Download the Green Paper PDF - Stroud District Council

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environmentgreen paperREG.NO. UK-000129

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>ContentsPageForeword 3Introduction 4Why we must act 5What we will do 6How it will work 7Household – today and in <strong>the</strong> future 8 –9Community – today and in <strong>the</strong> future 10 – 11Business – today and in <strong>the</strong> future 12 – 13Would you like to contribute your ideas? 14Footnotes 15Images within this document are for illustrative purposes only.© Copyright <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> 2006

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>Foreword<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is committed to creating a betterenvironment. You’ve told us that we should work withlocal people to:• reduce <strong>the</strong> amount of waste going to landfill andrecycle as much as possible• create clean and safe public spaces, and• start to play a full part in creating resilientcommunities which are able to respond to climatechange and <strong>the</strong> increasing uncertainty over fuelprices and fuel supplyWe wholeheartedly agree and know it is time to build onour strong environmental record and make a step changein what we do.We want you to help us develop and deliver a long-termvision for <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong>. This Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> hasbeen written to encourage discussion and involvement in<strong>the</strong> development of our new environment strategy.We want to work towards a vision for <strong>the</strong> next 20 years sothat we are proud of <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> because:• everyone is actively involved in waste reduction andrecycling• local people feel <strong>the</strong>y own every public space ofimportance to <strong>the</strong>m and work with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Council</strong> ando<strong>the</strong>rs to make sure <strong>the</strong>y are clean, safe and cared for• every household; local business, such as <strong>the</strong> villageshop, farm or pub; every community building,including schools and village halls; uses as littleenergy as possible. And perhaps we can enable <strong>the</strong>mto generate some, or all, of <strong>the</strong>ir energy needs bymaking best use of our natural resources –sun, wind,water and biomassSo do you share this vision for <strong>the</strong> future? Whe<strong>the</strong>r youagree or not we would like to hear your views.This <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> provides you with a way to do exactlythat.We believe that if people want to take action to becomemore environmentally friendly, <strong>the</strong>n this <strong>Council</strong> needs toprovide <strong>the</strong> leadership and at least some of <strong>the</strong> resourcesfor <strong>the</strong>m to do so. We are in a position as a community tohave a direct and major impact, and perhaps, if we get itright, we can make those higher-up sit up and take noticeof what can be achieved.Cllr Chas FellowsLeader of <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>3

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>IntroductionClimate change, pollution and <strong>the</strong> quality of our neighbourhoods areserious issues. Everyone wants to live in a clean, safe and crime-freeenvironment. As individuals and organisations we can all do our bitto help achieve this aim and make a big difference at a local level. But,if we don’t address <strong>the</strong> potentially devastating impacts of climatechange on <strong>the</strong> entire planet, <strong>the</strong>n focusing on <strong>the</strong> quality of ourneighbourhoods becomes academic.<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> is determined to ensure <strong>the</strong> health and wellbeingof its communities well into <strong>the</strong> future and we’re puttingtoge<strong>the</strong>r a long-term strategy that will take us to 2025.This Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> takes a comprehensive look at ourenvironment by focusing on climate change, waste and recycling, andour local areas, to see how we can make a difference. We want to worktowards developing a long-term vision because short-term thinkingwill not address <strong>the</strong> challenges we face.Whilst we’re leading <strong>the</strong> initiative, we want to make sure that <strong>the</strong>secritical issues are properly addressed. That’s why we want your inputin helping us plan a secure and safe future for us all.Over <strong>the</strong> next few pages you’ll see some of what we’re alreadydoing and we’ll begin to set out our vision for <strong>the</strong> years to come.Hopefully you’ll like it, but we really want your feedback, so let usknow what you think. If you have any suggestions we’d reallylike to hear <strong>the</strong>m.Whe<strong>the</strong>r you’re reading this <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong> as an individual or a business,as part of <strong>the</strong> community you can help us shape an environment policyfor a sustainable future – a future for you, your children, <strong>the</strong>ir childrenand generations to come.4

