FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence


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chapter 7Type <strong>of</strong> ExerciseInternational Joint Exercises (Air Combat)Air-<strong>to</strong>-Air Firing CheetahAir-<strong>to</strong>-Air Firing HawkMissile FiringElectronic Warfare CampsInfrared CampAir Capability DemonstrationCommand and Control System Deployments (Exercises: New Horizon (NH) )Air Transport Force Preparation: Exercise OSPREYHelicopter Force Preparation ExerciseFY 2006/<strong>07</strong>USAF Sep 06Nov 06-Oct 06Aug 06Jul 06May 06, Sep 06Mar 06 NH5 / Oct 06 NH6Sep 06Sep 06Table 7.3Air <strong>Defence</strong> Programme - Planned Exercises (Service Unique)RISKS AND MITIGATING ACTIONSThe single biggest risk <strong>to</strong> the SA Air Force's ability <strong>to</strong>conduct air operations in future is the inadequacy <strong>of</strong> theoperating budget. Partially as a result <strong>of</strong> several DODpolicy changes, the human resources portion <strong>of</strong> thebudget continues <strong>to</strong> grow at the expense <strong>of</strong> operationalcapabilities. The operating budget as allocated over the2006 MTEF is not adequate <strong>to</strong> meet all operational commitmentsand <strong>to</strong> keep all systems in the required technicalcondition. Aircraft systems, support facilities andoperational infrastructure have deteriorated <strong>to</strong> theextent that, in many cases, they do not comply withrequired standards and levels <strong>of</strong> readiness.Operational squadrons are increasingly under pressure<strong>to</strong> produce enough flying hours <strong>to</strong> meet the operationaldemands from Joint Operations, and <strong>to</strong> facilitate an adequatelearning and growth curve for pilots in thesquadrons. Limited operating funds restrict the number<strong>of</strong> hours that can be flown, in turn limiting the number<strong>of</strong> pilots that can be safely sustained, and therefore limitingthe number <strong>of</strong> pilots that can be trained at the basicflying school. This poses a major risk <strong>to</strong> the SA AirForce's strategic intent <strong>to</strong> rectify the representivityimbalance in its pilot mustering at the quickest pace possible.The continuing decline in numbers <strong>of</strong> suitably skilledand experienced personnel in all disciplines presents amajor challenge in meeting ordered commitments. Asthe Air Force's main equipment age and thus requiremore intensive maintenance, the large-scale loss <strong>of</strong> experiencedtechnical personnel aggravates the problem <strong>of</strong>maintaining its operational systems.The risks as indicated here will be partially mitigatedthrough a reprioritisation <strong>of</strong> the force design and forcestructure <strong>of</strong> the SA Air Force, as well as the successfulimplementation <strong>of</strong> the SAAF Strategic TransformationPlan Towards Vision 2015, the SAAF HR Medium-termStrategy and the SAAF HR Short-term ImplementationPlan. It should be noted, however, that the degree <strong>to</strong>which the major risks can be mitigated depends largelyon the extent <strong>to</strong> which the SA Air Force is provided withfinancial relief over the next few years, since virtuallyevery identified risk is directly related <strong>to</strong> the availability<strong>of</strong> funds.SERVICES TO BE SCALED DOWN,SUSPENDED OR ABOLISHEDBudget constraints have forced the SA Air Force <strong>to</strong>review its previously submitted flying hour targets and<strong>to</strong> adjust them in accordance with available funding.Within the context <strong>of</strong> its stated strategic priorities, basicflying training and air mobility for diplomatic missionsare fully funded, while the output <strong>of</strong> other air capabilitieshave been reduced <strong>to</strong> fit within the available budget.Scaling down flying hours has a direct impact on theextent <strong>to</strong> which the SA Air Force can provide air capabilities<strong>to</strong> Joint Operations and other users, which in turnmay have a detrimental effect on the ability <strong>of</strong> someusers, such as the SA Army and Special Forces, <strong>to</strong> meettheir force preparation objectives.Major management interventions have been made <strong>to</strong>increase the operational availability <strong>of</strong> all aircraftresponsible for the support <strong>of</strong> external SANDF deploymentsand, within the restrictions <strong>of</strong> available funding,58D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N C E

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