Operational Guidelines for the Central Sector Scheme for ... - NMPB

Operational Guidelines for the Central Sector Scheme for ... - NMPB

Operational Guidelines for the Central Sector Scheme for ... - NMPB


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4.1.5 Norms of assistanceThe estimated expenditure per hectare <strong>for</strong> each MPCA will be of <strong>the</strong>order of Rs. 15,000/- per hectare. For an average MPCA with 200 ha. ofarea including expenditure on undertaking Rapid Threat Assessment andtechnical support, <strong>the</strong> estimated expenditure will be Rs. 30 lakhs perMPCA.4.1.6 Submission of ProposalsThe proposal from <strong>the</strong> State Forest/Wild Life Department will besubmitted to SMPB who will <strong>the</strong>reafter place it be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> State LevelScreening/Evaluation Committee and recommended to <strong>NMPB</strong>alongwith its technical comments and prioritization (Annexure – I).At <strong>the</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> level, <strong>the</strong> proposal will be placed be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> ProjectScreening Committee (PSC) and <strong>the</strong>reafter be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> Standing FinanceCommittee (SFC) <strong>for</strong> its consideration. The proposal from NGO <strong>for</strong>capacity building and technical handholding will be received at <strong>NMPB</strong>level through <strong>the</strong> SMPB <strong>for</strong> scrutiny and approval.4.1.7 Management supportThe project management consultant will be permitted to be engaged<strong>for</strong> providing support at <strong>NMPB</strong> level <strong>for</strong> activities relating to scrutiny,implementation, monitoring and technical support to <strong>the</strong> state.4.2 Ex situ Conservation/Resource augumentation of RET and prioritizedspecies in high demand:4.2.1 ObjectiveEx situ conservation of medicinal plant species is a complementary actionto conserve <strong>the</strong> genetic diversity of prioritized medicinal plant species. Itis especially desirable in case of species where wild populations havedwindled to critical levels and viable populations <strong>for</strong> some of <strong>the</strong>se speciesare not available <strong>for</strong> initiating in situ conservation action.Availability of au<strong>the</strong>ntic seeds of certified quality is a major constraint inundertaking large-scale cultivation. Unlike horticultural crops, seeds ofmedicinal plants species have to be largely sourced from <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ests. Exsituconservation plots/plantation of medicinal plants will create a reliableseed source and field gene banks. Besides, a number of scientificexperiments on sustainable harvest of medicinal plant parts that aredestructively harvested can be taken up in such plots. This activity willalso meet <strong>the</strong> objectives of <strong>the</strong> “Vanaspati Van <strong>Scheme</strong>” of <strong>the</strong>5

4.2.6 Submission of ProposalsThe proposal from <strong>the</strong> State Forest/Wild Life Department will beplaced be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> State Level Screening/Evaluation Committee andrecommended to <strong>NMPB</strong> alongwith its technical comments andprioritization. At <strong>the</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> level, <strong>the</strong> proposal will be placed be<strong>for</strong>e<strong>the</strong> Project Screening Committee (PSC) and <strong>the</strong>reafter be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong>Standing Finance Committee (SFC) <strong>for</strong> its consideration. The proposalfrom NGO <strong>for</strong> capacity building and technical handholding will bereceived at <strong>NMPB</strong> level <strong>for</strong> scrutiny and approval (Annexure – I).4.3.1 Linkage with Joint Forest Management Committees (JFMCs)4.3.2 ObjectiveThe <strong>for</strong>est dwellers and tribals living near <strong>for</strong>est have been given fullrights to NTFPs. Under <strong>the</strong> Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas)Act (PESA) control over NTFPs has been passed on to <strong>the</strong> Panchayats.The Ministry of Environment and Forests has a large program of <strong>for</strong>estregeneration through Joint Forest Management Committee (JFMCs). Theexisting regeneration program, however, focuses on production aspectsonly and does not support activities <strong>for</strong> creating storage, primaryprocessing infrastructure and marketing support. Regeneration of NTFPsthrough JFMCs requires to be supported with processing and marketing,to enable <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>est dwellers and tribals to get higher incomes <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>NTFPs collected by <strong>the</strong>m due to <strong>the</strong> improved quality and longer shelflife. It is proposed to identify Forest Development Agencies with JFMCshaving high potential of medicinal plants and provide assistance <strong>for</strong>warehousing, value addition, quality testing of medicinal plant parts,capacity building and marketing support. The assistance will be providedon a projectised basis to <strong>the</strong> JFMCs through <strong>the</strong> Forest DevelopmentAgencies (FDAs) and will be limited to Rs. 10.00 lakhs per JFMC.4.3.3 Criteria <strong>for</strong> selection of JFMCs/Van PanchayatsThe criteria <strong>for</strong> identification of JFMCs will be as under: -(i)(ii)The size of <strong>for</strong>est area to which JFMCs/Van Panchayat has access<strong>for</strong> collection of medicinal plants.The species details of medicinal plants traded and quantities<strong>the</strong>reof in local/village hatts/mandies and weekly markets seasonwise.7

(iii) Number of people primarily involved in collection of medicinalplants and those likely to benefit under <strong>the</strong> project.(iv) Dependence of community on local traditional vaidyas, medicinalplants <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir healthcare needs.(v)Details of <strong>the</strong> infrastructure of trade centres, processing units, ifany present in <strong>the</strong> area.(vi) Traditional experience in handling, collection and post harvestingpractices of medicinal plants produce.(vii) Availability of alternative livelihood opportunities to <strong>the</strong> members of<strong>the</strong> JFMC’s(viii) Sustainable Collection.(ix) Resource Augmentation4.3.4 Activities <strong>for</strong> which support to be provided4.3.5 EligibilityFinancial support will be provided <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> following activities on aprojectised basis:(i) Primary processing which may include drying, cleaning, grading,pulverizing, powdering, billeting and packaging etc.(ii) Warehousing.(iii) Capacity building including training programmes <strong>for</strong> JFMCsmembers, primary collectors and frontline <strong>for</strong>estry personnel.(iv) Marketing support including organization of stakeholders/buyersellermeets at Forest Development Agency (FDA) level.(v) Enterprise development <strong>for</strong> micro and small enterprises.(vi) Resource augmentation on a limited scale through medicinal plantsspecies, in exceptional cases, if not supported under NationalAf<strong>for</strong>estation Progaramme (NAP) of Ministry of Environment &Forests or any o<strong>the</strong>r schemes.• Joint Forest Management Committees through FDAs.• Van Panchayats.8

- Bio-activity Guided Fractionation – <strong>for</strong> linking <strong>the</strong> phyto-constituentswith <strong>the</strong> desired biological activities, with an aim to achievestandardization of herbal substances.- Development of HPLC methods <strong>for</strong> known phyto-constituents(preferably <strong>the</strong> bio-actives/marker compounds) and validation of <strong>the</strong>semethods as per international norms.- For medicinal plants in which commercial phyto-constituents areknown, study of seasonal variations, study of phyto-chemical variationswithin available genotypes, chemo-types, ecotypes etc., development ofpost harvest treatment, search <strong>for</strong> elite quality germplasm anddevelopment of quality planting material <strong>for</strong> mass scale propagation.- Development of agro-techniques (including agro-economics) <strong>for</strong>Indian medicinal plants with an aim to work out <strong>the</strong> “fair price” togrowers.- Put in place an appropriate pricing regime in respect of producesourced from wild vs. cultivation in favour of cultivated material so asto encourage cultivation and reduce pressure on <strong>the</strong> natural resource.- To identify and establish an independent national agency <strong>for</strong> qualityassurance and certification of seeds, planting material and raw drugs.Certification protocols are also proposed to be developed <strong>for</strong>sustainable harvest of medicinal plants from <strong>the</strong> wild.- To establish quality standards in respect of norms related to toxicity andheavy metal content to increase acceptability of botanical in <strong>the</strong>International market, especially in case of 50 top traded/exported species.While some of <strong>the</strong>se activities are being supported by ICAR,CSIR, DST, ICFE and DBT under <strong>the</strong>ir own programmes, <strong>the</strong>re arestill a lot of gaps in <strong>the</strong> research in <strong>the</strong> fields outlined above. It is <strong>the</strong>seresearch gaps which <strong>NMPB</strong> seeks to fill under this scheme. It wouldneed identifying national and regional R&D organizations to take upspecific research agenda as envisaged under <strong>the</strong> program. It isproposed to take up 50 prioritised medicinal plants species <strong>for</strong> researchon various aspects under <strong>the</strong> 11 th Five Year Plan.Specially designed herbaria of medicinal plants and raw drugrepositories are essential primary tools to learn about <strong>the</strong> variations inmedicinal plant species, to know about <strong>the</strong>ir population status and toau<strong>the</strong>nticate <strong>the</strong> market samples with <strong>the</strong> critically identified sampleshoused in <strong>the</strong> repository. The BSI has <strong>the</strong> necessary herbaria of mostof <strong>the</strong> plants including <strong>the</strong> medicinal plants. Ministry of Environmentunder its normal schemes has programmes to fur<strong>the</strong>r enrich <strong>the</strong> floraand use digitization of plants. There is however an urgent need tomaintain an au<strong>the</strong>ntic collection of raw drugs <strong>for</strong> building a data base11

4.4.3 Eligibilityof raw drugs and <strong>for</strong> facilitating correct identification and to act as areferral center <strong>for</strong> validation. Such raw drug repository will be requiredat <strong>the</strong> national and regional levels. Under <strong>the</strong> 11 th Plan, it is proposedto identify and assist one organization with clear long-term mandateand capacity <strong>for</strong> establishing a raw drug repository as <strong>the</strong> Nationallevel. It is also proposed to set up regional repositories <strong>for</strong> readyreference. An outlay of Rs. 2 crores <strong>for</strong> raw drug repository at <strong>the</strong>National level and Rs. 50 lakhs <strong>for</strong> regional raw drug repositories willbe required.• R&D Institutions under CSIR, ICAR, ICFRE, CCRAS,CCRUM, ICMR, DBT, DST etc.• Universities.• Industry both in public as well as private sector with R&Dfacilities.• Non-government Organisations/Voluntary Organisation.4.4.4 Norms of AssistanceR&D Institutions/Universities in <strong>the</strong> public sector will be eligible <strong>for</strong>100% assistance. However, assistance <strong>for</strong> private R&D Institutions/Laboratories which have due accreditation will be eligible <strong>for</strong> 50%assistance.For national repository of raw drugs a total assistance admissible is Rs.2 crores and Rs. 50 lakhs <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> regional raw drug repository. Thedetailed guidelines <strong>for</strong> setting up national/regional repositories will beissued separately be<strong>for</strong>e inviting proposals under this component.4.4.5 Submission of ProposalsThe proposals <strong>for</strong> R & D will be invited and selected following atransparent process through open advertisement in <strong>the</strong> newspapers sothat <strong>the</strong> strategic research into critical areas is assigned to <strong>the</strong> mostcompetent organization and scientific professional with provencompetence in <strong>the</strong> field. The eligible organization can apply directly to<strong>NMPB</strong> where <strong>the</strong> proposal will go through a peer review and technicalscrutiny by <strong>the</strong> Project Screening Committee (PSC) (Annexure – II).12

4.4.6 Management SupportThe project management consultant will be permitted to be engaged<strong>for</strong> providing support at <strong>NMPB</strong> level <strong>for</strong> activities relating to scrutiny,implementation, monitoring and technical support to <strong>the</strong> state.4.5 Education and Capacity Building of Stakeholders:4.5.4 ObjectiveMost of our research and development initiatives fail to getimplemented in <strong>the</strong> field due to lack of extension and capacity buildingof <strong>the</strong> users and stakeholders. Medicinal plant sector involves an arrayof stakeholders varying from resource managers, cultivators, ga<strong>the</strong>rers,local traders, local healers, researchers to manufacturers and exporters,etc. The stakeholders often find it difficult to know about <strong>the</strong>advances in <strong>the</strong> sector as <strong>the</strong> various programmes rarely have adequateeducation and extension provisions built in <strong>the</strong> program.4.5.5 Activities- In<strong>for</strong>mation related to medicinal plants and associated subjects arecurrently housed in various departments and organizations with nosingle window available to disseminate in<strong>for</strong>mation on different aspectsof <strong>the</strong> subject. This role has necessarily to be per<strong>for</strong>med by <strong>the</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong>in view of its responsibility as <strong>the</strong> national level nodal agency mandatedby <strong>the</strong> Government.- Consolidation of in<strong>for</strong>mation on Demand & Supply, market prices,varieties, applications, sources of planting material, agro-technologies,buy-back contracts, subsidies, manufacturers/ traders etc. throughweb-portal, setting up call centers and through print media, besides itsdissemination through training programmes/ exposure visits- Publishing of <strong>the</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation in <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of booklets, leaflets,brochures- National/ international study visits to understand various issues andput in place necessary mechanisms to develop <strong>the</strong> sector.- Awareness about medicinal plants as a livelihood option through onfarm demonstration, capacity building and training.4.5.6 Eligibility13

State Governments, R&D Institutions, Universities, Non-governmentOrganisations/Voluntary organisations, Trust with infrastructure andexperience in <strong>the</strong> field of medicinal plants.4.5.7 Norms of Assistance(i)Training and Capacitybuilding- Rs. 1,000 per trainee (farmer/stakeholders) <strong>for</strong> a maximum of 5days with in <strong>the</strong> state and Rs. 2,500per trainee outside <strong>the</strong> state. Forofficer outside <strong>the</strong>ir state will belimited to a maximum of Rs.30,000 per trainee.(ii) Clearing house <strong>for</strong>in<strong>for</strong>mation and o<strong>the</strong>rrelated activities(iii) Workshop andSeminar- As per project report withmaximum <strong>for</strong> establishing Rs. 5Lakh and maintain- Rs. 2 lakhs <strong>for</strong> State, Rs. 30 lakhs<strong>for</strong> regional, Rs. 5 lakhs <strong>for</strong>National and Rs. 10 lakhs <strong>for</strong>international.(iv)Setting up web portal,call centres andpublication ofbooklets/leaflets/brochures- As per <strong>the</strong> project report4.5.8 Submission of ProposalsThe state specific proposals will be submitted to State Medicinal PlantsBoard (SMPB) who after necessary scrutiny will <strong>for</strong>ward it to <strong>the</strong>National Medicinal Plants Board (<strong>NMPB</strong>). The proposals which haveinter state coverage and ramification may be directly submitted to<strong>NMPB</strong> (Annexure – III).4.6 Promotional Activities:4.6.4 Objective14