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>Why we must actOur local, national and global environment is constantly changing. Some of <strong>the</strong>se changes are naturally occurring,o<strong>the</strong>rs are a result of our activities.Opinions differ on <strong>the</strong> severity and likelihood of particular outcomes, especially in relation to climate change. It is notfor <strong>the</strong> <strong>Council</strong> to argue one position or ano<strong>the</strong>r. All we know is that change is happening all around us and we need tomake sure our communities continue to be vibrant and resilient places which are able to adapt appropriately.The information below sets out some of <strong>the</strong> pressures that exist and how <strong>the</strong>y will affect <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> in a multitudeof ways.Global problems 1There seems to be little argument that our climate is gettinghotter. Whe<strong>the</strong>r you attribute this to natural long-term variationsor <strong>the</strong> activities of <strong>the</strong> human race, or indeed a bit of both, <strong>the</strong>re isno doubt that our climate is changing. So, we need to pay attentionto some of <strong>the</strong> consequences of this and think about how <strong>the</strong>y willimpact on <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> in <strong>the</strong> longer term.• Climate change is killing 150,000 people a year through heatwaves,floods, storms, droughts and disease from water andinsects• Global CO 2(carbon dioxide) emissions from <strong>the</strong> burning of coal,oil and gas have risen by 1200% over <strong>the</strong> last hundred years. CO 2stays in <strong>the</strong> atmosphere for decades and is regarded as <strong>the</strong> maincause of global warming• The 1990s were <strong>the</strong> warmest decade since records began• Snow cover has decreased by 10% since <strong>the</strong> 1950s• Arctic sea-ice has decreased by 15% over <strong>the</strong> same period• Sea-levels have risen by 20 cm• 80% of natural disasters are wea<strong>the</strong>r-related and <strong>the</strong> cost of <strong>the</strong>sehas risen nine-fold to a value of $480 billion in <strong>the</strong> 1990s• Climate change is damaging ecosystems (eg coral reefs) and amillion of <strong>the</strong> world’s species could be extinct by 2050By <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> century:• Global average temperatures are predicted to rise by up to 6ºC• Sea levels are predicted to rise by one metreIn <strong>the</strong> UKAt UK level, research from <strong>the</strong> Hadley Centre shows that likelyproblems from climate change include:• Higher temperatures all year round, with more heatwaves and aloss of snow and freezing wea<strong>the</strong>r on all but <strong>the</strong> highest peaks• More extreme wea<strong>the</strong>r - hurricanes, flash floods and droughts• Less rain in <strong>the</strong> south and east (where water shortages are aproblem) and more rain in <strong>the</strong> west (where flooding is a problemin winter)• More coastal and river flooding• More disruption to transport and infrastructure (includingmelting roads, buckling rails and overwhelmed drainage)• Fewer winter deaths due to warmer temperatures, althoughdeaths would rise in summer due to excessive heat• The onset of pests and disease (eg - malaria)• The loss of wildlife• Being able to grow grapes in sou<strong>the</strong>rn areas, whilst traditionalcrops will fail• The need to improve irrigation systemsstroudFor <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong>The global and national issues mentioned will have an impact on<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong>’s population, but <strong>the</strong>re are specific local concernsthat also have to be addressed:• Gloucestershire’s landfill sites are almost full• Flooding is a problem• Our rural status and consequent dependency on transport meansthat our energy usage is high• One-third of our housing stock has solid walls and is <strong>the</strong>reforedifficult to make energy efficient• Ensuring <strong>the</strong> design, safety, cleanliness, attractiveness andusability of public spaces is critical in improving our quality of life5

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>What we will doWith such huge challenges ahead of us, what can we do?Local councils are in a unique position to have a practicalimpact on environmental issues.<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> has a responsibility for promoting<strong>the</strong> health and well-being of its residents in <strong>the</strong> presentand in <strong>the</strong> future. With control over <strong>the</strong> delivery ofservices and influence in <strong>the</strong> household, workplace andcommunities, we’re in <strong>the</strong> perfect position to ensure thatour Environmental Strategy is effective.Whilst <strong>the</strong> Government is committed to a 60% reductionin greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we’re also workingon our entire environmental footprint to make <strong>the</strong> bestcontribution we can.To achieve our goals we need to work toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>Local Strategic Partnership, parish and town councils,community groups, schools, businesses, individuals andrelevant agencies to ensure that our ideas are properlyimplemented.This <strong>Paper</strong> focuses on making improvements, using<strong>the</strong> knowledge and technology available to us today.Our extra commitment to investigating and adoptingnew technologies in <strong>the</strong> future will enable us to fur<strong>the</strong>rimprove our environmental performance.And we need to dispel <strong>the</strong> myth that reducing emissionsand waste (ie – living ‘greener’) will mean a reduction inliving standards, in order to make our plans a success.6

