescription- The Panter test facility will undergo upgrades for the Simbol-X mission and during this facility downtime it must beensured that the adaptations made are coherent also with the requirements of IXO (XEUS). Modifications with a newcollimator and detector configuration are required to enable mirror modules and populated petals to be tested at thecorrect focal length. Thermal shrouds also need to be installed within the vacuum chamber.- Analysis of the testing requirements and modifications that will be introduced for Simbol-X and design of appropriateequipment installation to meet IXO (XEUS) testing requirements for mirror modules and populated petals.- Procurement, installation, calibration and test of the necessary equipment.DeliverablesEquipment upgrades to Panter facilityApplicationCurrent TRL: NA Target TRL: NAReady end <strong>2010</strong>Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-7959Large area X-ray window development.Programme: TRP Reference: T216-022MMTitle:Large area X-ray window development.ObjectivesDevelopment of large area, high performance X-ray windows.Page 32 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>DescriptionRecent GSTP development programme work has resulted in the improvement of low-energy X-ray response of small,membrane and grid supported X-ray windows. <strong>For</strong> X-ray astronomy missions there is a requirement for larger areawindows with improved response. Currently available technology was developed more than a decade ago (as part of theBeppo Sax programme) and would benefit greatly from the application of recent small window work.DeliverablesCharacterised large area, high-transmission X-ray windows.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 6TRL5 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXO (XEUS)N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24IXO Metrology and MechanismsProgramme: CTP Reference: C215-050MMTitle:IXO Metrology and MechanismsObjectivesTo capture the requirements for the IXO deployable structure mechanisms and associated metrology, and breadboardingof proposed solution.DescriptionIn parallel with IXO assessment system study, requirements for mechanisms and metrology will be captured, and abaseline design for the deployable booms and associated metrology will be made. In a second phase, a set of tests will bemade of breadboard concepts to both pre-qualify hardware solutions, and to retire the risk of eventual flight qualificationissues, using scalable tests (e.g. reduced length, mechanism unit testing, scaled optical tests with movable platforms etc.)DeliverablesDesign and test data packages including analysis and test results. Breadboard hardware demonstrator.ApplicationCurrent TRL:Target TRL:Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:IXON/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Page 33 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>L-Mission Candidate: LISAMetrology system for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-013PWTitle:ObjectivesMetrology system for LISAThe objective is to characterise the Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) residual noise, in order to achieve the requiredperformance of the LISA system.DescriptionIn order to reach the required sensitivity, the LISA system relies on very accurate phase measurements and on a laserfrequency noise suppression of several orders of magnitude. The laser frequency noise suppression is allocated to acascade of (i) laser pre-stabilization, (ii) Arm Locking stabilization and (iii) Time-Delayed Interferometry (TDI). Theresidual noise suppression that can be achieved with Arm Locking and TDI depends principally on sampling-time jitter,delay, synchronization and time stamping of the phase measurements. The time reference for these tasks is set by theFrequency Distribution System (FDS), which includes an Ultra Stable Oscillator (USO) distributing time informationthroughout the data sampling and processing within the Phase Measurement System (PMS) and to the Laser ElectroopticalModulator (EOM). In order to achieve the required performance, the USO residual noise has to be characterizedas well.Additionally, due to the LISA orbital evolution, the beat note to be measured does not have a constant frequency andconsequently the Phase Measurement System (PMS) must be able to track a varying frequency within a range of about20MHz.From the architectural point of view, beca<strong>use</strong> of the required redundancy level a fairly complicated switching system isrequired.This activity will demonstrate the LISA Phase Measurement System performance and validate the key interfacerequirements with the Frequency Distribution System.Tasks include design, manufacturing and test of the LISA PMS, with a reduced number of channels, but includingredundancy and the a representative switching ability; design and implementation of a phase detection (laboratorystandard quality) and clock noise determination algorithm; analysis and definition of the PMS - FDS interface andcorrelation of performance.DeliverablesBreadboardApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by <strong>2010</strong>Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-663LISA metrology system end-to-end characterizationProgramme: CTP Reference: C214-002PWTitle:LISA metrology system end-to-end characterizationObjectivesTo validate the actual end-to-end performance of the LISA metrology system in a "photons to bit" fashion.DescriptionThis activity will validate the requirements of the LISA measurement system and characterize the achievableperformances. It will reproduce a LISA-like optical measurement set-up (that will <strong>use</strong> the LISA phasemeter developed inthe frame of the separate "LISA metrology system" activity) to obtain the science(-like) parameters that are received onground. The ground post processing will also be implemented and the end-to-end performance achieved eventuallycharacterized.DeliverablesA development model of the LISA measurement system.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4June 2013Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18Page 34 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:High-power laser system for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-014PWTitle:ObjectivesHigh-power laser system for LISAThe activity aims at developing and testing an Engineering Model of a Laser fulfilling the LISA requirements andensuring that such a laser can be space qualified without further component, system, manufacturing or assemblyprocesses technology development.DescriptionThe laser source in LISA has to meet stringent requirements in terms of output power, power stability, quality of lightpolarization, frequency noise, possibility to be stabilized to external frequency references and ability to modulatesidebands.A single-frequency CW laser with an EOL output power in the order of 1 to 2 W is required. The laser must also providesuitable actuator(s) - allowing a frequency stabilization with a tuning range of about 10GHz and a tuning speed in theorder of 10GHz/1000s - and two modes of frequency actuation, slow (BW of 0.1Hz, dynamic range of 1GHz ) and fast(BW of 60kHz, dynamic range = 100MHz).To modulate the sidebands, the laser system must also include an embedded electro-optic phase modulator capable of amodulation index of 1 in broadband mode up to 8GHz and an optical isolator providing a minimum of 30dB isolation.The final scope of the activity is to develop and test an Engineering Model of a Laser fulfilling the LISA requirementsand ensuring that such a laser can be space qualified without further component, system, manufacturing or assemblyprocesses technology development. Tasks include consolidation of the achievable performance in the case of a highpowerNPRO Nd:YAG laser and in that of low-power NPRO + fibre amplifier; analyses and testing in order clarify thetechnical issues leading to showstoppers; definition of the effort required to achieve qualification of the design; selectionof the preferred laser architecture followed by the development of an Engineering Model and its testing.DeliverablesEngineering ModelApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5-6TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-722,T-726Tunable laser frequency referenceProgramme: CTP Reference: C217-001MMTitle:Tunable laser frequency referenceObjectivesTo develop a tunable frequency reference for the LISA laser pre-stabilization.DescriptionThe activity foc<strong>use</strong>s on the development of a stable reference to be <strong>use</strong>d for laser frequency pre-stabilization.Conventionally, frequency references are fixed, whereas in LISA the arm-locking technique requires it to be tunable inorder to follow the changes in the laser frequency ca<strong>use</strong>d by the breathing of the arm-length (the Doppler frequencyshift). Such changeable reference can be achieved in several ways: either by modifying the length of an optical cavity orby using an adjustable sideband to the laser carrier for stabilisation or by other means. This activity will investigate theoptimal way of implementing a variable frequency reference for LISA and will implement and validate it.DeliverablesA development model of the laser frequency stabilization system that includes the tunable reference.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 6Q2 2013Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-7946Page 35 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:LISA Optical Assembly Articulation Mechanism (OAAM)Programme: CTP Reference: C215-022PWTitle:ObjectivesLISA Optical Assembly Articulation Mechanism (OAAM)To design and bread-board an articulation mechanism for LISA that copes with the constellation breathing.DescriptionIn LISA the ideal equilateral triangle formed by the 3 SC will be changing due to the orbits kinematics, thus the relativeangle between the adjacent LISA arms will slowly change of about 1.5 degree over 1 year. This is referred to as"constellation breathing". This variation cannot be compensated within the Optical Bench/telescope optical layout and adedicated articulation mechanism for the active control of the LISA optical line of sight is needed. The slow variation, therelatively large angle and the fact that the noise of this articulation mechanism enters in the LISA performances throughthe overall Drag Free control impose conflicting requirements such as long stroke, high resolution and high stability tothe mechanism, making the design very challenging.This activity will include an analysis phase with trade-offs of the potential design alternatives and an analysis of theapportionment of tasks between optics and mechanism. This will then be followed by the development of a bread-boardto demonstrate the feasibility and performances of such articulation mechanism, including its locking mechanism neededto withstand the launch loads.DeliverablesA bread-board of the OAAMApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5end 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18Opto-mechanical stability characterization for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-012PWTitle:Opto-mechanical stability characterization for LISAObjectivesThe activity aims at reducing the risks linked to the current LISA optical system performance.DescriptionThe performance of the current LISA optical system is not evaluated in the classical terms of image quality, but in termsof phase distortion. Some of the parameters enter directly in the LISA performance budget and therefore the analysis,design, implementation and characterization of a representative breadboard including the components that play a directrole in the stability (e.g. the telescope M1 and M2 mirrors and their supporting structure) is a required activity in terms ofrisk reduction.The areas covered by this activity are:- Opto-mechanical assembly (M1-M2 and supporting structure) absolute distance and alignment stability characterizationwhen passing from ground condition to flight condition; assessment of predictable structural distortions; capability tocorrectly focus the optical system in space;- Design, manufacturing and test of a measurement system (Optical Truss) capable to measure the inter-mirror distance(IMD) stability to the required picometre level- Opto-mechanical assembly stability verification in representative flight condition. The pathlength error associated withthis noise term appears twice, as the light travels between M1 and M2 twice. Thus picometre level fluctuations in theinter-mirror distance (IMD) are significant in the overall LISA pathlength error budget.Tasks include design of the LISA opto-mechanical assembly and test plan definition, design of a test set-up suitable forthe characterization of the identified opto-machanical assembly critical performance, development of the LISA optomechanicalassembly breadboard and test set-up, opto-mechanical assembly testing and analysis of test results.DeliverablesBreadboardPage 36 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-7875TRL5 by <strong>2010</strong>LISA Inertial Sensor final designProgramme: CTP Reference: C214-001PWTitle:ObjectivesLISA Inertial Sensor final designTo optimize the LISA Pathfinder (LPF) Inertial Sensor design for compatibility with the LISA architecture.DescriptionSome modifications to the Inertial Sensor design are required, with respect to the original LISA Pathfinder design, inorder to cope with the different mission characteristics and mechanical design. Due to the LISA longer lifetime, ventingto vacuum is unavoidable, hence a modification to the vacuum system in order to accommodate this feature is required;the design of a new mechanical interface with different mounting flanges is also necessary, due to the difference of theLISA Optical Assembly with respect to that of the LPF.Additionally, an optical read-out for the Proof Mass -y and -z axes may be implemented as a risk reduction measureDeliverablesA development model of the modified LPF Inertial SensorApplicationCurrent TRL: 8 Target TRL: 8June 2013Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER12GRS Front End Electronics characterization for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-009PWTitle:GRS Front End Electronics characterization for LISAObjectivesTo validate and optimize the Inertial Sensor (GRS) Front End Electronics system, originally developed for the LISAPathfinder mission, for LISADescriptionLISA needs a residual acceleration a factor 10 better than LPF in a frequency range that extends to 10-4 Hz, compared tothe 3 x 10-3 Hz of the LPF requirement. The FEE, despite fulfilling the LPF requirements, falls short in a few of theLISA requirements, such as the actuation noise. This activity will entail targeted investigations on individual FEEcomponents such as: >20 bit ADC and DAC, reference voltage sources and auto-zero amplifiers, in order to identifydesign improvements leading to the fulfillment of the LISA specification, both in noise and in frequency. Theinvestigation will also address the optimization of the redundancy concept.DeliverablesA development model for the Inertial Sensor FEE.