To create awareness about traditional usage of medicinal plants amongschool children, rural and urban household and public at large.4.6.5 ActivitiesWell laid out home herbal gardens are considered to be a good meansto help people establish a linkage with <strong>the</strong> medicinal plants and our richhealth care traditions. Likewise, herbal gardens in schools, colleges,universities and institutional buildings will be set up to sensitize <strong>the</strong>students/public about <strong>the</strong> usage of medicinal plants based on <strong>the</strong>indigenous knowledge.4.6.6 Eligibility(i) Government Organisations, Universities, Research Institutes.(ii) Non-government Organisations (NGOs), Public <strong>Sector</strong>Undertakings, Federations, Co-operatives and Societies whohave minimum of three years experience in <strong>the</strong> field ofmedicinal plants.4.6.7 Norms of AssistanceEstablishment/maintenance of herbal gardens (min. area 1 ha.)(a) Land development, fencing, developing water resources, setting upirrigation facilities @ upto Rs. 1 lakhs (Rs. 0.25 lakhs <strong>for</strong>procurement of basic planting material and Rs. 0.75 lakhs per ha.establishment charges).(b) Annual maintenance of <strong>the</strong> garden @ upto Rs. 0.40 lakhs per yearper ha.(c) School Herbal Gardens as per <strong>the</strong> existing norm of Rs. 14,000 perschool herbal garden of area 500 – 1000 sq. mts.(d) Cost norm <strong>for</strong> Home Herbal Gardens will be project basedmaximum upto Rs. 2,000/- per Home Herbal Garden.4.6.8 Submission of ProposalsThe state specific proposals will be submitted to State Medicinal PlantsBoard (SMPB) who after necessary scrutiny will <strong>for</strong>ward it to <strong>the</strong>National Medicinal Plants Board (<strong>NMPB</strong>). The proposals which haveinter state coverage and ramification may be directly submitted to<strong>NMPB</strong> (Annexure – III).5 Management Support <strong>for</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> and SMPBs:15

In terms of Cabinet Resolution of November 2000, 10% of <strong>the</strong> outlayavailable to <strong>the</strong> Board can be spent on administrative expenses. However considering<strong>the</strong> increased outlay under <strong>the</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong>, <strong>the</strong> outlay has been revised to 5% of <strong>the</strong> totaloutlay towards <strong>the</strong> salary of <strong>the</strong> staff, hiring of office accommodation and o<strong>the</strong>roffice expenses including consultancies, publicity, travel etc. under <strong>the</strong> scheme.For effective planning, implementation and monitoring of <strong>the</strong> scheme, it shallbe permitted to have a Project Management Unit consisting of ProfessionalConsultant and Data Entry Operators <strong>for</strong> each component under <strong>the</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> both at<strong>the</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> and SMPB levels, <strong>the</strong> payment <strong>for</strong> which shall be made under <strong>the</strong> overallgrant available under <strong>the</strong> Management Support.6 Administrative and Financial Arrangements;The Board, which is headed by <strong>the</strong> Union Health and Family WelfareMinister, will be <strong>the</strong> policy making body giving overall direction and guidance to <strong>the</strong>activities of <strong>the</strong> Board and will monitor and review its progress and per<strong>for</strong>mance.The Board will be assisted by a Standing Finance Committee.6.1 Standing Finance Committee (SFC)The Board has a Standing Finance Committee (SFC) headed by Secretary(AYUSH) and with following members:i) Secretary (AYUSH), Chairperson.ii) Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, Ministry of Health &Family Welfare.iii) Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Deptt. Science andIndustrial Research.iv) Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Deptt. of Biotechnology.v) Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Deptt. AgricultureResearch and Education.vi) Joint Secretary or officer of equivalent rank, Ministry of Environment& Forests.vii) Joint Secretary & Mission Director, National Horticulture Mission,Department of Agriculture & Cooperation.viii) Representative of Ayurvedic Industry.ix) Representative of Exporters of medicinal/herbal products.x) Representative of Growers Associations/Federations.xi) Domain Experts nominated by Secretary AYUSH---Twoxii) Chief Executive Officer, <strong>NMPB</strong> - Member Secretary.The chairman of <strong>the</strong> SFC will have authority to invite, as special invitees,representatives from organisations engaged in R&D, quality control, planning and o<strong>the</strong>rrelated disciplines in medicinal plants sector.16

The Standing Finance Committee (SFC) shall have <strong>the</strong> following functions:i) To oversee <strong>the</strong> activities of <strong>the</strong> Board and approve its annual budget.ii) To consider and approve any financial proposal which is to be included <strong>for</strong>expenditure in <strong>the</strong> Budget.iii) To consider and approve any proposal <strong>for</strong> incurring expenditure.iv) To consider and recommend all proposals <strong>for</strong> creation of new posts.v) To consider and allocated resources among <strong>the</strong> states and under differentcomponents of <strong>the</strong> scheme.vi) To consider and approve projects under existing pattern of assistance.vii) To consider and approve components of individual projects <strong>for</strong> which costnorms have not been prescribed and approve revision of <strong>the</strong> existing costnorms.viii) Any o<strong>the</strong>r matters that <strong>the</strong> Board may refer to it.6.2 Project Screening Committee (PSC)The Project Screening Committee (PSC) will include <strong>the</strong> following members:i) Chief Executive Officer, National Medicinal Plants Board orhis representative -Member Secretaryii) Representative from Botanical Survey of India.iii) Representative from ICARiv) Representative from CSIRv) Representatives from D/o AYUSHvi) Representatives from D/o Biotechnologyvii) Domain experts ( From Govt/Non Government)- TwoThe Committee will be headed by an official designated by Secretary (AYUSH). TheComposition of <strong>the</strong> Committee may be altered and different committees may beconstituted depending upon <strong>the</strong> activities under <strong>the</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> to enlist <strong>the</strong> mostappropriate professionals <strong>for</strong> appraising and monitoring <strong>the</strong> activities under <strong>the</strong> scheme.6.3 State level Screening and Evaluation Committee:The State level committee <strong>for</strong> screening and evaluation of projects will include:i) Member Secretary of State Medicinal Plants Board.ii) Representative from National Medicinal Plants Board.iii) Representative (s) from <strong>Central</strong> Government Institution(s).iv) Representative from Forest department.v) Representative from Department of AYUSH at <strong>the</strong> State level.vi) Domain experts nominated by Department of AYUSHThe Member-Secretary of <strong>the</strong> respective SMPBs will be <strong>the</strong> Convenor of <strong>the</strong>Committee, which should be preferably chaired by <strong>the</strong> Head of Forest Department in<strong>the</strong> State.17

7. Procedure <strong>for</strong> processing project proposals <strong>for</strong> approval1) All project proposals will be submitted con<strong>for</strong>ming to <strong>the</strong> pro<strong>for</strong>ma givenat Annexure I to III depending upon <strong>the</strong> nature of proposal Once <strong>the</strong>seare received in <strong>the</strong> Board, <strong>the</strong>y will be examined <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir completeness infulfilling <strong>the</strong> minimum acceptability requirements.2) The Board will be free to take expert opinion on project proposals fromany individual/agency where necessary.3) The institutions sponsoring <strong>the</strong> short-term schemes may levy institutionalservice charges, subject to a maximum of 15% of <strong>the</strong> total cost of <strong>the</strong>scheme, which in turn will be used by <strong>the</strong> institute <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> recurringcontingencies on specified sector related activities.4) The project proposals reviewed and recommended by <strong>the</strong> ProjectScreening Committee (PSC) of <strong>the</strong> Board will be placed be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong>Standing Finance Committee (SFC) <strong>for</strong> final approval.5) The sanction letter shall convey expenditure sanction of all items viz.staff, equipment, works, recurring contingencies, etc. as finally approvedin each case, <strong>the</strong>reby avoiding any subsequent reference to <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>for</strong>separate sanction.6) Once <strong>the</strong> Board approves a new scheme, its sanction will be conveyed by<strong>the</strong> Board to <strong>the</strong> host institution <strong>for</strong> acceptance of <strong>the</strong> offer and <strong>the</strong> dateto start <strong>the</strong> project.8. Implementation and monitoring(1) All project proposals shall commence implementation within 3 months ofconveying <strong>the</strong> sanction, failing which <strong>the</strong> sanctions accorded shall standwithdrawn. Extension in any case shall be given only in exceptional cases.(2) The Principal Investigator (PI) shall submit half yearly & annual (April toMarch) progress report to <strong>the</strong> Board. The Annual report must containdetails about <strong>the</strong> work done, achievements, results and duly auditedaccounts. (Annexure – V and VI)(3) The PI will enjoy functional autonomy and powers at par with/asdelegated to <strong>the</strong> similar project heads of <strong>the</strong> institute/organization. Inexceptional cases <strong>for</strong> purchase of specific equipment, works, printing ofextension material etc., <strong>the</strong> Board may accord necessary sanction on <strong>the</strong>request of PI.(4) Release of funds will be withheld in <strong>the</strong> event of non-receipt of utilizationcertificate and progress reports in time or unsatisfactory progress of work.(5) On completion of <strong>the</strong> project, <strong>the</strong> PI shall submit to <strong>the</strong> NationalMedicinal Plants Board a final report in <strong>the</strong> prescribed pro<strong>for</strong>ma, whichshall be examined by <strong>the</strong> Board, <strong>for</strong> identifying project results, <strong>the</strong>irsignificance and follow-up required <strong>the</strong>rein.(6) All publications (books, research papers, popular articles) producedrelated to <strong>the</strong> project have to be duly acknowledged <strong>for</strong> financial support.18

9. General conditionsi) The project proposals may normally be of 3 years duration. However inCoordinated projects, <strong>the</strong> project period could be a maximum of 5 years at<strong>the</strong> discretion of <strong>the</strong> SFC. The projects of in-situ/ex-situ conservationincluding creation of Herbal Gardens and Arogya Vans will also be of fiveyears duration.ii) Scientists/Teachers with Botany/Forestry background would be eligible tobecome <strong>the</strong> Principal Investigator (PI), provided <strong>the</strong>y have at least 3 years tosuperannuate.iii) Scientific, technical and supporting staff will be on contract basis andcontractual salaries, specialized equipment, unavoidable recurringcontingencies, TA (PI and staff) and in selected cases <strong>for</strong> small items ofworks will be in accordance with <strong>the</strong> approval of <strong>the</strong> project.iv)The projects implemented through private R&D companies/organizationsshould comply with <strong>the</strong> terms and conditions of IPR protection and will berequired to sign an MoU to safeguard government interest. MoU be requiredin case of project leader/scientists working in organistions in <strong>the</strong> publicsector, universities in accordance with practice in CSIR, DST.v) In case of NGOs, <strong>the</strong> agency must have an experience of at least 3 years in<strong>the</strong> related field evidenced by Progress Reports of <strong>the</strong> earlier experience. Also<strong>the</strong> agency must have qualified personnel on its roll and in case <strong>the</strong> agencydoes not have experts on its strength, it shall show evidence of such expertsbeing hired from <strong>the</strong> relevant Institutions/ University. They will also berequired to furnish a list of <strong>the</strong> projects <strong>for</strong> which <strong>the</strong>y have received fundingduring <strong>the</strong> last five years along with <strong>the</strong> sources <strong>the</strong>reof. O<strong>the</strong>r guidelines <strong>for</strong>selecting NGOs will be those applicable to <strong>the</strong> NGOs working withCAPART, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Tribal Affairs andMinistry of Science & Technology. The NGOs/Companies will also berequired to sign Bond as per Annexure – IX of <strong>the</strong>se guidelines.vi)vii)viii)ix)All NGO' should be asked to submit proper land certificate <strong>for</strong> ownership ofland from Revenue department and a certificate <strong>for</strong> genuiness from Registrarof Co-operative Society/Deputy Commissioner duly signed by <strong>the</strong> authorityindicating address, Tel. No. etc./o<strong>the</strong>r concerned civil authority.The NGO’s who submit proposal <strong>for</strong> herbal garden should indicate <strong>the</strong>sustainable mechanism <strong>for</strong> maintaining <strong>the</strong> herbal garden after <strong>the</strong> projectperiod is over.The PI shall enjoy <strong>the</strong> freedom in selection of Co-PI and o<strong>the</strong>r staff. Theappointment will not be regular in nature, but restricted to <strong>the</strong>project/scheme on contract basis.In case of transfer/leaving of PI, Co-PI will hold <strong>the</strong> charge of <strong>the</strong> schemeand will per<strong>for</strong>m <strong>the</strong> duties of PI. In case <strong>the</strong>re is no co-PI, <strong>the</strong> host institutewill suggest <strong>the</strong> name of suitable PI to handle <strong>the</strong> scheme. In case of transferof <strong>the</strong> PI <strong>the</strong> scheme could be shifted to <strong>the</strong> institution on <strong>the</strong> request of <strong>the</strong>PI concerned.x) Under non-recurring head, financial assistance could be provided <strong>for</strong> onlyselected, essential and specialized items of equipments required <strong>for</strong> projectworks, <strong>for</strong> modification of existing structure or <strong>for</strong> undertaking petty works.19

xi)xii)xiii)xiv)The implementing institution, without approval of <strong>the</strong> Board, shall not makere-appropriation of funds among different heads of expenditures of a scheme,except in case of recurring contingencies.Component towards rental value of land/lease rent shall not exceed 10% ofproject cost.Expenses towards manpower <strong>for</strong> supervision and o<strong>the</strong>r technical input shallnot exceed 10% of <strong>the</strong> project cost.Grant-in-aid will be fur<strong>the</strong>r subjected to <strong>the</strong> Terms and Conditions as perAnnexure – VII of <strong>the</strong>se guidelines.10. Monitoring and Evaluation1 Mentoring and Monitoring by <strong>the</strong> State Medicinal Plants BoardsThe State Medicinal Plants Boards may monitor all projects at <strong>the</strong> fieldlevel through <strong>the</strong>ir own set of experts and take corrective measuresaccordingly. SMPBs are granted 5% of <strong>the</strong> fund as management supportfunds. A part of <strong>the</strong> fund may be used by <strong>the</strong>m <strong>for</strong> monitoring.There<strong>for</strong>e, field mentoring and monitoring of all projects and <strong>for</strong> thispurpose, <strong>the</strong> services of retired officers of Forest / Horticulture /Agriculture departments, scientists etc. may be hired <strong>for</strong> this purpose2. Third party monitoring by AFCThe comprehensive third party monitoring is important <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> success ofany scheme being implemented at <strong>the</strong> national level. There could be twotypes of arrangements - ei<strong>the</strong>r through <strong>the</strong> system of experts or hiring anagency. Hiring agency is a better option as <strong>the</strong>re would be uni<strong>for</strong>mity inmonitoring in all <strong>the</strong> States. <strong>NMPB</strong> has already experience of hiringAgricultural Finance Corporation <strong>for</strong> monitoring of <strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong><strong>Scheme</strong>. There is need to fur<strong>the</strong>r upgrade <strong>the</strong> monitoring and now <strong>the</strong>monitoring should be done by a National Level Agency with adequatemanpower and infrastructure and get <strong>the</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation about <strong>the</strong>implementation of each activity under <strong>the</strong> scheme including <strong>the</strong>cultivation by individual farmers and <strong>the</strong> location and area data be pickedup through <strong>the</strong> GPS system so that <strong>the</strong> same can be used in GIS basedsystems. The data in GIS based system would be used by <strong>the</strong> concernedselected company through a tender process as well as to be provided to<strong>NMPB</strong> <strong>for</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>r temporal and spatial analysis.The same agency should monitor both schemes of <strong>NMPB</strong>. As hiring of<strong>the</strong> new agency would take approximate six month, services ofAgriculture Finance Corporation would be utilized <strong>for</strong> monitoring at <strong>the</strong>old approved rate <strong>for</strong> projects sanctioned upto 2009-10.20