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>How it will workOur Environmental Strategy will involve everyonein <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> but for <strong>the</strong> sake of <strong>the</strong> targeting andmeasurement of our actions we have split our key areasof focus into three groups:1 HouseholdsEveryone who lives within <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> has a significantrole to play with respect to energy efficiency andrecycling – as an individual and as part of our community.2 Community (places and people)Working with communities, councils, schools andpartnerships we can a deliver a joined-up approach toour strategy for a better environment and improvedneighbourhoods.3 BusinessesLocal businesses also have a responsibility to minimise<strong>the</strong>ir environmental impact, and as a responsible councilwe’re taking <strong>the</strong> lead by highlighting what we do andwhat we can do in <strong>the</strong> running of our own business.Under each heading of household, community andbusiness we will concentrate our actions on <strong>the</strong> followingthree areas:ABCaction on climate changewaste minimisation and recyclingpublic space managementThere will inevitably be overlaps across all of <strong>the</strong>above areas, however this model will allow us to clearlyillustrate where we are, and where we are going, on ourjourney to tackle crucial environmental problems.Additionally, whilst this document considers <strong>the</strong>reduction of CO 2 through energy saving measures, wemust remember that this must not be at <strong>the</strong> expenseof our goal to eradicate fuel poverty 2 , hence affordablewarmth issues will inform much of our decision making.Now and<strong>the</strong> futureThe following pagesillustrate where we aretoday and what we wantto do for <strong>the</strong> future. Theleft hand pages showsome of our practicalachievements so far and<strong>the</strong> right hand pagesillustrate <strong>the</strong> areas wethink we should befocusing on in <strong>the</strong> future.Your input will help usdevelop our long-termstrategy hence your thoughtson practical matters(eg micro-generation,neighbourhood wardens,CCTV and composting),local issues and our ideas ingeneral are essential.What do you think? Take a look and give us yourcomments. We’d like to hear from you on what youthink is realistic and achievable, or indeed on anythingthat you think is missing.7


HouseholdTodayThe left hand page and <strong>the</strong> list below illustrate some ofour achievements so far. As you can see, when it comes torecycling, <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> households are already among<strong>the</strong> best in <strong>the</strong> country.• WISE Homes scheme: We have developed schemesspecifically to help people in ‘hard to treat’ 3 homes,including <strong>the</strong> implementation of renewable energysystems• Warmer, greener council homes: The energy efficiency ofcouncil housing has been improved by more than 30% in<strong>the</strong> last ten years. The average SAP energy rating of 64.9 ishigher than for o<strong>the</strong>r types of housing in <strong>the</strong> district andhigher than <strong>the</strong> national average for council housing 1• Ashden Award for Warm and Well Scheme: We haveimproved <strong>the</strong> energy efficiency of at least 4,600 homes(approx 11% of private households) through our localgrants, discount schemes and national grant schemes• Successful energy advice service for households:Provided by Gloucestershire Energy Efficiency AdviceCentre, <strong>the</strong> service reached at least 5,500 households in<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> with individual advice, in 2004/05 (savingan estimated 2,500 tonnes of CO 2 ) 3• <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> households produce less waste (onaverage) than o<strong>the</strong>r households in Gloucestershire.In fact our performance puts us in <strong>the</strong> top 10% in <strong>the</strong>country 4• Our doorstep recycling service (glass, paper, cans,plastic bottles and batteries) is <strong>the</strong> best performing inGloucestershire. We are ranked among <strong>the</strong> top 15% in <strong>the</strong>country 5• We have established home composting supportnetworks in Chalford, <strong>Stroud</strong> and Wotton under Edge.• We have provided access to subsidised composting binsas part of WRAP 46• 14,000 composting bins have been sold since <strong>the</strong>irintroduction in 19972• We promote <strong>the</strong> use of reusable nappies7KeyAction on climatechangeWaste minimisationand recyclingPublic spacemanagementNow turn over <strong>the</strong> flap andyou’ll see how we want tomake fur<strong>the</strong>r improvementsto our environment.

