1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/OP 3833 1 st Rev. Vol 2/TM 1320-12/1ATable 2-2. Grenade Cartridge Used with Applicable RiflesRifle model Caliber Grenade cartridge model Grenade launcher, retainerM16, M16E1 5.66MM M195 For grenade launcher and/or re-M14, M14R1 7.62MM M64 tainer, see applicable rifle op-M1 .30 M3 erator manuals.NOTEGrenade Cartridges M6 and M7,found in older packings, are nolonger authorized for use. Return toammunition disposal personnel.(2) Grenade cartridges used with each rifleare listed in table 2-2.(3) Rifle grenade cartridges and launcherpositioning clips are packed with most rifle grenades andgrenade projection adapters. Grenade cartridges arealso available for issue packed separately.b. Precautions.(1) Use only grenade cartridges prescribed, infiring rifle grenades.(2) Do not fire rifle grenades with serviceammunition (bulleted cartridge) or blank ammunition,under any circumstances.Section III. OPERATION UNDER UN<strong>US</strong>UAL CONDITIONS2-5. GeneralThe procedure of operation under unusual conditionsare similar to those for operation under usual conditions.See paragraph 2-1 and 2-2.a. Unusual Terrain. Exercise caution whenthrowing or launching grenades on inclined terrain toprevent rollback of grenade to operator or throwing area.b. Confined Area. Exercise care in usingexploding grenades in confined areas. (High pressureresulting upon detonation may cause collapse ofstructure. Obstructions may prevent grenades fromreaching targets.)2-6. Extreme Temperature Conditionsa. Protect grenades from snow or ice. (Snow, orice-covered grenades are difficult to handle.)b. Clean ice or snow off grenades before use.2-15

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