FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence


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chapter 8Type <strong>of</strong> ExerciseInterop EAST. Visits <strong>to</strong> and exercises with African naviesInterop WEST. Visits <strong>to</strong> and exercises with African naviesChile International Exhibition. Participate in exhibitionInterop NORTH. Visits <strong>to</strong> and exercises with African naviesFY 2006/<strong>07</strong>Sep/OctMay/JunNov-Note: Does not include formal and informal work-up and continuation training.Table 8.4Maritime <strong>Defence</strong> Programme - Planned Exercises (Service Unique) (continued)RISKS AND MITIGATING ACTIONSA number <strong>of</strong> risks and managerial challenges have beenidentified by the SA Navy as having the potential <strong>to</strong>influence negatively its ability <strong>to</strong> achieve the statedobjective <strong>of</strong> defending and protecting the RSA by maintainingand providing prepared and supported maritimecombat forces, services and facilities. Risk mitigationand management intervention plans have, however,been developed in order <strong>to</strong> reduce the possibility <strong>of</strong>these risks becoming untenable.The most important output risk being managed withinthe short <strong>to</strong> medium term is the lack <strong>of</strong> sufficientresources <strong>to</strong> meet all requirements. This risk manifestsitself mainly in the areas <strong>of</strong> the continued ability <strong>to</strong> conductthe required and contracted qualification trials inorder <strong>to</strong> accept the special strategic defence packagesin<strong>to</strong> service, the ability <strong>to</strong> meet the life cycle costs <strong>of</strong> thenew equipment and the ability <strong>to</strong> establish/adapt theinfrastructure <strong>to</strong> support the new equipment.Additional funds have been allocated by NationalTreasury as part <strong>of</strong> the mitagation actions. Actions havebeen initiated for more effectiveness, efficiency, and costeffectiveness, by establishing capabilities in industrythrough technology transfer programmes, facilityupgrade/build programmes, maintaining a minimumcore conventional capability, downsizing the force structure<strong>to</strong> a level where it is both affordable and sustainableand disposal <strong>of</strong> redundant/obsolete equipment. The SANavy is further committed <strong>to</strong> maintaining personnelrelated expenditure at 60% <strong>of</strong> its allocation.A further risk is the availability and development <strong>of</strong> thepersonnel needed <strong>to</strong> support the new equipment. Thisrisk is mitigated by firstly downscaling existing capabilities<strong>to</strong> release personnel, and secondly, a large number<strong>of</strong> personnel have been sent overseas for training. Theintroduction <strong>of</strong> the Military Skills Development ServiceSystem in<strong>to</strong> the SA Navy has also contributed <strong>to</strong> a rejuvenatedand young human resources component whichwill be used <strong>to</strong> further negate the risk.SERVICES TO BE SCALED DOWNSUSPENDED OR ABOLISHEDSubprogrammeReduction in OutputReason for Scaling Down/Suspension <strong>of</strong> ServiceShortfall/Savings(R'000s)ImplicationsMaritimelogisticscapabilityClosure <strong>of</strong> ArmamentDepot Durban (Service<strong>to</strong> be provided in Simon'sTown)Reduction in costs and improvedefficiency through consolidationand concentration <strong>of</strong>facilities in Simon's Town0(Transferred)It is planned that thefacility will only be closedat the end <strong>of</strong> <strong>FY2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong>Maritimetraining (HRsupport)capabilityInvestigations launchedi<strong>to</strong> DOD PlanningInstruction <strong>07</strong>/02 re rationalisation<strong>of</strong> SA Navytraining unitsIncreasing efficiency, effectivenessand economy throughproposed reductions andadjustments <strong>to</strong> DOD forcestructure0(Transferred)Savings will only beeffected once the newfacilities are handed over<strong>to</strong> the SA Navy - scheduledfor <strong>FY2008</strong>/<strong>09</strong>Table 8.5Services / Outputs <strong>to</strong> be Scaled Down or Suspended66D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N C E

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