HouseholdThe Future9642311157689

HouseholdThe FutureWith over 48,000 homes in <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong>, <strong>the</strong>ir impact on<strong>the</strong> environment is always going to be considerable Or isit? The areas below and <strong>the</strong> illustration to <strong>the</strong> right showwhat we think we should focus on to help minimise <strong>the</strong>irenvironmental footprint.• Reach more people with energy advice1• Improve our data collection of energy use to help usfocus our actions• Develop advice, marketing and incentives for renewableenergy systems in homes• Install pilot renewable energy systems in council homeseg:2photovoltaic panels,solar <strong>the</strong>rmal systems, and 3micro wind turbines 4... and report on barriers to achieving more installations• Increase focus on private rented homes 5• Expand energy advice programme in councilhouses• Increase take-up of specialist energy-saving measures inhard to treat homes• Increase opportunities for vulnerable people to receiveadvice on energy and benefits• Introduce a new system of waste collection to enable usto deal with waste in a more sustainable way 5• Introduce measures to encourage recycling ofwater 6• Introduce measures to reduce water use7• Increase recycling rates to 30% by 2007/8 and <strong>the</strong>n lookto increase <strong>the</strong>m fur<strong>the</strong>r 8• Emphasise ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’ ra<strong>the</strong>r than justfocus on recycling – this will deliver a more beneficialenvironmental outcome• Educate and advise on ‘smart shopping’ 6• Encourage people to keep <strong>the</strong>ir private property cleanand tidy, particularly where it may cause a nuisance too<strong>the</strong>rs 9KeyAction on climatechangeWaste minimisationand recyclingPublic spacemanagementDo you have a comment?See page 14

CommunityToday14123415131017172514186118•KeyAction on climate change169Waste minimisation andrecycling10Public space management

CommunityTodayAs you can see from <strong>the</strong> picture on <strong>the</strong> far left and <strong>the</strong> listbelow, we’re already working very closely with ourcommunities, but we’re looking to do much more!• We have increased <strong>the</strong> use of renewable energy through<strong>the</strong> Gloucestershire Renewable Energy Action Plan (alsoLocal Plan)• Action for Affordable Warmth Partnership: we have broughttoge<strong>the</strong>r organisations from all sectors (including health andvoluntary) to deliver a joint strategy to help people at risk offuel poverty• Successful energy advice services and promotions:Since 2001, we have involved <strong>the</strong> community and localorganisations with <strong>the</strong> Gloucestershire Energy EfficiencyAdvice Centre and run promotional publicity with BBC 1Radio Gloucestershire• We have 39 recycling sites throughout <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> fornewspapers and magazines, glass bottles and jars, aluminiumand steel drinks cans, textiles, card, books,2videos and shoes 7• We have supported <strong>the</strong> introduction of <strong>the</strong> Bisley CommunityComposting Scheme with <strong>the</strong>3provision of advice and a shredding service• A <strong>District</strong>-wide shredding service has been made available toaid community composting 4• Via Adopt-a-Site we have empowered local people to5encourage o<strong>the</strong>rs to use recycling facilities• We have worked with Town and Parish Plans to provideadvice and help on waste and recycling issues• We provide extra resources to communities for ad-hoc 6waste collections on request• <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s performance on litter freeenvironments in public spaces ranks us in <strong>the</strong> top 15% ofcouncils in <strong>the</strong> country 7• In <strong>the</strong> past twelve months <strong>the</strong> ‘Stub it Out’ 8 campaign 8was implemented• The Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership has had apositive impact on crime and <strong>the</strong> fear of crime, culminatingin <strong>the</strong> <strong>Council</strong> receiving Beacon Status for Crime Reductionin Rural Areas• The Public Space Service was created to help maintainclean and safe environments. The service also has a strongprevention remit. Achievements include:• a 2nd <strong>Green</strong> Flag Award for Stratford Park for its high9standards of maintenance and diverse range of facilities• continued investment in public conveniences culminatingin a 5-star grading in <strong>the</strong> Loo of <strong>the</strong> Year Awards for newly10refurbished toilets in MarybrookStreet, Berkeley• swift removal of fly tipping 11• management plans for commons and woodland 12areas have been produced• The Neighbourhood Warden Service 9 was introduced 13in 11 areas to provide community support• We have worked with <strong>the</strong> County Youth Service on 14diversionary programmes for young people• We have implemented new powers for:• clearing abandoned vehicles quickly 15• resolving high-hedge disputes 16• We work with GRCC 10 on <strong>the</strong> Village of <strong>the</strong> Year competition toencourage civic prideFold out this flap to see more of what we’re already doing inour communities and our vision for <strong>the</strong> future.

