1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/TM 1330-12/1Aignites the propellant which launches the grenade andignites the pyrotechnic time delay. Launch accelerationcauses the setback lock to displace aft, out-ofengagementwith safe and arm slider. When theslider/bore rider clears the launch tube, it moves into thearmed position which aligns the explosive lead with thedelay detonator and the booster lead. When thegrenade reaches the desired range, the delay detonatorignites the explosive train which detonates the centralburster. The smoke composition is scattered whichcreates the white obscuring cloud. The smoke cloudlasts for approximately 45-60 seconds.Section III. SAFETY, CARE AND HANDLING1-7. SafetyWARNINGTO PRECLUDE SAFETY HAZARD,NEVER MAKE UNAUTHORIZEDMODIFICATIONS TO GRENADES.a. Observe precautions generally applicable to useof ammunition. Do not open grenade containers orremove protective safety devices until just before use.b. Return all grenades prepared for firing but notfired to their original packing, and mark themappropriately.c. When working with WP items, the followingprecautions apply:WARNINGWP SMOKE IS POISONO<strong>US</strong> UPONPROLONGED OR REPEATED INHALATION,PARTICULARLY IN CONFINED SPACE.NORMAL CONCENTRATIONS IN OPEN AIRARE NOT LIKELY TO BE HARMFUL.(1) Familiarize personnel with first aidprocedures for WP burns. Wet particles of WP withwater or 5 percent copper sulfate solution; removeparticles from flesh immediately.WARNINGDO NOT WASH EYES WITH 5 PERCENTCOPPER SULFATE SOLUTION. WASH EYESIMMEDIATELY WITH A PREPAREDSOLUTION OF 1 PERCENT COPPERSULFATE. IF THIS SOLUTION IS NOTAVAILABLE, WASH EYES WITH LARGEQUANTITIES OF WATER FOR AT LEAST15 MINUTES. IN ANY EVENT, SEEKMEDICAL ATTENTION.(2) Do not use grease or ointments on WPburns. (Such use may result in poisoning.) Washaffected area with soda solution, then with 5 percentcopper sulfate solution.d. When exposed to red phosphorus (RP) orhexacloroethane (HC) smoke or any riot control agent,the following precautions apply:WARNING• RP SMOKE, HC SMOKE, OR ANY RIOTCONTROL AGENT MAY PRESENT ANINHALATION AND IRRITANT HAZARD.PROLONGED EXPOSURE OF THE EYESAND RESPIRATORY SYSTEM SHOULDBE AVOIDED. WEAR PROTECTIVEMASKS TO AVOID EXCESSIVEEXPOSURE.• THE M47/XM47E3 AND M48/ XM48E3HAND GRENADES PRESENT A RISK OFSERIO<strong>US</strong> EYE INJURY IF THEYFUNCTION IN THE HANG FIRE (DELAY)MODE. A LONGTERM HANGFIRE(DELAY) IS POSSIBLE.• SAFETY PROTECTION EQUIPMENTM<strong>US</strong>T BE WORN BY PERSONNEL WHENAPPROACHING THROWN M47/ XM47E3AND M48/XM48E3 GRENADES, AS IT ISEXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO DISTIN-GUISH BETWEEN A FUNCTIONED, DUD,OR HANGFIRE GRENADE.1-12 Change 14

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