Terms of Reference - INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT ... - UNDP

Terms of Reference - INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT ... - UNDP

Terms of Reference - INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT ... - UNDP


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<strong>Terms</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Reference</strong> - <strong>INDIVIDUAL</strong> <strong>CONSULTANT</strong>PROCUREMENT NOTICEPosition : Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writer for Preparing a Concept Note for theREDD+ Moratorium Working Group, (National, 1 post).Closing date : 19-Nov-2012GENERAL INFORMATIONTitle: Pr<strong>of</strong>essional Writer for Preparing a Concept Note for the REDD+ Moratorium Working Group,(National, 1 post).Project Name: REDD+ TaskforceReports to: Project Coordinator, Moratorium Working Group CoordinatorDuty Station: Jakarta.Expected Places <strong>of</strong> Travel (if applicable): N/A.Duration <strong>of</strong> Assignment: Three (3) months: from 26 November 2012 to 25 February 2013.REQUIRED DOCUMENT FROM HIRING UNIT:X4TERMS OF REFERENCECONFIRMATION OF CATEGORY OF LOCAL <strong>CONSULTANT</strong>, please select :(1) Junior Consultant(2) Support Consultant(3) Support Specialist(4) Senior Specialist(5) Expert/ AdvisorCATEGORY OF INTERNATIONAL <strong>CONSULTANT</strong>, please select :(6) Junior Specialist(7) Specialist(8) Senior SpecialistXAPPROVED e-requisitionREQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FROM <strong>CONSULTANT</strong>:X CVX Copy <strong>of</strong> education certificateX Completed financial proposalX Completed technical proposal ( if applicable )Need for presence <strong>of</strong> IC consultant in <strong>of</strong>fice:Intermittent (explain)X Full-time/<strong>of</strong>fice based (needs justification from Requesting Unit)Provision <strong>of</strong> support services:X Office spaceEquipment (laptop etc.)Secretarial ServicesIf checked, indicate here who will be responsible for providing the support servicesSaito Nainggolan.Signature <strong>of</strong> the Budget Owner: Roy Rahendra

BACKGROUNDContext <strong>of</strong> the REDD+ initiative:Indonesia is the third largest emitter <strong>of</strong> CO2 and the world’s largest emitter from agriculture,forestry and other land use. Over the past five years, Indonesia’s annual deforestation rate hasaveraged around 1 million hectares, which contributes more than 80 percent <strong>of</strong> Indonesia’sestimated annual emissions. In response to this situation, the Government <strong>of</strong> Indonesia hasinitiated a range <strong>of</strong> programmes designed to reduce the nation’s carbon emissions and improveforest and peat-land governance.These programmes, which began in earnest following the 13th Session <strong>of</strong> the Conference <strong>of</strong> Parties(COP 13) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) whichIndonesia hosted in 2007, range from national policy reform through to local demonstrationactivities, and a global mechanism referred to as REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation andforest Degradation). This mechanism, now called REDD+, has evolved since its initial inception(hence the plus) to include forest conservation, sustainable management <strong>of</strong> forests, andenhancement <strong>of</strong> carbon stocks through afforestation and reforestation.On 26 May 2010 the Governments <strong>of</strong> Indonesia and the Kingdom <strong>of</strong> Norway signed a Letter <strong>of</strong>Intent to establish a REDD+ Partnership as a part <strong>of</strong> the government’s programme to tacklegreenhouse gas emissions resulting from deforestation and forest degradation in Indonesia. REDD+provides an opportunity for developing countries like Indonesia to move towards a sustainable lowcarboneconomy through the implementation <strong>of</strong> REDD+ activities and, for industrial countries likeNorway, to support a reduction in global carbon emissions by contributing funds for theseactivities. For Indonesia REDD+ also <strong>of</strong>fers a way to achieve the government’s voluntarycommitment to the world to reduce emissions as much as 26 percent from a business-as-usualscenario or up to 41 percent with international support by 2020.The first phase <strong>of</strong> this REDD+ Partnership is to establish an institute with the capacity to implementand manage REDD+ initially in nine priority provinces across Indonesia and eventually throughoutthe archipelago. A Task Force (Satuan Tugas, Satgas) has been established to facilitate the settingup<strong>of</strong> this REDD+ Institute and Working Groups (WGs) have been formed to assist in developing aREDD+ National Strategy (Stranas) and a legal basis for REDD+ implementation, a Measuring,Reporting and Verification (MRV) division responsible for monitoring carbon stock and carbon stockchanges, and a Financial Instruments facility for the disbursement <strong>of</strong> funds.Under the terms <strong>of</strong> the REDD+ Partnership with Norway, Indonesia also agreed to enact a two-yearMoratorium on all new concessions for conversion <strong>of</strong> peat and natural forest in Indonesia. ThisMoratorium was initiated on 20 May 2011 through a Presidential Instruction (Inpres 10/2011)which iterated a range <strong>of</strong> actions required for its implementation including the provision <strong>of</strong> anindicative map <strong>of</strong> the primary natural forest and peat land protected under its purview.This map, known as the Indicative Moratorium Map (IMM) or Peta Indikatif Penundaan PemberianIzin Baru (PIPIB), is "indicative" because consolidating data from various ministries/institutionsregarding primary natural forest and peat-land boundaries in Indonesia is an on-going process thatrequires some field verification and inter-departmental government and public consensus. For thisreason, the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Forestry is required to revise the map every six months. Currently, a thirdversion <strong>of</strong> the map has been released, namely IMMv3, and a fourth version is expected at the close<strong>of</strong> 2012.Monitoring compliance to the Moratorium is the responsibility <strong>of</strong> the REDD+ Taskforce MoratoriumWG. This entails working with government ministries and local governments to ensure that theactions outlined in the Presidential Instruction are followed, and that the indicative map <strong>of</strong> theareas over which these actions apply are maintained and refined through additional data

