Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family Judith Walsh

Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family Judith Walsh

Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family Judith Walsh


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-19-Notes1. I.akshmi is the Hi.rrlu goddess worshipped <strong>for</strong> wealth ana good <strong>for</strong>tune <strong>in</strong>India. She is especially worshipped by women to br<strong>in</strong>g prosperity to theirhusb<strong>and</strong>s' homes. "Eight annas" is about three quarters of a ruppee, orabout six cents at current values.2. AIthough the stories of the bratakathas may be traced to episodes <strong>in</strong>medieval l3er¥]ali literature, the pr<strong>in</strong>ted texts referred to <strong>in</strong> this paperappearErl only <strong>in</strong> the twentieth century.3. '!be earliest pr<strong>in</strong>ted oollections of the bratas listed <strong>in</strong> the l3er¥]alicatalogue of the National Library <strong>in</strong> calcutta were VipradasaMukhopadhyaya, NeveU Brata-I5otha, calcutta, 1906, ana TarakbhusanKothakcunmadi, Sosthvadi Kotha, Murshidabad, 1909. with<strong>in</strong> the twentiethcentury,a particular author's version of the stories could be reissuedaga<strong>in</strong> ana aga<strong>in</strong> with virtually no cha.n:Jes <strong>in</strong> the text; AsutosMukhopadhyay's Meveder Bratakatha was issued seven times between 1914 ana1931 (13er¥]al Library 1914:42-43; Mudkopadhyay 1931); the Irrlia OfficeLibrary's 1926 edition of Asutos Majurrdar's Meyder Bratakatha is identicalto the 1978 edition by the same author ana available on calcutta streetsten years ago (Majurrdar 1926; Majurrdar 1978).4. Meredith Borthwick suggests that the curricultml <strong>for</strong> women's education wasbroadly ilnitative of an English curricultml <strong>for</strong> girls. '!be major emphasisof the texts I have looked at is on the ma<strong>in</strong>tenance of traditional Indianstructures of family life (Borthwick 1984:80-86).5. '!be jow:nal is Barno Im'shan, foun:led by Bankim Cllarrlra Olatterjee. '!heauthor of Grtla I.akshmi. wrote three books on Bankim ClIan:ira' s novels anawas a well known =itic of that novelist. (sengupta 1976:121)6. In Grtla I.akshmi. when the wife asks the husb<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> a piece of Englishcrepe (a popular n<strong>in</strong>eteenth century fabric) the husban:l explodes: "Chi!Chi! Wear<strong>in</strong>g that is like st<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g nude•••'!hose women who wear this cloth,fie on them! ana to that husb<strong>and</strong> who causes his wife to wear this kim ofcloth ana exposes her to everyone, truly, truly fie!" (Raychaudhuri1887:23-24)7. But then, even anong the Brahmos, authors oould be quite conservative.Isancarrlra Basu, author of stridiger Prati Upadesh, was a student ofRajnara<strong>in</strong> Bose, a writer <strong>for</strong> Tattvabodh<strong>in</strong>i Patrika ana a member of theJOOSt conservative of Brahmo sects, the lIdi Brahmo 8amaj (8en;jupta1976:56). His text shows an unusual precx::clJpation with "chastity." 'Ihreeseparate chapters are devoted to this subject-expla<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g it, giv<strong>in</strong>g the"signs" of it ana "preserv<strong>in</strong>g" it. A table <strong>in</strong> the apperxiix even lists thecharacteristics which separate the chaste woman from the unchasteprostitute (Basu 1884:70).Review<strong>in</strong>g this text <strong>for</strong> the 1884 catalogue ofPr<strong>in</strong>ted Books, an editor noted that the author "<strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>es towards theorthodox views" on the subjects of women's character, social ana domesticobligations, education, ana child marriage (Bengal Library 1884:28-29).8. Most texts were arranged topically, but there were other possibilities.One author divided his work acoord<strong>in</strong>g to the different tasks of a girl's

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