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-698Page 37 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Charge Management System for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-011PWTitle:ObjectivesCharge Management System for LISAThe objective of the activity is to investigate the possibility to <strong>use</strong> LEDs for the LISA Charge Management System(CMS).DescriptionThe current LISA Pathfinder Charge Management System (CMS) is based on UV mercury-vapour lamps. The design ofthis system is based on the ROSAT and GPB missions, launched respectively in 1990 and 2004. An alternative design forthe LISA CMS could be based on Light Emitting Diodes (LED). Compared with mercury lamps, the LED-based CMSoffers the advantages of small size, lightweight, lower power consumption, faster response time and longer lifetime.Lifetime in particular is the main disadvantage of the Mercury lamps in the LISA application, as the CMS would requirea substantial mass and volume to guarantee the 5-year mission duration with the required redundancy. This activity wouldtherefore investigate the possibility to <strong>use</strong> LEDs for the LISA CMS, design the system and manufacture a breadboard tobe adequately tested.DeliverablesBreadboardCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-7945TRL5 by 2011Compact low noise magnetic gradiometerProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-010EETitle:ObjectivesCompact low noise magnetic gradiometerDesign and prototyping of a low noise miniature magnetic gradiometerDescriptionInertial Sensor payloads (LISA) are susceptible to magnetically induced force noise. Their performances (i.e. sensitivity)drive new and challenging requirements for the overall system, whose verification is nowadays affected byinstrumentation limitations. Hence new instrumentation for testing (i.e. gradiometer) is needed to achieve testing underrealistic conditions and enhance the significance of the test results. The main need is to measure highly non-dipolarmagnetic field gradients and their fluctuations down to sub-mHz frequencies and possibly lower, inside enclosures wherelittle room is available.Compact and sensitive gradiometers would also be valuable tools for CV1525 missions requiring magnetic cleanliness, tobe <strong>use</strong>d in complement or instead of dedicated test facilities.Existing fluxgate gradiometers have either too long baselines or limited sensitivity or can measure only one gradientcomponent.The idea is to design an innovative and affordable compact gradiometer capable of measuring 3 to 5 independentcomponents of the 3x3 gradient matrix.This activity will entail the following:(i) Study of existing sensor technologies (e.g. micro-fluxgate) and of signal processing and noise reduction techniques(ii) Technology selection(iii) Gradiometer design(iv) Breadboarding(v) Calibration and performance testingDeliverablesTechnical notes with theoretical findings and gradiometer design; Prototype;Report with calibration and performance test results.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:Page 38 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LisaN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Consistent with EMC DossierContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Outgassing and Contamination characterization for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-016PWTitle:ObjectivesOutgassing and Contamination characterization for LISAThe main objective is to verify the outgassing and contamination characteristics of the materials <strong>use</strong>d in the Optomechanicalpayload compartment to assure the ultra-high vacuum level required by the pay-loadDescriptionThe LISA Payload is characterized by strict requirements on vacuum and contamination. The outgassing andcontamination characteristics of the materials <strong>use</strong>d in the Opto-mechanical payload compartment (e.g. CFRP, Zerodur,bonding materials, electrical and optical harness) have to be determined in order for the payload to be able to reach theultra-high vacuum level required and to make sure that the cold telescope optical surfaces and the Optical Benchcomponents will not be contaminated. Additionally, also the contamination characteristics of the micropropulsion plumemust be determined in the frame of this activity. Finally, the technology necessary to implement venting of the GRSvacuum enclosure into space (feature not implemented in LPF) has to be identified and fully analysed.DeliverablesBreadboardApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8391LISA micropropulsion lifetime characterizationProgramme: CTP Reference: C207-015PWTitle:LISA micropropulsion lifetime characterizationObjectivesTo demonstrate that the FEEPs can withstand the LISA lifetime requirement and are thus suitable to accomplish the LISAmission.DescriptionTo-date all activities in the micro-propulsion area are foc<strong>use</strong>d in demonstrating the performance for Microscope andLISA Pathfinder. The LISA Pathfinder specification covers also LISA requirements, with the exception of the missionlifetime.This activity will therefore verify all micropropulsion system design features that are impacted by lifetime, assesswhether any design modification is required and perform the characterization of the micropropulsion system according tothe LISA lifetime requirements. At the time of completion of this activity, the micropropulsion system will have beenflight-tested on LPF except for lifetime that will have been verified on ground.DeliverablesA FEEPs cluster fully characterized for lifetimeApplicationCurrent TRL: 8 Target TRL: 8Q2 2013Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER36T-1013Page 39 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>N/AOptical Bench Development for LISAProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-113PWTitle:ObjectivesOptical Bench Development for LISAThe production of a BB of the LISA Optical Bench, including the relevant fiber switching mechanism(s). This BB shallalso servefor alignment and alignment verification, for stray-light tests and for interferometer performance assessment.DescriptionThe current baseline for the LISA optical bench design is based on polarized Mach Zehnder interferometers, as opposedto the LISA Pathfinder (LPF) that adopts a non-polarized scheme. This activity will include a trade of polarized vs. nonpolarizedoptics with the aim of identifying the most suitable approach for the LISA architecture. The optical behaviourof polarizing optical components is known to be a function of the thermal gradient in the component, mechanical stressand wavelength. The direct applicability of the hydroxy-catalysis bonding technique developed for LPF to the polarisingoptical elements will subsequently be verified for the selected approach. The LISA optical bench system will alsoaccommodate the mechanism(s) <strong>use</strong>d for redundant laser fibre switching and backfibre switching; the performance ofsuch mechanism(s) in term of stability and noise directly affects the scientific measurement and could severelycontaminate the LISA performance. The activity will also include the design, manufacturing and testing of an elegant BBof such mechanism(s).Output of the activity will be the trade-off, the design validation by analytical work and simulation and the production ofa BB of the LISA Optical Bench, including the relevant fiber switching mechanism(s). This BB shall also serve foralignment and alignment verification, for stray-light tests and for interferometer performance assessment.DeliverablesBB of the LISA Optical BenchApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 52011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:LISAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Page 40 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Future Science Theme: Fundamental PhysicsHigh performance frequency dissemination techniques - phase1Programme: TRP Reference: T216-033MMTitle:ObjectivesHigh performance frequency dissemination techniques - phase1Phase 1: Paper study to assess requirements to advance current high performance frequency dissemination techniquesDescriptionThe objectives of this activity are to provide a high performance frequency comparison facility with which optical clocksin development around Europe can be compared without compromising the performance of the clock by the comparison.To date, frequency comparisons have been made to a few parts in 10e17. This was achieved over integration times of10000 seconds and using rf modulation of an optical carrier. This activity <strong>use</strong>d optical fibres as the means of transfer andso is limited to ground based implementations. With the need and plans to build clocks having stabilities of parts in 10e16(@ 1 second integration) or better, one needs to consider ways and means to exploit the transfer of ultra stablefrequencies from ground to space and back to verify the performance of space clocks and high performance groundoptical clocks. High performance space-to-ground links, both in the microwave and optical domain should be studied.DeliverablesThe deliverables will be not merely a breadboard but a comparison network to allow the comparison between clocks.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL 4/5 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:Fundamental PhysicsN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-8522High performance frequency dissemination techniques - phase 2Programme: TRP Reference: T217-034MMTitle: High performance frequency dissemination techniques - phase 2ObjectivesPhase 2: Build and test hardware according to requirements resulting from phase 1 studyDescriptionBuild hardware of a space-to-ground link according to findings of phase 1; create test set-up for this hardware andexecute tests.DeliverablesHardware and test report.The deliverables will be not merely a breadboard but a comparison network to allow the comparison between clocks.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5TRL 4/5 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:FPConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18Page 41 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Future Science Theme: B-Polarization Satellite Mission (B-Pol)Modular Wide Field View RF Configurations (old title: Low-loss, low-mass, large lenses with anti-reflectioncoating)Programme: TRP Reference: T207-034EETitle:ObjectivesModular Wide Field View RF Configurations (old title: Low-loss, low-mass, large lenses with antireflectioncoating)To develop large RF coated lenses (in the order of 0.5m) for lens-based telescopes operating at submillimeter-wavefrequencies. Investigation of the most-suited lens base material that provides the necessary low losses at cryotemperaturesand has the proper refractive index.DescriptionThis activity will be targeted to the following main areas:- Study and design of Wide filed of View reflector architectures.- Address critical technological areas identifying potential solutions.