LP News issue 17 - UK P&I Members Area

LP News issue 17 - UK P&I Members Area

LP News issue 17 - UK P&I Members Area


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personal injuryREPUBLIC OF IRELANDPersonalinjury claims:a changinglandscapeBackgroundIn an effort to tackle the high cost ofinsurance in Ireland the Governmentrecently introduced legislation toimplement two new initiatives. They are:■■the establishment of the PersonalInjuries Assessment Board (PIAB); andthe introduction of strict newprocedures for the handling of personalinjuries litigation.Establishment of PIABKey features■The function of PIAB is to offer a speedyand cost-effective means of dealingwith personal injury claims without theinvolvement of lawyers.■ Under the scheme all personal injuryclaims must be referred to PIAB beforeproceedings may be <strong>issue</strong>d. In respect ofemployers’ liability claims, the schemebecame operational on 1 June, and,earlier than expected, was extended toinclude motor accident and publicliability claims as from 22 July 2004.■ This role of PIAB is limited to assessingclaims and issuing awards which can beaccepted or rejected by the parties.PIAB has no role in determining liabilityand will not make any findings of factrelating to fault or negligence.■ PIAB will only make an assessmentwhere the prospective defendantadmits liability. This is done on a ‘withoutprejudice’ basis and in any subsequentcourt proceedings liability can becontested.■ Where there is no admission of liabilityfor the purposes of a PIAB assessment, itwill <strong>issue</strong> a release certifi cate, which willallow the claimant to proceed to court inthe normal way.■ The notification of the claim to PIAB willstop time running under the statute oflimitations.Assessment of claimsAssessment of claims is based on writtenevidence, which is made available to bothparties. If a respondentdisputes the claimant’s medical evidence,PIAB will refer the medical evidence to anindependent expert.Each claim is assessed by a panel whichcomprises medical, financial, legal and otherexperts and is chaired by a member of PIAB.Claims are assessed by reference to aPIAB Book of Quantum, which identifies theappropriate levels of compensation payablefor different types of personal injury. This isavailable on the PIAB website atwww. piab.ieIf both parties accept PIAB’s ruling, theaward is binding. Where either or bothparties reject the assessment, the claimantmust <strong>issue</strong> proceedings within a period of sixmonths and the claim will be treated ‘asnew’ without any reference to the priorPIAB process.Operation of PIAB to-dateAt this early stage, there is no informationpublicly available regarding the number ofclaims handled or the rate of acceptance ofassessments. Its immediate impact has beenlimited by the fact that a huge number ofcourt proceedings were <strong>issue</strong>d in advance ofthe introduction of the scheme in order toavoid its application. In due course PIAB willpublish statistics on its website regarding theclaims handled and assessments accepted.A flowchart identifying the key steps inthe PIAB process is shown overleaf.continued over21

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