acquisition, consolidation and, where required, ground truthing.Context <strong>of</strong> this TOR:The Moratorium, now well into its second year, has improved forest governance significantly andprovided the necessary breathing space for national and provincial governments to review land-useactivities across the vast archipelago. The development <strong>of</strong> the IMM, based on consensus betweendifferent government ministries/institutions and through public consultation, represents animportant first step towards reviewing ways in which the country can reduce land-based emissionsand move towards a low-carbon economy.With the end <strong>of</strong> the Moratorium approaching in May 2013, however, consideration must be givento the future <strong>of</strong> the Moratorium and its “One Map” programme. To this end, the Moratorium WGcurrently is preparing a Concept Note that will form the basis for broad consultation withstakeholders in an effort to determine possible next steps following the end <strong>of</strong> the two-yearmoratorium.It is in this context that the Moratorium WG, through <strong>UNDP</strong>, is seeking to engage a Pr<strong>of</strong>essionalWriter to assist the Moratorium WG in preparing the Post-Moratorium Concept Note.The objective <strong>of</strong> this assignment is to produce a Concept Note on the future <strong>of</strong> the Moratorium atthe end <strong>of</strong> its two-year implementation, entitled: Post-Moratorium Concept Note. This documentwill aim to initiate discussion among stakeholders, seek a consensus across governmentagencies/institutions and the broader community and civil society organisations, on the preferredcourse <strong>of</strong> action after the Moratorium ends in May 2013.SCOPE OF WORK, RESPONSIBILITIES AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ANALYTICAL WORKUnder the supervision <strong>of</strong> the REDD+ National Programme Manager and the Moratorium WGCoordinator, the incumbent: Conducts desk review <strong>of</strong> relevant secondary material to ascertain an understanding <strong>of</strong> basicfacts and terminology related to the Moratorium:○Glossary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Terms</strong> and Acronyms which will include clear and succinct snippets <strong>of</strong>information regarding the Moratorium, its implementation, and achievements. Conducts preliminary interviews with key personnel from the Moratorium WG (and otherstakeholders as directed) to develop a detailed Document Plan that outlines the varioussections to be included in the final document:○Document Plan providing a detailed structure and definitive plan <strong>of</strong> the contents for theConcept Note based on in-depth interviews with the Moratorium WG and otherstakeholders as directed. Prepares a general narrative regarding the achievements, challenges and lessons learnt basedon the structure <strong>of</strong> the Document Plan and, through additional research, identifies key issues tobe tabled at a Focus Group Discussion (FGD), to be organised by the Moratorium WG inconjunction with the Knowledge Management WG, on the content and development <strong>of</strong> theConcept Note:○○General Narrative regarding the achievements, challenges and lessons learnt during thecurrent two-year Moratorium period; andKey Issues surrounding the preferred next step <strong>of</strong> the Moratorium. Compiles output from the FGD ensuring a balanced record <strong>of</strong> input from the FGD participantsand, based on that output, conducts additional interviews with the Moratorium WG (and otherstakeholders as directed) to further develop and reconcile the content <strong>of</strong> the Concept Note.○Preliminary Draft Concept Note that includes the general content developed and the

