FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence


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chapter 6All capabilities will ensure that a core growth capability is maintained according <strong>to</strong>each capability's unique role and function.PERFORMANCE AND SERVICE DELIVERY IMPROVEMENTThe subprogrammes <strong>of</strong> the Landward <strong>Defence</strong> Programme intend <strong>to</strong> improve theirperformance and service delivery as indicated in Table 6.3 below.ActivitiesPlanned Management InterventionAnticipated BenefitStatusStrategic Direction CapabilityAll chief direc<strong>to</strong>rs, direc<strong>to</strong>rs andgeneral <strong>of</strong>ficers commanding participatein a learning opportunityfacilitated by Financial Com-mitteeChair and SA Army BudgetManager addressing PFMA andNT related financial aspectsSenior management learningopportunity (Fin)One day learning opportunity,once a year during AprSenior members <strong>of</strong> SAArmy able <strong>to</strong> implement relevantregulations and managefinances accordinglyPlanned for Apr06 (first learningopportunity completedduringApr 05)Detail appreciation <strong>of</strong> capturedaudiences and other role playersthat influence the functioning <strong>of</strong>the SA ArmyCorporate Communication MasterPlanImproved communicationwith all publicsCurrentDetail inven<strong>to</strong>ry check <strong>of</strong> existingITDetail staff work <strong>to</strong> determinerealistic requirements andprioritiesIT Master Plan <strong>to</strong> be implementedEffective use <strong>of</strong> availableresources productive procuremen<strong>to</strong>f new hardwareCurrentDetail inven<strong>to</strong>ry check <strong>of</strong> existingVehiclesDetail staff work <strong>to</strong> determinerealistic requirements andprioritiesVehicle Master Plan <strong>to</strong> be implimentedImprovement <strong>of</strong> serviceabilityand optimised utilisation<strong>of</strong> available vehiclesCurrentReview alignment <strong>of</strong> policies,performance management andperformance agreementsImprovement <strong>of</strong> performanceagreementsInstitutionalisation <strong>of</strong> performancemanagement andallocated responsibility andaccountabilityCurrentControl system <strong>to</strong> confirm credibility<strong>of</strong> HR planning by sub-ordinateBudget HoldersControl system <strong>to</strong> prevent overspending by Budget Holders onitems such as S & T, LeaveIncreased focus on Item 10(Personnel) ManagementReduction in doublebudgetingControl over discretionaryfunds, thus savingsincurredNo surplus funds at end <strong>of</strong>fin year can thus be utilisedin operating budgetCurrentMapping, implementation andcontrol <strong>of</strong> processImplementation <strong>of</strong> capabilitymanagementIntegrated capability managementthat ensuresdevelopment and maintenancein accordance withArmy vision and requiredoutputCurrentTable 6.5Landward <strong>Defence</strong> Programme - Performance and Service Delivery Improvement48D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N C E

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