1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books 1971 US Army Vietnam War OPERATORS ... - Survival Books

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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/TM 1330-12/1Amay be used against armored targets, againstpersonnel, for screening or signaling, or for incendiaryeffect against flammable targets. Rifle grenades maybe fired at low angles (direct fire) or high angles (indirectfire), depending on the type of grenade being fired andeffect desired.b. Types. There are three types of rifle grenadescurrently available:(1) Antitank (AT) rifle grenades. thesegrenades are used against armored targets orfortifications. The grenade contains a shaped chargecapable of penetrating up to 10 inches of armor plate or20 inches of reinforced concrete at an effective range of115 meters.(2) Chemical rifle grenades. These grenadesare used primarily for screening or signaling purposes.In addition, the WP grenade can also be used forincendiary effect against flammable targets or to inflictinjury. Chemical rifle grenades function either uponimpact with targets, to produce clouds of smoke, orupon projection, to produce a long train of smokethrough the air.(3) Practice rifle grenades. These grenadesare used for training personnel in care, handling, anduse of service rifle grenades.Figure 1-1. Representative types of hand grenades.Change 9 1-6

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/TM 1330-12/1AFigure 1-2. CS riot hand grenade M47.Change 7 1-7

WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMTM 9-1330-200-12/TM 1330-12/1Amay be used against armored targets, againstpersonnel, for screening or signaling, or for incendiaryeffect against flammable targets. Rifle grenades maybe fired at low angles (direct fire) or high angles (indirectfire), depending on the type of grenade being fired andeffect desired.b. Types. There are three types of rifle grenadescurrently available:(1) Antitank (AT) rifle grenades. thesegrenades are used against armored targets orfortifications. The grenade contains a shaped chargecapable of penetrating up to 10 inches of armor plate or20 inches of reinforced concrete at an effective range of115 meters.(2) Chemical rifle grenades. These grenadesare used primarily for screening or signaling purposes.In addition, the WP grenade can also be used forincendiary effect against flammable targets or to inflictinjury. Chemical rifle grenades function either uponimpact with targets, to produce clouds of smoke, orupon projection, to produce a long train of smokethrough the air.(3) Practice rifle grenades. These grenadesare used for training personnel in care, handling, anduse of service rifle grenades.Figure 1-1. Representative types of hand grenades.Change 9 1-6

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