(3) Focused Monitoring & Mentoring<strong>NMPB</strong> may develop a list of experts and nominate subject-wise / specieswiseexpert as Chief Technical Adviser and identify <strong>the</strong> institutes asCentres of Excellence in different fields of medicinal plants. Inconsultation with State Medicinal Plants Board /Missions, focusedmonitoring & mentoring visits may be organized once in six months. Thevisit of panels of experts required <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> concerned State would help <strong>the</strong>State Missions through mentoring with respect to <strong>the</strong>ir importantactivities.21

AppendixNORMS OF ASSISTANCE FOR PROGRAMMESS. No. Programme Estimated Cost Proposed AssistanceA. SURVEY, INVENTORISATION AND IN-SITU CONSERVATIONi) Setting up Gene Banks Rs. 15,000 per hectare 100% <strong>Central</strong> Assistancethrough MPCAs includingRapid Threat AssessmentB. EX- SITU CONSERVATION/HERBAL GARDENSi) Arogya Van Cost norms of 100% assistance to GovtMoE&F under CSS organizations and 50% toNAPPSUs/private organizationsC. SUPPORT TO AND LINKAGE WITH JFMCsValue addition, Storage Rs. 10 lacs per JFMC 100% assistance togodowns, Drying sheds andMarketing supportJFMCs/ Van Panchayats/PanchayatsD. RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENTi) R&D projects on priority Project based 100% assistance <strong>for</strong> Publicareas of development ofsector, Govt. Institutions likeGACPs, Chemical Profiling,Sustainable harvest etc.ICAR, ICFRE, CSIR Institutionsand SAUs upto maximum Rs, 50Lakh <strong>for</strong> each project. 50%assistance <strong>for</strong> projects receivedfrom R&D labs in Private sector.ii) All India coordinatedresearch projects involving twoor more institutionsProject based 100% assistance <strong>for</strong> Publicsector, Govt. Institutions likeICAR, ICFRE, CSIR Institutionsand SAUs. 50% assistance <strong>for</strong>projects received from R&D labsin Private sector.iii) Raw drug repository ofmedicinal plantsRs. 2 crores <strong>for</strong> anational raw drugsrepositories and Rs.50 lakhs <strong>for</strong> regionalraw drug repository100% <strong>for</strong> Public <strong>Sector</strong>/Government Institutions and50% <strong>for</strong> NGOs22

E. ESTABLISHINGQUALITY STANDARDSAND CERTIFICATIONAs per <strong>the</strong> projectreportAs per <strong>the</strong> project reportF. CAPACITY BUILDINGi) Training and CapacityBuilding Programmes <strong>for</strong> fieldstaff of Forest, Horticulture,Agriculture Depatts, Growersand Collectorsii) Clearing house <strong>for</strong>in<strong>for</strong>mationiii ) Workshops and SeminarAs per <strong>the</strong> projectreportAs per project reportAs per <strong>the</strong> projectreportRs. 1,000 per trainee (farmer)<strong>for</strong> a maximum of 5 days. Forexposure visitsto o<strong>the</strong>r states @Rs. 2,500 per head. Theexpenditure on officers trainingoutside <strong>the</strong> state would berestricted to Rs. 30,000 pertraineeAs per project reportRs. 2.00 lakhs <strong>for</strong> State, Rs. 3.00lakhs <strong>for</strong> regional, Rs. 5.00 lakhs<strong>for</strong> National & Rs. 10.00 lakhs<strong>for</strong> international.G. PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITYi) School Herbal Gardens As per <strong>the</strong> projectreportAs per <strong>the</strong> existing cost norms ofherbal garden componentii) Home Herbal GardensH. MANAGEMENT SUPPORTi) Salary and Admn. expensesof <strong>NMPB</strong> incl. TE, OE,appointment of Consultants<strong>for</strong> each component,monitoring, publicity,advertising etc.As per <strong>the</strong> projectreportAs per <strong>the</strong> actualsAs per <strong>the</strong> projectUpto 5% of <strong>the</strong> outlay under <strong>the</strong>scheme.23

ANNEXURE – IFORMAT FOR SEEKING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR IN/EX-SITUCONSERVATION, VALUE ADDITION AND MARKETING COMPONENTSOF THE SCHEME1. Title of <strong>the</strong> Project.PART – I :- GENERAL DETAILS2. Name of <strong>the</strong> organisation with full address.3. Status (NGO/Public sector, State Govt./ Govt. University/<strong>Central</strong> Govt./Pvt. University, etc.)4. Registration number with date and PAN No. ( <strong>for</strong> NGOs and Companies)5. Audited income and expenditure details of last five years or since inception (if establishedin less than five years) (<strong>for</strong> NGOs/companies only along with Articles of Associationsand Memorandum of Association)6. Name of Principal Project Investigator (PI) and CoPI (with address <strong>for</strong>correspondence including fax and e-mail address)7. Introduction, Concept and justification of <strong>the</strong> project (Detailed project report)Note:i) Proof of land ownership/leasehold and market mechanism (wherever applicable) to be submitted.ii)iii)Costing pattern to be provided in <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of schedule of rates as applicable.Supporting documents including map (where applicable) must be attached.8. Project Period:9. Details of infrastructure and manpower available with <strong>the</strong> organization (building,equipment, vehicles etc.):10. Physical and financial requirement:11. Benefits from <strong>the</strong> projects- tangible and intangible:12. Outcome and deliverables13. Internal Monitoring and evaluation mechanism14. Summary of <strong>the</strong> work particularly in medicinal plants sector undertaken by <strong>the</strong>organisation /PI in <strong>the</strong> last 3 years.15. O<strong>the</strong>r sources of financial assistance received by <strong>the</strong> applicant/organization (alongwith related concerns) if any so, furnish details.if any so, furnish details.24

16. Details of financial assistance already received from <strong>the</strong> Board, if any may be given in<strong>the</strong> following pro<strong>for</strong>ma:Year Amount of grant Purpose in brief Total expenses incurredAmount ofgrant utilizedHas utilization certificate beenaccepted by <strong>the</strong> BoardStage ofimplementation of <strong>the</strong>projectRemark17. Detailed Bio-data (including details of published work) of PI & CoPI18. Certified that:i) The organization shall abide by all <strong>the</strong> ‘Terms and Conditions’ of <strong>the</strong> grantstipulated in <strong>the</strong> operational guidelines of <strong>the</strong> scheme of <strong>NMPB</strong>, Departmentof AYUSH, Government of India.ii)iii)iv)All records and reports related to <strong>the</strong> project have been maintained separatelyand shall be shown and furnished as and when required by <strong>the</strong> Departmentof AYUSH or its authorized representatives.Project shall be open <strong>for</strong> evaluation of physical progress and utilization offunds at <strong>the</strong> discretion of Department of AYUSH.The undersigned shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>nticity of <strong>the</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationand documents furnished in <strong>the</strong> application and proposal.v) Department of AYUSH shall have <strong>the</strong> right to recover <strong>the</strong> grant or take legalaction against <strong>the</strong> organization <strong>for</strong> any default or deviation from <strong>the</strong> termsand conditions of sanction of grant.vi)No financial assistance/grant has been sought and or obtained from any<strong>Central</strong>/ State Govt. organization <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> project /activity(s).Date:Signature of Authorised Authority25

Annexure – I (Contd.)PART – II : TECHNICAL DETAILS OF THE PROJECT PROPOSALA) FOR IN-SITU CONSERVATION PROJECTS:1. Objective and justification.2. Project area - geographical spread, District(s), Forest division(s),blocks, compartments (with maps).3. In<strong>for</strong>mation on base line survey of medicinal plants in <strong>the</strong> area understudy (inventorisation).4. Status of <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>est/area under study and conservation measures likefencing guards, patrolling etc. specific biotic pressures like grazing, fire,illicit collection of medicinal plants.5. In<strong>for</strong>mation on availability/status of:i) Medicinal plants in generalii) Endangered species (listed in Indian Red Data Book (RDB),CITES etc.)iii) Medicinal plants prioritised by Medicinal Plants Board.iv) In<strong>for</strong>mation on <strong>the</strong> status of MFP including medicinal plantswith regards to: a) Availability in <strong>the</strong> area under study, b)Collection by authorized / unauthorised agencies-<strong>the</strong> adivasisand cooperatives etc., c) Item wise details of <strong>the</strong> MFP includingtotal revenue.v) Status of area proposed in <strong>the</strong> working plan6. Activities proposed under <strong>the</strong> project viz. threat assessment,inventorisation, periodic, floristic studies, capacity building, nurserydevelopment and sustainable harvest etc.7. Work Plan schedule of operations/timelines <strong>for</strong> each activity.8. Financial outlays <strong>for</strong> each activity (Recurring, Non-recurring).9. Expected outcomes – with respect to species composition,(RET species may be mentioned separately).10. Technical manpoweri) Full timeii) Part time (like Taxonomist).11. How community is sought to be involved in conservation.12. Benefit sharing arrangements.13. Exit strategy/sustainability.14. Monitoring – Internal monitoring with respect to species composition.26

General Conditions and Undertakingsi. The State Government should give an undertaking that project area hasnot been covered/is not proposed to be covered <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purpose of <strong>the</strong>project under any o<strong>the</strong>r scheme of <strong>Central</strong> or State Government.ii. Cost norms followed, indicating clearly <strong>the</strong> wage rate in <strong>the</strong> State,number of plants per hectare and <strong>the</strong> period <strong>for</strong> which maintenance isprovided in <strong>the</strong> project (NAEB cost norms will be adopted <strong>for</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong>schemes).iii. Necessary provisions has been made/will be made in <strong>the</strong> Working Planto permit harvesting of plant parts (roots, barks etc.) available under <strong>the</strong>project.iv. Necessary financial support will be provided <strong>for</strong> maintenance of <strong>the</strong>assets created under <strong>the</strong> project after <strong>the</strong> project period.v. Quarterly report will be submitted by <strong>the</strong> Project Leader. The StateGovernment should nominate a senior officer to act as a Nodal Officer.Signature of <strong>the</strong> Principal Investigator(Project Leader)Dated:Signature of <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong> Department/InstitutionB) EX-SITU CONSERVATION INCLUDING RESOURCEAUGUMENTATION OF RARE, ENDANGERED ANDTHREATENED (RET) SPECIES:1. Objective2. Justification3. Project area – geographical spread, District(s), Forest division(s),blocks, compartments, Joint Forest Management Committees(JFMCs/VSSs) (with maps)4. Forest types, status of rare, endangered and threatened species ofmedicinal plants, <strong>the</strong>ir occurrence etc.5. History of Collection in brief of species – wise (quantity and value)6. Infrastructure of herbal mandies, markets, industries in <strong>the</strong> area.7. Activities proposed and physical targets (consolidated as well asdistrict/division-wise) <strong>for</strong> each year during <strong>the</strong> project period.8. Work Plan – six monthly outputs/targets.9. Stakeholder participation, benefit sharing with <strong>the</strong> JFMCs/VSSs.10. Financial outlays (activity-wise).27