CommunityThe Future156884327•KeyAction on climate8changeWaste minimisationand recyclingPublic spacemanagement11

Community Today continued...• We work with police architects on ‘Safer by Design’ toengineer out potential problems at <strong>the</strong> design stage forpublic space developments• CCTV management and lighting schemes have been 17improved• We have prevented drunken behaviour by introducing <strong>the</strong>Behave Or Be Banned Scheme• The Housing Service has also made a significant contributionin public space management through partnerships toencourage a sense of local ownership including:• <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> Housing Partnership• Tenants and Residents Associations• Sheltered Accommodation Panels• Management Cooperatives• Village Voices• Street RepresentativesAdditionally:• competitions (eg - Best Kept Garden) have been held• tenant groups work closely with Serviceteam 11• a Safer Estates Officer has been appointedCommunityThe FutureHere are some more plans for <strong>the</strong> future...• Work with parishes and towns to develop local energy actionplans• Involve council house tenants in a long term energymanagement policy• Work more closely with <strong>the</strong> Primary Care Trust to targetgroups who suffer from illness linked to a cold home and alsoto consider <strong>the</strong> implications of a hotter climate1• Make advice and support for community-led renewableenergy projects more widely available 2• Advise village halls and community buildings on availablegrant schemes to make <strong>the</strong>m environmentally sound 3• Review our planning policies with <strong>the</strong> aim of improving ourclimate change response 4• Open up opportunities to encourage individuals to becomelocal experts on recycling and energy use• Extend <strong>the</strong> community composting initiative• Expand planning advice on community initiatives eg -community composting• Work with town and parish councils to offer one-off serviceseg community clean-up• Expand schools collections• Fur<strong>the</strong>r improve awareness in schools to embed a ‘healthyenvironment’ approach to life 5• Investigate fur<strong>the</strong>r options for recycling in schools• Introduce measures to reuse water – eg water butts 7• Initiatives to safely remove clinical waste• Review our planning policies and make sure that waste andrecycling needs are designed into new houses and buildings• By 2008 reduce crime and disorder by 15%• By 2008 reduce fear of crime by 5%• Expand Neighbourhood Warden Service <strong>District</strong>-wideby 2008• Empower communities by extending local leadership on <strong>the</strong>provision of our services6188Do you have a comment? See page 14


BusinessToday<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> already has a positive approachto <strong>the</strong> environment. We are 1 of only 60 organisations in<strong>the</strong> UK (and 1 of only 150 councils in <strong>the</strong> entire EuropeanUnion) to have achieved <strong>the</strong> prestigious internationalenvironmental management standard known as <strong>the</strong> Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).As a large organisation, which uses a great deal of energy,we are dedicated to minimising our environmentalfootprint as well as leading initiatives in <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong>.Below and on <strong>the</strong> far left page you’ll see some of what wealready do, but take a look overleaf to see <strong>the</strong> big plans wehave in mind for <strong>the</strong> future.• We have improved energy efficiency/reduced CO 2emissions from council buildings and activities under <strong>the</strong>EMAS programme 1• At Dursley Swimming Pool we introduced a pool cover toretain heat 2• In our own buildings:• movement sensors for lights in cloakrooms reduceelectricity consumption• localised light switches, in open plan offices,reduce energy consumption• 97% of electricity supplied to council buildings issourced under a ‘green’ tariff 12• Air quality in <strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> meets national governmenttargets 5• In our own buildings:• double-sided printing is encouraged to reduce paperwaste• document image processing is used in frontline services(removing <strong>the</strong> need to photocopy)• electronic flushing systems for urinals save water• all waste paper is recycled• plastic cups from vending machines are recycled• We provide a coordinated paper, glass and cardboardrecycling service for businesses (making it9economically and environmentally viable)74863• We have increased <strong>the</strong> range of our online services(reducing paper use and <strong>the</strong> need to travel)10• We provide facilities to ‘hide-away’ business waste binsto keep public spaces clean and tidyKeyAction on climatechangeWaste minimisationand recyclingPublic spacemanagementFold out this flap to see ourideas for <strong>the</strong> future.