- Perform critical breadboard developmentThe activity will start with a careful assessment on the requirements.This activity will identify and select the RF reflective or refractive architectures required to achieve the necessary FOVand sidelobe levels for a future B-Pol mission. These solutions/architectures will have to be demonstrated by criticalbreadboarding (as a minimum at RF representative sample level). A technology roadmap to bring the technology to flightlevel shall be provided.DeliverablesBreadboard of large lens including (multi-layer) RF coatingApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:B-PolN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Technologies for Passive mm and Submm Wave InstrumentsContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8495Page 42 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Future Science Theme: Probing the Heliospheric Origins with anInner Boundary Spacecraft (PHOIBOS)Materials compatibility for the PHOIBOS mission (high temperature under high UV load)Programme: TRP Reference: T223-038QMTitle:ObjectivesMaterials compatibility for the PHOIBOS mission (high temperature under high UV load)To develop test methodology and characterise materials for the VENUS environmentDescriptionDevelop test methods, select materials (e.g. TPS, extreme temperature MLI, ceramic adhesives etc.), evaluate materials ,provide design dataDeliverablesTest results, samples, selection of materialsCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 6ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:PhoibosN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18T-8516TRL 6 in <strong>2010</strong>Development of a heatshield concept and material screening for near-Sun missionProgramme: TRP Reference: T220-037MCTitle:ObjectivesDevelopment of a heatshield concept and material screening for near-Sun missionThe objective is to assess the feasibility of a sunshield for a spacecraft approaching the Sun down to a distance of severalSun radii. Suitable sunshield concepts shall be developed and assessed together with the screening and relevantcharacterisation of adequate materials. Preliminary requirements are a heat flux up to > 5 MW/m2 for long duration anddust impacts of 500 km/s.DescriptionA specific sunshield needs to be developed for a solar orbiter approaching the Sun down to a distance of several solarradii. Such sunshield might be based on a hot structure made by e.g. CMC- or UHTC-materials, but will likely requiresome active thermal protection mechanism. The work could follow the following step-wise approach:- Requirements consolidation for heatshield- Screening and assessment and identification of a suitable heatshield concept- Derivation of requirements for heatshield materials- Screening for suitable high temperature materials including basic testing- Selection of most suited material(s) followed by detailed material characterisation- Refinement of the heatshield concept and analytical verificationDeliverablesMaterial samples, documentationApplicationCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 3-4TRL5-6 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:PhoibosN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T8513Page 43 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Near-sun power generation: Identification of best suitable thermoelectric convertersProgramme: TRP Reference: T203-035EPTitle:ObjectivesNear-sun power generation: Identification of best suitable thermoelectric convertersNear-sun missions such as Solar Orbiter will necessitate development of new power generation techniques, for whichoptions include thermo-photovoltaics, thermoelectric materials and Stirling engines. This activity will performpreliminary analysis to determine candidates for further development, which will be performed in a second phase.DescriptionPreparation Phase: Investigate the applicability of the candidate power generation technologies to -Solar Orbiter- andother future <strong>ESA</strong> missions using the expertise of TEC-EPG and TEC-MCT respectively in photovoltaic and thermoelectricmaterials. Select two or more technologies for development to higher TRL (100k euros, TRL 1 in 2009).DeliverablesDesign and Study noteApplicationCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 2TRL4 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:PhoibosN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER6T-8515Near-sun power generation: Technology demonstrationProgramme: TRP Reference: T203-036EPTitle:Near-sun power generation: Technology demonstrationObjectivesNear-sun missions such as Solar Orbiter will necessitate development of new power generation techniques, for whichoptions include thermo-photovoltaics, thermoelectric materials and Stirling engines. This activity will perform furtherdevelopment, as a follow on to the preliminary analysis in Phase 1.DescriptionDemonstration Phase will involve foc<strong>use</strong>d development of one or more power generation technologies to breadboardlevel . At least two different technologies shall be assess in detail (500k euros per technology, TRL 4 in 2012).DeliverablesBreadboard prototype and development roadmapApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL4 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:PHOIBOSN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8515Page 44 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Future Science Theme: Far-InfraRed Interferometer (FIRI)FIRI telescope technology pre-developmentProgramme: TRP Reference: T216-039MMTitle:ObjectivesFIRI telescope technology pre-developmentTo develop and push lightweight mirror and telescope technology consistent with an areal density one order of magnitudeless than currently available.DescriptionThe stated need for FIRI is to have three 3.5 m class telescopes operating under cryogenic conditions down to 25microns. This is exceedingly challenging and requires a specific technological leap to achieve. SiC is a proven technologyfor 3.5 m class telescopes (Herschel), but the areal density is too high. The Herschel telescope has a total mass of 300 kg.FIRI has an individual telescope mass budget of 100 kg. Further lightweighting of the qualified SiC process is notfeasible, so alternative materials such as C/Sic, CeSic, CFRP or combinations of these or others will have to beinvestigated.The approach shall be than to:1) Investigate suitable material systems compatible with the achievement of low areal densities, and down-select anumber of candidates for evaluation and test,2) produce a number of samples and propose a test program to verify their performances at laboratory level,3) evaluate the outcome of the tests and propose a roadmap and technology development plan consistent with reachingTRL 5 for two alternative technologies (prime and backup) by 2011.DeliverablesTest samples and study report including roadmap.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3TRL 5 in 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:FIRIN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Harmonisation in progress (2. half 2008)ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8506Long-stroke cryogenic optical delay lines - Phase 1Programme: TRP Reference: T216-040MMTitle: Long-stroke cryogenic optical delay lines - Phase 1ObjectivesTo design, develop and test a breadboard representative in form/fit/function of an engineering model (EM) of a longstrokeoptical delay line (ODL) compatible with cryo-vacuum operation (1arcmin and resolution and stability requirements compatible with an imaginginterferometer working in the FIR wavelength range (25-300um). Concepts to integrate sub-band splitting (4 sub-bands)shall be investigated and implemented. The overall design shall minimize the required mechanical stroke, the overallsize/mass and the dissipated power consumption (

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Breadboard (one dynamic ODL and one fixed ODL), Data Technology PackageCurrent TRL: 2-3 Target TRL: 4-5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:FIRIN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8504TRL5 in 2015Long-stroke cryogenic optical delay lines - Phase 2Programme: CTP Reference: C216-029MMTitle: Long-stroke cryogenic optical delay lines - Phase 2ObjectivesTo design, develop and test a breadboard representative in form/fit/function of an engineering model (EM) of a longstrokeoptical delay line (ODL) compatible with cryo-vacuum operation (1arcmin and resolution and stability requirements compatible with an imaginginterferometer working in the FIR wavelength range (25-300um). Concepts to integrate sub-band splitting (4 sub-bands)shall be investigated and implemented. The overall design shall minimize the required mechanical stroke, the overallsize/mass and the dissipated power consumption (

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Technologies applicable to several Cosmic Vision Missions15K Pulse Tube coolerProgramme: CTP Reference: C220-032MCTitle:Objectives15K Pulse Tube coolerThe objective is to develop a multistage Pulse Tube cooler capable to pre-cool the advanced JT cooler at a temperature of15KDescription2-4K Joule Thompson coolers require pre-cooling at 15K. <strong>For</strong> that purpose, a 10K Stirling cooler is currently underdevelopment, providing more than 200mW at 15K. As an alternative a Pulse Tube cooler starting from cold temperaturesis currently under development, but still requires either passive pre-cooling or another active cooler. To overcome thiscomplexity and to provide an alternative to the Stirling cooler under development, a multistage Pulse Tube cooler,starting from room temperature shall be designed, manufactured and tested. A suitable long-life linear compressor shallbe developed.DeliverablesFully tested EM cooler, documentationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 6ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Cryogenic and Focal Plane cooling (2007)ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-7876TRL6 by 2011Test & Verification of Sub-kelvin cooling chainProgramme: CTP Reference: C220-033MCTitle:ObjectivesTest & Verification of Sub-kelvin cooling chainThe objective is to verify the end to end performance of a complete cryogenic chain from room temperature down to50mKDescriptionTo achieve cooling from room temperature down to 50mK, various cooling stages at various temperatures and usingdifferent technologies are required. To verfiy the proper operation of the complete chain and to characterise the transientbehaviour, a test cryostat shall be designed including the 50mK cooler attached to a 2K JT cooler, developed in theprevious technology activities. The test cryostat shall also allow to install either a 10K Stirling, 15K pulse Tube orHydrogen sorption cooler and shall provide a simulator of a cryogenic radiator. At least one of the mentioned 1JT precoolerstages shall be implemented and the complete cooling chain performance shall be tested. It is assumed that allcoolers <strong>use</strong>d in this activity are provided as CFE.DeliverablesFully tested cryochain, documentation, test resultsApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL4 by 2013Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Cryogenic and Focal Plane cooling (2007)ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24N/APage 47 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Advanced 2K JT coolerProgramme: TRP Reference: T220-053MCTitle:ObjectivesAdvanced 2K JT coolerThe objective is to develop a high cooling power Joule Thompson cooler with an operating temperature below 2KDescriptionThe current 4K cooler developed for Planck is currently based on the first generation of linear compressors. Currently,new linear compressors under development offer the possibility to achieve high cooling powers at temperatures below2K, offering the capability to <strong>use</strong> more compact sub-Kelvin cooler and minimising the heatload at the low temperaturestages at a comparable mass compared to todays 4K systems. Based on the new generation of long-life linear compressorscurrently under development, a high power, low temperature Joule Thompson cooler shall be developed, assembled andtested.DeliverablesFully tetsted EM cooler, documentationApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 6TRL6 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Cryogenic and Focal Plane cooling (2007)ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8527Prototype ASIC development for large format NIR/SWIR detector array.Programme: TRP Reference: T216-047PATitle:Prototype ASIC development for large format NIR/SWIR detector array.ObjectivesDevelopment of a cryogenic, prototype control and digitisation application specific integrated circuit predominantly forlarge area NIR/SWIR detector hybrid.DescriptionBoth dark energy missions propose the <strong>use</strong> of the Teledyne Imaging Systems Hawaii-2RG detector and SIDECAR ASIC.These activities would lead to a European supply of NIR/SWIR detector technology for both these and future sciencemissions. The programme has the aim of developing a prototype dedicated control and digitisation ASIC to match thehybrid array development.DeliverablesLaboratory prototype of control and digitisation ASIC for NIR/SWIR detector array.