Complete Issue - Shippensburg University

Complete Issue - Shippensburg University Complete Issue - Shippensburg University


17Walking Into the OceanAs the Ocean Arrives atCape MayH e r b Pe r k i n s -Fr e d e r i c kThe undulating, untouched seaextends beyond my sight;its surface forms a ceaseless changeexpressed upon a deeper calm.But closer in, it rises, curls,creates a rolling arch of glass,a cavern in a liquid hilladvancing angled to the shorewhere it boils to a broken wave,expires, rumbling to a sigh.With countless clapping, splashing soundsit seethes, then shimmers to a frothof shifting overlapping foams:island clouds that shrink, then racethe trailing edge of ocean’s breathas streams of sand and shells and stonesinscribe a many-channeled script,a fluid verse upon the floor,where each expression left by surgeis washed, remade, revised once more…Herb Perkins-Frederick graduated from Bloomsburg University with a degree in psychology. He works as a computerprogrammer and adjunct faculty at Bucks County Community College. His psychological analysis of theunderpinnings of poetry has led to several new poetry forms, one example of which is above.

18 PROTEUS: A Journal of IdeasMerlin’s Cave at Tintagel – the entrance to the legendary cave at the base of the Tintagel Castle.(Margaret Evans)

17Walking Into the OceanAs the Ocean Arrives atCape MayH e r b Pe r k i n s -Fr e d e r i c kThe undulating, untouched seaextends beyond my sight;its surface forms a ceaseless changeexpressed upon a deeper calm.But closer in, it rises, curls,creates a rolling arch of glass,a cavern in a liquid hilladvancing angled to the shorewhere it boils to a broken wave,expires, rumbling to a sigh.With countless clapping, splashing soundsit seethes, then shimmers to a frothof shifting overlapping foams:island clouds that shrink, then racethe trailing edge of ocean’s breathas streams of sand and shells and stonesinscribe a many-channeled script,a fluid verse upon the floor,where each expression left by surgeis washed, remade, revised once more…Herb Perkins-Frederick graduated from Bloomsburg <strong>University</strong> with a degree in psychology. He works as a computerprogrammer and adjunct faculty at Bucks County Community College. His psychological analysis of theunderpinnings of poetry has led to several new poetry forms, one example of which is above.

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