1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/OP 3833 1st Rev. Vol 2/TM 1330-12/1A Ch 3(h) Carefully insert one practice handgrenade charge in body through opening in bottom (A,fig. 2-5). Insert stopper in hole in base of body (B, fig.2-5).(3) Offensive hand grenades furnishedunassembled. (Navy only)(a) Remove grenade from containerand inspect for obvious defects (e.g., cracks, cuts orgouges, damaged threads, splits or indentations) whichwould preclude use. Identify defect(s), and turn grenadein to ammunition supply personnel for disposition.(b)WARNINGNever attempt to remove any grenade fuzefrom its packing if safety pin is missing.Identify defect(s), and return fuze toammunition disposal personnel.Remove fuze from its packing and inspect fordeformation, cracks, thread damage and corrosion.Dispose of defective fuzes as indicated in WARNING,above.(c)CAUTIONNever handle or carry fuzes by holding thedetonator. Handle and carry holding fuzebody only.Assure that safety clips used with offensive handgrenade are assembled to fuze prior to assembly of fuzeto grenade.(d) To assemble safety clip to FuzeM206 Series, hold fuze body between thumb and fingerswith pull ring up and detonator pointing away fromoperator. Pick up safety clip and handle with closed endof loop toward operator and proceed as follows:1. Pass open end of loop overdetonator and onto thread of fuze body (1, fig. 2-6).2. Press loop of safety clip aroundfuze washer with tab of loop against fuze body (2, fig.2-6).3. Rotate clip handle over safety lever(3, fig. 2-6).(e) Holding fuze in one hand, screwbody onto fuze (fig. 2-7).NOTESafety clip must not bind under washer afterassembly.c. Operation. Prepare hand grenades for throwingas follows:WARNINGIn throwing grenades, avoid hittingobstacles which can cause grenade tochange course or bounce back. Rolling orbouncing Grenades M68, M59 (M33 w/FuzeM217) (M33A1), M57, M-26A2 toward targetwill detonate grenade approximately 1second after handle is released.WARNINGRequire personnel handling grenades M47or M48 to use field protective masks. Avoidthrowing grenades M47 and M48 at targetsof flammable material.(1) Hold grenade in throwing hand with thumbholding safety lever (arming sleeve on Riot ControlAgent Grenades ABC-M25A1, ABCM25A2) firmlyagainst grenade body.(2) Release safety clip when installed byusing thumb of free hand.WARNINGDuring release of safety clip (when installed)and removal of safety pin, hold safety leverfirmly in place until grenade is thrown,tossed, or placed in position. (Failure tohold safety lever firmly in place may result inrelease of fuze striker and subsequentfunctioning of grenades.)(3) With free hand, pull safety pin, holdinggrenade safety lever tightly against grenade body ormaintaining pressure on arming sleeve of chemicalGrenades ABC-M25A 1 and ABC-M25A2.d. Prepared for Use. When the safety clip (wheninstalled) has been released and the safety pinremoved, the grenade is armed and must be thrown.Never attempt to replace the safety pin.2.2. Rifle Grenadesa. Precautions.(1) Use only prescribed rifle-launchercartridgecombination, as shown in applicable rifleoperator manuals, to launch rifle grenades.(2) Always check rifle to assure that itcontains no service ammunition.(3) Do not fire rifle grenade over heads offriendly troops.(4) Never place rifle grenade on launcherunless grenade is to be fired immediately.(5) Remove safety wire from Grenade M 19-A I and safety clip from Grenade M22 Series just prior tofiring. Retain safety clip or wire. Replace safety wire inM19A1 (A, fig. 2-8) or safety clip in M22 Series (B, fig.2-8) if grenades are not fired.2-6 Change 3

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