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-8530Optimised ASIC development for large format NIR/SWIR detector array.Programme: CTP Reference: C216-017PATitle:Optimised ASIC development for large format NIR/SWIR detector array.ObjectivesFurther development of a cryogenic, control and digitisation application specific integrated circuit predominantly foroptimised large area NIR/SWIR detector hybrid.DescriptionFollowing on from the prototype development programme this project would be to develop an optimised andcharacterised control and digitisation ASIC to match the optimised hybrid array development.Page 48 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>DeliverablesOptimised and characterised control and digitisation ASIC for NIR/SWIR detector array.Current TRL: 4 Target TRL: 6ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8530TRL 4/5 by 2012Prototype NIR/SWIR large format array detector development.Programme: TRP Reference: T216-048PATitle:ObjectivesPrototype NIR/SWIR large format array detector development.Development of a prototype large area NIR/SWIR detector array using hybrid technology.DescriptionBoth dark energy missions propose the <strong>use</strong> of the Teledyne Imaging Systems Hawaii-2RG detector and SIDECAR ASIC.These activities would lead to a European supply of NIR/SWIR detector technology for both these and future sciencemissions. This programme aims at developing a prototype large area hybrid array comprising silicon read-out integratedcircuit and HgCdTe photovoltaic sensing layer.DeliverablesLaboratory prototype of hybridised HgCdTe/CMOS ROIC detector.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8529Optimised NIR/SWIR large format array detector development.Programme: CTP Reference: C216-018PATitle:Optimised NIR/SWIR large format array detector development.ObjectivesDevelopment of optimised large area NIR/SWIR detector array using hybrid technology.DescriptionFollowing on from the prototype development programme this activity is to develop an optimised and characterised largearea array hybrid detector for high performance NIR/SWIR imaging and spectroscopy. The array would comprise asilicon CMOS read-out integrated circuit bonded to a HgCdTe photovoltaic sensing layer.DeliverablesOptimised and characterised hybridised HgCdTe/CMOS ROIC detector.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 6TRL 4/5 by 2012Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8529Page 49 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>CCD radiation characterisationProgramme: CTP Reference: C222-034QCTitle:ObjectivesCCD radiation characterisationRadiation characterisation of CCDs selected for flight on Dark energy mission including qualification to raise TRL levelto level 6.DescriptionThis activity concerns radiation characterization of CCDs (TID, DD, and background noise) selected for the Dark Energymission (probably E2V 20382). CCDs will be tested according to mission requirements (operating and thermalconditions). In particular the effect of radiation on mission scientific requirements shall be analyzed. The funding shallcover as a minimum 2 sets of irradiation test campaigns. This activity shall also assess the contribution from secondaryparticles (generated in surrounding shielding) to displacement damage.DeliverablesTest plans, Test reports including data analysis, final report, and tested samplesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-7889High processing power DPU based on high rel. DSPProgramme: CTP Reference: C201-030EDTitle:High processing power DPU based on high rel. DSPObjectivesDevelopment of High Processing Power DPU board based on high rel. DSP componentsDescriptionSome science missions like GAIA and DUNE and PLATO in the future require a very high data processing power onboardto perform the required data compression operations. Currently there is no European processor board available thatcould fulfil this need but different concepts on hardening for radiation introduced errors have been proposed. Theprocessor board to be developed shall be based on a High Rel DSP processor (e.g. from TI) which can be consideredradiation hard with respect to total dose and SEL. Errors introduced by other SEE shall be detected and corrected bysoftware in combination with the appropriate measures implemented on board level.DeliverablesEM level computer boardApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL 5 by <strong>2010</strong>Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:2nd Semester 2006 - On-Board Payload Data Processing - A1ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-7751Silicon drift detectors for gamma-ray scintillatorsProgramme: TRP Reference: T216-049MMTitle:Silicon drift detectors for gamma-ray scintillatorsObjectivesDevelopment and characterisation of SDD detectors for large volume lanthanum halide scintillators.DescriptionNew developments in lanthanum halide scintillators have resulted in high performance, large volume gamma raydetectors. The current detector modules, however, still <strong>use</strong> photomultiplier tubes (PMT). Although PMTs have highPage 50 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>resolution, they suffer from low quantum efficiency, have large volume and mass and require high bias supplies. Analternative technology is available in the form of the silicon drift diode (SDD) detector. The SDD itself has demonstratedperformance but development is required in both the areas of specific array configuration and the application of suitableanti-reflection coatings. If successful, this development would result in the availability of high performance, large volumegamma-ray detectors with lower resource requirement and solid-state detector performance.DeliverablesSilicon drift diode detector array with high-performance anti-reflection coating.Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18TRL5 by 2013Rad-Hard Electron monitorProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-043EETitle:ObjectivesRad-Hard radiation monitorDescriptionRad-Hard Electron monitorDevelop a lightweight highly integrated rad hard radiation monitor capable of a broad range of radiation speciesmonitoring but including good quality registration of electrons, addressing specific requirements of science missions(harsh environments, payload support).DeliverablesSimulated design, tested prototypeCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 3ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Harmonisation radiation monitoring; SEENoTCContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8547TRL 5 by 2011Solid-state neutron detectorProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-044PATitle:ObjectivesSolid-state neutron detectorDirect detection of thermal neutrons from planetary surface in search for water. Detection of solar neutrons.DescriptionDetection of water on planetary surfaces has become an essential part of any planetary mission. Current neutron detectionsystems are bulky, inefficient and <strong>use</strong> significant s/c resources. Proposed solid-state neutron detectors are very compact,100% efficient, power economic, and do not require any HV bias.DeliverablesPrototypes; Technical notes with theoretical findings and manufacturing details;Report with test results.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8547TRL5 by 2011Page 51 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/ALow-noise scintillator detectors for planetary remote-sensingProgramme: TRP Reference: T216-050PATitle:ObjectivesLow-noise scintillator detectors for planetary remote-sensingLow-noise, resource efficient gamma-ray detection system for remote planetary sensing and ground-truth sensing.DescriptionPresent systems have high internal background, or inefficient detection. Proposed activity foresees development of lownoiseand light-weight Lanthanum-Halide detectors.DeliverablesPrototypes; Technical notes with theoretical findings and manufacturing details;Report with test results.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24TES SpectrometerProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-007MMTitle:TES SpectrometerObjectivesTo develop the TES detector technology required for future FIR and microwave space missions.DescriptionDesign single pixel TES detectors (scalable to arrays and including optical coupling) with the required geometry (pixelsize, array format) and performance (optical NEP, speed, dynamic range) for 3 possible FIR applications (B-POL,SPICA, FIRI). Fabricate and test one of these designs (to be selected by <strong>ESA</strong>). Optimise single pixel design and designscalable arrays based on these pixels. Fabricate and test arrays.DeliverablesTES single pixels and arrays, including design reports, mask design, test reports, final report, final presentationApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4/5TBDNeed/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICA/FIRI/B- POLN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Evaluation of commercial Digital Micro-mirror Device for multi-object spectrometersProgramme: TRP/CTP Reference: T216-001MMTitle:Evaluation of commercial Digital Micro-mirror Device for multi-object spectrometersObjectivesTo conduct a readiation evaluation campaign for micro-mirror MOEMS, covering procurement, testing and evaluation,and analysis of future development requirements.DescriptionPage 52 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Multi-object spectrometers rely critically on optical MEMS devices (Digital Micro-mirror Devices (DMDs)) tosignificantly increase the performance of the instrument. Such devices are currently available on the commercial market(e.g. for video-projection), however they are not qualified for space applications. The proposed activity will evaluate themechanical, electronic and optical performance of specific identified devices available on the market with regard toinfluences of mechanical, radiation, thermal (including cryogenic) and vacuum environments.In the frame of the Cosmic Visions 15-25 <strong>ESA</strong> Space Science programme, the need for MEMS based digital opticalmodulators was identified for multi-object spectroscopy. This is of particular importance to the study of dark energy inthe universe, which was identified as a high priority objective. The technology baselined for NIRSPEC on JWST e.g. islimited to an order of magnitude less simultaneous targets.The results of this activity (the assessment of current devices with regard to their failure modes) will also form animportant input in the definition of future technology activities this sector.DeliverablesTest ReportApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-8470Opto-mechanical performance characterisation of IR components in representative environmentProgramme: CTP Reference: C216-071PATitle:Opto-mechanical performance characterisation of IR components in representative environmentObjectivesManufacturing of refractive IR components (optical components and mounts), integration in an optical chain, and testingto demonstrate the opto-mechanical performances in representative environment (cryogenic temperatures and vibrationlevels).DescriptionFuture astronomy mission instruments, for example on EUCLID or exoplanet missions, will make <strong>use</strong> of a number ofrefractive IR components that shall be exposed to a cryogenic environment. Known IR materials can be considered, buttheir properties (like for example refractive index and CTE) need to be precisely measured and verified at cryogenictemperatures. In addition mounting and alignment strategies and techniques adequate for the cryogenic and vibrationenvironments need to be developed. During this activity IR materials shall be selected and characterized. IR lenses (bothoptical components and mounts) shall be designed and manufactured taking into account the representative environment.Several of the manufactured lenses shall be integrated into a representative optical chain breadboard and the optomechanicalperformance of components and of the complete optical chain shall be characterized at representativeenvironmental conditions (considering temperature and vibration levels).DeliverablesIR components and optical chain breadboardApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 62011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:MultipleN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-8442, T-7857Characterisation of ultra-stable materials at cryogenic temperatureProgramme: CTP Reference: C223-035QMTitle:Characterisation of ultra-stable materials at cryogenic temperatureObjectivesTo determine accurately the CTE of stable materials at cryogenic temperatureDescriptionPage 53 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>To determine accurately the CTE of stable materials at cryogenic temperatureDeliverablessamples, test results, materials dataCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8391TRL5 by 2011Materials Charging effects under extreme environments (ultra-low temperatures and high radiation fields)Programme: TRP Reference: T223-055QMTitle:ObjectivesMaterials Charging effects under extreme environments (ultra-low temperatures and high radiationfields)Materials charging can not be predicted at very low temperatures due to low mobility of charged species. Decay timescould be very low and for instance photo-induced conductivity could be much significantly lower. Therefore suitablematerials must be found. Mission to high radiation field planets/moons require radiation resistant materials. This iscrucial and options must be found early in the project so that a sound design can be done.DescriptionThe activity shall screen/evaluate and downselect suitable materials for the intended mission environment, i.e.: ultralowtemperature and high radiation fields. Materials shall be assessed such that results shall be obtained for all missions.Deliverablessamples, test results, charging curves/decay curves etc.