FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence

FY2006/07 to FY2008/09 - Department of Defence


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forewordthis. The aim <strong>of</strong> the system is two-fold: <strong>to</strong> improve theSANDF's mission readiness through annual intakes <strong>of</strong>young, fit and healthy members representative <strong>of</strong> SouthAfrica's population, and <strong>to</strong> provide development opportunitiesfor young people. By December 2005 the<strong>Department</strong> had trained and engaged 7 626 schoolleavers through the system since its inception in January2003. By January 2005, about 3 000 members werealready employed on a more long-term basis in the coreservice system. An MSDS intake <strong>of</strong> 4 304 members isplanned for 2006. This will bring the <strong>to</strong>tal strength <strong>of</strong>MSDS members enrolled in the SANDF <strong>to</strong> 11 930. Thecombination <strong>of</strong> the MSDS, selective appointments <strong>to</strong> thecore service system and the effective implementation <strong>of</strong>the approved employer-initiated mobility exit mechanism(voluntary severance packages), should enable the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>to</strong> renew the human resources componen<strong>to</strong>f the SANDF. The increased capacity <strong>of</strong> the lawenforcement agencies <strong>to</strong> deal with crime has meant thatthere is less need for the DOD <strong>to</strong> help the South AfricanPolice Service (SAPS) with law enforcement. TheSANDF is therefore continuing with its phased withdrawalfrom routine support <strong>to</strong> the SAPS. The plannedend-date for this is March 20<strong>09</strong>.In terms <strong>of</strong> capital investment the <strong>Department</strong> will makesure that the weapon systems acquired through thestrategic armaments procurement programme are deliveredon time and efficiently integrated in<strong>to</strong> existingstructures. The transfer <strong>of</strong> sufficient skills and technology<strong>to</strong> the SANDF <strong>to</strong> ensure future readiness supportsthis. The SANDF's core capabilities will be improved bythese new combat systems. The Landward <strong>Defence</strong> andMilitary Health Support programmes will be the priorityfocus for modernising the force in the medium <strong>to</strong>longer term.The <strong>Department</strong> will continue <strong>to</strong> support Government’sforeign policy initiatives, and engage with its regionalcounterparts in Africa around the security-related objectives<strong>of</strong> the African Union (AU) and the New Partnershipfor Africa's Development (NEPAD). Specific developmentsinclude the mutual defence pact, the AfricanStandby Force and the establishment <strong>of</strong> continental andregional early warning centres. Support <strong>to</strong> the UnitedNations <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Peacekeeping Operations(UNDPKO) will continue, with specific reference <strong>to</strong> theDRC (MONUC), Burundi (ONUB) and Ethiopia /Eritrea (UNMEE). Support will also continue <strong>to</strong> theAfrican Union mandated peace missions, namely, Sudan(AMIS), Comores (Election Moni<strong>to</strong>ring) and Eritrea(OLMEE). Specific bi-lateral deployments will continue,namely; Security Sec<strong>to</strong>r Reform in the DRC (OP TEU-TONIC) and Cote d'lvoire (OP PRISTINE).The <strong>Department</strong> currently deploys more than 3 000members in external peace support missions, which ismore than three times the number envisaged in the 1998<strong>Defence</strong> Review.The DOD is committed <strong>to</strong> ensuring that the allocatedresources will be used optimally <strong>to</strong> deliver the outputsdetailed in this plan. Measures are in place <strong>to</strong> ensureaccountable use <strong>of</strong> all resources. Minister, we havepleasure in presenting the DOD Strategic Business Planfor the MTEF for the period <strong>FY2006</strong>/<strong>07</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>FY2008</strong>/<strong>09</strong>.G.N. NGWENYACHIEF OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONALDEFENCE FORCE: GENERALJB MASILELASECRETARY FOR DEFENCE: DIRECTOR GENERALviiiD E P A R T M E N T O F D E F E N C E

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