11. Financial assistance sought from <strong>NMPB</strong> and <strong>the</strong> contribution to beprovided by <strong>the</strong> Organisation seeking assistance - Activity-wise breakup(For PSUs only).12. Outputs and outcomes.13. Linkage with Industry/trade (MoU with trade/industry, if any).14. Exit strategy/sustainability.15. Monitoring – Internal monitoring With respect to speciescomposition & growing stockGeneral Conditions and Undertakingsi. The State Government should give an undertaking that project area has notbeen covered/is not proposed to be covered under <strong>the</strong> NationalAf<strong>for</strong>estation Programme (NAP) of NAEB or under any o<strong>the</strong>r scheme of<strong>Central</strong> or State Government <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> same purpose.ii. Cost norms followed, indicating clearly <strong>the</strong> wage rate in <strong>the</strong> State, number ofplants per hectare and <strong>the</strong> period <strong>for</strong> which maintenance is provided in <strong>the</strong>project (NAEB cost norms will be adopted <strong>for</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> schemes).iii. Necessary provisions has been made/will be made in <strong>the</strong> Working Plan topermit harvesting of plant parts (roots, barks etc.) available under <strong>the</strong>project.iv. Necessary financial support will be provided <strong>for</strong> maintenance of <strong>the</strong> assetscreated under <strong>the</strong> project after <strong>the</strong> project period.v. Quarterly report will be submitted by <strong>the</strong> Project Leader. The StateGovernment should nominate a senior officer to act as a Nodal Officer.Signature of <strong>the</strong> Principal Investigator(Project Leader)Dated:Signature of <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong> Department/InstitutionC) SUPPORT TO JFMCs FOR VALUE ADDITION, WAREHOUSINGAND MARKETING:1. Objective2. Justification with respect to Nine criteria <strong>for</strong> each village panchayat selected3. Medicinal plants resource scenario in <strong>the</strong> statei) Species in state and <strong>the</strong>ir geographical occurrence.ii) Collection – species, volumes and value.28

iii) Districts, Division and JFMCs/VSS from where collected.iv) Infrastructure of mandies, trade centres, manufacturing units.v) Socio – economic profile – dependence of people in NTFP andmedicinal plants.vi) Local consumption – traditional healers, vaidyas etc. (volume ifavailable)4. List of JFMCs/ proposed to be covered alongwith justification ofshort-listing <strong>the</strong> JFMCs.i. The size of Forest area to which JFMCs/Van Panchayat hasaccess <strong>for</strong> collection of medicinal plantsii. The species details of medicinal plants traded and quantities<strong>the</strong>reof in local/village huts/mandies and weekly marketsseason-wise.iii. Number of people primarily involved in collection of medicinalplants and those likely to benefit under <strong>the</strong> project.iv. Dependence of community on local traditional vaidyas,medicinal plants <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir healthcare needs.v. Details of <strong>the</strong> infrastructure of trade centres, processing units, ifany present in <strong>the</strong> area.vi. Traditional experience in handling, collection and postharvesting practices of medicinal plants/produce.vii. Availability of alternative livelihood opportunities to <strong>the</strong>members of <strong>the</strong> JFMC’s.viii. Sustainable Collectionix. Resource Augmentation5. Existing infrastructure of storage, market yards, machinery, if presentin <strong>the</strong> project area.6. Project activities (physical targets, consolidated and district/divisionwise).7. Detailed break-up of <strong>the</strong> physical infrastructure of godowns, dry yardsetc. proposed and <strong>the</strong> list of machinery/equipment proposed toge<strong>the</strong>rwith <strong>the</strong>ir costs.8. Financial outlays <strong>for</strong> each activity (year-wise).9. Is any micro and small enterprise proposed, and if so, what will be itsstructure, composition.10. Market linkage (MoUs, if any).11. Additional income to JFMC members.12. Benefit/cost ratio of <strong>the</strong> project enterprise.13. Outputs and outcomes.14. Exit strategy and sustainability.15. Monitoring – Internal monitoring with respect to project implementationand benefits to community29

General Conditions and Undertakingsi. The State Government should give an undertaking that project area has notbeen covered/is not proposed to be covered under <strong>the</strong> NationalAf<strong>for</strong>estation Programme (NAP) of NAEB or under any o<strong>the</strong>r scheme of<strong>Central</strong> or State Government <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> same purpose.ii. Cost norms followed, indicating clearly <strong>the</strong> wage rate in <strong>the</strong> State, number ofplants per hectare and <strong>the</strong> period <strong>for</strong> which maintenance is provided in <strong>the</strong>project (NAEB cost norms will be adopted <strong>for</strong> <strong>NMPB</strong> schemes).iii. Necessary provisions has been made/will be made in <strong>the</strong> Working Plan topermit harvesting of plant parts (roots, barks etc.) available under <strong>the</strong>project.iv. Necessary financial support will be provided <strong>for</strong> maintenance of <strong>the</strong> assetscreated under <strong>the</strong> project after <strong>the</strong> project period.v. Quarterly report will be submitted by <strong>the</strong> Project Leader. The StateGovernment should nominate a senior officer to act as a Nodal Officer.Signature of <strong>the</strong> Principal Investigator(Project Leader)Dated:Signature of <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong> Department/Institution30

Annexure - IINational Medicinal Plants BoardDepartment of AYUSHPro<strong>for</strong>ma For Submission Of Project Proposals On Research AndDevelopment, Quality and Standardization(To be filled by <strong>the</strong> applicant)PART I: GENERAL INFORMATION1. Name of <strong>the</strong> Institute/University/Organisation submitting <strong>the</strong> Project Proposal :......................................................................................................................................................……..........………………………………………………………………………………...……...............................………………………………………...........……...............................…..………………………………………...........………………………………………....……....2. State: .................................3. Status of <strong>the</strong> Organization:- (University/Public/Pvt. <strong>Sector</strong>/NGO)..........................................................................................................................................................4. Registration No. With date and PAN No. (In case of NGOs /Companies) :.......................................................................(The NGOs and R&D companies will be required to submit <strong>the</strong>ir Articles of Association,Memorandum of Association and Annual reports)5. Name and designation of <strong>the</strong> Executive Authority of <strong>the</strong> Institute/University <strong>for</strong>warding<strong>the</strong> application : .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................…………………………………………………………..6. Project Title :....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................7. Category of <strong>the</strong> Project (Please tick) :.R&D/ Programme Support31

8.1. Specific Area:8.2 Species covered9. Duration : ..................................... Years.................................. Months10. Total Cost (Rs.) .............................................11. Is <strong>the</strong> project Single Institutional or Multiple-Institutional (S/M) ? :12. If <strong>the</strong> project is multi-institutional/ Network mode, please furnish <strong>the</strong> following :Name of Project Coordinator and participating institutes with complete address andresponsible person : ...............................................................................................................................Affiliation : ...............................................................................................................................................Address : ..........................................................................................................………………..........................................................................................................................................…………..........................................................................................................................................................………….............13. Scope of application indicating anticipated product and processes14. Project Summary (Not to exceed one page. Please use separate sheet).32

PART II: PARTICULARS OF INVESTIGATORS(One or more co-investigators are preferred in every project. Inclusion of co-investigator(s) is mandatory <strong>for</strong> all<strong>the</strong> project)15. Principal Investigator:Name:............................................................................................................................................Date of Birth: ............................................................... Sex (M/F): ..................... ...................Designation:............................................................................................................……............Department:............................................................................................................……............Institute/University:...................................................................................................................Address:............................................................................................................……….................................................……………………………………………...PIN:............................Telephone: .......................... Fax:........……………….....E-mail:............................…............Number of research projects (along with details) being handled atpresent:................................Work done (Competence of PI in specific are of project)15.1 Co-Investigator: (same details as <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Project Leader)15.2 Co-Investigator: (Same details as <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Project Leader)PART III : TECHNICAL DETAILS OF PROJECT(Under <strong>the</strong> following heads on separate sheets)16. Introduction (not to exceed 2 pages or 1000 words)16.1 Origin of <strong>the</strong> proposal16.2 (a) Rationale of <strong>the</strong> study supported by cited literature (b) Hypo<strong>the</strong>sis (c) Keyquestions.16.3 Current status of research and development in <strong>the</strong> subject (both internationaland national status)16.4 The relevance and expected outcome of <strong>the</strong> proposed study16.5 Preliminary work done so far33

17. Specific objectives (should be written in bulleted <strong>for</strong>m, a short paragraph indicating <strong>the</strong>methods to be followed <strong>for</strong> achieving <strong>the</strong> objective and verifiable indicators of progressshould follow each specific objective)18. Work Plan: should not exceed 3-4 pages (<strong>the</strong> section can be divided according to <strong>the</strong>specific aims and under each specific aim, <strong>the</strong> following should be stated clearly as subheadings)18.1 Work plan (methodology/experimental design to accomplish <strong>the</strong> stated aim)18.2 Connectivity of <strong>the</strong> participating institutions and investigators (in case of multiinstitutionalprojects only)18.3 Alternate strategies (if <strong>the</strong> proposed experimental design or method does notwork what is <strong>the</strong> alternate strategy)19. Timeframe: (Please provide quantifiable outputs)Period of studyAchievable targets6 Months12 Month18 Months24 Months30 Months36 MonthsBudget (In Rupees)PART IV: BUDGET PARTICULARSA. Non-Recurring (e.g. equipments, accessories, etc.)S. No. Item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total34Sub-Total (A)

B. RecurringB.1 ManpowerS. No. Position No. ConsolidatedEmolumentYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalB.2 ConsumablesSub-Total (B.1) =S. No. Item Quantity Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalSub-Total (B.2) =O<strong>the</strong>r itemsB.3 TravelConsolidatedEmolumentYear 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalB.4 ContingencyB.5 Overhead(If applicable)Sub-total of B(B.1+B.2+B.3+B.4+B.5)Grand Total (A + B)1Note : Please give justification <strong>for</strong> each head and sub-head separatelymentioned in <strong>the</strong> above table.Financial Year : April - March35

In case of multi-institutional project, <strong>the</strong> budget estimate to be given separately <strong>for</strong>each institution.C. Budget –component-wise – contributed by <strong>the</strong> organization (only in case ofprivate R&D institute/ Industry) and that being sought from <strong>NMPB</strong>PART V : EXISTING FACILITIESResources and additional in<strong>for</strong>mation1. Laboratory:a. Manpowerb. Equipments2. O<strong>the</strong>r resources such as clinical material, animal house facility, glass house.Experimental garden, pilot plant facility etc.It is certified thatPART VI: DECLARATION/CERTIFICATIONa) The research work proposed in <strong>the</strong> scheme/project does not in any way duplicate <strong>the</strong>work already done or being carried out elsewhere on <strong>the</strong> subject.b) The same project proposal has not been submitted to any o<strong>the</strong>r agency nor shall besubmitted <strong>for</strong> financial support.c) The emoluments <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> manpower proposed are those admissible as per <strong>the</strong> approvedemoluments of <strong>NMPB</strong>.d) If <strong>the</strong> project involves <strong>the</strong> utilisation of genetically engineered organisms, we agree tosubmit an application through our Institutional Biosafety Committee. We also declarethat while conducting experiments, <strong>the</strong> Biosafety <strong>Guidelines</strong> of <strong>the</strong> Concerneddepartments would be followed in total.e) If <strong>the</strong> project involves field trials/experiments/exchange of specimens, etc. we willensure that ethical clearances would be taken from concerned ethicalCommittees/Competent authorities and <strong>the</strong> same would be conveyed to <strong>NMPB</strong> be<strong>for</strong>eimplementing <strong>the</strong> project.f) It is agreed that any research outcome or intellectual property right(s) on <strong>the</strong> invention(s)arising out of <strong>the</strong> project shall be in accordance with <strong>the</strong> decision of <strong>NMPB</strong>, Departmentof AYUSH.36

g) The institute/university agrees that <strong>the</strong> equipment, o<strong>the</strong>r basic facilities and such o<strong>the</strong>radministrative facilities will be extended to investigator(s) throughout <strong>the</strong> duration of <strong>the</strong>project.h) The Institute/organisation assumes to undertake <strong>the</strong> financial and o<strong>the</strong>r managementresponsibilities of <strong>the</strong> project.i) The organization shall abide by all <strong>the</strong> ‘Terms and Conditions’ of <strong>the</strong> grant stipulated in<strong>the</strong> operational guidelines of <strong>the</strong> scheme of <strong>NMPB</strong>, Department of AYUSH,Government of India.j) All records and reports related to <strong>the</strong> project have been maintained separately and shallbe shown and furnished as and when required by <strong>the</strong> Department of AYUSH or itsauthorized representatives.k) Project shall be open <strong>for</strong> evaluation of physical progress and utilization of funds at <strong>the</strong>discretion of Department of AYUSH.l) The undersigned shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>nticity of <strong>the</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mation anddocuments furnished in <strong>the</strong> application and proposal.m) Department of AYUSH shall have <strong>the</strong> right to recover <strong>the</strong> grant or take legal actionagainst <strong>the</strong> organization <strong>for</strong> any default or deviation from <strong>the</strong> terms and conditions ofsanction of grant.n) No financial assistance/grant has been sought and or obtained from any <strong>Central</strong> of StateGovt. organization.o) All related provision of Biological Diversity Act 2002 and corresponding rules,regulations and notification shall be complied with.p) Certification – If <strong>the</strong> project is approved, <strong>the</strong> PI would sign Agreement in <strong>the</strong>prescribed <strong>for</strong>mat given at Part VIIISignature of Principal Investigator :Date :Signature of Co-InvestigatorSignature of Co-InvestigatorDate : Date :Signature of Project Coordinator(applicable only <strong>for</strong> multi-institutional projects)with sealSignature of Executive Authorityof Institute/UniversityDate : Date :37

PART VII: PROFORMA FOR BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF INVESTIGATORSProvide <strong>the</strong> following in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> key personnel in <strong>the</strong> order listed on PART II.Follow this <strong>for</strong>mat <strong>for</strong> each person. DO NOT EXCEED THREE PAGESName : .......…………………………………………................................................................Designation :………………………………………………......................................................Department/Institute/University : ..............................................................................................Date of Birth : .................................. Sex (M/F) ............................... SC/ST/OBC :.........................Education (Post-Graduation onwards & Professional Career)Sl No.InstitutionPlaceDegreeAwardedYearField ofStudy/SpecializationPosition and HonorsPosition and Employment (Starting with <strong>the</strong> most recent employment)Sl No.InstitutionPlacePosition From (Date) To (date)Honors/AwardsProfessional Experience and Training relevant to <strong>the</strong> ProjectB. Publications (Numbers only) .................Books : .................... Research Papers, Reports : ................General articles :...........................Patents : .........................O<strong>the</strong>rs (Please specify) :..........................................................................Selected peer-reviewed publications (Ten best publications in chronological order)38

Research SupportOngoing Research ProjectsSl No. Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Date of sanctionand DurationCompleted Research Projects (State only major projects of last 3 years)Sl No. Title of Project Funding Agency Amount Date ofcompletionPlace :Date :Signature of Investigator39