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4 to 5ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-7673TRL 5 by 2011Charging properties of new materialsProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-041EETitle:ObjectivesCharging properties of new materialsTo provide material properties for surface and internal charging analysis for new materials.DescriptionIn the time-frame of the new science missions, new surface and internal dielectric materials and coatings are expected tobe developed. To maintain the ability of existing tools to assess charging effects, charging-related material properties willbe measured for these new materials.Deliverablesstudy and lists of material propertiesApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 6TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:SEENoTC via SPINEContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-7673Page 54 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Computational tools for spacecraft electrostatic cleanliness and payload analysisProgramme: TRP Reference: T204-042EETitle:ObjectivesComputational tools for spacecraft electrostatic cleanliness and payload analysisTo develop models and tools, and measure surface properties where necessary, for accurate quantitative evaluation oflow-level surface electrostatic charging of science missions.DescriptionCross-scale, Laplace, Tandem and other CV mission are planned to include plasma payloads to investigate themagnetospheres of Earth, Jupiter and Saturn and other solar system plasmas. Electrostatic cleanliness of such scientificspacecraft for correct functioning of plasma measuring payloads requires limiting electrostatic potential perturbations andinterference from spacecraft-generated charged particles (e.g. secondary/photo electrons and sputtered ions). This leads toa requirement for low spacecraft potential (typically ~1V), well below the energy of particles being detected, and forspacecraft-induced fluxes well below ambient levels. Control and mitigation of spacecraft perturbation of plasma/fieldsensors is possible through charge alleviation devices, grounding, material selection and siting of detectors. The opensource spacecraft-plasma interaction simulation tool, SPIS, currently has a resolution about one order of magnitude abovethe required accuracy. Increasing the accuracy to the required level requires significant physics, algorithm and softwaredevelopments, possibly including better modelling of secondary/photo/sputter emission, better shadowing, control ofconvergence and increased number of particles per cell and trajectory accuracy. SPIS simulation toolkit has beenconceived with a modular approach such that extension of the capabilities and functionalities can be performed withoutreengineering the whole software.DeliverablesNumerical model, software, validation, documentationCurrent TRL: s/w (pre-study) Target TRL: s/w (beta)ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericOpen sourceConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:SEENoTC via SPINEContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:12T-8396TRL5 by 2011X/K band feedProgramme: TRP Reference: T212-045GSTitle:ObjectivesX/K band feedThis activity aims at developing a multi-frequency (X/X/K band) feed breadboard. Such a feed, in its final configuration,will be ultimately installed in <strong>ESA</strong> Deep Space Ground stations, to provide K-band reception capabilities to any CosmicVision mission requiring more than 10 Mb/s downlink telemetry rate. All other bands, performance and modes ofoperation of the station shall remain unaffected.DescriptionIn order to add the K-band support in existing Deep Space stations, it is necessary to swap the current X-band feed(transmitting at 7.145-7.235 GHz, receiving at 8.4-8.5 GHz) with an X/X/K band one. While the concept looks relativelystraightforward, such a feed (which shall be very low-loss, since it serves also Deep Space missions) has never beendeveloped in the past.The multi-frequency feed here described cannot be procured as a standard device or even designed with standardtechniques.This activity has the aim to develop an accurate simulation environment able to model coaxial apertures integrated withmulti-port elements (such as OMT, tracking coupler) and to get all the know-how needed to manufacture and to test aprototype of such a feed. The simulation environment shall also take into consideration the following specific aspects:power handling (up to 20 kW RF power in X-band), thermal design, the wideband application (for the K-band allocation).The requirements, in terms of frequency bands and performance, will be defined in such a matter to be closer as possibleto the final application.DeliverablesSimulation environment, feed breadboard, test report, final reportApplicationCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 3TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:Application Generic Contract 15Page 55 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Mission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:N/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/ADuration:Reference toESTERT-8489, T-8490X/K/Ka band dichroic mirrorProgramme: TRP Reference: T212-046GSTitle:ObjectivesX/K/Ka band dichroic mirrorThis activity aims at developing a multi-frequency (X/X/K band) dichroic mirror. Such a mirror, in its final configuration,will be ultimately installed in <strong>ESA</strong> Deep Space Ground stations, to provide K-band reception capabilities to any CosmicVision mission requiring more than 10 Mb/s downlink telemetry rate. All other bands, performance and modes ofoperation of the station shall remain unaffected.DescriptionThe current <strong>ESA</strong> 35 m stations are structured as a Beam WaveGuide (BWG), covering several S, X and Ka bandallocations; in order to add the K-band support, it is necessary to develop a dichoic mirror able to separate the X (7.145 to8.5 GHz) and K (25.5-27 GHz) bands to the Deep Space Ka-band allocation (31.8-32.3 and 34.2-34.7 GHz).The perforated area of such mirror would be about 1x 1.5 m big, containing about 20000 precision holes.This activity has the scope to develop new dichroic design procedures accounting for both mechanical and electricalperformance. The dichroic mirror performance will be simulated considering the full incident fields, as in the finalenvironment. The most critical requirements are in the power handling, Ka-band attenuation, scattering, wide bandwidth,mirror deformation under gravity and its effects of electrical performance.A breadboard dichroic will be manufactured and electrically tested.DeliverablesSimulation environment, breadboard of the dichroic mirror, test report, final reportApplicationCurrent TRL: 1 Target TRL: 3TRL5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER15T-8489,T8490Precise Gravitational Modelling of Planetary Moons and NEO (Near Earth Objects) AsteroidsProgramme: GSTP Reference: G512-003ECTitle:Precise Gravitational Modelling of Planetary Moons and NEO (Near Earth Objects) AsteroidsObjectivesThe main objective of this activity is to develop precise gravitational models of planetary moons and asteroids target ofthe subject missions: i.e. the asteroid 2001 SG286, Enceladus, Titan, Jupiter, and Europa.The models will be threefold:- Models for mission analysis tools and techniques. These models are accurate and medium size computational intensiveand will provide gravity field data for <strong>ESA</strong> and Industry astrodynamics tools.- Models for operations and ground control. These models are very accurate and high size computational intensive. Theywill provide gravity field data for spacecraft maneuvering capability. They will be typically installed in an operationalground segment control center.- Models for on-board autonomous orbit and attitude propagation. These models are relatively accurate and low sizecomputational intensive. They will provide gravity field data for on-board autonomous spacecraft maneuveringcapability.The expected main results are a thorough concept validation, and verification allowing increasing the TRL up to 6.DescriptionThe proposed activity will include as a minimum: (1) Detailed gravity fields functional, operational, performance,environment, etc. requirements <strong>use</strong>; (2) analysis and trade-off of various gravity field models for the 3 above mentionedconcepts; (3) baseline definition and identification of models for the 3 areas identified above; (4) performance validationthrough simulations.Page 56 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong><strong>ESA</strong> will provide the novel gravity model of the GSP activity mentioned above. The Contactor is expected to provide thegravity models of all required bodies in the corresponding modes (tools, operations, and on-board). Full technicaldocumentations will be delivered, covering specifications, architecture, algorithms, modelling, simulation test results andanalysis results. All software developed during the activity will be delivered (source and binary codes).DeliverablesSW/HW/PrototypeApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 - 3 Target TRL: 5/6TRL6 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericOperational SWConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18N/AHybrid Cryostat DemonstratorProgramme: GSTP Reference: G512-002MCTitle:Hybrid Cryostat DemonstratorObjectivesThe objective is to develop a small hybrid cryostat compatible with European launchers to provide a vibration freecryogenic environment in orbit and verify operations at breadboard levelDescriptionSmall sfHe cryostats, which would be sufficient for in-orbit operations do not provide sufficient capacity to survive thelaunch on European launchers, since no late access is possible. Hybrid Cryostats (e.g. sfHe-solidHydrogen) offer thepossibility to create a cold environment before launch, therefore minimising the loss of Helium during LEOP. Based onthe sfHe cryostats already build (Herschel/ISO), all elements for building such a cryostat should be available, but there isno experience in Europe, how such cryostats can be conditioned (i.e creating solid hydrogen ) and how this can beperformed at the launch pad, to guarantee that the time between last access and actual launch does not lead to cryostatconditions which could lead to a loss of mission. A small hybrid cryostat shall be developed and build at breadboardlevel. Cryostat operations required for a future flight/launch campaign shall be tested and compatibility with currentEuropean launch operations shall be verified.DeliverablesCryostat BB, documentation, verified procedure for ground tests and launch campaignApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4TRL6 by 2014Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Cryogenic and Focal Plane cooling (2007)ContractDuration:Reference toESTER24Kinetic shock tube for radiation data base for planetary explorationProgramme: TRP Reference: T217-052MPTitle:Kinetic shock tube for radiation data base for planetary explorationObjectivesDevelopment of a European shock tube dedicated to kinetic studies for high temperatures (more than 6000K). At presentthere is no facility available in Europe.DescriptionShock and expansion tubes are important elements for the investigation of chemical kinetics and radiation associated withplanetary entry. Facilities exist in the US, in Russia, Japan, Korea, Australia etc... In Europe, the only facility <strong>use</strong>fulthough not optimised for this task (TCM2) was developed for the Hermes program, was <strong>use</strong>d for Huygens and Aurorastudies, but it has closed. There is a need for a new facility, allowing to perform investigations at a moderate cost, for theconditions foreseen in our future Earth entry missions and Mars entry missions, including aerocapture and aerobraking. Adedicated shock tube shall be specified, developed and instrumented. Tests will be performed for various gas mixtures, toPage 57 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>provide spectrally resolved emission and absorption spectra, as a minimum. More advanced techniques shall also beassessed, and demonstrated. The obtained results will be compared with documented results.DeliverablesEM and Technical notes (incl. executive summary)Current TRL: 1 Target TRL: 4ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:YesContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:24T-8540TRL 5 by 2011Ablation radiation couplingProgramme: TRP Reference: T217-051MPTitle:ObjectivesAblation radiation coupling- Improvement of windtunnels and flight MT.;- Demonstration of miniature ablation and convective/radiative heat flux sensors.- Radiation code development.- Physical model validation activities.- CFD validation with ablation and radiation.