Dual Diploma Program for new enrolment - IETE

Dual Diploma Program for new enrolment - IETE Dual Diploma Program for new enrolment - IETE

INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS (To be retained by the student)(To be read in conjunction with Regulations & Syllabi <strong>for</strong> DipETE Examination)1. There are two streams available to a candidate <strong>for</strong> <strong>enrolment</strong> in Dip<strong>IETE</strong> viz. Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering. Applicant is required to writehis <strong>enrolment</strong> option in Column 1.2. Applicants are advised to submit their <strong>for</strong>ms duly filled in direct to the <strong>IETE</strong> HQ. <strong>IETE</strong> neitherrecognizes nor accepts affiliation of any private coaching institution. Col 10 if filled and certified bythese institutions will not be accepted. Incomplete application <strong>for</strong>m will be rejected.3. One shall be allowed to appear in the Dip<strong>IETE</strong> Examination only after one’s <strong>enrolment</strong> as a Studentmember with the Institution. Only those Student members who get enrolled on or be<strong>for</strong>e 28 th Februaryand 31 st August will be allowed to appear in the next Dip<strong>IETE</strong> Examination, held in June andDecember respectively. Processing of application takes minimum 15 days, there<strong>for</strong>e to get enrolled,the application completed in all respect must reach <strong>IETE</strong> HQ well be<strong>for</strong>e 14 th February <strong>for</strong> Juneexamination and 14 th August <strong>for</strong> December Examination. Time period <strong>for</strong> LAB practice examination iscounted from the date of enrollment, there<strong>for</strong>e, students are advised not to wait <strong>for</strong> last dates but getenrolled as early as possible.4. Candidates are advised to submit all documents such as Membership Form, Identity Card, <strong>IETE</strong>Membership Card, self addressed envelope duly filled in, Qualification Certificates, Mark Sheet, Dateof Birth Certificate and Experience Certificate (attested copies are required to be submitted ) alongwith, the declaration on the reverse of the Membership Card duly signed by the candidate to <strong>IETE</strong> HQonly.5. Membership No. will be allotted by <strong>IETE</strong> HQ Office. Candidates are advised to leave these columnsblank. Membership No will be mentioned while corresponding with <strong>IETE</strong> HQ.6. Candidates are advised to paste their stamp size photograph and fill in other columns of the IdentityCard and <strong>IETE</strong> Membership Card. The photographs pasted (not stapled) on the application andMembership Card should be attested by either a Corporate member of the Institution or a GazettedOfficer, with his membership No./ Stamp affixed on it. They must write their complete address with PinCode No.7. Membership number, Identity card, receipt of amount paid and examination <strong>for</strong>m will be sent to theapplicant within 8-10 weeks of receipt of the application in <strong>IETE</strong> HQ.8. FEE FOR ENROLMENTMembers in India Members Abroad(Rs) (US $)(a) Application Fee 800.00 150.00(b) Admission Fee 800.00 150.00(c) Building-cum-Lib. Fund 5300.00 1075.00(d) Composite Subscription 8000.00 1500.00(e) Lab Infrastructure Fee 1700.00 375.00(f) Development Fee 1700.00 375.00(g) Establishment Fee 1700.00 375.00--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 20000.00 4000.009. Once the candidate is enrolled, the <strong>enrolment</strong> fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.10. All remittances shall be made by crossed Bank Draft, drawn in favour of “Secretary General, <strong>IETE</strong>,New Delhi”.MONEY ORDER, CHEQUES, IPO or CASH WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.11. Any change in the mailing address should be notified immediately. This will help the Office to keep itsdatabase up-to-date, and mail important Circulars/Notices/Letters and Journals of Education at thecorrespondence address.12. The <strong>IETE</strong> neither recognizes nor accepts affiliations of any private coaching institution.13. The student membership will be valid <strong>for</strong> 12 consecutive examinations from the date of enrollment.Thereafter, the student members not completing their DIP<strong>IETE</strong>/ AM<strong>IETE</strong> Examination are to seek reenrollmentby remitting applicable amount be<strong>for</strong>e or immediately after the expiry of the membershipperiod to continue their membership to enable them to appear in the remaining papers and complete

Dip<strong>IETE</strong>. Any examination chance not availed by a student due to whatsoever reason will be countedwithin 12 examinations. No Notice <strong>for</strong> re<strong>new</strong>al of membership will be sent.14. A student is required to complete Dip<strong>IETE</strong> Examination within 2 enrollment periods from the date ofinitial enrollment. The student will, there<strong>for</strong>e, be permitted to seek only one re<strong>new</strong>al of membership.Re<strong>new</strong>al is to be applied <strong>for</strong> be<strong>for</strong>e or immediately after the expiry of initial enrollment with continuityof enrollment maintained by the student. Missed chances will be counted towards total number ofexaminations and no relaxation in this regard will be permissible. If the request <strong>for</strong> re<strong>new</strong>al is madeafter the stipulated period of two enrollments, admission will be treated as a fresh enrollment and nobenefit in terms of exemptions in respect of subject(s) passed or exempted during the earlier<strong>enrolment</strong> will be granted. Students must re<strong>new</strong> their membership in time. Otherwise they will not beallowed to appear in the Dip<strong>IETE</strong> examination.15. All Legal cases concerning <strong>IETE</strong> HQ shall lie within jurisdiction of Delhi courts only.16. Every Student member successfully completing Sections A&B subjects including lab examinationswith project work, and a course in Communication Skills & Technical Writing of Dip<strong>IETE</strong> Examinationas per regulations prescribed by the Council from time to time shall be eligible to become a StudentMember (Dip<strong>IETE</strong>). On payment of requisite fee <strong>for</strong> membership, he/she will be awarded a certificateof having passed the Dip<strong>IETE</strong> examination of the institution. To pass Dip<strong>IETE</strong> Examination, a studentis required to score a minimum grade of “D” having a grade point of 4 <strong>for</strong> each subject and having anaggregate of 5 CGPA. However <strong>for</strong> Project, Seminar and lab examinations he/she should get aminimum grade of “C” having a grade point of 5.17. First examination application <strong>for</strong>m as per the stream opted by the student will be dispatched tohim/her along with the identity card at the time of <strong>enrolment</strong>.

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