PART VIII: PROFORMA OF AGREEMENT(TO BE SIGNED BY PROJECT INVESTIGATORS AFTER APPROVALOF PROJECT)This Agreement is made and entered into on this ------day of --------------, 200-----*BETWEEN <strong>the</strong> National Medicinal Plants Board (<strong>NMPB</strong>), Department of AYUSH,Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, having its office at1 st Floor, Chandralok Building, 36 Janpath, New Delhi – 110001 hereinaftercalled “<strong>NMPB</strong>” (which expression shall wherever <strong>the</strong> context so admits include itssuccessors and assignees) of <strong>the</strong> First PartAND…………….(Name of <strong>the</strong> Organization) ……………………………… ……(Give fulladdress of <strong>the</strong> Head Office)………………………………… ……………… engaged inresearch, development and promotional activities relating to medicinal plants hereinaftercalled “<strong>the</strong> Grantee” (which expression shall wherever <strong>the</strong> context so admits include itssuccessors and permitted assignees) of <strong>the</strong> Second PartWHEREAS <strong>NMPB</strong> operates a scheme entitled “<strong>Central</strong> <strong>Sector</strong> <strong>Scheme</strong> <strong>for</strong>Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants”(hereinafter called “Its <strong>Scheme</strong>”) to support innovative research, developmentand promotional activities on medicinal plantsAND WHEREAS <strong>the</strong> Grantee has submitted a project entitled …………..… (Title of<strong>the</strong> Project)………………….. to <strong>NMPB</strong> <strong>for</strong> grants-in-aid (hereinafter called “<strong>the</strong>Project”) which has been scrutinized and modified wherever necessary by <strong>the</strong>Project Screening Committee (PSC) and <strong>the</strong> Standing Finance Committee (SFC)of <strong>the</strong> scheme constituted by <strong>NMPB</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> specific purpose and <strong>the</strong> Grantee hasaccepted <strong>the</strong> modifications in <strong>the</strong> Project.AND WHEREAS <strong>NMPB</strong> has approved <strong>the</strong> Project and agreed to provide support in<strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of grants-in-aid to <strong>the</strong> extent stated in Annexure 1 on <strong>the</strong> terms and conditionscontained hereinafter in this Agreement40

(v)(vi)(vii)(viii)<strong>the</strong> scheme to <strong>NMPB</strong> and also submit an audited statement of accounts alongwith utilization certificate <strong>for</strong> each financial year to <strong>NMPB</strong> within 6 months ofclosure of each financial year;permit <strong>the</strong> PMC access to <strong>the</strong> premises, at all times, where <strong>the</strong> Project activity isbeing/shall be carried out and provide all in<strong>for</strong>mation and produce or makeavailable <strong>the</strong> concerned records <strong>for</strong> inspection and monitoring of <strong>the</strong> Projectactivity, required by <strong>the</strong> PMC;utilize <strong>the</strong> funds sanctioned by <strong>NMPB</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Project only <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purposes asspecified in <strong>the</strong> Project;abide by <strong>the</strong> decision of <strong>NMPB</strong>, based on assessment of <strong>the</strong> progress in <strong>the</strong>Project by PMC, to modify <strong>the</strong> objectives, outputs, milestones, targets, funding asalso <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>eclosure of <strong>the</strong> Project or of its components;acknowledge <strong>the</strong> assistance of <strong>NMPB</strong> while publishing in any manner <strong>the</strong> detailsof <strong>the</strong> project, its progress or its success, subject to provisions of subclause (v) ofclause 5 below.(b)(i)(ii)(iii)The Grantee Organisation acknowledges and agrees that:<strong>the</strong> duties, responsibilities and functions assigned or entrusted to it as specified in<strong>the</strong> Project document shall be deemed to be <strong>the</strong> role, duties and responsibilitiesassigned and entrusted under this Agreement and any delay, failure or default inper<strong>for</strong>mance of Grantee regarding its duties as specified in <strong>the</strong> Project documentshall be deemed to be a default under this Agreement;<strong>the</strong> Grantee Organization shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified<strong>NMPB</strong> against any claims or suites in respect of any losses, damages orcompensation payable in consequences of any accident, death or injury sustainedby its (Grantee’s) employees or by any o<strong>the</strong>r third Party resulting from or by anyact, omission or operation conducted by or on behalf of Grantee.<strong>the</strong> Grantee shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified <strong>NMPB</strong> against allclaims/damages etc. by any infringement of any Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) while doing its responsibilities/work under <strong>the</strong> Project and this Agreement;42

(iv)(v)<strong>the</strong> Grantee shall notify <strong>NMPB</strong> of any material change in its status and/orshareholding, as <strong>the</strong> case may be in particular where such change would impacton per<strong>for</strong>mance of obligations under <strong>the</strong> Project and this Agreement; and<strong>the</strong> Grantee agrees and acknowledges that <strong>the</strong> time <strong>for</strong> completion of project, asset-<strong>for</strong>th here, is <strong>the</strong> essence of <strong>the</strong> Agreement and Grantee shall accordinglyundertake <strong>the</strong> Per<strong>for</strong>mance of Work hereunder with <strong>the</strong> objective of achieving<strong>the</strong> project implementation and completion within <strong>the</strong> time schedule set-<strong>for</strong>th inProject document at Annexure 2.3. FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTSThat <strong>the</strong> financial arrangements under this Agreement shall provide:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)that <strong>the</strong> total estimated cost of <strong>the</strong> Project as mutually agreed shall beRs…………lakhs (Rupees ………………………………….……….. only);<strong>the</strong> detailed year wise and head wise breakup of <strong>the</strong> financial support by <strong>NMPB</strong>and agreed contribution by <strong>the</strong> Grantee shall be as given in Annexure 1. The firstinstallment of grants-in-aid shall be released to <strong>the</strong> Grantee after signing of <strong>the</strong>Agreement within six months. Fur<strong>the</strong>r release of funds shall be subject tocompletion of minimum work programmes and satisfactory progress against <strong>the</strong>milestones specified in <strong>the</strong> Project as determined by <strong>NMPB</strong> and on submissionof statement of accounts/audited statement of accounts and utilizationcertificates as provided <strong>for</strong> in subclause (a) (iv) of clause 2;<strong>the</strong> Grantee shall ensure that <strong>the</strong> funds of <strong>the</strong> Project are actually utilized only <strong>for</strong><strong>the</strong> Project and as expressly provided in this Agreement. Re-appropriation offunds from one budget head to ano<strong>the</strong>r shall not be effected by <strong>the</strong> Granteewithout <strong>the</strong> specified written approval of <strong>NMPB</strong>, communicated directly by<strong>NMPB</strong>;<strong>the</strong> Grantee shall immediately refund any funds out of grants-in-aid disbursed toit <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> Project remaining unutilized with it on<strong>for</strong>eclosure/termination/completion of <strong>the</strong> Project to <strong>NMPB</strong> along with detailedaccounts of funds received, utilized and unutilized balance returned. Theseprovisions shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any component of <strong>the</strong> Project decided43

(v)to be <strong>for</strong>eclosed. In case <strong>the</strong> termination of <strong>the</strong> Project is by <strong>the</strong> Grantee, interms of provisions of subclause (iii) of clause 9, <strong>the</strong> refund of funds shall be inrespect of funds remaining unutilized as on <strong>the</strong> date of notice by <strong>the</strong> Grantee;<strong>the</strong> provision of grants-in-aid to <strong>the</strong> Grantee does not create any liability, explicitor implicit, on <strong>NMPB</strong> in respect of <strong>the</strong> manpower engaged in <strong>the</strong> Project.4. PROJECT MONITORING COMMITTEEA Project Monitoring Committee (PMC) will be appointed by <strong>NMPB</strong> to monitorachievements of <strong>the</strong> defined objective(s) of <strong>the</strong> Project. The functions of <strong>the</strong> PMC shallbe:(i)(ii)(iii)(iv)(v)to monitor <strong>the</strong> progress of <strong>the</strong> Project in con<strong>for</strong>mity with <strong>the</strong> milestones, targetsand objectives as contained in <strong>the</strong> Agreement;to keep track of funding from any o<strong>the</strong>r source to <strong>the</strong> Grantee <strong>for</strong> this particularproject;based on <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>egoing, to assess and suggesta) closing or dropping or modifying any of <strong>the</strong> components of <strong>the</strong> Project,within <strong>the</strong> overall approved objectives, budget and timeframe,b) inclusion of additional industrial/institutional partner(s), if <strong>the</strong> Granteerequests involvement of such partner(s), in <strong>the</strong> overall interest of <strong>the</strong>Project, andc) revision of <strong>the</strong> funding support to <strong>the</strong> Grantee;to advise on issues related to publications and securing of IPR; andto advise on any o<strong>the</strong>r matter as referred it to by <strong>NMPB</strong>.5. RESULTS OF THE PROJECT(i)(ii)The deliverables from <strong>the</strong> Project are defined and included in <strong>the</strong> Project atAnnexure 2.The intellectual property generated from <strong>the</strong> Project shall be <strong>the</strong> joint property of<strong>the</strong> Grantee and <strong>NMPB</strong>.44

(iii)(iv)(v)it is <strong>the</strong> responsibility of <strong>the</strong> Grantee to protect any intellectual property rightsthat may result from <strong>the</strong> Project. The Grantee shall also bear expenditureinvolved in protecting such intellectual property.The Grantee shall not assign or transfer <strong>the</strong> IPR/knowledge generated from <strong>the</strong>Project to any third party directly or indirectly without written consent from<strong>NMPB</strong>.Any publication in journals, presentation in seminars in respect of <strong>the</strong> IPRemanating from <strong>the</strong> Project is prohibited until such publication/presentation isfirst reviewed from <strong>the</strong> point of protection of IPR by <strong>NMPB</strong> and a writtenpermission is issued by <strong>NMPB</strong>. These publications shall be in <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong>concerned research workers, and <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong> work has been carried out withsupport from <strong>NMPB</strong> shall be duly acknowledged.6. PROJECT DURATIONThe Project duration shall be ………… years effective from <strong>the</strong> date of release of fundsby <strong>NMPB</strong> which shall be effected only after signing of this Agreement by both <strong>the</strong>parties. It shall be <strong>the</strong> endeavor of <strong>the</strong> Grantee to complete <strong>the</strong> Project within <strong>the</strong>stipulated period. In case <strong>NMPB</strong> as recommended by <strong>the</strong> PSC/SFC feels that it isdesirable to undertake fur<strong>the</strong>r developmental work on <strong>the</strong> outcome of <strong>the</strong> Project whichrequires additional financial commitment and extension of <strong>the</strong> stipulated projectschedule, <strong>the</strong> Grantee shall submit <strong>the</strong> extension request or a separate Project proposalwith full justification <strong>for</strong> consideration under <strong>the</strong> scheme. In such a case, <strong>the</strong> Grantee willhave to execute a supplementary agreement laying down <strong>the</strong> terms, conditions andfinancial arrangements of such fur<strong>the</strong>r research work and issues relating to <strong>the</strong>intellectual property right generated by such fur<strong>the</strong>r work.7. COMPLETIONThe Project shall be deemed to have been successfully completed as & when so assessedby <strong>NMPB</strong>. In case, during <strong>the</strong> tenure of <strong>the</strong> Project it is found that <strong>the</strong> Project or anyProject component is not likely to lead to successful completion, <strong>NMPB</strong> may decide to<strong>for</strong>eclose <strong>the</strong> Project or <strong>the</strong> Project component as warranted. The decision of <strong>NMPB</strong>shall be final in all respects. However, if <strong>the</strong> Grantee would like to continue <strong>the</strong> project at45

its own cost, it would be able to do so without restrictions from <strong>NMPB</strong> after complyingwith <strong>the</strong> provision of subclause (iv) of clause 3.8. EFFECTIVE DATE, TENURE AND TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT(i)(ii)(iii)The Agreement shall be effective from <strong>the</strong> date of its signing by both <strong>the</strong> Parties(if <strong>the</strong> Agreement is signed through circulation by Post, <strong>the</strong> date on which <strong>NMPB</strong>signs <strong>the</strong> Agreement shall be considered as effective). The Agreement shall bevalid <strong>for</strong> ------* years. It can be extended if agreed to by both <strong>the</strong> parties. TheLetter of Intent to this effect shall be issued by <strong>NMPB</strong>.The Agreement duly signed by both <strong>the</strong> Parties shall remain in <strong>the</strong> custody of<strong>NMPB</strong> and a copy of <strong>the</strong> Agreement duly au<strong>the</strong>nticated by <strong>NMPB</strong> shall beprovided to <strong>the</strong> Grantee.The Grantee may, be<strong>for</strong>e <strong>the</strong> completion of <strong>the</strong> Project, terminate thisAgreement by giving three months notice in writing to <strong>NMPB</strong>. <strong>NMPB</strong> may alsoterminate <strong>the</strong> Agreement by written notice to <strong>the</strong> Grantee committing breach ofany term of this Agreement and ei<strong>the</strong>r not rectifying it to <strong>the</strong> satisfaction of<strong>NMPB</strong> or not satisfying in <strong>NMPB</strong> about its inevitability within a specified period.9. FORCE MAJEUREThe Parties shall not be held responsible <strong>for</strong> non-fulfillment of <strong>the</strong>ir respectiveobligations in successful completion of <strong>the</strong> Project under this Agreement due to <strong>the</strong>exigency of one or more of <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce majeure event such as but not limited to acts ofGod, War, Flood, Earthquakes, Strikes not confined to <strong>the</strong> premises of <strong>the</strong> party,Lockouts beyond <strong>the</strong> control of <strong>the</strong> party claiming <strong>for</strong>ce majeure, Epidemics, Riots, CivilCommotions etc. lying beyond <strong>the</strong> reasonable control of and not brought about at <strong>the</strong>instance of <strong>the</strong> Party claiming to be affected by such event and which has caused <strong>the</strong>non-per<strong>for</strong>mance or delay in per<strong>for</strong>mance; provided on <strong>the</strong> occurrence and cessation ofany such event <strong>the</strong> party affected <strong>the</strong>reby shall give a notice in writing to <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r partywithin one month of such occurrence or cessation. If <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>ce majeure conditionscontinue beyond six months, <strong>the</strong> parties shall jointly decide about <strong>the</strong> future course ofaction on <strong>the</strong> Project. The validity of <strong>the</strong> claim of <strong>for</strong>ce majeure by <strong>the</strong> Grantee shall be46

determined by <strong>NMPB</strong> after due enquiry and <strong>the</strong> decision of <strong>NMPB</strong> in this regard shallbe final.10. ARBITRATIONIn case of any dispute, Secretary (AYUSH) or his nominee shall be <strong>the</strong> Arbitrationauthority.11. NOTICES AND JURISDICTION(i)Subject to <strong>the</strong> provisions of clause 15 hereof, <strong>the</strong> Courts at New Delhi shall haveexclusive jurisdiction in all matters concerning this Agreement including anymatter arising out of <strong>the</strong> arbitration proceedings or any award made <strong>the</strong>rein.IN WITNESS WHEREOF <strong>the</strong> parties hereto through its duly authorized representativeshave signed this Agreement on <strong>the</strong> day, month and year mentioned hereinbe<strong>for</strong>e.PartiesFor and on behalf of <strong>the</strong> President of IndiaSignatureNameDesignationSealWitnesses1. SignatureNameAddress2. SignatureName47

