Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family Judith Walsh

Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family Judith Walsh

Roles for Bengali Women in Love and Family Judith Walsh


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-10-To the extent, then, that all authors a:rgued <strong>for</strong> the necessity of women'sliteracy, it would seem all were self-consciously camnitted to at least somechan:Je <strong>in</strong> the roles women played <strong>in</strong> BerxJali society. Disagreements mightexist am:mg authors on the extent arxi speed of these changes but not as towhether change itself was necessary. But as we nxJVe on to a more detailedexam<strong>in</strong>ation of two chapters of one of these texts, Grha I.akshrni, we will seethat the authors were not only <strong>in</strong> disagreement with each other about thenature arxi extent to which women's roles must change, but they were also-­assum<strong>in</strong>g that this text is a representative guide--<strong>in</strong> considerabledisagreement with themselves a

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