FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence


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chapter 1STRATEGIC PROFILE ANDDEFENCE OBJECTIVESbuilding a SouthAfrica that trulybelongs <strong>to</strong> allDEPARTMENT:DEFENCEINTRODUCTIONTguidelineshe basis <strong>of</strong> the StrategicBusiness Plan <strong>of</strong> the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong>(DOD) is the strategicGiven the complex and contingencydrivennature <strong>of</strong> the defence function, itis always a daunting task <strong>to</strong> crediblyand realistically predict the future forwhich the DOD has <strong>to</strong> prepare. It isagainst this background that the constitutionalobligations <strong>of</strong> the DOD, particularlythe South African National<strong>Defence</strong> Force (SANDF), followed bythe guidelines captured in sections 16,17, and 18 <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Defence</strong> Review (1998)are consistently used <strong>to</strong> determinewhether or not the DOD is capable <strong>of</strong>delivering on its mandate. Furthermore,the DOD is constantly confrontedemanatingfrom Cabinet Makgotla,Parliament, the prevail-ing strategic environment, and prioritiesidentified by the Minister <strong>of</strong><strong>Defence</strong> and the Clusters (InternationalRelations, Peace and Security - IRPS,Justice, Crime Prevention and Safety -JCPS, and Governance and Administration- G&A). The operationalisation<strong>of</strong> those guidelines depends largelyon the budget allocation for the DODover the Medium-term ExpenditureFramework (MTEF) period.with the dual challenge <strong>of</strong> extremelyhigh costs and extended planning periods(usually thirty years) required forcapital acquisition <strong>of</strong> modern weaponsystems. It is therefore critically importantthat there is a predictable budgetaryallocation <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Department</strong>, whichwill be sufficient for sustainment <strong>of</strong> theSANDF forces. While the DOD currentlyoperates in a 'peacetime' mode, it has<strong>to</strong> be prepared <strong>to</strong> launch successful andsustainable operations when ordered <strong>to</strong>do so. Hence, the White Paper on<strong>Defence</strong> and the <strong>Defence</strong> Review arebeing reviewed <strong>to</strong> accommodate the'peacetime' requirement. The DOD isalso undergoing restructuring <strong>to</strong>enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Inline with the enhancement <strong>of</strong> efficiencyand effectiveness, full funding <strong>of</strong> allordered operations is absolutely vital ifthe SANDF's long-term sustainability isnot going <strong>to</strong> be eroded <strong>to</strong> fund curren<strong>to</strong>perations, eg peace support operations.VISIONEffective defence for a democratic SouthAfrica.MISSIONTo provide, manage, prepare andemploy defence capabilities commensuratewith the needs <strong>of</strong> South Africa, asS T R A T E G I C B U S I N E S S P L A N F Y 2 0 0 6 / 0 7 T O 2 0 0 8 / 0 91

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