- Development of coupling techniques, influence of absorption by C3.DescriptionBackground: Need for high speed ablation / radiation and induced transition. LL Viking and Fire 2. LL of <strong>ESA</strong> WG onablation and radiation. Traditional thermal protection system design approach neglects coupling of the radiation flux withthe ablating surface energy balance condition, to simulate the response of ablative heat shields in hypersonic flows. Whena gas mixture passes through a strong shock wave, it is first dissociated. At still higher velocities some of the atoms andmolecules are electronically excited. When the excited electrons make a transition to a lower state a photon is emitted,resulting in shock layer radiation. Under certain entry conditions this radiation field can be strong enough to significantlyimpact the heating rate at the surface of the entry vehicle.It is therefore critical to measure the response of the TPS materials in extreme conditions via experimental campaigns,and to further develop existing physical models, CFD and radiation simulations in order to have higher fidelity model foraeroheating predictions. Of particular concern is the strong coupling between different processes, that needs to beaddressed specifically in this study.DeliverablesDesign, technical notes (incl. executive summary), codes, material samplesApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericOpen sourceConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:YesContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T-8540Autonomous GNC Technology for NEO proximity, Landing and sampling Operations - Phase 1Programme: TRP Reference: T205-029ECTitle: Autonomous GNC Technology for NEO proximity, Landing and sampling Operations - Phase 1ObjectivesBuilding upon past and on-going technology development, the main objectives of the activity are the following:- Definition of the envelope of operational conditions that an autonomous GNC may find in a mission to a small, irregular(with unknown rotational state) asteroid. In particular, this envelope will consider orbital dynamics and surfacecharacteristics;- Consolidation of the autonomy approaches elaborated in the system assessment study and derivation of the associatedsystem requirements and constraints down to GNC system level, including equipments such as relative terrain sensors;- Enhancement, validation and calibration of existing simulation and testing environment(s) for validation andPage 58 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>verification of the NEO GNC demonstrator, encompassing as a minimum functional engineering simulator, avionics testbench, vision-based optical stimulator (ViSOS), and asteroid scene generation tool (PANGU);- Adaptation/maturation of autonomous G-N-C components including Image Processing (IP) and Hazard Avoidancealgorithms, already developed at functional prototype level in past or on-going technology activities, for orbitacquisition/insertion, maintenance and transfer in the vicinity of the asteroid as well as for the controlled descent to theasteroid surface, the sampling operations and the ascent phase;- Detailed analysis, design and autocoding (production C-code) of all GNC modes of the selected reference mission(Marco Polo), including re-targeting, safe and contingency modes.- Step-wise performance verification & validation of the autonomous GNC system demonstrator for the selectedreference mission: Marco Polo. High-fidelity closed-loop simulations, will verify the GNC robustness performances,autonomy and survivability, and validate the overall adequacy of the demonstrator to the mission. This first V&V stepshall bring the TRL to 3. Hardware-in-the-loop simulations will verify the navigation performances and validate theobservation models. Note: real-time closed loop testing on a representative avionics test bench with electrica/opticalstimulation of the navigation sensor(s) is contemplated. This second V&V step shall bring the TRL to 5-6.The expected results are a thorough verification and validation of an autonomous GNC system demonstrator (TRL: 5-6)for the selected reference mission (Marco Polo), the delivery of a library of validated autonomous Navigation, Guidanceand Control components for NEO proximity operations, landing and sampling operations and the delivery of a completesimulation and testing environment(s) suite for the development, verification and validation of GNC systems of futuresmall body missions.DescriptionTask 1 - Mission analysis and system engineering: characterisation of the mission envelope, definition of mission andoperation concepts, consolidation of the mission and system requirements and constraints upon the autonomous GNCsystem, analysis and trade-off of candidate autonomous GNC systems leading to the selection of the most promising onesand algorithms satisfying functional, performance and operational requirements.Task 2 - Strategies for proximity operations, landing and sampling operations: identify and evaluate (i) families of orbitsof interest for asteroid observation, (ii) transfer strategies between the orbits, (iii) global characterization and local(landing sites selection) mapping of the target body, (iv) suitable orbit maintenance strategies, (v) landing strategies fromlow orbit (incl. rehearsals), and (vi) control strategies during sampling/landing, (vii) ascent phase. A set of strategies fortrajectory design and guidance will be selected to cover the full range of possible mission scenarios, including theselected reference mission (Marco Polo).Task 3 - Navigation chain: review and evaluate candidate navigation equipment and algorithms taking maximaladvantage of the observation/characterization campaign (possibility to acquire and <strong>use</strong> reference maps). The navigationequipment(s) to be considered will include at least the far navigation camera <strong>use</strong>d in cruise and approach to the asteroidand the altimeter needed for landing. The benefits and drawbacks of a wide-FOV camera or lidar will be analysed. Note:the vision-based navigation system derived from NPAL and VisNaV studies (<strong>ESA</strong> contracts 15618 and 20848; currentTRL: 4) looks suitable for such a purpose. VisNaV specifications will be upgraded in the frame of this activity.VisNav image processing (IP) and estimation algorithms will be analysed, if necessary new ones will be identified anddeveloped, in order to ensure that they can provide the navigation measurements in the full range of mission scenarios,accounting for the whole range of asteroid shapes, sizes, surface properties and features, rotational states, andillumination and viewing conditions. Moreover, the processing of altimeter measurements will also consider the relevantproperties of the asteroid surface;Task 4 - Simulation and Testing environment(s) suite: Enhancement, validation and calibration of existing simulation andtesting environment(s) for validation and verification of the NEO GNC demonstrator, encompassing as a minimumfunctional engineering simulator, avionics test bench, vision-based optical stimulator (ViSOS), asteroid scene generationtool (PANGU);Task 5 - Autonomous G-N-C components: Adaptation of autonomous G-N-C components, already developed validated atfunctional prototype level in past or on-going technology activities, for orbit acquisition/insertion, maintenance andtransfer in the vicinity of the asteroid as well as for the controlled descent to the asteroid surface, the sampling operationsand the ascent phase - Note: the development and validation of new G-N-C components for better fulfilling the selectedreference mission (Marco Polo) performances requirements are not excluded;Task 6 - Autonomous GNC system detailed design: using Marco Polo as a reference mission the detailed analysis anddesign of all the GNC modes for proximity operations, landing and sampling operations will be performed. Note: all therequired GNC modes will be developed using the validated G-N-C components.Task 7 - Autonomous GNC system demonstrator performances verification and validation: the performance androbustness of the autonomous GNC system for the selected reference mission (Marco polo) will be assessed using avalidated high fidelity end-to-end simulation environment. Monte Carlo test campaign will be carried out to ensure thatthe spacecraft achieves the mission requirements for nominal and contingency scenarios. In the second verification &validation step a demonstrator of the autonomous GNC system will be developed. This demonstrator will consist ofautocoding the GNC application software and implementing them in a representative avionics. The Image Processing (IP)algorithms will also be implemented into the vision based camera system developed in the VisNav activity. The real-timeclosed loop performance of the demonstrator will be performed on the avionics test bench developed in Task 4 which willinclude the physical camera, optical stimulator (ViSOS) and PANGU. Note: a numerical model of the altimeter iscontemplated at this stage of the development.Upon successful completion of the activity, the autonomous GNC system demonstrator tailored for Marco Polo missionwill achieve a TRL 5-6 (software). Note: NO provision has been made for optical navigation camera Engineering Modeldevelopment.BackgroundSeveral small-body missions currently considered by the Agency such as Don Quijote and Marco Polo, the later beingselected for assessment as part of the Cosmic-Vision 2015-2025 programme, are characterized by unique challenges to goPage 59 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>beyond the current European state-of-the-art in Navigation, Guidance and Control technologies. The characteristics, inparticular the GNC performance and autonomy requirements, of a NEO sample return mission require an increase inmaturity of the GNC technologies. The TRL objective, 5-6 by 2011, can only be achieved with a close synergy with theAurora technology programme in particular for the key descent and landing phases.In this respect, several past and on-going GNC activities which are directly relevant to the present proposal are listedbelow. Past technology activities were conducted in preparation of the ROSETTA mission, such as the -Autonomous andAdvanced Navigation Techniques- (AANT) study which investigated and evaluated autonomous GNC/FDIR strategiesand concepts applicable to a wide range of interplanetary missions, while the most recent ones are part of the AURORAprogramme. These technology activities deal in particular with the development of an Engineering Model of a multimission(landing, rendezvous, cruise, mobility) optical camera suitable for NEO missions (TRL: 5-6 by 2011) and theassociated Image Processing (IP) algorithms and optical stimulator for the verification and validation of vision basednavigation systems (ViSOS), and the development of hazard mapping and re-targeting functions (TRL: 4-5 by 2009).Also, in support of several vision-based navigation system activities, the Agency has funded the development of a terrainsimulation tool, namely PANGU for Planet and Asteroid Scene Generation Utility, which is capable of synthesizing theterrain of planets and asteroids realistically. In addition, the tool has been extended to provide radar signal return from asmall body. This asset is fundamental to the validation of the objectives of the proposed activity.References- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 14320 (CCN2), -Tool for Terminal GNC Design for NEO Impactor Impactor Missions (CLEON)-focusing on the development of a software tool for GNC performance assessment in the terminal phase of a NEOImpactor mission- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 1946 (CCN1), -Autonomous GNC Design for NEO Rendezvous (CLEON+)- focusing on thedevelopment of a software tool for GNC performance assessment in the terminal phase of an autonomous NEOrendezvous mission- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No.17338 (CCN3), -Asteroid and Whole Planet Simulation with PANGU- dealing with asteroid craterand irregular lighting conditions modelling- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 9558, -Autonomous and Advanced Navigation Techniques (AANT)- focusing on autonomousGNC/FDIR strategies and concepts applicable to a wide range of interplanetary missions- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 15292, -Autonomous Navigation for Interplanetary Missions (AutoNav)-, focusing on theinterplanetary phases- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 20528, -Optical Flow Navigation system for Landing-, focusing on the final powered descent phaseand involving 3D landmarks matching- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 156188, -Navigation for Planetary Approach and Landing (NPAL)-, focusing on the development ofa vision based camera breadboard with features extraction capability- <strong>ESA</strong> Contract No. 18038 (CCN3), -Hazard Avoidance Consolidation Activities-, focusing on the development of hazardmapping and re-targeting functions- <strong>ESA</strong> contract No 20848 -Multi-purpose Vision-based navigation sensor architecture definition (VisNaV)- dealing withthe detailed design of a multi-mission optical navigation camera suitable for landing, rendezvous, cruise/fly-by andmobilityDeliverablesSW (prototype)HW EM (synergy with Aurora programme)ApplicationCurrent TRL: 2-4 Target TRL: 5-6TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:GenericOperational SWConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER18T8071Page 60 of 60

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Annex II – bDetailed Description of National TechnologyDevelopment ActivitiesDetailed activity descriptions are provided in this annex for those M-Class missionscandidates which are entering the definition phase.

