school improvement plan - DepEd Naga City

school improvement plan - DepEd Naga City

school improvement plan - DepEd Naga City


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School Improvement PlanMorada-Ramos Elementary Schools/y 2010-2013loved to visit the place because of its popular scenic view and refreshing bodies of waterwhere she spent her time enjoying the pleasure of nature.During her visit, Lina was always in her “Caro” where she began developing goodrelationships with the residents, and in return she was loved by them and was taken asone of the residents, too. However, during World War II, Lina ceased in visiting the placebecause her family migrated to other places. In her absence, some foreign invaders hadgone to this place and they tried to consult community people for the name of this place.Unable to understand them, the people thought they were looking for Lina. At thisinstance, someone replied that the “Caro” of “Lina” was no longer coming to the place.Later, the group of foreigners thought altogether that the name of this place is“CAROLINA” which was carried on until now.The table below shows the incomplete profile of the communityAbsolute No.PercentageTotal Population 5,059MaleFemale2,5292,531Total no. of households 1,084Households with toilet 856Households without toilet 208Sources of water supplyWater pumpPump wellShallow well or spring 25%Percentage of energized90%householdsSource of income 90%Agricultural 70%Employment20%(government/private)Others 10%This incomplete data was taken from the office of the barangay captain and not yetupdated.1. Socio Demographic InformationPage 13 of 43

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