AddressFor and on behalf of <strong>the</strong> Grantee duly authorized vide Resolution No. ………………and dated ……………… of <strong>the</strong> Board of Directors of GranteeSignatureNameDesignationSealWitnesses1. SignatureNameAddress2. SignatureNameAddress48

Annexure 1BUDGET DETAILS(Once <strong>the</strong> project is approved by <strong>NMPB</strong>, <strong>the</strong> budget details will becommunicated to <strong>the</strong> Grantee, thus revised budget details agreed to by <strong>the</strong>parties shall be annexed here as Annexure 1)49

Annexure 2Complete Project document with amendments like approved budget, approvedtimelines (which will also be communicated to <strong>the</strong> Grantee), and any o<strong>the</strong>ramendments communicated to <strong>the</strong> Grantee by <strong>NMPB</strong>.(This document should be bound as part of <strong>the</strong> Agreement and labeled asAnnexure 2 and should not be submitted as a separate document.Minimum work programme/milestones/timelines shall have to be specificallymentioned)50

Annexure – IIINational Medicinal Plants BoardPROFORMA FOR PROJECTS RELATING TO IEC, CAPACITYBUILDING AND OTHER PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES1. Title of <strong>the</strong> project.PART – I2. Name of <strong>the</strong> organization with full address, telephone, fax and e-mail ID.3. Status. (Public/Private <strong>Sector</strong>/NGO/University):4. Registration number and data (<strong>for</strong> NGO, Trusts and Companies). NGOs andcompanies should also send <strong>the</strong> Articles of Association, Memorandum ofAssociation and Annual Report.5. Name of <strong>the</strong> Principal Investigator/Project Leader and Co -PIs and <strong>the</strong>ir fulladdress.6. Brief introduction of concept and justification of <strong>the</strong> project (detailed projectto be enclosed. The detailed project report should contain <strong>the</strong> profile of <strong>the</strong>project area, objectives, problem identification, suggested solutions andalternatives along with anticipated physical and financial benefits, preliminaryinvestigation if any carried out, assumptions made, outcomes both in terms ofproducts and process, likely impact on <strong>the</strong> adjoining area/society,sustainability, activities, target population, beneficiaries, expertise availablewith <strong>the</strong> organization).7. Project period.8. Detailed infrastructure available(In case of herbal garden attach land ownership certificate and elaboratemaintenance mechanism beyond duration of projects)9. Physical targets and financial outlays.10. Benefits from <strong>the</strong> project (both tangible and intangible).11. Expected outcome & deliverables:12. Internal monitoring and evaluation mechanism:51

13. Summary of <strong>the</strong> work particularly in medicinal plants sector undertaken by <strong>the</strong>organisation /PI in <strong>the</strong> last 3 years.14. O<strong>the</strong>r sources of financial assistance received by <strong>the</strong> applicant/organization ifany so, furnish details.15. Details of financial assistance already received from <strong>the</strong> Board, if any may begiven in <strong>the</strong> following pro<strong>for</strong>ma:Year Amount of grant Purpose in brief Total expenses incurredAmount ofgrant utilizedHas utilization certificate beenaccepted by <strong>the</strong> BoardRemark16. Detailed Bio-data (including details of published work) of PI & CoPI17. Certified that:i) The organization shall abide by all <strong>the</strong> ‘Terms and Conditions’ of <strong>the</strong> grantstipulated in <strong>the</strong> operational guidelines of <strong>the</strong> scheme of <strong>NMPB</strong>, Departmentof AYUSH, Government of India.ii) All records and reports related to <strong>the</strong> project have been maintained separatelyand shall be shown and furnished as and when required by <strong>the</strong> Departmentof AYUSH or its authorized representatives.iii) Project shall be open <strong>for</strong> evaluation of physical progress and utilization offunds at <strong>the</strong> discretion of Department of AYUSH.iv) The undersigned shall be responsible <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> au<strong>the</strong>nticity of <strong>the</strong> in<strong>for</strong>mationand documents furnished in <strong>the</strong> application and proposal.v) Department of AYUSH shall have <strong>the</strong> right to recover <strong>the</strong> grant or take legalaction against <strong>the</strong> organization <strong>for</strong> any default or deviation from <strong>the</strong> termsand conditions of sanction of grant.vi) No financial assistance/grant has been sought and or obtained from any<strong>Central</strong> of State Govt. organization.Date:Signature of Authorised AuthorityNote:i) Proof of land ownership/leasehold and market mechanism (whereverapplicable) to be submitted.52

ii)iii)Costing pattern to be provided in <strong>the</strong> <strong>for</strong>m of schedule of rates asapplicable.Supporting documents including map (where applicable) must be attached.PART – II:- TECHNICAL DETAILS OF THE PROJECT1. Description of <strong>the</strong> problem.2. Alternatives strategies possible.3. Objectives of <strong>the</strong> project4. Suggested solutions.Annexure – III (Contd.)5. Project coverage in geographical spread, demography and socio – economic profileof <strong>the</strong> area (wherever required).6. Work Plan (including Education/Communication plan in case of herbal garden)7. Physical targets, six monthly milestones (<strong>for</strong> training and capacity building <strong>the</strong> targetgroup to be trained , <strong>the</strong> duration and number of training programmes and <strong>the</strong>subject matter of <strong>the</strong> training programme be clearly mentioned)8. Financial outlays (recurring and non-recurring along with detailed break up ofrecurring and non-recurring components).9. Expertise available with <strong>the</strong> organization. (If certain expertise/skills are to beoutsourced namely institutions/experts along with <strong>the</strong>ir concurrence).10. Outputs and outcomes (both tangible and intangible), incremental incomes,employment, number of beneficiaries, gender development etc. (Whereverapplicable)11. Likely impact on <strong>the</strong> adjoining area and society.12. Exit strategy/sustainability.13. Suggested parameters <strong>for</strong> monitoring during and after <strong>the</strong> project.Signature of <strong>the</strong> Project Leader53Signature of <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong> Organisation

Annexure – IV(Ref.Para 4.3.4)COST NORMS FOR EX-SITU CONSERVATION AND PLANTATION OFMEDICINAL TREES, HERBS AND PERENIALS(Adopted from <strong>Operational</strong> <strong>Guidelines</strong> of National Af<strong>for</strong>estation Programme of Ministry ofEnvironment & Forests)S.No. Model/ Intervention PlantationincludingMaintenanceSoil &MoistureConservation(15% ofPlantationcost)M&E, Microplanning,fencing,Awarenessraising (10%of plantationcost)Overheads(10% ofPlantationcost)Entry PointActivities(Fixed)Total1. Aided NaturalRegeneration (200plants/hectare2. ArtificialRegeneration(1100Plants/Hectares)3. Mixed Plantationsof trees havingMFP andmedicinal value(1100plants/hectares)4. Regeneration ofperennial herbsand shrubs ofmedicinal value(2000plants/hectares)9750 1460 975 975 4000 1716017100 2565 1710 1710 4000 2708517100 2565 1710 1710 4000 2708520400 3060 2040 2040 4000 315401. The number of plants per hectare are admissible to <strong>the</strong> costing indicated above. Theproject proposal envisaging any change in <strong>the</strong> plantation density would be eligible <strong>for</strong>a corresponding pro rata change in <strong>the</strong> cost norms. The concerned State Govt. shallhave to certify that due regard has been given to <strong>the</strong> agro-climatic factors whilepreparing <strong>the</strong> project.54

2. The cost norms have been worked out all <strong>the</strong> wage rate of Rs. 75.00 per day.Escalation in <strong>the</strong> cost will be allowed to State Governments only after ensuring that<strong>the</strong>ir approved wage rate in <strong>the</strong> State exceeds <strong>the</strong> limit of Rs. 75.00 per day. Theincrease in <strong>the</strong> cost norms would be proportionate to <strong>the</strong> increase in <strong>the</strong> wages. Incase <strong>the</strong> wage rate is less than Rs. 75.00 per day, <strong>the</strong> cost per hectare would be less(on pro rata basis) than <strong>the</strong> rates proposed in <strong>the</strong> scheme.3. These costs may be distributed as follows:a) Plantation cost with maintenance <strong>for</strong> five years.b) Soil and Moisture Conservation Activities to an extent of 15% of <strong>the</strong>plantation components may be permitted. These activities will be carried outwithin <strong>the</strong> project area where necessary.c) The total expenditure on <strong>the</strong> following items toge<strong>the</strong>r may not exceed 20%of <strong>the</strong> plantation cost:i) Overheads including staff/establishment/vehicles etc. (not to exceed10%)ii) Concomitant monitoring and evaluation (not to exceed 2%)iii) Micro-planning (not to exceed 2%)iv) Fencing (not to exceed 5%). For projects requiring higher allocation<strong>for</strong> fencing, funds to <strong>the</strong> extent 10% of plantation cost may beauthorized by suitably reducing <strong>the</strong> allocation under item (i) above.v) Awareness raising (not to exceed 1%)d) Implements would be purchased from within <strong>the</strong> overheads. Their cost isnormally low. The watch and ward component over <strong>the</strong> 5 years afterplantation would be allowed as pert of maintenance personnel deployed <strong>for</strong>maintenance would also be made responsible <strong>for</strong> watch and ward.4. Savings under any items above could be used <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> activities listed in items o<strong>the</strong>rthan (i). For example, savings <strong>for</strong> fencing and overheads, could be used <strong>for</strong>extension/Entry point activity.55

Annexure - VFormat <strong>for</strong> Submission of Progress Report (Half Yearly and Annual)1. Title & Project number2. Names of Principal Investigator and Co - PIs (With Address & Tel. No., E-mail IDs)3. Date of Commencement of <strong>the</strong> project4. Area of activity (Extension, Conservation, R&D, Inventorisation, Herbal Garden,Capacity Building, Training and IEC, please specify)5. Total Amount of sanction along with period (years)6. Amount of last instalment & date received7. Period of report to be submitted half yearly and annually8. Details of work done with Statistical parameters:a) Please indicate financial & physical targets achievements with reference totargets.b) Indicate names of medicinal species studied in <strong>the</strong> report (where applicable)9. Modification in objectives, targets/milestones/timelines, if any, with reason.10. Assets acquired during <strong>the</strong> period (under report):11. Meeting/seminar/or training attended/organised during <strong>the</strong> period alongwith briefnote on presentation made, if any12. Works that remain to be done under <strong>the</strong> project.13. Research publications done, extension material prepared, if any (submit copies)a) Extension material (Brochure/Posters)b) Research paper – a) Presented in seminar/conferenceb) Published in any Indian Journalc) Published in any Index Indian Journald) Published in Index International Journal14. Special achievements, if any (Incremental knowledge, patents, incomes etc.)15. Any suggestion <strong>for</strong> growth and development of <strong>the</strong> sector (only in <strong>the</strong> final report)Dated:Signature (Principal Investigator) with SealPlace:Signature of <strong>the</strong> Head of <strong>the</strong> Organisation (with Seal)______________________________________________________________________________________* 02 (Two) Copies of progress report may be sent to Chief Executive Officer, National medicinal Plants Board, ChandralokBuilding, 36-Janpath, New Delhi-110001, E-mail: info-nmpb@nic.in56

Annexure – VIFORMAT FOR ANNUAL STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS TO ACCOMPANYREQUEST FOR RELEASE OF NEXT INSTALLMENT (YEAR MEANS FINANCIAL YEAR i.e.1 st APRIL TO 31 st MARCH OF NEXT YEAR)1. Sanction letter No. : ________________2. Total Project Cost. : Rs. ________________3. Sanction/Revised Project cost (if applicable) : Rs. ________________4. Date of Commencement of Project : ________________5. Statement of Expenditure : ________________S.No.Sanctioned/HeadsFundsreleasedExpenditure incurred1 stYear2 ndYear3 rd YearBalanceas on(Date)Requirementof Funds upto31 st MarchRemarks1. Salary/Stipend/wages2. Equipment/Machinery/Building3. Consumables4. TA/DA5. Conservation/Plantation/Nursery/QPM6. Training expenses7. Stationary c (publicity material)8. Monitoring9. O<strong>the</strong>r expenses viz. (marketinglinkage, buyer-seller meets etc.,please specify)10. Institutional charges11. Contingencies12. TotalSignature of Principal Investigatorwith dateSignature of Head of Institutionwith dateSignature of Authorised Auditorwith date57

Annexure – VIIFORMAT FOR UTILISATIONS CERTIFICATEForm GFR 19-A[See Government of India’s Decision (1) below Rule 150]Form of utilization CertificateS.no.Letter no.and dateAmountCertified that out of Rs.____________ ( ___________________________)of grant-in-aid sanctioned during <strong>the</strong> year 200__/___ in favour of________________________ under this Ministry/Department letter nogiven in <strong>the</strong> margin and Rs. Nil on account of unspent balance of <strong>the</strong>previous year, a sum of Rs ______________/- has been utilized <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>purpose of ________________ <strong>for</strong> which it was sanctioned and that <strong>the</strong>balance of Rs. Nil remaining unutilized at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> year has beensurrendered to government (vide no. Nil ) will be adjusted towards <strong>the</strong> grantin-aidpayable during <strong>the</strong> next year (As per books of Accounts producedbe<strong>for</strong>e us)/2. Certified that I have satisfied myself that <strong>the</strong> conditions on which <strong>the</strong> grant-in-aid wassanctioned have been duly fulfilled/are being fulfilled and that I have exercised <strong>the</strong>following checks to see that <strong>the</strong> money was actually utilized <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purpose <strong>for</strong> which itwas sanctioned.Date ____________Place_____________Kinds of checks exercised1.2.3.Signature : ______________Designation :Date :____________________________58