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: EUCLIDEUCLID CryomechanismsProgramme: National Reference: N215-070PATitle:ObjectivesEUCLID CryomechanismsPrequalify filter wheel mechanismsDescriptionReview mechanism requirements for number, location/rotation accuracy, filter and optical element dimensions andmasses, operational schedules for exchange speed and total lifetime cycles.DeliverablesPreliminary design, identify critical items, breadboardCurrent TRL:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:EUCLIDN/ATarget TRL:Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:18TRL 5 by Q4 2011Infrared grism design, manufacturing and testing for EUCLIDProgramme: National Reference: N216-072PATitle:ObjectivesInfrared grism design, manufacturing and testing for EUCLIDDesign and manufacturing of a prototype of a transmissive grating (grism) operating in the wavelength range from 1 to 2micron; testing under operational environmental conditionsDescriptionThe Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIR) is one of the instruments on EUCLID. It will make <strong>use</strong> of several grisms mountedon a wheel. The grisms have to operate in the wavelength range of 1 - 2 microns. The resolving power shall be in theorder of 500. The effective efficiency of the grating shall be >75% peak and >50% over the whole spectral range. Thelength of the grism shall be >100mm. The operational temperature of the grism is ~150K.The activity encompasses:- Review of the performance requirements,- Design of the grism covering the required wavelength range and fulfilling thermal requirements,- Grism fabrication,- Performance and environmental tests.DeliverablesFabricate prototypes (2 grisms (1 spare)). Performance test, environmental testApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:EUCLIDN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER10T-8442, T-8444, T-7861TRL 5 by Q4 2011Hawaii Array Persistence Image AssessmentProgramme: National Reference: N217-073PATitle:Hawaii Array Persistence Image AssessmentObjectivesPage 2 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Verify Hawaii array image persistence and irradiation performance are consistent with EUCLID operational modesDescriptionReview operational modes, integration times and sampling schemes. Procure representative devices (correct wavelengthcut off)and readout ASICS. Test at representative temperature and large dynamic range in flat fields and random PSFsimulations.DeliverablesTest resultsCurrent TRL:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:EUCLIDN/ATarget TRL:Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:12TRL 5 by Q4 2011Page 3 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: SPICACryogenic Fourier Transform Spectrometer Bread BoardProgramme: National Reference: N216-025PATitle:ObjectivesCryogenic Fourier Transform Spectrometer Bread BoardThe Mach-Zehnder Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) - including the cryogenic FTS Scan Mechanism - is a criticalcore of the SAFARI instrument. This activity shall further mitigate the risk towards the overall instrument developmentby1) improving the optical and optomechanical technology readiness level for the Mach-Zehnder FTS2) demonstration, test and verification of the optical and spectroscopic performances as required for SAFARI.DescriptionThis activity will opto-mechanically design, develop and test the SAFARI Fourier Transform Spectrometer at breadboardlevel. It will investigate an optimum optical design using toroidal and aspheric surfaces. The SAFARI breadbord willinterface with the delay-line scan mechanism and will be tested at a wavelength of 10.6 micron at relevant cryogenictemperatures. The tests will prove that the specified performance parameters such as wavefront error, interferencecontrast and longitudinal and lateral pupil movement in the interferometer over the actuation range of the scanmechanism can be achieved. The breadboard will also verify the positioning accuracy and noise level of the delay line atdifferent actuation speeds and at cryo temperatures. In addition the activity will investigate optimum Mach-Zehnderbeamsplitter, filter and reflective surface materials for the SPICA wavelength band.A demonstrator of the SAFARI imaging FTS shall verify the performances can be achieved and are compliant withSAFARI requirements. It should allow experimental verification of performance predictions for different operationalmodes and support the definition of calibration strategies and the onboard data processingDeliverablesBreadboard of SAFARI FTS, cryogenic performance test report and SAFARI roadmap.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER12T-8479European submillimetre/FIR ultra-low noise cryogenic characterization facilityProgramme: National Reference: N216-022MMTitle:European submillimetre/FIR ultra-low noise cryogenic characterization facilityObjectivesSetup a European Cryogenic Characterization Facility for ultra-low noise sub-mm/FIR detectors (arrays).DescriptionCharacterization of sub-mm/FIR detectors (arrays) is currently approached in an ad-hoc and uncoordinated fashionimplying uncertainties about different measurement results and meanings. Seldom is an optical measurement at ~ 1x10-19W/sqrtHz achieved reliably and reproducible. Beca<strong>use</strong> of the various ongoing technology development activities (e.g.,TES, KID), such as for SAFARI as one example, it will become important to setup a European centre performing thecharacterization of cryogenic sub-mm/FIR detection systems and to avoid duplication of effort and funding.Validation of the test set-up is a driver.The facility should operate for at least 5 years and it should also allow for the measurement of complex radiation patternsand allow to derive several performance parameters (beam efficiency, coupling efficiency, reflection, NEP-s).DeliverablesAn European lab for ultra-low noise submillimetre/FIR detection characterization.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 2-3 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER60N/APage 4 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/ASAFARI SUB-K COOLERProgramme: National Reference: N220-026MCTitle:ObjectivesSAFARI SUB-K COOLERPrototype development of the SAFARI sub-K cooler. Verification of the I/Fs between sub-K cooler and the 2-4K JouleThomson cooler.DescriptionSub-K instrument coolers currently under development require recycling a He3 sorption cooler at a constant time interval.During the recycling a higher than average heat load needs to be evacuated by the pre-cooler. However, Joule-Thomson(J-T) coolers that are the pre-cooler baseline, operate in a relatively small temperature range. In order to verify the correcttransient behaviour of the cooling chain of JT-cooler plus sub-K cooler, an I/F demonstrator shall be developed thatsimulates the JT-cooler <strong>use</strong>d to pre-cool the sub-Kcooler. Based on the test results, the operation of the sub-K cooler shall be optimised to minimise the impact on the J-Tcooler and to establish the correct I/F requirements (including margins) for the J-T coolers. <strong>For</strong> the SAFARI cooler theactivity requires coordination withJAXA.The specific SPICA/SAFARI requirements imply the need for a prototype development of the SAFARI sub-K coolerwith the SPICA-specific (multiple) thermal interfaces. The detailed sub-K cooler requirements, especially basetemperature (50 to 150 mK) and heat load will depend on the detector technology selection.DeliverablesFully tested EQM, documentation.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 4 Target TRL: 6TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER24T-7969KID based array detector (old title: Safari: Integrated antenna/detector development)Programme: National Reference: N207-018EETitle:KID based array detector (old title: Safari: Integrated antenna/detector development)ObjectivesThe objective of this activity is the development of KID detector arrays with integrated antennas that enable optimumcoupling over wide bandwidth.DescriptionKinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) have the potential of improved sensitivity in the order of an NEP of 10-19 W/sqrtHzin large format micro-machined integrated antenna arrays as they are needed for SPICA/SAFARI. The objective of thisactivity is the development of KID detector arrays with integrated antennas that enable optimum coupling over widebandwidth.The activity requires close cooperation by the two different disciplines of KID technology (material science) and antennacoupling in order to perform the trade-offs, design, analysis, manufacture, and testing that shall lead to the integrity of anintegrated KID focal plane arraydetector. It shall investigate design alternatives and establish a baseline design, assess different fabrication technologiesfor the integrated antennas and different experimental verification techniques.Subsequently, the electrical performances of the integrated arrays shall be verified by testing. This includes analysis ofthe test results, explaining any deviations in test results from predictions, and design adjustments or corrections asneeded.The activity shall achieve TRL>=5 by Q3/2011. A development roadmap to bring the technology to flight level shallcomplete the activity.Page 5 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>DeliverablesKID detector arrays with integrated antennas. Design trade-off, test, verification documentation.Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 3ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERTechnologies for (sub) millimeter wave passive instruments - 2nd Semester 2006ApplicationNeed/Date:18T-8475TRL 5 by Q4 2011Cryogenic mechanisms developmentProgramme: National Reference: N215-019PATitle:ObjectivesCryogenic mechanisms developmentPrototyping and testing of the cryogenic FTS scan mechanism for the SPICA-SAFARI instrument with its overall opticaldesign. The objective is to achieve TRL>=5, demonstrating the system in the relevant space environment, at lowtemperature (=5 of a prototype tobe achieved by Q3/2011.DeliverablesBBApplicationCurrent TRL: 2 Target TRL: 5TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:N/AContractDuration:Reference toESTER20T-8478Readout Electronics (FDM) for KID based Array DetectorsProgramme: National Reference: N217-0<strong>81</strong>PATitle:Readout Electronics (FDM) for KID based Array DetectorsObjectivesDevelopment of Readout Electronics (FDM) for KID based Array Detectors.Description<strong>For</strong> the ongoing development of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) the readout electronics applying Frequency-DivisionMultiplexing (FDM) are crucial. <strong>For</strong> the concept of FDM and Fast Fourier Transform Spectrometry (FFTS) the TRLneeds to be improved to demonstratefeasibility in the SPICA/SAFARI application context.Pixel-array demonstrator camera system(s) with FDM-FFTS shall be developed, integrated and tested in representativeenvironment (e.g., ground based telescopes) in order to achieve for the concept at least TRL>=5 by Q3/2011. The activityshall cover the complete detector system of sensors plus electronics. This includes demonstrating the feasibility toachieve the functionality and performance of laboratory test equipment <strong>use</strong>d so far in set-ups and of commercialprocessing boards (e.g., FFTS) in instrument flight electronics, possibly includingASICs.Page 6 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>The principle of FDM is relevant also for Transition Edge Sensor (TES) based detectors. Although the applications ofSAFARI and IXO require different FDM implementations and optimizations, significant synergies exist that make theactivity important for both cases of SAFARI applying KID or TES based detectors.DeliverablesCurrent TRL:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/ATarget TRL:Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:TRL 5 by Q4 2011Cold Readout Electronics (CRE) for Photoconductor DetectorProgramme: National Reference: N217-080PATitle:Cold Readout Electronics (CRE) for Photoconductor DetectorObjectivesDevelopment of cryogenic CRE Test Chips and Proton Irradiation Tests.DescriptionCryogenic test chips shall be designed that perform the front-end readout and multiplexing in a Ge:Ga detectordemonstrator system at minimized added noise.Capacitive Trans-Impedance Amplifiers (CTIA), Buffered Direct Inject (BDI) also known as Feedback Enhanced DirectInjection (FEDI), and Direct Injection (DI) type channels are readout alternatives that need to be implemented in testchips in order to compare and verify the most suitable concept which allows minimization of the CRE noise effect thatdetermines the overall noise performance of the detector assembly.After integration of the test chips into the photoconductor detector the assembly shall be subjected to proton irradiationwith subsequent performance tests.Phase 1Design and development of optimized CRE for readout noise optimization.Phase 2Proton irradiation of the integrated detector assembly and subsequent performanceverification.DeliverablesOptimised CRE, irradiation test results.ApplicationCurrent TRL:Target TRL:Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER9TRL 5 by Q4 2011RF Coupling and Efficiency Prediction Tool for Sub-mm / FIR DetectorsProgramme: National Reference: N217-082PATitle:RF Coupling and Efficiency Prediction Tool for Sub-mm / FIR DetectorsObjectivesDevelop an accurate RF coupling and efficiency prediction tool for ultra-low noise submm/FIR detectors and detectorarrays.DescriptionPage 7 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Prediction of the performance of sub-mm/FIR detectors and detector arrays is currently performed in a qualitativefashion. Efficiencies well above 100% are routinely obtained, clearly implying invalid assumptions in the models <strong>use</strong>d.Claims of sensitivities surpassing the needed requirements have to be treated with care as a consequence. Beca<strong>use</strong> of thevarious ongoing hardware technology development activities (e.g., TES, KID), such as for SAFARI as one example, itwill become important to develop adedicated tool for the accurate performance prediction of cryogenic sub-mm/FIR detection systems.Validation by measurements of the prediction tool is essential.DeliverablesValidated tool.Current TRL:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/ATarget TRL:Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTERApplicationNeed/Date:20TRL 5 by Q4 2011Broadband 50/50 Transmission/Reflection Sub-millimetre-Wave Beam SplitterProgramme: National Reference: N207-083PATitle:Broadband 50/50 Transmission/Reflection Sub-millimetre-Wave Beam SplitterObjectivesDevelopment of a broadband 50/50 transmission/reflection beam splitter covering the full SPICA SAFARI instrumentband.DescriptionThe performance of the Mach-Zehnder FTS depends critically on beam splitter characteristics.Two beam spiltters areneeded for beam separation and recombination in Mach-Zehnder interferometer. A broadband 50/50transmission/reflection performance is required beca<strong>use</strong> all SAFARI spectral bands are to pass through a single pair ofbeamsplitters. Standard FT-IR/THz instruments <strong>use</strong> thin Mylar film as beam-splitter (withthicknesses of a few um to a few 10s of um typically) tuned to maximise efficiency in specific FIR/sub-mm bands. Overthe past decade, groups have developed bi-layer Mylar+Si coating or Mylar+Ge coating to improve efficiency andspectral extent of FIR beam-splitter but still not in a band-pass range as required by SAFARI. Although Si is absorbing inthe FIR, thin film (sub-wavelength thickness) could provide a first baseline to reach typical efficiency of 4RT>90% overnearly the full band, limiting the loss of contrast in the interferometer.In the SPIRE instrument the beamsplitter design <strong>use</strong>s two metal meshes in a Fabry-Perotconfiguration designed to meet the 50% transmission and 50% reflection criteria of an idealintensity beam splitter. Bandwidth requirement is different from SAFARI.DeliverablesDesign, manufacture and test of a broadband submillimetre-wave 50/50 beam splitter.ApplicationCurrent TRL:Target TRL:Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:SPICAN/AConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:ContractDuration:Reference toESTER18TRL 5 by Q4 2011Page 8 of 10

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>M-Mission Candidate: PlatoRefractive telescope breadboard for PLATOProgramme: National Reference: N216-115MMTitle:ObjectivesRefractive telescope breadboard for PLATOBread-boarding of a 6 lens telescope, with large diameter lenses and at low working temperature.DescriptionIt is foreseen to design, manufacture and test a complete telescope in order to identify critical issues and verifymanufacturing techniques and mounting methods (i.e. lens mounting to telescope barrel) during phase A/B1. This willallow for a higher level of confidence in the ability to manufacture a high number of telescopes in a timely manner,should PLATO be down-selected for implementation (PLATO consists of many sub-apertures, i.e. individual telescopes,which together form the global aperture). The TBB should optimally be as advanced as an engineering model in order tobe able to perform testing and verification.The TBB will consist of 6 spherical (TBC) lenses mounted in a barrel using glue. The working temperature will be ~ 150-170K. The first lens need to be radiation-hardened to minimize darkening effects which will reduce transmittance andthus reduce photon flux to detectors. The following critical points need to be addressed1) Manufacturing and polishing of relatively large lenses, up to 120 mm (TBC) with correct and accurate opticalproperties and dimensions2) Mounting of the individual lenses (glue) to the telescope structure3) To verify and assess alignment of lenses based on mechanical interfaces mastering without assist of optical testing4) To verify predictions of defocus generated in operating environment by vacuum and temperature gradients (no refocuswill be possible in-flight)5) Qualification of glued parts at 150-170K (operating temperature).6) Behaviour characterisation of coatings at operating temperature.7) To consolidate planning in view of the production of a large number of units.Test activitiesThe following tests/activities are foreseen to verify the above-listed issues:1) To assemble and disassemble the telescope (to greatest extent possible) multiple times in order to statistically verifythat the optical quality can be reached with only mechanical tools for telescope/lens alignment, or if the optical testingneeded can be reduced. The cycle to be tested is: mechanical alignment - optical quality measurement - dismounting2) To measure the thermal and vacuum balance to correlate/verify optical modelling3) Thermal cycling (TBD) to demonstrate correct behavior of the opto-mechanical components at operational temperature(the telescope has to be mechanically assembled with the correct -misalignment- on-ground, which will then achieve thecorrect focal length in-flight in cold operating conditions.)4) Mechanical tests to show compliance with launch conditions in the Soyuz Fregat launcher (using ST-faring).DeliverablesBB of the telescope tested under relevant conditions.ApplicationCurrent TRL: 3 Target TRL: 6TRL 5 by Q4 2011Need/Date:ApplicationMission:S/W Cla<strong>use</strong>:PlatoN/AContractDuration:Reference toESTERConsistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and conclusion:Technologies for optical passive instruments (harmonised in 2008/2009)18T-7857, T-8442, T-7760Page 9 of 10

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<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Annex IIIJustifications for Proposed Tendering Procedure

<strong>ESA</strong>/<strong>IPC</strong>(<strong>2010</strong>)<strong>81</strong>Justification for Proposed Tendering Procedure: DN/SIndustrial Policy Committee<strong>ESA</strong> Reference TitleFirm Fixed Price (Keuro) Proposed BidderC217-002PA Euclid CCD Pre-Development 2000 E2V (UK)Justification:E2V (UK) are the sole European suppliers of the scientific CCD detectors with the performance required for the Euclidmission.Justification for Proposed Tendering Procedure: DN/SIndustrial Policy Committee<strong>ESA</strong> Reference TitleFirm Fixed Price (Keuro) Proposed BidderC217-010PA Development of optimized CCD for PLATO 2500 E2V (UK)Justification:E2V (UK) are the sole European suppliers of the scientific CCD detectors with the performance required for the PLATOmission.Page 2 of 2

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