1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books 1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/TM 1330-12/1A(4) Assure box is marked with proper itemnomenclature and lot number, as in figure 3-11.(5) Close box, secure hasp, and band box.b. Repacking IR Smoke Grenades.NOTE• Prior to repacking, inspect toassure grenades, box, andpacking are serviceable, cleanand free of dirt and moisture.• If strap loops are not containedin the packing, repack thespacers and grenades inside theammunition box.(1) Lay bottom halves of spacer on flatsurface (fig. 3-11.1).(2) Position a pair of grenades in spacercontours with contact ends facing opposite directions.(3) Align slider/borerider facing toward theadjacent grenade (fig. 3-11.1).(4) Position top halves of spacer on top ofgrenades.(5) Assure that slider/borerider is properlyaligned.CAUTIONSLIDER/BORERIDER SHOULD NOTBE IN CONTACT WITH SPACER.(6) Loop pull strap lengthwise over thegrenade/spacer assembly.(7) Slide strapped grenade/spacer assemblyinto ammunition box while holding pull strap taut toprevent twisting or kinking of strap (fig. 3-3.2).(8) Assure that strapped grenade/spacerassembly sits on bottom of box.(9) Lay strap flat on top of grenade/spacerassembly; fold if necessary.(10) Repeat steps 1 through 9 to load secondpair of grenades into box.(11) Assure proper seating of top strappedgrenade/spacer assembly on bottom grenade/spacerassembly.(12) Close cover, latch, and seal ammunitionbox.3-14. Repacking L8A1 Grenades, L8A3 Grenadesa. Place packing and grenades into metalcontainer.b. Close metal box.c. Assure box is marked with correct item,nomenclature, and lot number.Figure 3-11.1. Grenade/spacer assembly.U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1994-546-043/00710Change 14 3-12PIN: 027389-014

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-11/OP 3833 1 st Rev. Vol 2, CH-2 TM 1330-12/1A CH2CHAPTER 4SHIPMENT AND STORAGESection I. SHIPMENT4-1. Precautions(1) Retain grenades in their packing untilGive grenades being transported adequate protection. issued.Assure they will not be damaged, contaminated or(2) Do not roll, drop, throw or subject grenadeotherwise degraded so that they become dangerous or boxes to rough handling.their usefulness impaired.4-3. Data4-2. InstructionsData normally appearing on grenade outer pack area. Transportation.illustrated in figure 3-11.(1) Block and brace grenade packages beingtransported in trucks, jeeps and other tactical vehicles.(Blocking and bracing must be adequate to withstandsudden stops and starts, as well as off-road operations.)(2) If packing is broken or damaged (fig. 4-1)and munitions remain serviceable, restore or replacepacking by using acceptable packing material. Assurethat all markings (e.g., lot number, nomenclature, FSN,etc.) are transferred to replaced packing.b. Handling.WARNINGAvoid improper handling asreliability and safety of grenades canbe affected and may be hazardous toFigure 4-1. Damaged packing box.personnel.4.4. Precautionsa. Select level, well drained sites free from readilyignitable and flammable materials.b. Provide nonflammable or fire-resistantoverhead covers (e.g., tarpaulin) for all grenades.Maintain overhead space of approximately 18 inchesbetween cover and grenades. Keep cover at least 6inches from pile on ends and at sides, to permitcirculation of air.c. Temporarily store unserviceable grenades insegregated area.d. Temporarily store using unit returns insegregated area, for inspection and repacking.Section II. STORAGEe. Regard suspended grenades as unserviceable,unless otherwise instructed.4-5. Dataa. Field Storage Categories.(1) General. Storage categories are theprimary groups into which ammunition is segregated forstorage in the field. The groupings are based onconsideration of the desirability of storing components ofcomplete rounds in adjacent stacks and onconsideration of the hazards of propagation ofexplosion, range of fragments, spread of fires, andchemical contamination. Safety procedures coveringammunition storage are based on the following factors:4-1

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-11/OP 3833 1 st Rev. Vol 2, CH-2 TM 1330-12/1A CH2CHAPTER 4SHIPMENT AND STORAGESection I. SHIPMENT4-1. Precautions(1) Retain grenades in their packing untilGive grenades being transported adequate protection. issued.Assure they will not be damaged, contaminated or(2) Do not roll, drop, throw or subject grenadeotherwise degraded so that they become dangerous or boxes to rough handling.their usefulness impaired.4-3. Data4-2. InstructionsData normally appearing on grenade outer pack area. Transportation.illustrated in figure 3-11.(1) Block and brace grenade packages beingtransported in trucks, jeeps and other tactical vehicles.(Blocking and bracing must be adequate to withstandsudden stops and starts, as well as off-road operations.)(2) If packing is broken or damaged (fig. 4-1)and munitions remain serviceable, restore or replacepacking by using acceptable packing material. Assurethat all markings (e.g., lot number, nomenclature, FSN,etc.) are transferred to replaced packing.b. Handling.WARNINGAvoid improper handling asreliability and safety of grenades canbe affected and may be hazardous toFigure 4-1. Damaged packing box.personnel.4.4. Precautionsa. Select level, well drained sites free from readilyignitable and flammable materials.b. Provide nonflammable or fire-resistantoverhead covers (e.g., tarpaulin) for all grenades.Maintain overhead space of approximately 18 inchesbetween cover and grenades. Keep cover at least 6inches from pile on ends and at sides, to permitcirculation of air.c. Temporarily store unserviceable grenades insegregated area.d. Temporarily store using unit returns insegregated area, for inspection and repacking.Section II. STORAGEe. Regard suspended grenades as unserviceable,unless otherwise instructed.4-5. Dataa. Field Storage Categories.(1) General. Storage categories are theprimary groups into which ammunition is segregated forstorage in the field. The groupings are based onconsideration of the desirability of storing components ofcomplete rounds in adjacent stacks and onconsideration of the hazards of propagation ofexplosion, range of fragments, spread of fires, andchemical contamination. Safety procedures coveringammunition storage are based on the following factors:4-1

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