National Medicinal Plants BoardAnnexure-VIIITERMS & CONDITIONS OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (GRANT)1. The institution/organization/Principal Investigator (PI) would maintain a separateAccount preferably with a nationalized bank by designation in <strong>the</strong> name of <strong>the</strong>institution and not by name of an individual. The accounts should be operated jointlyby two office-bearers.2. The grantee (NGOs) will execute a bond in <strong>the</strong> prescribed pro<strong>for</strong>ma (Copyenclosed) with two sureties to <strong>the</strong> effect that <strong>the</strong> grantee will abide by all <strong>the</strong>conditions of <strong>the</strong> grant. In <strong>the</strong> event of any failure to comply with <strong>the</strong>se conditionsor committing any breach of <strong>the</strong> bond, <strong>the</strong> grantee with sureties individually andjointly will be liable to refund to <strong>the</strong> Government of India <strong>the</strong> entire amount of <strong>the</strong>grant toge<strong>the</strong>r with interest at such rate as is stipulated in <strong>the</strong> Bond. The requirementof furnishing two sureties will not be necessary if <strong>the</strong> grantee institution/organisationis a Society registered under <strong>the</strong> Societies Registration Act-1860 or is a CooperativeSociety. When <strong>the</strong> bond is also signed by two sureties both of <strong>the</strong>m should besolvent and owner of such assets of value not less than <strong>the</strong> amount of <strong>the</strong> Bond ascan be attached and sold in execution of a court’s decree. This fact should becertified by <strong>the</strong> District Magistrate or o<strong>the</strong>r equivalent authority on <strong>the</strong> body of <strong>the</strong>bond.3. The project <strong>for</strong> which grant-in-aid is being sought should commence implementationwithin a period of 3 months from <strong>the</strong> date of receipt of <strong>the</strong> grants.4. If <strong>the</strong> grant or any part <strong>the</strong>reof is to be utilised <strong>for</strong> a purpose o<strong>the</strong>r than that <strong>for</strong>which it is sanctioned, prior approval of <strong>the</strong> Board should be obtained by <strong>the</strong>grantee.5. The payment of <strong>the</strong> grant-in-aid will be made by this Board through crossedcheque/draft after all <strong>the</strong> requirements mentioned in this sanction letter have beenfulfilled by <strong>the</strong> grantee. A separate current Bank account exclusively <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purposeshould be opened in a bank, if not done be<strong>for</strong>e, <strong>the</strong> details of which are to beintimated to this Board.6. The payment of grant is subject to <strong>the</strong> following conditions:a) The grantee shall furnish a certificate that <strong>the</strong> person signing <strong>the</strong> undertakingis duly authorised to operate upon and bind <strong>the</strong> funds of <strong>the</strong> granteeorganisation.b) The grantee shall furnish a certificate that <strong>the</strong> grantee organisation is notinvolved in any proceedings relating to <strong>the</strong> account or conduct of any of itsoffice bearers. A certificate to <strong>the</strong> effect that <strong>the</strong> institution is not involved incorrupt practices should also be furnished.c) The grantee shall furnish <strong>the</strong> certificate to <strong>the</strong> effect that <strong>the</strong> grantee has notbeen sanctioned grant-in-aid <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> same purpose by any o<strong>the</strong>r agency of<strong>Central</strong> Government/ State Government during <strong>the</strong> same period. Thereshould be no duplication of activity within <strong>the</strong> project area.d) The grantee will not, without <strong>the</strong> prior sanction of <strong>the</strong> Government of India,dispose of, or divert <strong>the</strong> use <strong>for</strong> any o<strong>the</strong>r purpose of permanent and semipermanentassets that may be created or acquired out of <strong>the</strong> grant. If andwhen such body is dissolved <strong>the</strong> assets are to be reverted to <strong>the</strong> Government.59

e) The grantee shall maintain a register of all assets acquired out of this grant asper GFR. This register is required to be maintained separately in respect ofsuch sanction and two copies of <strong>the</strong> same duly signed by <strong>the</strong> grantee befurnished to this Board annually.f) The Register of assets maintained by <strong>the</strong> grantee should be available <strong>for</strong>scrutiny by audit or any o<strong>the</strong>r person authorized in this behalf by thisMinistry.g) The grantee should <strong>for</strong>ward to this Ministry a signed utilization certificate(copy enclosed) along with three copies of <strong>the</strong> Audited Statement ofAccounts duly certified by a Chartered Accountant/Government Auditor asmentioned at item No. (i), (ii) and (iii) below as soon as possible after <strong>the</strong>close of <strong>the</strong> current financial year and in any case not later than six monthsof its closing:-i) The receipts and payments Accounts of <strong>the</strong> body as a whole <strong>for</strong><strong>the</strong> year in which <strong>the</strong> grant has been received.ii) The Income and Expenditure Accounts of <strong>the</strong> body as a whole<strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> financial year, <strong>for</strong> which <strong>the</strong> grant has been received.iii) The Balance Sheet as at <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> current financial year <strong>for</strong><strong>the</strong> body as a whole.h) The accounts of <strong>the</strong> grantee should also be open <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> test check andregular audit of <strong>the</strong> comptroller and Auditor General of India at hisdiscretion.i) No portion of <strong>the</strong> grant shall be utilized <strong>for</strong> fur<strong>the</strong>rance of a politicalmovement prejudicial to <strong>the</strong> security of <strong>the</strong> nation.j) The grantee Organization/Institute should give an undertaking in writingthat <strong>the</strong> grantee agrees to be governed by <strong>the</strong> conditions of <strong>the</strong> grantmentioned in this Annexure and <strong>the</strong> sanction letter.k) The private and voluntary organisations receiving recurring grant-in-aid to<strong>the</strong> tune of Rs. 5 lacs and above shall submit 10 copies of <strong>the</strong>ir AnnualReports including. Audited Statement of Accounts (both in English andHindi) (as <strong>the</strong>se are to be laid on <strong>the</strong> Table of Parliament) within fourmonths of <strong>the</strong> close of <strong>the</strong> financial year. The grant shall be released inreceipt of <strong>the</strong> documents mentioned in sub-paras : (1) and 6 (a), (b), (c) and(j) above.l) The grantee shall have to submit five (05) copies of Half Yearly ProgressReport (Mentioning physical and research targets achieved) alongwith <strong>the</strong>Utilisation Certificate (UC). At <strong>the</strong> end of <strong>the</strong> year one has to submit AnnualProgress Report failing which grant shall be stopped.7. The purchase of Vehicle(s) is not permissible from <strong>the</strong> grant sanctioned <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong>project/scheme.8. The cost of computer including UPS and all accessories should not exceed Rs.01lac.60

9. The rates of wages applicable <strong>for</strong> carrying out various works proposed in <strong>the</strong> projectswould be to <strong>the</strong> extent of prevailing schedule of rates in <strong>the</strong> State /UTs/ <strong>Central</strong>Government Institutes.10. The voluntary organisations have to furnish documentary proof in support of landownership. The Government organisations have to indicate details about status ofland.11. For extension activities like training, seminar, workshop towards payment ofboarding and lodging, transport, <strong>the</strong> admissible limit would be as per Government ofIndia norms. The expenses on visit of trainees to demonstration plots, recognisedconcerned institutes etc. would be on actual basis and incidental charges asadmissible under Rules.12. Resource persons may be paid honorarium and TA/DA as per existing Governmentof India norms.13. Expenses on equipments should be at <strong>the</strong> need based. Fur<strong>the</strong>r, in case <strong>the</strong>institution/organisation is already having <strong>the</strong> same equipment; purchase of <strong>the</strong>equipment <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> project is not permissible.14. Salary on staff should be kept to be minimum. For contractual staffsalary/honorarium norms shall be as per govt. norms.Principal Investigator ----Research Associate @ Rs.16000/- p.m. during first 2 years and Rs. 18,000/-p.m. (fixed) during <strong>the</strong> 3 rd yearSr. Research FellowRs.14000/- p.m. (fixed)Jr. Research Fellow Rs.12000/- p.m. during first 2 years and Rs. 14000/-p.m.(fixed) during <strong>the</strong> 3 rd year.15. No regular/permanent staff including Principal Investigator of <strong>the</strong> institute/organisation will be eligible <strong>for</strong> payment of salary from this grant.16. Subcontracting within <strong>the</strong> project is not permissible.17. O<strong>the</strong>r terms and conditions will be those as applicable in State/<strong>Central</strong> Governmentinstitutes as <strong>the</strong> case may be.61

Project No. ________________Annexure - IXPrescribed Format:BONDThis bond made on <strong>the</strong> ___________________________________ day of________________________________two thousand two ___________ between____________________ an association registrated under <strong>the</strong> Societies Registration Act,1980 and having its office at _________________________ in <strong>the</strong> State of__________________________________ hereinafter called <strong>the</strong> ‘obliger’ (which expressionshall unless excluded by or repugnant to <strong>the</strong> context be deemed to include its successors-ininterest)of <strong>the</strong> First part and <strong>the</strong> President of India , (hereafter called ‘The Government’) of<strong>the</strong> Second part; Whereas at <strong>the</strong> request of <strong>the</strong> obliger, <strong>the</strong> Government have sanctioned agrant-in-aid of _______________________ (Rupees________________________) vide<strong>the</strong>ir letter No. ____________________ dated ________________ (hereinafter referred toas <strong>the</strong> said letter) which <strong>for</strong>ms an integral part of <strong>the</strong>se presents and a copy whereof isannexed hereto and marked with <strong>the</strong> letter ‘A’ <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purpose of and on condition of <strong>the</strong>obliger executing a bond in favour of <strong>the</strong> Government on <strong>the</strong> terms and conditions and <strong>the</strong>manner hereinafter contained which <strong>the</strong> obliger has agreed to do.Now, this Bond witnesses and it is hereby agreed and declared as follows:1) That <strong>the</strong> obliger shall utilize <strong>the</strong> said grant-in-aid of Rs. _______________(Rupees_______________________________________________________)only <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purpose specified in <strong>the</strong> said letter and <strong>for</strong> no o<strong>the</strong>r purposewhatsoever.2) That <strong>the</strong> obliger shall abide by all <strong>the</strong> norms and conditions specified in <strong>the</strong> saidletter and <strong>the</strong> General Financial Rules 1963 and any orders or instructions thatmay be issued by Government from time to time.3) That in <strong>the</strong> event of any failure on <strong>the</strong> part of <strong>the</strong> obliger to abide any of <strong>the</strong>terms and conditions of <strong>the</strong> grant-in-aid specified in <strong>the</strong> said letter or hiscommitting any breach <strong>the</strong>reof <strong>the</strong> Government will be at liberty to order <strong>the</strong>obiger to repay in full (<strong>for</strong>thwith entire grant-in-aid amounting toRs.______________ (Rupees _____________________________________)only or any part <strong>the</strong>reof with interest <strong>the</strong>reon at <strong>the</strong> rate of twelve percent (12%)per annum and any order made by Government in this respect will be final andbinding on <strong>the</strong> obliger <strong>for</strong>thwith and without any objection to pay <strong>the</strong>Government such sum not exceeding Rs. ________________ (Rupees_________________) only plus interest <strong>the</strong>reon as may be fixed by <strong>the</strong>Government and <strong>the</strong> decision of <strong>the</strong> Secretary to <strong>the</strong> Government of India in<strong>the</strong> Ministry of Health and Family Welfare about <strong>the</strong> amount so to be paid shallbe final and conclusive.4) The society/trust agrees and undertakes to surrender/pay to Government <strong>the</strong>monetary value of all such pecuniary or o<strong>the</strong>r benefits which it may receive orderive/have received or derived through/upon unauthorized use (such as lettingout <strong>the</strong> premises <strong>for</strong> adequate or less than adequate consideration or use of <strong>the</strong>premises <strong>for</strong> any purpose o<strong>the</strong>r than that <strong>for</strong> which <strong>the</strong> grant was sanctioned) of62

<strong>the</strong> property/building created/acquired/constructed largely from out ofGovernment Grant. The decision of <strong>the</strong> Secretary to <strong>the</strong> Government of India,Department of AYUSH in <strong>the</strong> Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as regards<strong>the</strong> monetary value a<strong>for</strong>ementioned to be surrendered/paid to <strong>the</strong> Governmentof India will be final and binding in <strong>the</strong> Society/Trust.5) Upon <strong>the</strong> obliger utilizing <strong>the</strong> Grant-in-aid only <strong>for</strong> <strong>the</strong> purpose specified in <strong>the</strong>said letter and abiding by fulfilling and per<strong>for</strong>ming all <strong>the</strong> terms and conditionsof <strong>the</strong> said letter <strong>the</strong> above written obligation shall be void and of no effect buto<strong>the</strong>r wise it shall be and remain in full <strong>for</strong>ce effect and virtue.Provided always and it is hereby agreed and declared that <strong>the</strong> decision of<strong>the</strong> Secretary, Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare asto whatever <strong>the</strong> obliger has or has not per<strong>for</strong>med and observed <strong>the</strong> obligationsand conditions herein be<strong>for</strong>e received shall be final and binding.6) The stamp duty on <strong>the</strong> Bond shall be borne by <strong>the</strong> Government IN WITNESSwhereof <strong>the</strong>se presents have been signed byS/Shri.______________________and_________________________ <strong>for</strong> andon behalf or <strong>the</strong> obliger and Shri ___________________________________<strong>for</strong> and on behalf of <strong>the</strong> President of India on <strong>the</strong> dates appearing against <strong>the</strong>irrespective signatures.Signed by:1) Shri __________________________________ dated:_______________2) Shri __________________________________ dated:_______________1) Signature __________________2) Signature __________________1) WitnessName and Address2) Witness63

Name and AddressSigned by <strong>the</strong> Shri __________________________________________ dated___________ <strong>for</strong> and behalf of <strong>the</strong> President of India in <strong>the</strong> presence of:Signature_______________________1) Witness2) Witness(Each page of <strong>the</strong> Bond has to be signed by <strong>the</strong> two office bearer of <strong>the</strong> institution who are authorized to operate upon andbind its funds)64

National Medicinal Plants BoardDepartment of AYUSHMinistry of Health & Family WelfareGovernment of IndiaChandralok Building, 36, JanpathNew Delhi - 110001Tel.– 011 – 23319255, 23730652, 23319360Fax. – 011 – 23319356Telefax: 011 – 23315637Website – www.nmpb.nic.inE-mail – info–nmpb@nic.in65

