FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence


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chapter 1pose <strong>of</strong> socio-economic upliftment.support <strong>of</strong> any department <strong>of</strong> State for the puraccordancewith the Constitution and departmental The National Codification Bureau.policy on equal opportunity and affir-mative action.The SANDF is supported in the execution <strong>of</strong> its functionsby the Divisions that report <strong>to</strong> the Secretary for<strong>Defence</strong>, which are responsible for the management andWhilst exercising command and control over the South administration <strong>of</strong> the DOD.African National <strong>Defence</strong> Force, the Chief <strong>of</strong> the SouthAfrican National <strong>Defence</strong> Force is accountable <strong>to</strong> theMinister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> for the following:DEFENCE OUTPUTS 1 To meet all scheduled and ordered defencecommitments as specified in the DOD StrategicBusiness Plan.Overview. The DOD spends a great deal <strong>of</strong> time preparingfor various contingencies (possible missions) as discussed To ensure that the defence capabilities as specifiedin the DOD Strategic Business Plan for<strong>FY2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong> are contingency ready and costeffectivesubject <strong>to</strong> the constraints imposed bythe <strong>Defence</strong> Vote for <strong>FY2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong> and its medium-termprojection.in the next chapter and also conducts operationsinside and outside the borders <strong>of</strong> South Africa. The performance<strong>of</strong> the DOD against its plan will be measuredquarterly as well as annually against performance measuresdeveloped by the Services and Divisions. TheInspec<strong>to</strong>r General <strong>of</strong> the DOD conducts regular audits in To ensure, in accordance with the provisions <strong>of</strong>the Constitution, the PFMA and TRs, that the system <strong>of</strong> financial management andorder <strong>to</strong> verify the results achieved. The outputs <strong>of</strong> individualDivisions and Services are described in theirrespective strategic business plans as indicated frominternal control established for the DOD iscarried out within the SANDF; the resources <strong>of</strong> the SANDF are used efficiently,Chapters 4 <strong>to</strong> 12.The outputs provided by the DOD <strong>to</strong> Government are aseffectively, economically and trans-follows:parently;the assets within the SANDF are managed <strong>Defence</strong> commitments which include operations that are ongoing in nature, andand safeguarded; andover and under-spending and unauthorised,for which plans and financial provision canbe made in advance;irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditureoperations that must be executed during thedo not occur.year and, if unforeseeable, for which no provisionhas been made; andFUNCTIONS OF THE SANDFjoint and multinational exercises required <strong>to</strong>prepare forces for operations. Landward defence capabilities.The Constitution <strong>of</strong> the Republic <strong>of</strong> South Africa, (Act Air defence capabilities.108 <strong>of</strong> 1996) provides that the <strong>Defence</strong> Force may be Maritime defence capabilities.deployed for service in Military health capabilities. the defence <strong>of</strong> the Republic for the protection <strong>of</strong>its sovereignty and terri<strong>to</strong>rial integrity; <strong>Defence</strong> diplomacy which include; defenceattachés, the servicing <strong>of</strong> defence-related compliance with the international obligations<strong>of</strong> the Republic with regard <strong>to</strong> internationalbodies and other states;Memoranda <strong>of</strong> Understanding (MOUs) and theparticipation in the defence structures <strong>of</strong> theUnited Nations (UN), the African Union (AU) the preservation <strong>of</strong> life, health or property;and the Southern African Development the provision or maintenance <strong>of</strong> essential services;Community (SADC). The servicing <strong>of</strong> international agreements the upholding <strong>of</strong> law and order in the Republicin co-operation with the South African PoliceService (SAPS), under circumstances set out inwhich include search-and-rescue operations,hydrographic service, defence-related policyadvice, and ministerial services.law, where the SAPS is unable <strong>to</strong> maintain law Cryp<strong>to</strong>graphic security services forand order on its own; andGovernment departments.1Outputs are defined by Treasury as "…the final goods or services rendered by departments <strong>to</strong> external cus<strong>to</strong>mers orclients". The DOD defines the final goods and services produced by Services and Divisions that are supplied <strong>to</strong> internal cus<strong>to</strong>mersor clients as "operational outputs".6D E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N C E

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