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Prüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 FladungenTel.: 09778–7480-200, Fax: 09778–7480-209hoch.fladungen@t-online.dewww.brandverhalten.deFladungenPrüfinstitut für das Brandverhalten von Bauprodukten, Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Andreas HochBauaufsichtlich anerkannte Prüf-, Überwachungs- und Zertifizierungsstelle<strong>TEST</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong>for the proof of Fire behaviour according to DIN 4102, part 1Nr. PZ-Hoch-04122Translation of the German test report – no guarantee for translation of technical termsCompany:Description ofsamples:Junkers & Müllers Textildrucke GmbHBolkbuscher Straße 27D-41239 MönchengladbachPES-fabric coated on one side with a polymerName of the material:sampling:TT Presto Ink F LS SEby the company itselfContent of request: Proof of flammability to classify building materials to class B1“schwerentflammbar” according to DIN 4102, part 1validity oftest report: March 31 st 2009 *)Result:The examined product meets the requirements of class B1 for“schwerentflammbare” (hardly flammable) building materialsaccording to DIN 4102, part 1 (May 1998) , suspended freely orwith distance of >40 mm to same or other plain materials.This test report includes 4 pages and 3 enclosures.Remark: If the above mentioned building material is not used as product according to MBO § 2, Abs. 9, Ziffer1,there is no need for a general building supervisory test report.This test report is not valid if the examined building material is used as product in the meaning of state building prescriptions (MBO § 17,Abs. 3).This test report does not replace an eventually necessary proof of applicability concerning building supervisory or building laws in themeaning of state building prescriptions. This has to be verified by:- “allgemeine bauaufsichtliche Zulassung” (general building inspectorate approval ) or by- „allgemeines bauaufsichtliches Prüfzeugnis“ (general building inspectorate certificate) or by- “Zustimmung im Einzelfall” (exceptional approval)This test report can underlie building supervisory procedures- for regular building products for the prescribed proofs of conformity- for non regular building products for the needed proofs of applicability.This test report must not be published and copied without preceding agreement of the test laboratory and if agreed, only during validityand unchanged concerning appearance and contents.*) prolongation on request.

FladungenPrüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 Fladungenpage 2 of 4of the test report PZ-Hoch-041221. Description of test material in condition as deliveredPN 2555 PES-fabric with flame-retardant, coated on one side with a polymer which alsois prepared with flame-retardant.name of the material: “TT Presto Ink F LS SE”characteristic values determined by the manufacturer:-whole area weight: about 195 g/m²-difference between warp and weft orientationcharacteristic values determined by the test laboratory:area weight: about 201g/m² whole thickness: about 0,25mmThe testing laboratory is not provided with further details concerning composition of thetested building materials. Samples are deposited.2. Preparation of samples:The samples were kept in climate chamber 23/50 until they reached constant weight.3. Arrangement of samples: freely suspended#3368: PN 2555 flaming the coated side in warp orientation#3369: PN 2555 flaming the uncoated side in warp orientation#3370: PN 2555 flaming the uncoated side in weft orientation#3371: PN 2555 flaming the coated side in weft orientation4. Date of test week 11 in 20045. Results: The test has been examined according to DIN 4102 (Mai 1998)lineNo.123456789Measurement Result with the tested specimen Dim.Test number #3368 #3369 #3370 #3371coated / warp uncoated / warp uncoated / weft coated / weftNumber of specimen arrangementacc. to. DIN 4102/T15, schedule 1 1 1 1 1Maximum flame height above bottomedge of the specimen40Time 1)400:04400:05400:04cmmin:s0:04Burn through / meltingTime 1) 0:02 0:03 0:03 0:03 min:sObservations on the back side of thespecimenFlames / Glowing./. ./. ./. ./.Time 1)./. ./. ./. ./. min:sTime 1) ./. ./. ./. ./. min:sChange of color./. ./. ./. ./.Falling of burning dropletsStart 1)Extentsporatic falling of burning droplets 2)continuous falling of burning droplets2)./../../../../../../../../../../../.min:smin:s

FladungenPrüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 Fladungenpage 3 of 4of the test report PZ-Hoch-04122lineNo.101112131415161718192021222324252627282930Measurement Result with the tested specimen Dim.Test number #3368 #3369 #3370 #3371coated / warp uncoated / warp uncoated / weft coated / weftFalling of burning dropletsStart 1)./. ./. ./. ./.Extentmin:ssporatic falling of burning droplets 2) ./. ./. ./. ./.continuous falling of burning droplets2)./. ./. ./. ./.Afterflame time at the bottom of thesieve (max.) ./. ./. ./. ./. min:sImpairment of the burner by droppingor falling material:Time 1) ./. ./. ./. ./. min:sPremature end of testFinal occurance of burning at the ./.specimen 1)Time of eventually end of test 1) ./.Afterflame after end of testTime 1)./.Number of specimen./.Front side of specimen 2)./.Back side of specimen 2)./.flame length./.Afterglow after end of test./.Time 1)./.Number of specimen./.Place of appearance./.Lower half of the specimen 2)./.Upper half of the specimen 2)./.Front side of specimen 2)./.Back side of specimen 2) ./.Density of smoke≤ 400 % * min> 400 % * min 4)Diagram: encl. no.Residual lengths: individual value 3)31Specimen 1 65 67 61 62Specimen 2 69 63 58 64Specimen 3Specimen 4736370645866696232 Average value, individual test 3) 68 66 61 6433 Photo of specimen in enclosure no. -- -- 1 2Flue gas temperature343536Maximum of average valueTime 1)Diagram: encl. no.11310:00--10910:00--11210:00111810:00237 Remarks: - none -1) indication of times: from the begin of testing procedure 2) checked off if applicable3) indication of carrier/foam layer separated in case of fire-proofing agents 4) very strong development of smoke11./.--./../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.11./.--./../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.14./.1./../../../../../../../../../../../../../../.14./.2min:smin:smin:scmmin:s% * min% * mincmcmcmcm°Cmin:s

FladungenPrüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 Fladungenpage 4 of 4of the test report PZ-Hoch-041226. Explanations concerning the testing procedure: -none-There were no additional tests proceeded because of the residual length of morethan 45 cm.7. Summary of results and additional establishments to Fire Behaviour:linenoMeasurementtResult with the tested specimendimensiontest-no. #3368 #3369 #3370 #3371coated / warp uncoated / warp uncoated / weft coated / weft1 residual length 68 66 61 64 cm.2 max. smoke temperature 113 109 112 118 °C3 density of smoke - integral 11 11 14 14 %min4 remarks: -none-According to DIN 4102, part 1, “schwerentflammbare” (hardly flammable) building materialsmust meet the requirements of class B2.Pursuant to additional tests in the ignitability apparatus this can be determined (appendix 3).8. Special remarks:• This report is only valid for the material as described under paragraph 1. In combinationwith other materials or with additional coatings or grounds etc. the burning behaviour maydiffer.• This test report is not valid for the exposure to outdoor climate conditions, washing orcleaning with chemicals.• This test report is not valid, as soon as the fabric is used as a building product in the senseof the "Landesbauordnungen" (state building requirements, MBO § 17, par. 3).• This test report is no substitute for a General Building Inspectorate Certificate.• This test report is granted without prejudice to the rights of third parties, im particularprivate proprietary rights.• For legal interests only the German original version is relevant.• In General Building Inspectorates procedures this test report can be based foro regular building materials for the required proof of accordanceo for not regular building materials for the required proof of applicability9. Validity: This test report is valid until the mentioned date on page 1. The test reportbecomes invalid in case the standards on which the tests are based are changed.Fladungen, November 08 th 2005clerk in charge:Head of the test laboratory:(Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Jürgen Hammer)(Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Andreas Hoch)

FladungenPrüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 Fladungenenclosure 1 test report PZ-Hoch-04122„Brandschacht“-test #3370measurement#3370, J&M, TT Presto Ink F LS SE, S, uncoated sideresidual length:61 cm, max.smoketemp.:112°C, smoke-int.:14 %minsmoketemp. [°C]2001801601401201008060402000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9testing time 10 minutes1009080706050403020100weakening of light [%]

FladungenPrüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 Fladungenenclosure 2 test report PZ-Hoch-04122„Brandschacht“-test #3371measurement#3371, J&M, TT Presto Ink F LS SE, S, coated sideresidual length: 64 cm, max.smoke-temp.:118°C, smoke-int.:14 %minsmoketemp. [°C]2001801601401201008060402000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9testing time 10 minutes1009080706050403020100weakening of light [%]

FladungenPrüfinstitut HochLerchenweg 1D-97650 Fladungenenclosure 3 to the test report no. PZ-Hoch-04122Test for normal flammabilityclassifying B2 according to DIN 41021. Description of test material in condition as deliveredlook at page 2The testing laboratory is not provided with further details concerning composition of thetested building materials. Samples are deposited.2. Peparation of samples:Out of the material there have been cut samples for the ignitability apparatus.The samples were kept in a climate 23/50 until they reached constant weight.3. Arrangement of samples: freely suspended, flaming the edge4. Date of test week 12 in 20045. Results:PN 2555: “TT Presto Ink F LS SE”edge-testedge-testwarp orientation weft orientationsamples no. 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5ignition 1) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 sreaching the mark of measurement 1)2) ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. sMax. flame height 10 9 7 5 4 5 4 7 3 4 cmtime 4 5 5 3 5 3 3 4 4 3 sself cessation of the flamesend of afterflame 1) 7 6 6 4 6 4 4 5 5 4 sflames were extinguished after 1) ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ssmoke development (visual) moderate moderatedropping of burning material during 20 s 1) ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. ./. sappearance after test:edge-test:burned out till max. height 3 cm x width 2 cm1) time mentioned from the beginning of the test2) during 20 Sec./. no appearance- no information6. Remarks and explanations to the testing procedure: - none –7. Opinion concerning the dropping of burning material:The test for normal flammability shows no dropping burning material.

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