STATE /UT MEDICINAL PLANTS BOARD (SMPBS/UTMPBS)No State/UT Name & Address Telephone/Fax No.1. A&N Islands Dr. M.A SalamDirector & Member Secretary, SMPB,Department of Agriculture, Secretariat,A & N Island, Port Blair-744102 (A&N)2. AndhraPradesh3. ArunachalPradeshDr. K. P. Srivasuki, IFS,Addl. PCCF, CEO & Mission Director,Andhra Pradesh Medicinal & Aromatic PlantBoardDeptt. Of Health, Medical & F.W.,6 th Floor, APGLI Building, Tilak Road, Abids ,Hyderabad – 500001.(Andhra Pradesh)Sh. T. Gapak, IFSDCF (Ind.) & Member Secretary,Arunachal Pradesh, State Medicinal PlantsBoardDepartment of Environment & ForestsOffice Complex, Chimpu, Vanvihar,Itanagar, (Aruanchal Pradesh) – 791111.4. Assam Sh Rajendra P. AgarwallaMember Secretary,State Medicinal Plants Board, Assam,O/o <strong>the</strong> Principal Chief Conservator ofForests, Assam,Rehabari,Guwahati-781001 (Assam)Dr. R.K Sharma,Nodal Officer, SMPB, Health & F.W. Deptt.,Assam Secretariat (Civil), Dispur,Guwahati – 781006(Assam)5. Bihar Sh. C.K. Mishra,Principal Secretary & Member Secretary,SMPB,Department of Health & FWNew Secretariat, Govt of Bihar,Patna - 800015( Bihar)Dr. Tabrez Akhtar Lari,Officer on Special Duty, OSD,Shop No. 2, Sapna Apartment, Naya Tola,Patna –800004Tel.No 03192-233257Telefax:- 03192-233257diragri@ind.nic.inTel: -040-40047795Telfax:- 040 -66364094/Resi. - 23400569/ 23351805Cell No. 09440810648srivasuki@yahoo.comapmaboard@gmail.comTeleFax- 0360-2203566, 2291147(SMPB) Tel. – 2203964Fax No. - 2203961Mobile: 09436055035gnsinhauk@yahoo.co.ukTelfax: 0361-2450469, 2738445Fax: 0361-2606767Mobile: 09435049534Rajendra_ag@nic.inTelefax: 0361-2237265Mobile: 09435046978ramakanta.sh@rediffmail.comTelfax: 0612-2205133Tel. No.- 09431-668619Mobile : 0612-2224608unani4@hotmail.comTelefax: 0612-2690252Mob.: 09430510653,Res.: 0612-291803066

6. Chandigarh Shri Santosh KumarChief Executive Officer,State Medicinal Plants Board ,Old Architect Building, <strong>Sector</strong> –19B, MadhyaMarg,Chandigarh - 160019. (UT)7. Chhattisgarh Sh. N.C.PantChief Executive Director,Chhattisgarh State Medicinal Plants Board,Medical College Road,8. Daman &Diu9. Dadra &Nagar HaveliRaipur – 492001 (Chhattisgarh)Dr. VaishyaDirector, Deptt. Of Medical & Health Services,Secretariat,Moti - 396220. (UT of Daman)Sh. A.D NikamDeputy Conservator of Forests (T),Forest Department,Silvassa – 396230 (Dadra & Nagar Haveli)10. Delhi Dr. B.S. BanerjeeDirector (ISM&H) & CEO (SMPB)Directorate of Indian System of Medicine &Homeopathy,Government of NCT of Delhi,A&U Tibbia College Campus, Karol Bagh,New Delhi-11000511. Goa Dr. Shashi Kumar, IFS (1980)Addl. Pr. Chief Conservator of Forests &Member Secretary,State Medicinal Plant Board,Gomantak Maratha Samaj Bldg,Dayanand Smrithi Road,Old Passport Office,Panaji-403001.(Goa)12. Gujarat Sh. Suresh Chandra Pant, IFSChief Executive Officer,State Medicinal Plants Board,Block 7 th , 7 th Floor, New SachivalayaGandhinagar – 382010 (Gujarat)Tel. No. 0172-782645,775951Res.: 0172-545225Fax-0172-782645dcfchd@glide.net.inTel: 0771-2522056Fax: 0771-2522057, 2886152Mob: 09425208876cgvanoushadhiboard@yahoo.co.inTel. No. 0260-2230470,2250793Fax - 0260-2230570,Mob.: 09825142600Tel No. 0260-264-3594,2640424,Fax No.: 0260-2642734silvassa<strong>for</strong>ests@rediffmail.comTel No. 23682962, 23682963Telefax.: 23392018Mobile: 9868281006Telefax : 0832-2224747Fax: 0832-2422240, 2224747Mobile: 09447015566(PA – Mrs Lobo)Tel.: 079-23238425Fax: 079-23254517Mobile: 099784-06175smpbgujarat@gmail.comdir-ismnh@gujarat.gov.inState Medicinal Plants Board,Block no.7, 8 th Floor,New Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.(O):07923238425,(F):07923254517e-mail: smpbgujarat@gmail.com67

13. Haryana Sh. G.K. Ahuja IFSCCF(Prod.) & CEO, SMPBGovt. of Haryana, Plot No.C-18,Van Bhawan <strong>Sector</strong>-6,Panchkula-134109. (Haryana) (PA-Naveen)Telefax : 0172- 2566623/2560706Mob.: 09417970560Res.: 0172-2573784hr_smpb@yahoo.com14. HimachalPradesh15. Jammu &KashmirSh. M.S. Malik, Regional, DFO, EcotourismSh. P.S. DraikDirector (Ayurveda) & Member Secretary,HPSMPBDirectorate of AyurvedaAyurveda Bhawan, SDA Complex, Block No.26, KasumptiShimla-171009 (Himachal Pradesh)Dr. Rajiv ThakurInch. Herbal Garden- Nodal OfficerHimachal Pradesh State Medicinal Plants BoardAyurveda Bhawan, SDA Complex, BlockNo.26, KasumptiShimla-171009. (Himachal Pradesh)Dr. Abdul Kabir Dar(April to October)Director ISM (CEO/Member Secretary) Govt.of J&K, ZamZam Building, Ram Bagh,Srinagar. (J&K)(PA – Irshad/Ravi Sharma/Vinod)Tel.: 0177- 2622262Fax : 0177- 2622010Telefax: 0177- 2623978Mob.: 094183-40713ayur-hp@nic.inPABX: 0177-2623066 (Extn.40)Mobile: 094180-41056Tel. No. 0194-2443096,2440174Fax. 2437727Mobile.: 09419005257drkabir@rediffmail.comDr. Abdul Kabir Dar(Novermber to March)Director ISM (CEO/Member Secretary) Govt.of J&K,Indira Chawk, Jammu.(J&K)16. Jharkhand Dr. D.K. TiwariSecretary (Health & F.W) & Member Secretary,SMPBNepal House, Dovanda,Ranchi-834002.(Jharkhand)17. Karnataka Dr. Ravi Ralph (IFS-1980)CEO, Karnataka Medicinal Plants Authority(KAMPA),4 th Floor, VanVikas, 18 th Cross, Malleshwaram,Bangalore-560003. (Karnataka)18. Kerala Shri H. Nagesh Prabhu, IFSChief Executive OfficerState Medicinal Plants Board, KeralaShornur Road, Post Thiruvambady,Thrissur-680022. (Kerala)68Telefax: 0191–2543988Tel No.: 0651-2491033Fax No: 0651-2490314Mobile: 09430002415sec-health-jr@nic.inTelfax-080-23466431, 23464089Neighbour fax.: 080-23343167Mob: 094485-75277kampabangalore@yahoo.co.inTel No.: 0487-2323151/2459379Fax No.: 0487-2323151/2459378Mobile: 0944-701-5566

19. Lakshadweep Dr. S.Thirunaavukarasu, IFS, CFConservator of Forest & Member Secretary,Lakshadweep Medicinal Plants Board,Kavaratti. (UT of Lakshadweep)20. Madhya Sh. Ravi ShrivastavaPradesh Commissioner, & Addl. M. D.Medicinal & Aromatic Plants,M.P.State MFP (Trade & Dev.) Co-operativeFederation,Khel Parisar, Indira Nikunj, 74, Bunglow,Bhopal-462003. (Madhya Pradesh)21. Maharashtra Mr H.K. HaralManaging Director,Maharashtra State Horticulture and MedicinalPlants Board,1 st Floor, Sakhar Sankul, Shivaji Nagar,Pune-411005(Maharashtra)22. Manipur Dr. A. Goneshwar SharmaMember Secretary & Nodal OfficerState Medicinal Plants Board, MedicalDirectorate, Lamphelpat, Imphal (West) -795004. (Manipur)23. Meghalaya Sh. R. ShullaiChief Executive Officer,State Medicinal Plants Board,Sylvan House, Lower Lachumiere,Shillong-793001. (Meghalaya)Mr. T.T.C. Marak, CEO & CCF(Territorial)24. Mizoram Dr. James/ Dr. C. Lalthanmawia-09436141470Nodal OfficerState Medicinal Plants Board,Directorate of Health Services, Dinthar Veng,Aizawl – 796001 (Mizoram)(Factory – 0487-2459377)trc_oushadhi@sabcharnet.insmpbkerala@gmail.comResi.: 0487-2387085Tel. No.: 04896 – 262592Fax: 04896-263365Mobile No.:09447193592Tel. No.: 0755–2674244,2675258 (PABX) - 2674349Fax No.: 0755 – 2552628Mobile: 09425-184-574mdmfpfed@sancharnet.inRes.: 0755 – 2674321Telefax (O) 020-25534860Fax no.: 020-25513226/25511302Mob: 09923051957SMPB – 020-25534860/25535441mshmpb_pune@rediffmail.comgopalreddy-bv@gmail.comTelefax.: 0385-2416037Fax: 0385- 2450515- Mktg.OffcrMob. :09856904729/09436894604smpb_imphal@yahoo.comTel: 0364-2226403 (O)Fax.: 0364-2504068Website: meg<strong>for</strong>est.gov.inTel: 0364-2227271,Mobile: 094361-04513Telefax: 0389-2315837,2316132,2320169Tel. 0389-2328061, 2323452Mob: 098622887547,09436141470hbjames007@yahoo.co.inDr.N.Pallai, Director of Health Services69

25. Nagaland Dr. V. Sekhose (Principal Director)Member Secretary, SMPB &Asstt. Director(ISM),Directorate of Health Services, Governmentof Nagaland,Kohima – 797 001 (Nagaland)Tel. No.: 0370-2242204(O)Res.: 0370-244296Fax No.: 0370-2244622Mob: 0943600046326. Orissa Sh. P.K. Mallick, IFSCCF & CEO-cum-Member Secretary - SMPB,Forest & Environment DepartmentMayur Bhawan, Sahidnagar, Bhubaneswar,Orissa-75100727. Punjab Dr. Rakesh SharmaMember Secretary, SMPB & Director(Ayurveda)Directorate of Ayurveda,S.C.O. No.-823-824, <strong>Sector</strong>-22-A,Chandigarh – 16002228. Puducherry Dr. V. Sankar ReddyDirector, ISM &H & CEO, SMPB51, Ambour Salai, Upstair of Chest Clinic,UT of Pondicherry-1.29. RajasthanSh. Bharat Taimini, IFS,Chief Conservator of Forests & MemberSecretary,Rajasthan State Medicinal Plants Board,373A, Pant Krishi Bhawan, 3 rd Flr,Jaipur -302005(Rajasthan)30. Sikkim Shri C.S. Pradhan,Addl. Director, NTFP-cum-CEO SMPBDepartment of Forest, Environment &Wildlife,Govt. of Sikkim,Deorali-737102. Gangtok,(Sikkim)Mr. S.T. Lachungpa, PCCF & MemberSecretaryMr. T Gyatso Bhutia,Nodal Officer(Mobile:094341-96226)31. Tamil Nadu Sh. N. Chandrashekharan, MemberSecretary, SMPB Tamil NaduCommissioner, ISM & Homoeopathy, ArignarAnnaGovt. Hospital Campus, Arumbakkam,Chennai- 600106.(P.S – Mr. Silvarajan/P.A – Mrs. Sheila)70Tel. No.: 0674-2543911Mob: 094370-75627Fax: 0674-2544911smpborissa@gmail.comTelefax. 0172 – 2702708Mob: 098147-79242diraypb@gmail.comTel No: 0413-2249356, 2223532Mobile: 09443413723Tel. No.0141 –2227942,2227952Fax No. 0141 –2227977/7997/1340Mobile: 09414157359Res.: 0140 – 5172458Tel No.: 03592-281935Fax No.: 03592-281778Mobile: 09434153471maapsikkim@yahoo.comTel: 03592-281261/877Mobile: 094347-55485Tel. No.: 044-2621471826214929 (EPABX)044-24794786 (R)Fax: 044-26206223, 28512300Mobile: 09444069254cimandh@yahoo.co.in

Tel: 044-2852 4643-1645,28413615Mobile: 09444072746Fax: 2851230032. Tripura Sh. B. DebbarmaChief Executive OfficerMedicinal Plants Board of Tripura, VanGaveshana Sadan, Hatipara, Gandhigram,Agartala-799012. (Tripura)33. Uttarakhand Sh. G.S. PandeAdditional Secretary (Hort.) & CEO, SMPB4, Subhash Road, Secretariat,34. UttarPradeshDehradun – 248001 (Uttarakhand)Dr. Mukesh GautamDirector Deptt of Agriculture &Nodal Officer, State Medicinal Plants Board,Govt. of U.P. Krishi Bhawan, Rehman Kheda,Lucknow-226001. (Uttar Pradesh)35. West Bengal Sh. Sukumar GanaiMember Secretary, SMPB & Joint SecretaryISM&HBlock-GN, Swasthya Bhawan, <strong>Sector</strong>-5,5 th floor, Kolkata-700091. (West Bengal)(P.S.: A. Chaudhary)Dr. C. M. GhoshDirector, Nodal Officer3 rd floor, <strong>Central</strong> Blood Bank Building,Maniktala Junction, 205, Vivekanand Road,Kolkata-700006, (West Bengal)Tel: 044-28524643Mob.: 09443028861Tel. No.: 0381- 2397325Fax: 0381-2397324Mob: 09436168611deepadnair@gmail.comTel/F. No.: 0135-2712950Mob:094120-87185Email: pandegs@gmial.comTelefax: 0522–2841013,28411460522-2841111, 2205860Mob : 09450-627706(Dr. O.P. Singh Incharge)Mob: 092356-29363Telefax: 033- 23575566,Ph.: 033-23330500Fax.:dir_medbd@wbhealth.gov.inMob.: 094330-28701Telefax: 033-23504668Mob: 09831852087,0983036835871

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