Development and Operational Effectiveness:○○○○○Ability to conceptualise issues and analyse data;Ability to coordinate the work <strong>of</strong> others;Ability to implement new systems (business side), and affect staff behavioural/attitudinalchange;Good knowledge <strong>of</strong> Results Management Guide and Toolkit; andAbility to demonstrate good knowledge on Climate Change and/or REDD+ issues. Management and Leadership:○○○○○Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client andresponds positively to feedback;Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;Leads teams effectively and shows mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills; andDemonstrates strong oral and written communication skills.Other Requirements: All materials and other intellectual property produced while working under contract including,but not limited to, documents, presentations, white papers, photographs and other media, willremain the property <strong>of</strong> the REDD+ Task Force and are required to be submitted to WGCoordinators for archiving.EXPECTED RESULTSDeliverables: Glossary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>, Acronyms and Annotations with clear and succinct snippets <strong>of</strong> informationregarding the Moratorium, its background, achievements and implementation. Document Plan providing a detailed structure and definitive plan <strong>of</strong> the contents for theConcept Note based on in-depth interviews with the Moratorium WG and other stakeholdersas directed. General Narrative regarding the achievements, challenges and lessons learnt during the currenttwo-year Moratorium period, and Key Issues surrounding the preferred next step <strong>of</strong> theMoratorium to be tabled at a FGD for the development <strong>of</strong> the Concept Note. Preliminary Draft Concept Note that includes the general content developed and theinformation obtained through the FGD and subsequent interviews with the Moratorium WG.Submitted for editorial review. Draft Concept Note which incorporates editorial comments and other inputs from theMoratorium WG and other designated editors/referees. Penultimate Draft Post-Moratorium Concept Note based on conclusions reached byparticipants <strong>of</strong> the Workshop. Submitted to the Moratorium WG and its designated reviewboard for final review. Final Post-Moratorium Concept Note.

Impact <strong>of</strong> Results:The impact <strong>of</strong> assisting the REDD+ Moratorium WG to produce the Post-Moratorium Concept Notewill ensure timely preparation for conducting broad consultation with stakeholders regarding thenext steps required after the Moratorium ends in May 2013. In turn, through well-preparedengagement <strong>of</strong> stakeholders it is anticipated that a consensus on the next steps will be reached,wide-spread ownership achieved and, accordingly, recommendations submitted to the President.Schedule:No. Deliverables Due Date1. a. Glossary <strong>of</strong> <strong>Terms</strong>, Acronyms andAnnotations with clear and succinctsnippets <strong>of</strong> information regarding theMoratorium, its background, achievementsand implementation.b. Document Plan providing a detailedstructure and definitive plan <strong>of</strong> thecontents for the Concept Note based on indepthinterviews with the Moratorium WGand other stakeholders as directed.2. a. General Narrative regarding theachievements, challenges and lessonslearnt during the current two-yearMoratorium period; and Key Issuessurrounding the preferred next step <strong>of</strong> theMoratorium to be tabled at a FGD for thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> the Concept Note.b. Preliminary Draft Concept Note thatincludes the general content developedand the information obtained through theFGD and subsequent interviews with theMoratorium WG. Submitted for editorialreview.3. a. Draft Concept Note which incorporateseditorial comments and other inputs fromthe Moratorium WG and other designatededitors/referees.b. Penultimate Draft Post-MoratoriumConcept Note based on conclusionsreached by participants <strong>of</strong> the Workshop.Submitted to the Moratorium WG and itsdesignated review board for final review.3-Dec-201217-Dec-201231-Dec-201214-Jan-201328-Jan-201311-Feb-2013PaymentSchedulePaymentAmount19-Dec-2012 25%16-Jan-2013 25%13-Feb-2013 25%c. Final Post-Moratorium Concept Note. 25-Feb-2013 27-Feb-2013 25%

Only candidates obtaining a minimum <strong>of</strong> 14 point (70% from 20 point) would be considered for theFinancial EvaluationCriteriaMax. PointTechnical ( 70% ) 5Criteria 1: Experience and excellent knowledge on REDD+ in Indonesia and5other countries.Criteria 2: Extensive knowledge <strong>of</strong> environmental economics, ecological5economics, public finance, environmental governance and policy analysisCriteria 3: Solid knowledge and analytical ability in drafting a Pipeline Portolio 5driven from small and community-based REDD+ activities.Criteria 4: Work proposal is submitted with clear presentation and sequence <strong>of</strong> 5activities reflecting logical planning , realistic and promising efficientimplementation to the project.Financial ( 30% ) 5ANNEX 1- <strong>INDIVIDUAL</strong> <strong>CONSULTANT</strong> GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS

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