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18 A. Gawrońska, S. PaszkowskiCONCLUSIONSThe study presents the analysis of the social security benefits level paid from agriculturaland employees’ social insurance system among regions of Poland in 2008. On thebasis of conducted research it was possible to draw the following conclusions:1. Agricultural pension scheme should be considered as a specific form. This system isdirected to a specific socio-professional group and it is complementary to the generalsystem.2. In the agricultural social security system there is a serious imbalance of the relationshipbetween the insured and the beneficiaries. This situation indicates the need tosubsidize the system in the future.3. The structure of benefits paid by ASIF can be considered as more correct than paid bySII due to the higher share of old-age pensions. However, in the payout structure inASIF, survivors pensions have little relevance. This does not mean that the agriculturalpopulation is to a lesser extent a subject to the risk of income loss due to the deathof the breadwinners. This risk occurs at a similar level as in other occupational groups,however, the income protection for this population is provided by the universal socialsecurity system.4. Average monthly pensions paid by ASIF in 2008 was almost a half lower than the employeepension. The share of provinces with the lowest levels of agriculture benefits ismuch larger than that for the employees insurance system. Therefore the agriculturalpensions are paid at the lowest amount in a substantial part of provinces.5. All pensions paid by ASIF in 2008 were lower than the minimal wage in all provinces,while employees’ old-age pensions and majority of survivor’s pensions were higher.All pensions, both for employee’s and farmer’s, were lower than the average wage inprovinces.6. The level of employee’s old-age pensions and survivors’ pensions exceed the levelof the average monthly per capita available income in employees household in allregions in 2008. In turn, all pension benefits, paid by ASIF, have not exceeded theaverage monthly per capita available income in farmers household in many regions in2008 (the exception was observed only in Zachodniopomorskie).REFERENCESBobola A. M.: Czy możliwa jest konkurencja na rynku ubezpieczeń społecznych dla rolników?Uwarunkowanie społeczno-ekonomiczne. Rocz. Nauk. SERiA, Tom X, Zeszyt 4, Lublin2008, 26–30.Fedyszak-Radziejowska B.: Jak kułak dusił lud. Rzeczpospolita, stycznia z dnia 2010, A12–A13.Informacja o świadczeniach pieniężnych z Funduszu Ubezpieczeń Społecznych oraz niektórychświadczeniach z ubezpieczenia społecznego. ZUS, Warszawa 2009.Kwartalna informacja statystyczna. IV kwartał 2008 r. KRUS, Warszawa 2009.Łuczka-Bakuła W., Jabłońska-Porzuczek L., 2008. Świadczenia emerytalno-rentowe ludnościwiejskiej. Rocz. Nauk. SERiA, Tom X, Zeszyt 1, Lublin, 249–253.Podstawka M. 2008. Income effect of the social insurance system in Poland – evaluation. Acta Sci.Pol. – Oeconomia 7 (1) 2008, 103–110.Acta Sci. Pol.

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