school improvement plan - DepEd Naga City

school improvement plan - DepEd Naga City

school improvement plan - DepEd Naga City


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School Improvement PlanMorada-Ramos Elementary Schools/y 2010-2013they must follow-up what is being learned and taught from the <strong>school</strong>. Class advisersconduct, home visitation to have a closer look on the environment and how the pupillived a daily life.Properly ventilated and illuminated 8 rooms are evidence in the <strong>school</strong> seven (7) classesare engaged on Time on Task (TOT) including the one (1) Pre-School class.There was no reported incidence of violence or any crime in the School.SCHOOL MANAGEMENTA. School Management and AdministrationTeam building, cooperation and respect to each one makes good camaraderie. Thereshould be a delegation of duties and responsibilities based on one’s specialization,expertise and even experience. The School head must not only be a leader, but he/sheneeds to be a follower too, sometimes when majority rules, except in his/her role as amanager and at the same time an administration.B. Parents ParticipationWithout the parents’ support and cooperation from some external stakeholders, the <strong>school</strong>will not be a progressive one. They should be appreciated, aside from being tapped mostof the time. 80% or 2 out of 3 general PTA meeting are conducted in the <strong>school</strong> and 75%or 3 out of 4 homeroom PTA meeting and every Brigada Eskwela held, there is 89% or 7out of 10 being conducted. The <strong>school</strong>’s progress depends on the active participation(100% if possible) of every parents. There is no alumni involved yet, in <strong>school</strong> concerns,but in immediate future. This will be a big help, putting up an Alumni Organization. Ingeneral, people in the Community actively participated in every <strong>school</strong>’s endeavor.C. InstructionalPage 30 of 43

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