7BusinessThe Future144453655213

BusinessThe FutureBelow you’ll see that we want to encourage best practicefrom <strong>the</strong> business sector. As a major employer and userof energy and resources, we need to lead by example toencourage o<strong>the</strong>r businesses to embrace our approach.Additionally, our planning policies will continue tofocus on ensuring that our businesses, housing andlocal services can grow and thrive toge<strong>the</strong>r as vibrant,sustainable communities.We will:• take <strong>the</strong> lead by working with businesses to createan infrastructure for <strong>the</strong> uptake of renewable energyinitiatives and recycling 1• act as a portal for information on climate change issues- allowing local businesses access to information, grants,companies and organisations who can help 2• develop <strong>the</strong> wood-fuel supply chain to facilitate <strong>the</strong>use of wood chips and pellets as a clean, local energyresource3• install renewable energy schemes in our own buildings(eg - wind, hydro and solar power) 4• install renewable energy schemes on sites we own• diversify our purchasing of renewable electricity• provide comprehensive staff training on energy andwater saving at work• fur<strong>the</strong>r develop <strong>the</strong> green travel plan5• develop <strong>the</strong> use of bio-fuels, green electricity andalternative fuels for vehicles 6• explore funding streams for helping small and mediumsized businesses to participate in renewable energyinitiatives• encourage local businesses to embrace EMAS• remove barriers to <strong>the</strong> production of renewable energy• maintain air quality in <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> at a healthy level7Key• act as a portal for information on waste andrecycling - allowing local businesses access toinformation, grants, companies and organisations whocan help• use <strong>the</strong> licensing process to encourage businesses totake up voluntary agreements on <strong>the</strong>ir waste, recyclingand environmental activities• proactively address impacts of forthcoming legislationwith new initiatives (eg - potential litter from publicplace smoking ban)Action on climate changeWaste minimisation andrecyclingPublic space managementDo you have a comment?See page 14

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>Would you like tocontribute your ideas?Now that you’ve seen what we want to achieve, what do you think?Whe<strong>the</strong>r you’re an individual, someone who runs a business or acommunity group we’d like to have your input. In particular wewould like to hear your views on our vision, <strong>the</strong> long term outcomesand targets we should be setting ourselves as a community and <strong>the</strong>practical actions we should take in <strong>the</strong> short term.We’ve put down what we think we need to do, but you may havesome ideas of your own that you would like to contribute. If you’dlike to give your input, email or write to:Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong><strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Ebley Mill<strong>Stroud</strong>Gloucestershire GL5 4UBAlternatively you can call 01453 754317 and leave your comments and questions on our Environmental <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>message line. Don’t forget to provide your details if you want us to get back to you!Remember, your input will help us develop our long-term strategy, hence yourthoughts on practical matters (eg micro-generation, neighbourhood wardens, CCTV andcomposting), local issues and our ideas in general are essential.We need your comments by 17 November 2006. After this date we’ll be putting toge<strong>the</strong>ra new Environment Strategy and supporting action plans to help us achieve our visionof a sustainable environment and ensure that <strong>the</strong> <strong>District</strong> of <strong>Stroud</strong> continues to be agreat place to live, work and visit for many years to come.This document is just <strong>the</strong> start of <strong>the</strong> process– <strong>the</strong> future matters.14

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong> Environment <strong>Green</strong> <strong>Paper</strong>Footnotes1 Source: IPPR - ‘Leading <strong>the</strong> Way: How local authorities can meet <strong>the</strong> challenge of climate change’2 Fuel poverty exists in households which spend more than 10% of <strong>the</strong>ir disposable income on fuel. Giving access to ‘affordable warmth’ removes householdsfrom fuel poverty3 Homes with one or more of sloping ceilings, solid walls or non-gas heating fuel4 Waste Resources Action Programme5 Private-rented accommodation is hard to improve because <strong>the</strong> owner is not <strong>the</strong> resident6 ‘Smart Shopping’, eg - advice on minimising unnecessary packaging7 range of services varies from site to site8 a campaign to reduce litter caused by discarded cigarette butts9 Neighbourhood Wardens assess and monitor anti-social behaviour, vandalism and racial incidents and arrange improvements to <strong>the</strong> local environment inrelation to fly tipping, fly posting, abandoned vehicles and street lighting10 Gloucestershire Rural Community <strong>Council</strong>11 Serviceteam is <strong>the</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s contractor for services such as rubbish collection, recycling, street cleaning and building cleaning12 ie - from methane at landfill sites15

<strong>Stroud</strong> <strong>District</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Ebley Mill<strong>Stroud</strong>Gloucestershire GL5 4UBTel: 01453 754317Email : on recycled paper

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